Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year eve...!!!

i'm in LA so in a different time zone... (: called earlier to kinda countdown w/ parents oh yeah!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

my childhood piano favorites!

Nadia's Theme: 

Ballade Pour Adeline 水邊的阿地麗娜 music by Paul de de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint : 

Peter Piper 夢幻鋼琴手 by Frank Mills: 

Yesterday 昨日: 

My Way 奪標 music by J. Revaux & C. Francois: 

Csikos Post 郵政馬車 music by Hermann Necke: 

Gavotte 嘉禾舞曲 by F.J. Gossec: 

Mazurka 馬曆卡舞曲 by Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky: 

now i think back, the reason why i liked those songs.. my mom invested her time and bucks into my piano tuition and i spent so much time practicing and learning while others have their free time watching afternoon peak hours cartoons... =p those songs are my memories that resonate w/in me still.... (:

Pipe Line管路

i used to love this song SO much when i was little learning piano. have been always enjoyed playing this song whenever being asked to perform =p never had i heard the originality until today @@ and found it to be sooo rock and disco-like LoL

Monday, December 27, 2010

Google 2010 Christmas Icons

I thought I didn't save them..... oh yay! only two of them, but i'm satisfied! (:

a new mindset to adjust

幾個禮拜前在主日時, 有個很深的感觸 - when new comer comers, there's inconvenience... when we proclaim that we wanna see/welcome new comers, are we ready to embrace the inconvenience as well?

那天在聽講道時, 就覺得.... 為甚麼後面的人一直講話? 不知道現在是聽道時間嗎? 怎麼牧師講一句他也講一句? 台上已經有翻譯員了耶~~~ @@ 我一開始很不舒服... 因為真的就在我正後面, 聽得很清楚在說話 >< 甚至還在考慮要否轉過頭來, 微笑著提醒弟兄姊妹不要說話.... 後來... 稍微想一下後面可能做甚麼樣的人時 (之前有站起來打招呼).. 多想一下, 忽然想到可能是幾個外國人... 雖然不是白臉或黑臉, 但是我知道是"外國人" - 非台灣人. 才忽然驚醒... 台上的牧師講英文, 翻譯講中文, 但還是沒有翻到他的語言 XD 不管那是甚麼語言, 但是他朋友是在幫忙翻譯牧師的內容 @@ 雖然還是不習慣, 即使英文或中文都聽得懂, 但是就是會在中文時有另一個語言也同時在"打架", 對我耳朵不喜歡"噪音"的, 真的很不喜歡... 但也是那時才讓我恍然大悟... 好加在我當時沒有轉過頭去用勸戒或是提醒的話或表情去表達... 因為, 這都會讓新朋友覺得不被接納... >< 感謝 神讓我再次站在新朋友的角度來看... 而不落入當"insiders"太久容易只按自己的舒適來解讀或是抱怨........ 這又讓我想到耶穌比喻那穿著破爛的人走進聖所跟那穿著高貴的... 雖然我不是看外表來論斷, 但也某方面是落入自己的喜好來評估的眼光 >< 教會真的想要突破跟成長, 想要看到人群湧入教會嘛? 我們的心思意念也要調整, 不停留我們的舒適, 好讓新朋友感受到他們是被接納的, 即使我們有很多的不同, 有教會所謂的"習慣&文化".... let us not be limited by our own culture and comfort zones....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

當 神出手時....

當 神出手時... 事情可以出奇的令人驚奇! (: 最近"計畫趕不上變化"也是有這樣的心情 --> 但是這是屬世界的說詞; 而真的 神出手時... 事情是可以180度的轉變~

今晚和RC的一通電話, 讓我莫名的感覺事情可以有轉折... 看來我還是不夠清楚事情的轉變... 不過 神有保守跟忽然給的機會, 我很為他們高興~ hopefully it will turn out to be a great news! (: 另外, 神的確也為我預備了臨時的sub~! (: 感謝主! 還有今天的TOEIC... 連當初預定考試的時間, 決定去考, 及自己去......, 現在回來想想, 都是 神的恩典跟祝福~ 雖然12/26 the date is just ODD, but... i now realize how God has blessed even as trivia as choosing the exam date. 再來... 就是更加期望這個聖誕節&新年期間知道特別需要代禱的神國家人... 能得蒙保守與醫治... 是的主, 懇求祢出手... aunty eva, brian, and ching's mom. Lord, may you heal them completely... but according to Your perfect and good will!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


人真的很怪... 明明過程很多時候很挫折, 但在要離開時仍是會捨不得, 難過... 是因為這群孩子吧... 雖然難搞, 但我一定會想念他們.. 已經在想可以偷偷的回去看他們上課嘛? 會看起來像是個怪阿姨 =p

教英文的幼稚園生真的很難搞, 皮, 如果只有一個就也還好, 但是好多個, 又有butterfly effect (蝴蝶效應 XD), 班上又層次差異, 所以.. A班真的很難帶~ @@ B班就差滿多的, 比較像在上英文課, 所以喜歡很多 =p... 雖然一開始有皮的幾個學生, 但是they're big enough that i can reason with... 加上, 這幾個皮的孩子發現老師其實不因為他們的皮不喜歡, 不接納他們, 他們感覺到愛後, 最後反而不是最難搞得... 甚至成為最貼心, 最有笑臉的學生 =D 這點我真的很高興, 也有莫名的成就感........... i will really miss them so much~ >< i think the feeling is about to kick in...... 難過ing..

A: Jason, Wiwi, Ray, Allen, Leo, Eric, Wendy, Candy, and Polly

B: Allen, Eric, Nicky, Kevin, Jinna, Eva, Wendy, Linda, and Sherry

I taught them so many English songs... phrases, vocabs, and... games! =p As I'm preparing my last lesson w/ them for the coming Fri, I feel so sad. 張老師 asked 莊老師 why I have to leave so early (about 2 weeks' notice)... 是真的計畫改不上變化. I have to fly back and come back in time for cousin's wedding on 1/15, have to fit the time slot and squeeze into the crazy flight booking on top of my registered TOEIC exam on 12/26, and my urgency to settle in at the new surroundings in Taipei. Anyhow... can't whine nor complain, I've made my decision and I'm sticking to it! I'll miss those 3+ hours spent on writing communication books each week, around 3~5+ hours spent on prep time @@

So what have I taught them? (songs are listed in another entry)

A: alphabets: A-L; what's your name; body parts (silly willy); phonics: p, b, d, v, k, s, g, z, t, c, f, g; colors; animals; shapes (circle, triangle, square, oval, diamond, rectangle); comparison (big, bigger, small, smaller, tall, taller, etc); numbers; king big wig; phrases (now is the time to ...; got a big idea; it's time to ....; you look like a .....; what (do/does not) go(es) on what; i like ..., i like .... more; a bowl of ....; gave .... a(n) .....; small things vs. big things; my favorite color/animal/thing is...). Games: do this, do that; simon says; rock, paper, scissors; 大風吹, etc. and also games that involve vocabs, shooting balls into basket, relay game, 圈差, 男女分組比賽 etc.

B: alphabets; what's your name; how are you; how old are you; phonics; colors; numbers; animals; phrases: s/he is ...; it is (not) a..../they are ....; yes/no, it is (not)/they are (not); singular & plurals; blindfolded and guess the items; Christmas story; is it/are they color? yes/no, it is/they are not; what color is it/are they? listening to 1A CDs and doing practices. Games: rock, paper, scissors; hangman; 大風吹; do you love your neighbors; do this, do that; simon says; relay games; shooting balls into basket; and competing games against each other (girls vs. boys), etc.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

what a sleepless night

it's another sleepless night... i got up and began to do things over the internet. should be hitting the sack by now... it's almost 2AM. not good... that i'm still awake. finally e-mailed out informing my return to LA. hopefully school will decide on the sub soon... i miss LA.

Merry Merry Christmas!

昨天花了不少時間寫給學校孩子的聖誕卡, 並加上跟每個學生一起照的照片... i love writing Christmas cards! (: Merry Merry Christmas to you all~! 請點 Christmas Card!
1. 先點最大的雪球 (Click on the largest snowball)

2. 點雪球將它們擺在對的地方 --> 大中小往上疊 (Help by dragging the snowballs into place)

3. 點雪人 (For some finishing touches, click the snowman)

Elevated from the Pasture

Elevated From the Pasture
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman

Now then, tell my servant David, "This is what the Lord Almighty says: I took you from the pasture and from following the flock to be ruler over My people Israel." - 2 Samuel 7:8

Have you ever heard someone say, "He is a self-made millionaire"? They are stating that this person accomplished everything through his own efforts. His achievements were a result of his hard work and street smarts.

David was nearing the end of his life. The prophet Nathan was responding to David's idea to build a temple where the Ark of the Covenant would stay. God reminded David of his roots and where He had brought him. God took David from the fields of pasturing sheep to pastoring a nation. God reminded David that He cut off all of David's enemies. (David never lost a battle.)

Have you ever felt tempted to look at your accomplishments with pride as if you were the reason for your success? Have you ever thought your prosperity was due to your ingenuity? Has your material success been a testimony to others that God is the ruler of all aspects of your life, even the material side?

Joseph's greatest test was not his temptation to be bitter against his brothers. It wasn't the sexual temptation that came inside Potiphar's house. It wasn't even the discouragement of years of imprisonment for being wrongfully accused. It was the temptation of prosperity and ownership. Once he was elevated, he was given choices that he never had before. It was totally up to him as to which choice he would make. Stewardship reveals what we believe about God and ourselves.

Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to pride and a fall. The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity. -Oswald Chambers

Do you have a proper understanding of who you are? Do you understand that it is God who has given you the ability to work and achieve? He is the source of all good things. Ask God today if your life models this belief.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I pray...

I pray I will never be too stubborn or insusceptible to a state that no one dares/willing to tell me my wrongdoing/blunders/the truth. May my heart becomes soft and tender toward God.


這可花了我好幾個禮拜跟小時準備這幾個月來要教的幼兒英文歌~!!! (: 因為要注意歌詞... 要有幫助教英文外, 還要性質不能有不雅的內容... 或是覺得帶來不好的訊息. 其實另外有些歌超好聽, 也很好帶... 但是因為內容的考量, 或是沒有找到很好, 適合小孩的速度, 或是youtube沒有的, 就沒有收錄了~~~~~ hence, surely love the list i came up with~!

Two CDs:

1st CD:

1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 2. If You're Happy and You Know It 3. Walking Walking 4. The Alphabet Song 5. Row, Row, Row Your Boat 6. London Bridge is Falling Down 7. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 8. Super Simple ABCs Phonics 9. The Letter Sounds Song (真的很讚~ A makes 'a', B makes 'b', etc.) 10. I Am a Little Teapot 11. Five Little Monkeys! (5 little monkeys jumping on the bed) 12. The Itsy, Bitsy Spider

2nd CD:

1. The Wheels on the Bus (go round round round) 2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 3. Teddy Bears' Picnic 4. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (turn around; touch the ground; polish the shoes; off to school) 5. She'll be Coming Around the Mountain 6. Santa Claus is Coming to Town 7. Jingle Bells 8. I Am the Music Man 9. Grand Old Duke of York (marched them to the top of the hills and he marched them down again) 10. Going to the Zoo Tomorrow (mommy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow) 11. The Bear Went Over the Mountain 12. The Animals Went in 2 By 2

A班 (小中班): 1st CD => #1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 2nd CD => #1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11 (沒教到: #5, 12)

B班 (大班): 1st CD => #9, 10, 12 and 2nd CD => #2, 6, 10 (沒教到: #3, 5, #8)

Santa Claus is Coming to Town 聖誕老人進城來!

#You better watch out, you better not cry; you better not pout, I'm telling you why.

*Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town*

He's making a list, he's checking it twice; gonna find out who's naughty or nice *

He sees when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake; he knows if you've been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake # *

Little tin horns, little toy drums, rootie toot toot and rummy tum tums. Little toy dolls, that cuddle and coo, elephants, boats, and kiddie cars too *

The kids in girl and boy land, will have a jubilee; they're gonna build a toyland town, all around the Christmas tree # *


#你最好小心, 最好別哭, 不要噘嘴, 我告訴你為什麼: *因為聖誕老人進城來了.

他列了清單, 還檢查兩次; 要看誰頑皮還是乖 *

他在你熟睡時來訪, 他知道你是否清醒; 知道你是聽話還是不是, 所以為了好的原因, 要乖乖的 # *

小錫喇叭, 小玩具鼓, (形容發出的聲音 - rootie toot toot & rummy tum tums); 小玩具偶, 緊緊著依偎在一起, 大象, 帆船跟玩具車 *

小女孩與小男孩們, 會有個歡慶. 他們要建個玩具城, 圍著聖誕樹 # *

Jingle Bells 聖誕鈴聲

Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tails ring, they make our spirits bright, what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

O jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh (2x).

A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride, and soon Miss Fanny Bright, was seated by my side. The horse was lean and lank, misfortune seemed his lot, he got into a drifted bank and we got upset.

Now the ground is white, so go it while you're young, take the girls tonight, and sing this sleighing song. Just get a bob-tailed nag, two forty for his speed, hitch him to an open sleigh and crack! you'll take the lead.

以前只是聽聽, 都沒特別注意第二&三段的歌詞在說甚麼... 現在認真去看覺得還真有趣啊~~ XD


雪花隨風飄, 花鹿在奔跑, 聖誕老公公, 駕著美麗雪橇 (乘著一匹馬駕的雪橇), 經過了原野, 渡過了小橋, 跟著和平歡喜歡聲, 翩然地來到 (我們所經之處, 笑聲連綿不絕, 截短的馬尾上鈴聲叮叮響, 振奮我們的精神, 今晚邊唱邊坐雪橇快樂無比).

叮叮噹, 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮. 你看他不避風霜, 面容多麼慈祥. 叮叮噹, 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮. 他給我們帶來幸福, 大家喜洋洋 (哇~! 聖誕鈴聲, 聖誕鈴聲, 響徹雲霄. 乘著一匹馬駕的雪橇多麼有趣).

在一兩天前, 我想出外兜風, 那位美麗小姑娘, 她坐在我身旁. 馬兒瘦又細, 它命運不吉祥, 把雪橇拖進泥塘裡, 害得我們遭殃.

如今白雪遍地, 趁這年輕好時光, 今晚帶著小姐, 唱這雪橇歌.  找匹短尾馬, 日行千里長, 將它套在雪橇上, 就飛奔向前奔馳.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader感想

The sequel of narnia... was fantastic! wasn't thrilled w/ the 2nd one if i remember it correctly, but this 3rd sequel was awesome! definitely a thought provoking movie! spent some time writing down the questions i thought are discussable, questions that probe our thinkings in each character, also consist of my particular thoughts about the movie.

- temptations come CLOSE, the devil KNOWS, and he would penetrate through our MINDS, 即使是一點點也會受影響如果沒有處理好.

- 每個人都有自己的恐懼, 自己的軟弱/弱點, 各有需要去面對 (overcome) 的, 所以魔鬼會一個個來挑戰我們 (comes to us individually), yet we can bond as a team to help each other out. 有些人會先得勝 (in this case, Lucy was: her self-image, self acceptance), the desire to become like someone else who thought was better, prettier. but she gradually learned to just be herself! 其他像是對金錢的obsession, 貪念, 權利 (rule, reign, be in control), 或是搶 (food, etc), 或是美色.

1. 電影中是用甚麼來象徵試探? 它倆有什麼相似處?

2. 你覺得軟弱出現的形體是很明顯的嗎? 你/妳的軟弱是甚麼?

3. 要如何克服你的軟弱? 除了那一時的決定外, 有其他是平時可以訓練幫助我們去突破的嗎? (e.i. 觀念的改變, 習慣的改變, etc).

- Eustace Scrubb: 的確是個重要的角色, 雖然一開始超討厭他的... 但是他到最後卻是最主要表達福音的一個活生生例子! 他在我眼裡的轉變, 就像是從個還未信主的人到整個被 神被改造. 對於夢想, 夢幻, 完美覺得不可能... 又是個嬌生慣養的小孩. 但是.. he was being transformed through his encounter with Aslan (whom symbolically represents Jesus!) eustace learned humbleness, bravery, take on his 'new image' and learn to accept & embrace and even choose to be on God's side.. but his success was absolutely due to reepicheep's help (老脾氣/老鼠爵士). could he fulfill the 'calling' he was destined to achieve w/o reepicheep's encouragement? the night he cried, reepicheep offered to be his company, and even call him 'extraordinary' (displaying faith in him, walk with him, encourage him and pretty much BE with him throughout the way til the end). 聽到eustace講見證那段, 我整個就是哭.. he said sth like "there was nothing i could do, only He could. it was painful... but a GOOD PAIN." (中文翻"滿足的痛苦") (: 完全淋淋盡致地表達出一個重生基督徒的經歷與對白.... 一個字: 讚! <3

1. 你身邊有不可愛的未信主朋友嗎? 你們的關係如何?

2. 當他不接受你的想法或信念時, 這個過程你可以怎麼做? 做什麼? (e.i. 瞭解他的需要, 仍是嘗試去認識他, be his/her friends)

3. reepicheep是第一個主動做eustace的朋友, 他怎麼做eustace的朋友? (雖然不是完全從"善意"的開始, 但是他是主動去“雞婆”管教eustace - 偷水果的事... 引而有機會教eustace劍法, 甚至誇獎他"good match!" 因為reepicheep的正面態度&個性, 使得eustace跟人的互動有不同的反應開始 :) 到最後, 他在eustace孤單難過時, 他主動成為那個安慰者, 那個鼓勵者... 陪同他渡過他很難過的時刻 (半夜~~~ 陪他聊天) 直到最後又看他是"extraordinary", 鼓勵他說他搞不好會做那更大的事 - "extraordinary things only happened to extraordinary people!" 真的給了eustace很大的肯定跟安慰~ 使得最後的battle, eustace是主要的"weapon"來敵對巨蛇怪物, 用他可噴的火 (he was a dragon!), and even to die to save others.... he learned to sacrifice, to live for a greater cause! 我相信reepicheep功勞不可末~ =D 這教導我們要如何做那未信主人的朋友? 是以現在他的能力看他, 還是看到他在基督裡可以成就的事漸而來鼓勵, 陪伴他? 即使在他/她都不知道或不相信自己的價值在哪裡? (maybe we need to dig deeper and examine our hearts if we place our values in Christ as well).

4. 讓未信主朋友來講見證... let them speak their vivid testimony! give them the chance to articulate their experiences... to simply say what they encounter. glory to God!

- Prince Caspian: definitely brave, treat others with respect and show brotherhood. (gave the sword to edmund and said pete would like him to have it, and told edmund that he wanted edmund to know that he treats him like a brother if they didn't fight through the battle; 還有總是不讓edmund一個人去面對uncertainty - when edmund was gonna look for eustace, caspian initiated to go w/ him even though they just 'quarreled' over their 'reign') 雖然caspian也有懷疑自己的能力所以在試探上有覺得沒完全表現出一個國王的樣子... 但是在處理跟edmund的tension算是很有寬容跟心胸. 我特別佩服他有的謙卑.... 當他最後講完那段"振奮人心"的speech後, 看得出反是他被激勵了... 當narnians shouted out: "for narnia! for narnia! for narnia!" 他真的很自己做榜樣, 很有勇士的精神 yet walk in humility!

- Lucy Pevensie: i was glad she recognized her weakness and withdrew from it shortly, and she so was able to pinpoint the "devil scheme" out to edward and caspian during their fight. 當她被提醒是第一個發現narnia的人的重要性時, 她是何等再次體會"恩典", “信仰的自由”, "救恩的滿足".... 而拾回"起初的愛" - 我自己的解釋 =p 不過她另一個令我非常感動的一件事是... 當devil似乎要得逞, edmund又在試探中掙扎, 事情看起來不樂觀時..... lucy chose to PRAY. it was JUST a brief prayer... maybe not even a spoken one, it was a THOUGHT, a MIND, a CRYOUT from heart... knowing there wasn't anything they could do at the time anymore... they were out of ideas, out of hope, out of ways to get out of the situation that they were stuck in, and then..... she cried out for Aslan.... and immediately.... things change EVEN THOUGH she can't see it tangibly yet! 當時我的眼淚就又流出來了... for she leans on Christ, she KNOWS that Aslan can help them; with just one simple thought crossing over her mind, Aslan comes! 禱告, 禱告... 禱告... 因為不是我能做什麼, 而是我知道且選擇願意倚靠那真正的能力來頭 - Jesus!

1. lucy自己得勝後, 不忘去提醒有需要的人. 你呢? 有看到身邊有需要被提醒, 經歷像你曾經犯過的錯的人嗎?

2. 分享你的自由... lucy 馬上學習教她學到的. 當小妹妹說: when i grow up i just wanna be like you 時, 她選擇告訴那個小妹妹: "when you grow up, just be yourself!" she learned her lesson & shared it! (:

3. 不忘禱告... 當你看不到希望, 不知道能做什麼, 不知道任何事時... 禱告! 即使只是說: help us, Jesus! 同時, 相信即使在我們肉眼看不到的地方, 神已經出手了! (aslan appeared and transfigured back eustace hence he was able to put back the 'last sword on aslan's table). 現在你有什麼事要帶到恩主的寶座前, 讓禱告來成為你的解決開始?

- 為了現在一時想要的東西 (軟弱), 其實到最後的sacrifice更大... 要付出更大的代價! scary! 最後一定會後悔的....

- ultimate glory: another scene when i was in awe... tears flowing down my cheeks.. again. 一切恢復/變為它的peace, victory, joy, stableness, 真的"穩", 不是只有感覺, when satan was completely defeated & Christ reigns again,  in hearts & in position (the throne of His creation, His universe) - given back the authority & power to God/Christ/Holy Spirit!

1. 看到最後天空變為一片藍, 海闊天空時, 能體會那就是 神的榮耀嗎? 降服在 神的帶領跟同在中, 不限入試探, 最後的榮耀是榮上加榮.... an unspeakable, speechless glory that only He can bring... 這是 神配得, 應得的位置... 今天你讓祂坐在那個寶座上嗎? 那個能給你真正的"穩". behold, and know that He has defeated the devil. He has won the battle... He has redeemed us all! don't let the devil deceive us by trapping us into his evil schemes. we're FIRM on The Rock. give Him back all the glory He deserves!

2. 神的國度不分大小, 不分尊貴, 只要是嚮往noble & 美善的, 神都歡迎到 神國. 你的眼光是否與神國相符? 有什麼是我們被世上的價值觀影響了? 有什麼該調整的?

3. reepicheek選擇撇下一切, 進入 神的永恆, caspian選擇完成他該做的 - be a good king and serve His people instead of seeking his self assurance which he used to rely on his father. edmund & lucy & eustace選擇回去陪伴他們的家族, 家人. 沒有一樣是aslan逼他們或是告訴他們該怎麼做.... they just took up their responsibilities on their shoulders, 選擇他們這段經歷後, 知道/感覺該做的, 就去做. 你呢? 現在該做甚麼樣的決定? 不要讓過有不是從 神來的恐懼限制你, let each experience/encounter God change the way you do things, the way you make decision, and change from there on.

Friday, December 3, 2010


今天在中場要換班時, 幼稚園大班的學生熱烈的討論起我.....

孩子們: 老師, 老師... (Ms. Jane Ms. Jane - 其他的孩子叫我)... (看他們頗遲疑的樣子)... 妳.... 妳... 妳的眼睛怎麼了?

我: (huh?!~ 狀況外... 我的眼睛..... 完全處於仍在拿這班上課的課本的狀態... 沒打算回應)

某一個孩子: 老師, 妳今天沒戴眼鏡?

我: 喔對啊, 老師今天戴隱形眼鏡啊~ (還是覺得這沒甚麼啊, 為什麼他們還是處於大驚小怪的樣子.....)

一個小孩總算忍不住了... 走上前, "老師~~~~ 妳的眼睛.... 怎麼綠綠的?" (一臉認真樣+關切的眼神)

我: (總算知道他們在討論甚麼了.......) 喔~~~~ (總算搞清楚他們疑惑的點了) 那個是化妝啦~ (對我的藍綠色眼影感到好奇跟不安吧)

後來我朋友說... um... 他們的媽媽應該沒有在化裝的, 要不就是不用綠色的眼影 XD but... my students are sooooo cute! <3 i bought my digicam and took pics w/ them individually... finally gathered the guts to tell 顏院長跟莊老師 of my recent decision. >< 今天看到熱騰騰的車輪餅, 忍不住買了, 也多買了給幾個老師... 並不是因為這個決定喔, 乃是真的想要跟她們有多點的互動.. this is what i could do before...... my resignation.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

trivia game

i... just had too much fun with this today lol AND i consider it a learning experience as well! i'm serious! (:


如果要去看花博的, 建議是: 先一大早到時, 衝去所有需要預約票的館先拿預約票, 再慢慢逛不需要票的館及展覽. (: 哪些是需要票的呢? 1. 夢想館 (在新生館, 超搶, 所以.... 建議第一個去拿這個!) 2. 流行館 (圓山區) 3. 名人館 (圓山區) 4. 養生館 (新生館) 5. 舞蝶館的白合戀 (這個節目到1/7, 之後換別的... 是滿棒的, 於美術館. 雖然不需要拿預約卷, 但平均要在開場前2.5小時前去排才可能有好的位子; 時段分別是2:30, 4:30, 7pm 介紹: 我那天1點多一點去排裡頭已經坐滿了, 當然排得是候補... 不一定保證有位置. 感謝主我跟朋友還是有坐到椅子 (表演1小時), 只是是很邊邊.... 所以很多中間的表演看都看不到囉~~ 6. 未來館+天使生活館也是在新生館, 但是我不確定平時需要等拿預約卷嗎... 因為我們那天是很晚到這兩館, 發現只要排就可以進去... 只是等了很久, 不過由於夠晚, 天色以暗, 相信決不是最多人的情況. 7. 爭豔館, 不需要預約卷, 但建議晚上再去看吧... 因為是室內的, 所以等到白天外面的館看完再去就可以了, 但是我這次11.27去覺得最讚的館!!!! LoL

**預約卷千萬要收好不要掉, 因為.... 服務人員決不會因為同情或是好心, 讓你的同伴無卷入場~~~! 跟朋友本來想去試試名人館, 想說都快9點了.... 結果, nope.. still reservation ticket needed! 有對不知道是夫妻還是朋友, 問我們是剛從那看完嗎, 我們說沒有, 沒有預約卷... 他說可惜妳們是兩個人, 他們掉了一張, 所以也進不去... 本來想那張給我們的 >< i thanked them at the end as we depart... after all, they were kind enough to ask!

裡頭的食物攤出乎我意料的不貴~~~~! 以遊區+台北的消費, 是不算貴的囉~ $30米粉, 綜合丸子湯. 當然pasta等的還是比較貴... 所以就不要停在第一攤, 努力給它往前走, 整個看過一次再做決定也不晚~ 當然啦, 一整天下來腳是一定酸的....... 晚上記得提腳, 避免靜脈曲張囉~! (: 我那天還是撐到晚上快9點... 覺得腳都不是自己的了 @@

喔~! 還有個重要提醒... 請能不要帶到需要置物箱的東西為原則囉~~ 雖然titled "international", BUT.... the lockers are SOO limited! 聽說一半以上是志工在用 @@ 我是因為要上台北住加上第三天要面試, 當天選完票才上去所以行李一定不小... 雖然置物箱的確有像服務人員在電話上告知的, 有大中小的分別... 我的luggage也在大的置物箱可以塞進去, 但是......... 我們等了至少20min... 當中有陸陸續續約10個團體也在等直到放棄離開... 平均等待時間約20 min.. 不過那是正巧是午間志工在輪班, 才可能有這樣的機會. 沿路上也看到不少人拿著大行李一起帶著走... 真的很不自在~! 所以... 為了減少浪費時間等這個, 還是出門前少帶點東西. 要不然, 就像我下次會做的一樣 - 早一天上北部, 住在那, 一大早再衝去花博~! 東西就放在住宿處! 祝大家享受這個INTERNATIONAL flora expo! =D overall, i think it's worthwhile. after all, it gears toward international visitors! we as citizens, should go and explore ourselves! (: 雖然大家都不喜歡人擠人.........~

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my past wkend (thanksgiving wkend)

voted with glee for this was my 1st time participating in taiwan's voting system! wahaha right after, i headed home and waited for 宇婷 to come so we could take HSR. by the time we got at the destination - flora expo, it was... almost 12~ waited for like 20 min for the LIMITED lockers the expo provided. >< anyhow, like 爭豔館 the most! was a bit disappointed at the 未來館 & 天使生活館. 百合戀還不錯~

on mon i actually had a job interview at a cram school, but... it's probably aiming at the high-end customers/students, where the 'tutor' is one-on-one (特別指導), or 1-2. seriously come to a place where i need to make the decision as to where to go for my next move. GOD, show me the way...

met up w/ MH, JK, CC, SW and DW! ha what a great memory! =D

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

vaness wu!

ha duno what was on my mind, but... i dreamed of vaness last night~ lol ever since he became a Christian, and not just one ordinary but an impactful Christian, i knew i would support him always even just morally =D anyhow, was full of glee in the dream and as i was waking up. what was i doing in the dream? it might crack you up... but oh well, i was booking air ticket for him to fly somewhere?! was i his secretary? now i wonder what my role was. =p kk, enough of my silly daydream. i support you vanness! rock for Jesus!

Monday, November 22, 2010

change of my daily schedule

really wanna change and develop a better and healthier daily schedule... a decision made from yesterday's sermon. (: will try my very BEST to sleep by 11pm, and wake up at 7:30am, and do devotion and intercession. i wanna develop a deeper relationship cuz my Father longs to spend quality time w/ me. (: and make it my daily life's priority too! perhaps to change my eating habits as well... byproduct hehe

Saturday, November 20, 2010


thanks for friends who listen when I vent my frustrations... now's not the concern of 'letting go,' it's more of a self acceptance issue - knowing what i'm good at and what i'm not suitable at all, and seeing them accurately. i feel inferior in front of that person, and that's where the whole problem lies. and this led to more pressure points that bring out the ugly side of me, the insecure side of me, the worrying side of me. if i don't overcome, the same will occur and bother my relationships, and most importantly, i'm afraid this will disturb and interfere my future ministry. i admit i can't solve this with my small small brain, so Lord please intervene and gimme a heart of peace to encounter my lifelong plight - one i've always have difficulty facing and overcoming. no matter what the other person ends up choosing or becoming, i can still befriend, and bless those i subconsciously compete with....

姐姐提醒了我: "越來越明白 神的愛才會感到自己的不配得如此多的恩典"... so true! eyes on HIM!

Monday, November 15, 2010

my goal lately

一個最近想要學習到的生活態度 - when things don't go my way, i REJOICE!!! 之後下午查經班, 在查完後自己的應用也是類似: 歡歡喜喜忍耐! Yay, Jesus!

生命的蛻變 - 大惠弟兄分享

牧師帶團隊去香港參加特會, 所以這週是一個學校教授講道. guess what, his sermon was quite/more Bible-centered... and.. deep?! 不知道是因為是教授的關係嘛... 觀點&講道的方式會由個老師的角色切入. he used tons of scriptures as references to talk about Peter's life and his transformation point. one point of view he talked about that caught my attention was sth like: 即使耶穌在彼得的身邊, 沒有使彼得改變.... 彼得手曾在水中抓到耶穌的手, 看到耶穌行的神蹟, 等... 直到聖靈住在彼得的裡頭, 他才開始有改變的能力. 吸引到我注意的是他說彼得在聖靈來前, 即使有耶穌在身邊, 他的生命也沒有蛻變.... 他反問, 我們常要耶穌在我們身邊嘛? 但是讓我們改變的更是聖靈...  etc. 蛻變的生命用的經文是在Acts 3:6, 當彼得說: 金銀我都沒有, 只把我所有的給你, 我奉拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名, 叫你起來行走. 之後講到新約跟舊約的差別 - 石心跟肉心的差別 (Ezekiel 6:25-27), 過紅海 (Exodus 14:21-31) 跟過約旦河 (Joshua 3:1-17) 的差別 - 耶穌的死與復活使我得生, 聖靈的內住使我得勝.

我盼望不斷有生命的蛻變... 也在想, what was my life transformation point?! 好像沒有特別某一件事情整個改變我的生命方向... 從我一信主, 一認識到 神就是那位獨一的真神後, 我記得當時對於 神的一整個喜悅跟回應, 就這樣告訴自己: Jane, 真遇到了這位獨一的 神, 這麼好的一個 神, 妳一輩子都不要放手! 不論遇到什麼事, "重量"都不能與這位 神相比, 所以... 一件事務要記住的就是, 認定祂! 我也向 神禱告, 讓我一輩子都選擇祢! 唯一不能改變的就是, 決不放棄 神! 那大概是我覺得我生命最有智慧的一刻... 不只接受主, 我也立定心, 祂就是我生命一生的主! hopefully my life HAS and is STILL being transformed... 蛻變, 蛻變!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

teaching kinders!

alright, i have to admit i wasn't interested nor thrilled in teaching kinders for the past few weeks... at first i thought i would take up the challenge and dealt w/ it w/o much difficulty as i took this job, but as one parent reacted after his son whined simply cuz there wasn't much games @@ and soon another grumble followed by the same parent, it irritated me......!! thought about my teaching skills (並不是懷疑自己教的能力, 而是面對跟教這麼小的小孩....!! 我覺得有點無趣, 挑戰不是我喜歡的) and even approached the superintendent stating that i could resign w/o grievance =p anyhow, thanks to her for giving me simply - the chance to try, 不要我擔心家長那邊... 希望我仍能嘗試, 不過如果真的不喜歡她也不勉強我.

其實上禮拜五教完後我很挫折... 特別是中/小班的. 其他老師進來, 或是經過, 應該都聽得到不是我呼喊要他們安靜坐下, 要不就是這群瘋狂的小孩已經完全out of control, 無視我的存在, 整個就是玩/講他們自己起鬨, 當下想要做的 @@ 不是我不兇 (學校老師覺得我沒有威嚴), 而是他們年紀小到連我生氣也不知道吧, 沒有在管的 >< 只有一兩個勉強會看臉色.... 也是會帶頭的... 總之, 那天騎車去教會真的很挫敗, 懷疑自己還有把戲可以拿出來教那本教了二個月多的小故事 >< 我知道這本跟在家裡父母教小孩是用不同的方法... 我知道這本書讓他滾瓜爛熟其實就等於學了很多句子等的... 我知道院長找故事來教的重要原因... 這些我都知道, 問題是他們根本不是用我想到的方式中, 可以認真學到的... honestly, they can easily break the simpliest rule in ALL games! 要站時就開始東晃西晃, 請小孩拿著紙時他們會開始丟紙... 坐下來圍一圈時會不聽我使喚的狂碰中間我說不准碰的cards, 連坐一圈都會兩三個打在一起, 捲在一起, 最後哭著喊"老師, 她/他撞到我" >< 或是A一直跟著B狂換位置, 明明B不想要A跟, 就是在躲他, A還是狂偷偷跟著... 祕密行動, 完全不管我在前面喊著他的名字5次有了吧 @@ *sigh~~~~ 但是大班就好超多的!!! 上禮拜五竟然有個小男生趁我在準備東西, 蹲在桌邊時, 他從我後面抱住我... 雖然其他小孩們在笑, 但是我知道他們的笑不是搞笑的笑~~ 那個男孩子也不是因為要惹同學們笑所以抱我... 而這個學生還是是班上數一數二的頑皮蛋之一!!! =p 當下我有點嚇到... 他的笑容好天真, 好開心.~ 結果, 另一個小男生竟也跑來抱我 - 而他就是之前跟他媽抱怨美語課無聊沒遊戲的孩子 @@ 當時我急著上課, 所以沒多想這兩個孩子.... 直到今天寫連絡簿時...  看到幾個學生家長回應的話, 我忽然覺得這幾個月的經歷..... 開始有果子了~! 那位抱怨的孩子家長, 有表明孩子較有興趣了, 再另一位皮的孩子, 直到今天看回去以前我寫的comments, 才發現他的態度跟學習有很大的進步!! 所以家長謝謝我的努力....~ 這位家長除了第一次她告訴我可以嚴厲叮她小孩如果他頑皮, 之後... 再也沒有任何feedback直到這次~ 另外有個本來就很認真的女孩子, 因為我上次多提了擔心她不太會跟頑皮的小孩相處而影響她以後交友的狀況 (有排斥皮的男同學的舉動), 理解的家長還謝謝我讓她知道... 這件事也讓我覺得有肯定~!! 畢竟家長也可以覺得老師怎麼這麼無聊, 連這種事也要雞婆... =p 恩, 開始看到跟孩子及家長們有更深的認識及關係.... 仍是比較喜歡大一些的孩子, 教起來比較有成就感, 也比較有回應跟互動. 不過... 也感謝 神我在上星期五的路上竟出奇的想到其他可以玩得遊戲來教那本故事書的內容!!! 感謝賜恩典跟創意的 神!!!!!!!! yes, 祢在沙漠中開江河!!!!!! Glory be to You!

Friday, November 12, 2010


do people still celebrate this day? i duno... don't really feel the spirit of the festival ^^" but thanks to google for the remembrance (: 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Praise God for His protection!

on the high speed rail way home from taipei to tainan tonight, lina and i were sooo grateful seeing God's protection over us! as we stopped at our second to last station (chia-yi 嘉義), there was a sudden earthquake lasted for like... 15 sec. it was a bit strong as i felt the earthquake strikes.... and then, the corp must sense its effects and hence had to halt... until they got the railroad checked, i suppose. we waited..... patiently for .... 40 min? i duno, it was a long wait... thank God i wasn't alone to kill the time, and foremost the earthquake came when the rail was stopped........!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't imagine how the situation would be if it was in operation... >< PTL for His protection... for unseen things... for He knew!

PTL i bumped into kate and mike unexpectedly. many surprises throughout the trip, and this is one of them. (: nice catch-up w/ tiff and louis too. thank You my Lord!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Passion-Christine Caine

i was incredibably, unexpectedly inspired by one of the godly women whom I've never known before this day... yet her life transformation was truly a living/walking testimony that demonstrated curses turning into blessings! It's sheer shock how she subtly revealed her past trauma without displaying any shame... Yet she as well hinted her pain and struggles over her experiences. I duno... It was a wooooooow moment for me... And a wakening moment, realizing how insusceptible I've become responding to God's love! I was convicted being numb... The passion isn't from the LIVING love nemore... It's not flowing from an authentic love. I praise God for reminding me, for stirring up my passion again, esp in Taiwan -sth I need to change and encounter in this particular culture. To really ponder on passion and career this time, I seriously came to a conclusion that I've always love doing - anything pertinent to church/God, shouldn't be hard to notice YET somewhat I've been blinded from seeing it straight. Exactly how I'll find the "dreamy" job, I lift up to You, and desire to do things out of a genuine and authentic love for You with all my strength and understandings. In Christ alone, I find my strength. Let my hope rest firmly on Christ alone!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

purpose of Bible reading

last Sun was the 1st time i led Bible study in tainan. well, i brought in the mini-inductive Bible study method into the group, thought it went smoothly~ apparently, most attendees were not too much concerned about this method at 1st - my observation. i could feel the skepticism in the air; perhaps they weren't sure where i was going w/ these steps - observation, interpretation, correlation and application. but i felt more relieved at the end, i supposed cuz i sensed that by the time they departed, they felt being more informed of the scriptures, and that was my goal... my fulfillment. (: i seriously believe that nowadays Christians need to see Bible as it is, instead of backing our own theories w/ Bible as if Bible should support us and we're superior, or we thought we know better... i've seen a LOT of believers doing this w/ the Scriptures, and no wonder we see multiple, i mean... multitude, interpretations derived from the same verse and yet it's read as a complete contradiction and we thought that's normal, everyone's unique, we see Bible and interpret it differently is fine, as long as we feel we resonate w/ it.... 聖經不是拿來讀我們想要讀得, 解釋我們想要解釋的, 而是... 祂是標準, 是準則, 而我... 讀經者, 是每次讀時, 再次以祂為 神的準則, 來反省, 衡量, 調整我們的眼光, 思維, 行為是否有遵行. (: I love God's WORD! He's SUPERIOR~

Saturday, October 30, 2010

no halloween...

no halloween celebration for me, posting this with a sheer fondness for google icon =D

btw, it's bdays for many of my friends, beloved ones for a few. there're like ..... 9 of them whose bdays all fall on the same day... 31st! how interesting...! (:

Costco & IKEA in Kaoshiung!

高雄的costco長得真的跟美國的超像, 壓根兒沒想到會一模一樣... @@ 可能全世界的costco看起來都是這樣... anyhow, 在裡頭走起來有覺得在美國的感覺, 所以還滿開心的 XD 之前繞到IKEA也是這樣, 好像行走在我熟悉的Covina IKEA.... 整個就想將房間再次充滿屬於IKEA的東西 wahahaha~ IKEA早上有便宜的早餐, 這也是這天我們大夥兒不能太晚啓程的原因. 豐富的活力早餐, 從$39, $59 往上, 加上yummy的fries, lol 昨晚稍稍的挨餓是值得的! IKEA還貼心的為家長們預備了兒童遊戲區, 甚至還有小背心給孩童穿上, 背後有數字幫助識別孩子.... 附上兩張興奮不已要進去的子洋照片 - #9 (:

至於Costco, 我只能說... 大家可真是熱愛從國外來的食品! Truffle搶得真的誇張... 一箱一箱搬上櫃的truffles就像是免費似的, 消費者平均一家拿至少兩盒走, 且搶購的速度約一秒一箱 @@ 我看著服務人員不斷加貨, 超忙碌 @@ 平時款式單調的衣著, 在台灣一般商場都超級冷門, 可能連多待一秒去翻的機率也是0.000000000000000000000000......1. 但在Costco, 連平凡到不行的外套, 也仍是消費者會去研究, 拿起來摸摸, 加商討購買... 我是滿傻眼的 =p 一定要說一下藥的方面~!!! 那個價錢實在....... 太太太太誇張了!!!! @@ 加了進口稅&運費也沒這麼多吧!!! 難怪台灣人知道朋友們要回國, 仍是會托買藥品. 因為Costco的藥品價位真的提太高了....... 傻眼!

書圈有許多兒童的英文書, 我看了也好想買..... 以後一定會買給未來孩子的 hahaha 我繞了繞試圖尋找熟悉且懷念的食品, 最後拿了Kellogg's Special K red berries cereal, New England clam chowder (特別想起@San Luis Obispo's Splash Cafe的clam chowder ><) & 韓式辛拉麵! 雖然放棄了Cheesecake Factory's cheesecake, 有打折的bagels, 好吃但太多的brownies, 默默想買的rice burgers, 會"刷嘴"的hi-chews等等............... 就知道我真的有節制了吧!! 有一個現象是我在Costco觀察到滿新奇的, 那就是....... 試吃的隊怎麼可以排這麼長 @@ 我可以瞭解大家有好奇食物的味道, 不過感覺好像多數是專門去吃的~~~~~~~ 不知道, 有點在這件事上看到台灣"好處決不錯過"的文化 >< 在美國很少遇到試吃可以這麼大排長龍的.... 不過就像小玉姐說得, Costco也很大方的給, 不會因為人多就給少, 不過也不能因為這樣所以大家的心態就是"更不能錯過"吧 -_-" 不過我能給台灣這一點多一些的解釋是: 可能很多人也不是高雄人, 所以也不常去Costco. 不像在國外, 雖然是不同城市, 卻也習慣這樣的開車距離, 所以去買不是一天唯一的行程, 更不會因為一些些的試吃而覺得它很重要. 而台灣, 這可能是一天唯一最主要的行程, 難得跑到不同城市了, 就當是遠足, 旅行, 所以把握每一個享受食物的機會?! 這是我唯一能對此舉動給與台灣人最做大的解釋了 ^^"

Well... 如果沒能有機會出過國逛過Costco or IKEA的, 跑過高雄的就大概知道國外的是長甚麼樣了, 因為真的相似度99嚕, 除了所有的產品加上中文解釋, 價錢平均多了0.5~1倍外, 它可連推車也是一樣大呢!!!! LoL 只可惜外頭的餐飲沒有銷售churros, 不然它真是就太讚啦!!!! =D

Thursday, October 28, 2010


mom's having cataract, so she at the very last minute scheduled the following day's surgery @@ and had it done on this past Tue. sooo.... i began to be the cook of the household, haha... but only two of us at home anywayz =p dad & bro are out at the construction site, only come back like twice a week. as i permed my hair the 2nd time today (w/ smaller rods this time), i constantly watched the food channel, hoping to enhance my cooking ability wahaha~ but............. argh, was sent away for shampoo while the main steps of the program was on @@ oh well, thanks to other blogger's contribution, found the link! can't wait to try it someday! =D i love eating! LoL

Here's the website you can go:!XWCMEfCLGBkx5rXaCRrflp03Eekk/article?mid=9656&prev=-1&next=9655

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


又一個朋友提醒我, 在台灣很難找到伴侶... @@ 是怎樣~~~~~ 不過其實我知道這個異性朋友是關心啦.... 說吃過洋墨水又知識廣..... 就是要找同樣的, 而這種人... 他雖沒說, 那也算是暗喻要回美國才比較找得到.. >< 好混亂喔~ 雖然用頭腦想, 我也知道推理來看這是真的, 但是...... 只能照著這個推理走, 所以就要因此考慮回去嘛? 他說我喜歡標新立異... 或許我有一點, 但不是故意要這樣... 只是我不太能接受一定要按照種種考量跟擔心, 只因為這樣回去美國... seriousy, i hate being someone shallow... though most taiwanese are... >< esp. guys - 這一點我朋友也承認 haha 還是他主動說的 lol also, i really wanna putting God into perspective....... 單身其實是更好可以事奉 神, 只是..... 希望不是因為我失喪所以最後這樣說. 抱著即使是單身, 我也要享受 神賜的每一天! so..... i'll lift up my eyes to God. Lord, grant me the faith to continue seeing what you see. (:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

沙漠中的貴族 - notes from Pastor Yeh sermon

i rarely felt being nourished from dayspring's sermons ^^" possibly pastor john's preaching in a very general and comprehensive view, and so i often don't find them deep and rich. and the church doesn't have adults Sunday school... >< hence, pastor yeh's sermon is relatively more in depth. perhaps his background is similar to mine? i duno if that's the main reason, but i can see how his background has shaped the way he preaches, and indeed more personal and intimate... more relational. definitely NOT the only way i resonate with the Scriptures, but i find it more receptive to his than pastor john's. although pastor yeh jumps his thoughts from this to that from time to time... =p i can imagine how difficult it is for the translator....

a few notes i wanna remind myself of (btw, this is back on 9/12):

1. servant lead servant 奴僕帶奴僕, 生奴僕 (spirit continues) - 我們如何看自己 Num. 13:32-33

2. 即使是很大的事件, 神也是要"個人"看見 (e.g. Isralites)

3. pride vs. self pity 兩個都是在比較裡 (comparison...); 尊貴 vs. pride 是在不同的system.

4. 征戰過的人知道 神的真實, e.i. Joshua - 因為他與仇敵面對面.

5. egypt: meaning "the world"? this i duno....

6. 會吵鬧, 會計較就是活在相信fate - 認命的個性... would grumble. 奴僕心態 Ex. 16:20

7. Saul - spirit of servant. 怕位子被拿走, 害怕人, 王位失去, insecurity. vs. Joshua: be4 he fought, he already saw himself in the promised land, cuz it's in his heart.. he knew God's gonna give him the best (trigger thoughts: what's the best that you believe is?) 進入豐盛之地

8. Luke 4 - temptations Jesus faced... 君王心態 **寧可挨餓, 不可失去自己的身分 - Christians should be. Best example: JESUS!

oh i did my 奴僕vs.君王心態的測驗, lol 是偏於君王那邊..~ 不過不是超級高.

future direction...

being at a crossroads where i have to make decisions about which path to go for. if you know what i'm talking about, please say a prayer for me, if not... you can still just bless my next step. Lord just revealed to me last night, how much i haven't trusted Him... learning to let go, and place my full security upon Him, my forever and everlasting Rock.


星期六 (10.23) 真是大夥兒認同的好日子呢~ 是我表妹佩君的訂婚日, 也是小組姊妹淑芳的... 由於三姨丈去內湖工作, 所以沒人開車帶爸媽, 三姨跟外公去參加遠於新竹的訂婚. 由於想開車自己上去, 最後找我一起去, 特別是幫忙當司機~ 本來由於沒peers要去, 加上覺得只是為了吃一頓 (個人真的覺得婚禮相關的要跟couples有互動, 像是活動等的, 不然只為了吃那參加婚禮就可以了 ^^") 最後, 看來接送角色很重要, 所以..... i went!

上新竹的路上, 一路上看到好多次禮車經過... 真是大家在台灣挑的好日子都ㄧ樣啊~ 訂婚還不錯, 新娘很美~ 就是太瘦了 ^^" 美食由於在Sheraton.. 整個就是搞氣氛吧~ 事後想想, 一個海鮮都沒有 >< 後來大家一時起意, 覺得都開到新竹了, 順道就上台北看看四姨, 三姨也想說去內湖看看三姨丈, 就這樣.... 甚麼都沒預備的我們..... 這週末就臨時決定直接北上了 @@ *害我需要cancel the Bible study that I was gonna lead for the 1st time in Dayspring on Sun ><

感謝四姨跟四姨丈晚上招待去吃蒙古烤肉+酸菜all you can eat火鍋... 撐~ 後去松江路過夜. 第二天除了本來最主要要看大姨丈的母親@彰化外, 早上又去豐原看叔公, + 努力爭取-到-順我的意-沿路去台中找dana & barnett吃午餐~ (: 整個就是忙碌跟緊湊的行程 @@ 最後送外公回家. 一天跑三個地方, 一天跑四個地方.. =p 第一次從台南開到北部, 再從北部開下來... 都是最後一小段爸有幫我開, 因為我真的累到想睡.... i love driving, but w/ so many backseat drivers, it kinda drove me nuts... later on after picking up my scooter, swing by at 二姑's.

will need to plan my daily schedules for the next.... few weeks, as i'll have quite some free time =D sth pleasant as well stressful.... so much need to lift up and entrust to God! 計畫趕不上計畫, 希望一切是出於 神... and only Him!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


智慧填補不了道德的空白 - 個人覺得應該是"聰明才智填補不了道德的空白"; 聰明跟智慧是不同的 (:










沒有檢票員。甚至連 隨機性的抽查都非常少。




















然而,真正讓他產生一語驚心之感的, 卻還是對方最後提到一句話:







1.遇到乞討者:遇到要錢的就給他(她)點飯,遇到要飯的就給 他(她)點錢。



4.遇到迷路的小孩和老頭老太太,能送回家就送回家,不能送回家的送上車、送到派出所也行,如果有電話, 替老人或小孩打個電話就走,反正你也不缺那兩個電話費。






Monday, October 18, 2010

愛的方程式 太22:37-40 + Lulav

the topic for dayspring's young adult retreat two weeks ago: 10/8~9. a few notes i wanna jot down.

1) 社群突破的關鍵: 處理conflicts (太18:15-17)

2) forgive: a gift for you (cuz God first loved and forgave us, so we may extend the same gift to others) 饒恕就是放棄"以牙還牙"

3) hedgehog and porcupine的比喻 =p

以西結 11:19-20

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meet Halfway! 可是要去哪?~~

This is soooooooo fascinating! 你有過想要跟朋友約碰面, 想要找兩人的中間點, 可是卻不知道要約哪裡的經驗嗎? 回來台灣沒有多久的我, 實在連跟朋友約也都不知道要去哪呢~~ 無意間發現這個有趣的功能...... 只要輸入你跟朋友的地址, 註明想碰面要去甚麼類型的地方.... 它就會告訴你有哪些地點available!!!! lol 今天要跟朋友預約馬上使用, yay! (:

Wedding Songs/Music

Eugene, my cell leader in Tainan, is getting married this end of Nov. He hopes our fellowship can dedicate a song at the wedding ceremony. Much to my surprise, he has asked me to coordinate..... a choir or sth! Personally, I think I'm time-crunched... but am honored to have been entrusted with this task. Just gotta spend time preparing music/lyrics/rehearsals and organizing the schedules, etc.

As I was browsing through online, I stumbled across quite a few wedding songs/music that I was deeply moved! Haha... even to think about what to use for my wedding lol Found a great one for Eugene and his fiancee... still pondering if I can possibly keep it as a secret from them until the wedding day, like excluding it from the wedding program?! =p Anyhow, if the song will be accepted by all singers, then there'll be translation and perhaps transcribing to do........~~~ more work for me @@ but def. sth I'd love to do even just for my own pleasure lol Ohh... will post these great wedding songs on my worship leadership site! =D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book of Daniel

Pastor John is preaching through the book of daniel for three consecutive Sundays, and this week he covered chapter 3~6. 有些points讓我想到其他特別的insights... 所以想記下來. (:

三位的挑戰 (3:6), 其中一項牧師講到勇敢順服 (3:15-18). 特別在v. 18, 我感動的是他們的full obedience... 或許我們都「知道」要全心的順服, 但是這裡的的順服是面臨生死-這點牧師也有提到. 但是我特別聯想到"how" we approach the Gospel... 這樣的順服是思考過的, 經過掙扎, 經過割捨放下自我, 那種regardless個人的感情, 即使失去生命也要全心犧牲 (sacrifice) 的順服. 我們通常傳福音時, 多數不敢挑戰剛信主的人有關這樣的擺上吧?! 甚至都覺得要讓他人比較"靈裡成熟"後在說... 但是可不可能in a way, we've watered down the truth, the FULL gospel?! 以至於一講到順服以至於死 (which Jesus had set the example), 我們覺得這個挑戰很大... 是需要格外的信心跟恩典? 決不是說我們不需要靠信心跟恩典來過我們每一天, 而是這樣全人犧牲的順服變得這麼難去天天面對, 而其實它正應該是我們天天的十字架功課~!

牧師說“神蹟並不是可將人帶向 神” (John 20:29). personally i would change the wording to “神蹟並不是一定將人帶向 神”. 或許只是翻譯的字吧, 因為牧師英文是說: "miracles are not means to lead people to God", which I certainly amen to that. perhaps another 'translation glitch' - 有時候一個重要的領袖需要獨自經歷這些考驗, 而沒有朋友的支持 (infer from the life of daniel). 在我還很年輕的時候, 關牧師曾對我說過這樣類似的話... 回過頭來看, 這句話曾幫助了我『很客觀+減少太多調適時間』來渡過我很多次服事的瓶頸+挑戰. 感謝我敬重的牧者的對我的提攜+指引! 哈 可能因為自己的經歷, 我覺得這句話更明確來說, 應該是: “一個堅持的領袖是一定有要經歷這些考驗, 而不一定有朋友的支持!”

最後,  我真的很喜歡也很受但以理的生命鼓舞... (below extracted from pastor's sermon) 6:1-4講到他得以在大利屋王下持有最高的位置是因為他的性格&正直, 及不可否認他對 神專一敬拜的順服 (6:7), 及即使在『受害者』的角色, 他仍不讓這成為他whine, 或是自憐的原因...... Pastor John 講到這可能是daniel的最後一個最大的挑戰 (6:28), what amazed me was how he upheld his reputation, and was still able to be honored by different kings!! 文化背景大大改變了... 但是他仍能再後兩個generations被王所器重, 被 神使用... 瞭解如何在不同的文化下仍尊榮主又得王的喜悅, 我好希望能像daniel一樣會活出見證 神的生命即使在不同的時代, 文化...... it's just incredible seeing him blended into the complex culture and yet upheld his beliefs... i wish i could live like that!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10.10.10!!!! woohoo~

Ha what a date... loving it! 正好是台灣的雙十, 又是2010... 哈 其實根本沒計劃特別做什麼, 不過對日期在意的我, 一定要上來寫一篇做紀念也好 lol 這天做婚禮或是生日都是很有意義的呢~

剛結束三週"大光教會"兒童敬拜讚美的訓練, 距離下禮拜正式要加入晨光的查經班, 今天是中間空擋的星期天... 我可是算滿興奮的想要好好過這天~ 主動邀約家人主日後一起吃貴族世家, 是休息也是家人聚聚.... 最近忙屏東等, 大家可是all in... let alone也很被"超"到的師傅s~~~~ >< 通常出了門就不喜歡回家, 回了家就不喜歡出門的習慣, 讓我享用美食後決定繞去買我遲疑很久的small money purse.. been deliberating for a while now... =p 其實一點也不貴 (特別當你用又美金去想的話 =p), but somehow i was debating whether or not to buy it. one habit i like, which somewhat developed within the past ... 3 months was to randomly wander around the shops, could be 愛買, 寶雅, 民佳美, or Watsons. perhaps this pattern will extend to even 以琳 (the new store just opened and is only like 3 min away from church!), 7-11 (got iCash now =p), movie rental, and 金玉堂, etc. oh, 並不是不喜歡教敬拜, 但是這次有遇到點狀況所以學到些溝通功課.... 所以這次教完有覺得喘一口氣~ but would love to expand my curriculum development, accumulate more of my understandings and incorporate them wholly and logically. it all starts with delineations, which........... truly involves SO much critical thinking, research, and then draw my own conclusions. gee, it sounds like writing my further dissertation after obtaining master degree - one without professors' grading! =p wish i have time for sooo many love-to-do items/list!

Alrighty, back to my communication books... Melanie was so right on this - it's all about teaching gimmicks when it comes to teaching KIDS! another new discovery about what i like/dislike.

更多有祢, 更少有自我. when my knowledge becomes self-serve, it's not a service to God - 這兩天特別想到Jonathan C曾經在fb post上寫下類似的意思... 有時摸不清是否有跑到the other side of the spectrum. thus, Lord, help me to discern and refocus. knowing You more.... rightly~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


nice chatting over fb w/ cousin tonight! felt like i was breathing tonight... maybe cuz i'm not going to the construction site tmr! haha so i finally felt i have a night to spend! (: actually, today i was kinda frustrated. simply cuz a student told his parents that 美語課很無聊 >< what the heck... just felt like i've spent so much time preparing and this kid simply said this to his parents which made them report this to the after-school and so the superintendent wanted to talk to me. anyhow, so they just want more GAMES~ kk... i'll figure sth out, just feel like there's more work for me @@

oh, been wanting to write this - 感覺生老病死在台灣離我更近... 可能是因為台灣親戚多, 爸媽認識的人也多, 所以會聽到的故事也多. 不是好或不好的問題, 而是有點不太適應... 相比之下, 美國真的好像paradise, cuz i don't hear as much... 多數朋友都是平輩的吧, 照顧也沒自家人多, 所以... 好似回到了現實. 雖然如此, 還是覺得調整是好的, 挑戰是應該的, 因為是遲早要面對的 - 台灣還是一部份重要的我, 雖然有時我還是看自己是foreigner...

writing helps me organizing my thoughts better, through writing i can understand why i feel this and that. and often times it's through writing on the spot that my thoughts will crystallize. i certainly like knowing how my inner thoughts formed very much! =D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

贖罪日 9.12.10

Didn't wanna omit a few statements Pastor John stated weeks ago. 那天講到贖罪日, 悔改的力量. He said, "Confession and repentance are essential in our Christian life. Only when we repent will we be led to a thorough freedom and joy!" So amen to that... 用我們的全心 (眼淚) 全意 (禁食).

Monday, September 27, 2010


OK, so it's the recognition day for teachers... (: thanks to Google's reminder.

happy bday to google!

google's 12th anniversary! (: painting by wayne thiebaud.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

感謝妳, 朋友!

OK, i admit that albeit i've studied abroad and lived in CA for approx. half of my lifetime, i'm still traditional, even more so than those who've not gone abroad and lived in tw for all lives ^^" but i'm quirky..... in my own way... which i now believe, is somewhat inherited from my dad! ^^" not saying it's a negative thing, i've always seen it as sth peculiar (in a good way), but... in this season of life, i would say my attitude toward quirk is neutral for now ><

just for my own discovery, had another 'insight' today! another reason what i miss US - is that i have friends whom i can trust so much, that no matter what happens, no matter when... i can just dial the number and then i know she will be listening. friends that i entirely trust and being entrusted, 包括即使有時甚麼話都沒有, 只是坐在旁邊, 妳也能自在. 真的懷念那種被接納, 被認識, 被瞭解, 被信任的友誼... 所以即使我抱怨, 我懷疑, 她可以真實的看我, 知道我現在需要的是甚麼, 需要被提醒的是甚麼, 意見是中肯的, 是為我好的, 是真心的..... 恩, 更清楚的看這件事了... the 'bridge' role is bestowed on me.... just gotta organize and adjust my feelings, in order to have a positive and accurate point of view to see both sides. Lord, give me the wisdom and words of knowledge to say the right things at the right timing. be the right person with the right attitude. do the right things with the right motivation. lead me to ... serenity. but above all, at all times, i praise You! i want to honor You, and my father on earth, for he fears God.... and many more of his commendable work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

中秋節 – 美好+實際的一天!

不總是每個假期都想過得這麼充實, 但是今天的我, 按著預期的+臨時加添的, 可做了不少~! hurray! (:

- read "women of faith"
- prepare teaching lessons for 2 classes this Fri - print materials and burn songs (因為明天可能會去屏東住, 到星期五趕回來教課)
- read some CNN news!
- enjoy eating leftover/lunch w/ family and chitchat
- enjoy playing piano + sorta practice the 'surprise'
- enjoy relishing the snacks (小林煎餅+Hawaiian cheesecake) along with ten-ren's high mountain oolong tea!!!! 好懷念喝茶.......
- read for leisure (today happened to read 'breaking dawn' only...)
- more reading on breaking dawn....
- 從國小就沒見過的瑞發哥來..., 後來三人一起從貨車卸東西
- 三姨他們從東山&嘉義回來來看瑞發哥, 在家裡小聊一下...
- get ready to home grill with lina at her house
- barbecue & grilling...... + tv
- clean up & buy apples for work tmr at 屏東
- swing by at 明宏's outside grill and chill
- home........ extremely exhausted!
- pack for tmr's overnight at the construction site (信望愛育幼院)
- ready to hit the sack........ Z z z z z z..............

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

happy mid-autumn festival!

nothing much, just wanna say happy mid-autumn festival! got a day off which everyone's pretty excited about! tmr there're two groups of people (relatives) doing outside grill... and they've invited me, not sure which/none to go yet... don't wanna think about this decision now, just wanna CHILL!!!! wahaha been falling in love with a lot of songs.. or i should say, kinda wanna know how to sing them by really knowing the lyrics! e.i. 一想到你啊, 解脫, 聽你聽我 (apparently, so far all a-mei/張雨生 related :) 還有美好的旅行, 守護星, there can be miracles, under the wings (小胖的), etc. also, just thought about an "idea" for jen's surprise.... ahem... will sleep on it! (:

Thursday, September 16, 2010


friends would still ask me from time to time: "have you settled in?" it feels both nice and baffled. on the one hand, it brings a smile to my face knowing friends care, on the other hand, it made me stop and ponder where i am right now in the midst of all the transitions. well, it's been 4 months, i guess when i don't have much reactions, then perhaps i can say i'm well adapted. (: however, i know i'm also good at disciplining my determination and will while ignoring my feelings to do whatever is needed, hence, it would be nice to rethink how things were formed and developed into the way they are now. this is what my master degree has shaped my thinking.... lol

teaching kinders are like battling. you gotta know your boundaries, set them well both in mind and in action, and even if you make some mistakes in tolerating some of their behaviors, you gotta come back and tackle w/ it. due to the meager curriculum the 'supervisor' lacks to provide?! i had to come up w/ my own teaching materials for one hour! seriously, w/ their short attention span, i sure had to prepare way more activities than i envisioned... after all, the youngest age group i've taught were elementary, never had i voluntarily wanted to teach anyone younger than that no matter how cute they appear =p 不過真的有幾個小孩長得超級可愛...... wanna bite their cheeks. lol

alright, insomnia is getting better. currently two of my fingers are suffering from pus.... >< one's on the corner, one's completely inside the nails @@ sounds grotesque isn't it........... used a boiled needle to jab it, hurts like crazy @@ argh, perhaps i will need to see a doc before it gets more than swollenness!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

吹角節 The Feast of Trumpet - 神所預定第三個秋天節慶

Pastor John talks about the feast of trumpet last Sun, to me it's fascinating to see pastors following Jewish calendar (appreciate seeing pastors honoring God's festival, 因為越來越少教會注重這些了; 以前在Vineyard的我可從來沒有做/聽過)! It brings gratification.... later on Melanie told me the close connection Pastor John particularly has with a Jewish family, maybe that's why. Nevertheless, only when we understand Jewish festivals/holidays will we have a broader and deeper affection... for one, to identify and relate the Messiah that Jews have been yearning for, and/or to experience the 're-live' which is the new life that Jesus Christ gave us. And/or other traditions/feasts that show the significances of 'worshipping' Him this way! "Re-live"... 很powerful的!

經文: 利未 23:1-4, 24-25
號角聲音迎接新的一年, 並以10天 (9/17) 來預備自己進入贖罪日.
"Yamin Noraim" -> 令人敬畏的10天, 是為了自省及悔改 (Lev. 23:24-26)
"shana tova umetukah" = 好且甜蜜的一年 (習俗是: 用蘋果沾進蜂蜜中) a new year of blessings
眼淚及喜樂 (詩126:5)

The Feast of Trumpet this yr: supposed to be Thur (9/9), but because in Jewish tradition, 從前天的evening就開始了, 所以牧師也將禱告會改到Wed (9/8) 傍晚開始. Oh, 這禮拜還有讓我很窩心跟感動的是, 牧師要我們自己上前去拿餅杯.... believe or not, every action we do on Sun sanctuary represents some theology behind the head of the pastor.... it shows their understanding and theology! We walk up to Christ... to ask for mercy and grace, not passively; just a simple action can arouse such a deeper appreciation and humbleness reminding us of our role - the forgiven, the granted... and He, the merciful, the giver, the source! (:

Oh, 曾牧師 (Christine) 在分享她在以色列&torah curriculum有提到... 想要復興要持續做的: 祭壇 - personal, family, church, community, national. 全國禱告網絡上有有關以色列的近況... 2 Chr. 7:14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。明年是台灣100年... every 50th year is Jewish's tradition of celebrating 神的禧年! 所以... 她鼓勵我們要想: what's my purpose & mission for being part of this celebration? Deep... and worthy to disclose...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


剛回來台灣時, 覺得那兩個nephews真是難搞... 又皮又不聽話, 整個就是... $%&*()#(*$&)#%*(&!)( 但是多相處了些日子, 也算主動跟他們建立關係後, 其實我覺得小孩都是可朔性高的, 只是要怎麼去帶... 不過太多人管他們了, 所以兩個應該覺得大人的規定怎麼很複雜跟不同吧, 也應該會找漏洞 lol anyhow... 這晚沒有小組 (Fri night), 我主動想要稍微babysit一下兩個小孩, 所以就跟姐商量過要看toy story3 since somehow rita bought the DVD in China. 可是不知為什麼, menu上顯現沒有中文語言, 所以我們臨時改為宮崎峻的"懸崖下的金魚姬" - 一部其實兩個小孩都看過的片子... (later found out). 我們看著看著... 邊加料 (小的會興奮的告訴我之後會發生什麼事), 後來我爸媽也加入觀看的陣容. 到了約9:30pm, 小的忽然跑上樓.. 邊喊: "我明天要上課, 要先睡了" (台語)... 我們大家都心裡有數, 明天是星期六哪有上課. 應該是因為看過不想看了, 所以用這種理由.... ^^" 過了個約十分鐘, 忽然聽到"碰"一聲, 大的忽然跪下來.... 小小聲慢慢得跪著俯俯往前行, 以為這樣大家都沒注意到他, 仍是可以專著地看著螢幕 @@ 看著他爬過二姑的前頭, 小心翼翼, 低低地試著通過我們前頭盯著電視的視線... 默默以為他自己是隱形的吧...~ @@ 這時我說: "子恩啊, 你為什麼不看了啊?" (想說看他會用甚麼理由來逃脫) "你也是因為明天要上課要早睡嗎?" 這個孩子.... 我想是因為是哥哥, 有去上課不一樣, 知道不應該說謊, 所以不能再用這個藉口... 所以他選擇................ - 乾脆來個裝傻...! 甚麼話都不說, 仍舊跪著, 慢慢得俯俯前進爬向樓梯處...... 我們幾個看著他的姿勢, 在後頭大笑..~ ha 結果最後, 竟然是我, 我爸跟我媽看到最後. =p 不知道是我莫名的太挑了還是怎樣, 怎樣都覺得這部片子其實很不適合小孩看呢~! 畫面可愛歸可愛, 色彩分明鮮艷, 但內容可是有多處讓我覺得.... 不只是誇張 (好聽的說是有創意~~) 但是一些教導個人覺得滿不好的; at least if i were to have kids, i wouldn't want them to watch this film @@ anywayz... 這兩個孩子平時雖然皮歸皮, 但非常單純, easy to read their minds... (: 他們有他們很可愛的點! =D

Friday, September 3, 2010


幾年後, 若在回來想這件事, 應該會覺得真是無聊... 浪費自己的青春跟寶貴時間, 但是... 現在要說完全不在意就似乎有點牽強~ 我仍是在尋求人的認可嗎? 還是我不確定自己的價值? 其實他的想法可以一點都不重要, 因為也真的沒啥事發生, 但是自己的思維又讓我覺得他很膚淺, 也莫名的生氣. 我想是因為我覺得被比下去了.... 或許根本沒這回事, 但我忍不住不這麼想... >< 我似乎在心深處很在意一些男生對我的看法, 即使他們不是我生命中真的重要的人. 哎~ 只有單身才會有這種困擾吧.....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


為著二姑丈, 今晚二姑邀請大家一起唱詩敬拜禱告. 過了為奶奶的追思, 跟amy的婚禮, 這次回來這是第一次大夥兒一起如此.... 比起以前, 我想我這次心態上比較有所調整跟習慣... 雖然仍是有那歌詞跟我在美國唱的翻譯不同, 音節會莫名多一節, 會有大家都不在同一個key的情況, 台語我歌詞不會唱等等卡卡之處, 但是... 當在唱到一半之後的那後一半, 都是讚美居多...... 這點很自然最後帶出來的全心的"獻上"+"讚美" (以 神為主的歌) 可是在神學上/敬拜訓練上算"right way"... ANYHOW, 只能說在信靠的人身上, 會自然走出那個所謂"對的方式"! 請繼續會二姑丈禱告, 懇求 神醫治他的腦... 所有的血塊都自然的止住, 就算不透過開刀, 仍是能完全康復, 經歷 神的大能!!!! “祢是信實的上帝!”

Monday, August 30, 2010


是因為宇婷推薦又正好電視重播"燦爛的遺產", 所以我開始從中間看了... (: 林依晨唱了這首歌, 應該是翻唱吧~ a great song!

以上是網路上有人自製的... kinda cute! 來個原版的.

換掉我身上的舊電池 感情的界限已到此為止
放心這並不是什麼末日 世界還是老樣子
愛上你該愛上的女子 全心全意守護她一輩子
到達我到達不了的位置 去完成我未完成的事


相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時旅行逆著風前進

愛上你該愛上的女子 全心全意守護她一輩子
到達我到達不了的位置 去完成我未完成的事

相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時旅行逆著風前進

相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時理性逆著風前進

movies i wanna watch

gotta write down what movies i wanna watch so i'll look up here whenever i got the time! (:
- high school musical 2 & 3
- the back-up plan
- the proposal
- dear john
- iron man 2
- robin hood
- karate kid
- toy story 3
- switch

Saturday, August 28, 2010

dye my hair!

the 2nd time i dyed my hair ever in my life (this time's dark reddish brown)! many thanks to my cousin eva who helped me coloring it, though haven't seen how the mix-equal part comes out yet (: want a new look? maybe so, but as well to have heavy weight hair by 'damaging' it a bit =p

my left back started hurting so bad since this evening... had no clue why. hopefully not the effect of heavy-load muscle @@ going to see 好消息's 音樂小組 tmr! looking forward to it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

my blog

ha, a close friend made a comment about knowing each other through blogs, i have to say i see eye to eye with her! people write blogs for various reasons, to me... it's just an expression to my daily life, how i aim to capture the 'moments' that can refresh my memory years after. also..... a place to vent and make my voice known though not all my friends read lol ANYHOW, gratified knowing tracy follows my blog, hehe Thank you my friend! (:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


昨晚著實有把我嚇到. 睡到一半 (根本不知道是幾點了), 明明很熟, 卻忽然對天空一陣亮給驚醒... 醒來時很清醒, 在想那真的是閃電嗎...? 因為那一煞那很快, 亮到我覺得我的房間因著那道光 (就橫在我面前) 有被分成兩半的感覺. 我想那是閃電... 所以我等著打雷跟雨. 過了超超久....... 雷跟雨都還沒來... 又一陣陣的光, 都猶如天空一陣大光, 照亮天際的感覺... 雖然我其實是躺著, 窗簾也是拉上的, 但我仍深深感覺到那道光何等的清楚, 劃過夜晚的天際~ 好幾次..... 總算, 大雷來了, 這一來也是連劈得兇, 我莫名地想會不會明早有新聞說有人被雷劈到 >< 它讓我想到太24:27: "閃電從東邊發出, 直到到西邊. 人子降臨, 也要這樣." 是的, 末日的一個現象. 閃電的光亮到我感覺那道光是橫劃整個夜晚的天際... 即使整個房間是暗的, 窗簾也是拉上的, 我仍是清楚地看到光... 我隱約聽到媽咪開房間門, 又開了陽台的沙窗要收衣服... 但我整個爬不起來也不想起來, 但是意識是很清楚的, 整個傻住. Thinking: am I ready? for the end time that it seriously reflects. 之後雨有開始狂下了.. 我還是起來關起窗戶, 仍然有閃電跟打雷的聲音在迴響整個夜空...... 媽今天說, 這幾天台灣拜拜天觸怒到 神了...... 我心想, 可是拜拜的人, 看到這樣的天氣, 如果真的有什麼感受, 應該反而拜得更兇吧 @@ Hope I'll have some culturally relevant talks to communicate with/influence others on this matter, somehow. 總覺得在這要做任何的事都跟文化有關... 我很希望自己能更深瞭解如何在這樣的環境中接觸到人, 影響到人群, yes in THIS culture, THIS enviornment... be culturally relevant... becuz it's virtually different from what I've been trained/accustomed to back in CA.

上週顧牧師講到"孤獨, 卻不孤單". 光看主題我就喜歡... 從美國回來後, 每每有獨處的時候我總是很享受... 畢竟我很習慣有個人空間, 做自己想做的事, 享受想要怎樣用自己的時間, 有被滿足到的感覺. 可能回來台灣後這種機會太少了, 所以一有時我都特別開心, 有喘口氣的感覺... 但是顧牧師有提醒到獨處時都在做什麼... 我發現我多數是用電腦 (e-mail, blog, fb, write curriculum - 最近), 彈彈琴+唱歌, 看電視, 即使是讀聖經時間也不是太長. 禱告是在睡前, 會替每位特別答應/知道有需要的弟兄姊妹/朋友/我觀察到需要代禱的. 但是這些時間.... 不總是"單獨"跟天父. 我想, 這還不是顧牧師說得"獨處"的操練 - quiet time w/ the Lord. Lord, teach me how to spend my quiet time w/ you relevant to THIS culture, to THIS environment I'm in. I'm willing to adopt to sth I'm not used to... help me, with a 'missionary-mindset', to blend myself in the midst.....

Friday, August 20, 2010

"Book of Eli" review

How incredibly amazing this movie depicts the gospel in a way that's... sheer awesome! =D How God speaks, how God leads, how God foreknows, and how God's Word is PRECIOUS! So many cool analogies unfolded throughout the scenes that directly bring me to introspection. How have I treasured what I already have.. how privilege I am to know what prayer is, and how I have been applying the Bible I know into practice, living it out, and most of all, to accomplish the mission God already gave, in the Bible. Wish I'll always be reminded how significant it is to have His Word with me, anywhere and anytime. Memorize His Word.......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

詩歌的大能! (:

I experienced the power of sacred/worship music today!! hehe... after my yoga class, i came home started working... 其實對於天天的鑽洞, 跟切木板/朔木, 我已經開始累了, 也覺得有點無趣; i just go through the motions... BUT since bro is out to 甲仙 w/ 姐夫, so all the four of us (parents, 宇婷跟我) 都不知道怎麼開工廠裡的那台radio (i assume..... cuz it was joseph who helped us w/ turning on the radio in the factory yesterday, i'm sure parents don't know how, and when i came home today, the worship music was already on). It was 約書亞樂團的"祂的應許, 祂的軍隊", 一張歷史粉久的詩歌CD (約書亞第一敬拜專輯?!) Nevertheless, i seriously consider it as one of my fav worship CDs! So many remarkable songs have been sung countless times at churches all over the Chinese congregations I'm positive! and guess what... we were SOOOOOO effective while working! The harmony, the cowork w/ 宇婷, it was such a WOW moment! To see how effective we were just the WHOLE day today.....~! Amazing......... 我想詩歌對於信祂的人, 即使在工作上, 也仍可對我們的心說話, 讓我們有喜樂的心, 也因此... 做起事來特別有勁, 就是開心享受即使是忙碌或是tedious的routines =p the POWER of sacred/worship music! AMEN! Thank you Father! <3

不過當然啦, 等到其他師傅回來, 才不可能聽這個... 他們會自然地turn on radio... but it's OK, i just can't keep silent after experiencing the power of His music~!!! hence the entry lol! PTL (:

Monday, August 16, 2010


一年一度亞州國家喜愛的七夕情人節, 我這次又遇到了~ (好像以前暑假回來時也有遇到過) 身邊仍是沒有情人, 但是我今晚有個有意義的夜晚~! (: 跟媽咪去看了幸芳. 她跟小Paul一樣, 都是因為受傷而paralyzed的弟兄姊妹. 她比Paul好一點, 因為她左手還正常, 右手及腰以下就不能運作. 她是個有生命力的人, 也是有深度的姊妹.... 看到她也會讓我想到Paul........... (: 雖然每年都這樣寫, but i really mean it - 願有情人終成眷屬~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are you nearsighted? Here's how you test yourself!

4.近視的人戴眼鏡看的是愛因斯坦, 取下眼鏡看到的是瑪麗蓮夢露, 近視度數少的站遠一點看

Thursday, August 12, 2010

no time to write!

constantly having the urge to write... but haven't got the time i need!!! @@ so much inspirations..... i just can't wrap my head around the intertwined culture & faith application/complication in my half-americanized/half-taiwanese mind! i wish i knew the answers to all my confusions.... so wanna jot down all my thoughts and ask around!!!! argh.. keeping my notes, hope i'll write soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the msg i need at times like this

was a bit delayed in reading PTWG, but on a day like today, the content strikes a chord with my current situation. my mind acknowledges that God has a storehouse of blessings reserved for me, yet when i'm on my side of waiting for it..., i felt i'm being forgotten. like the author wrote, joseph could be easy to second-guess the God of the universe when he was wrongfully being accused and stayed in the prison for another 2 years.... but "an early release would have disrupted God's perfect plan!" i knew it takes time... to fully be "there" - where God intends for me, the character development, the humility, the timing needed, and the difficult wait, the question mark, the unknown and doubts... like the TGIF msg suggests, i ask for Your grace to sustain me, in order so i will appreciate the delay and genuinely say that "it all worth the wait!" 7.28.10 TGIF: When the Lord Tarries

Saturday, July 31, 2010

親情 + intercession

親情跟友情果真是有差的... (:

這趟上台中時間相當短, 只是星期五晚上10pm到, 星期六8:35pm姐跟姐夫送我到客運坐車... 本來是預期最主要可以看到Sophie, 跟她catch up... but it didn't happen... >< but i thank God for the opportunity i had w/ sabrina! ^^ so much has happened to her, and i'm glad for the changes! (: bless her and the family!!!!!!

well... 這趟要跟姐姐跟姐夫告別時, 有莫名的難過... 忽然發現, 親情的不同是.... 只要我們多花一點點的時間再一起 (這次真的就約14小時吧, 扣掉睡眠時間), 感情就會培養. 雖然我們感情已經很好了, 但是畢竟過去幾年都是偶而回來才碰面... 真正這樣住在台灣的情況下, 能一起在個週末小聚一起, 這個分離竟就有莫名的... 感傷.~ oh! they bought a house! hehe sth new! i was fortunate to see it before it got remodeled! lol

回來坐客運本來想看個片子的.. (cuz usually they have good films showing), 不過... 竟然在最前面走道的位置沒有mini TV screen? @@ ANYHOW, i thought it was a sign that God wanted me to intercede (cuz... He knows that i will not doze, had to stay up til i got back so i could sleep through the night!) and so i DID! so grateful that i did... spent the time to get close w/ God, felt the presence of Him surrounding me, and..... guess what, i felt God was guiding my prayers to some directions i never thought of =D it felt SOOO awesome to know that the Spirit GUIDES and crystalizes my prayer directions........ it's like, you KNOW it's HIM who made you think that way, and led you toward that direction!!!! what an amazingly wondrous thing that ONLY the majestic and awesome CREATOR can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) indeed, who is like HIM! i truly hope to see the fruits coming out of those prayers.... and glorify the One who is worthy of all the praises! =D

Saturday, July 24, 2010

how much do you need others' consent?

當我需要別人的肯定的事上, 就代表我不是很有信心.... 表達有時是想要安慰, 想要肯定, 想要被看重, 想要被瞭解, 想要被聽見, 或是想抗議... 人真的是很複雜的, 因為需要一直在, 而唯有安靜下來去發掘自己內心的聲音, 才能健康, 平衡的往前進. 認識到自己有複雜情感的我, 希望能找到個願意陪我面對生命中, 每一段微小但想要被瞭解的心境.

Side note: 因為工作, 我的小拇指莫名的疼痛... 右手腕也是某個角度很不舒服... 喉嚨上也似乎怪怪的, 連吞口水都痛 @@ 不到30, 即使常運動, 也難免面對身體的不適啊!!! Time to come to You, Lord!


當初是帶著滿心的期待回來台灣... 我也真是算是適應滿快的. 機車駕照, 工廠粗重工作, 迫切找教會&小組等的... 一切都算是動作滿快的, 可是... 也認識了另一方面的自己, 那就是... 後知後覺的想念起美國了&面對reversed cultural shock. 畢竟我生命中有一半的時間是在國外吧... 文化上, 表達上, 思考上, 其實是很individualism... 不是好不好的問題, 而是那已經是part of time... deep-seated. 我掙扎於..... 根深蒂固的一些思考邏輯已經不同於台灣慣有的傳統上, 或者是, 我家族的傳統上. 我知道信主的人應該不是活在這世界裡, 而是above this.... but I still struggle, how much I should compromise, how much I should hold it... or let it out~ 真的很矛盾... 我完全能明白我哥的經歷... 雖然我在情緒處理上比他好一點... 但是我也有我矛盾的點, 而...... 對於沒經歷過這種掙扎的人, 是不能明白的... 也某方面來說, 可能很難接納或明白....

今天看著幾張幾年前小組人一起照的相... 我以慶幸自己能跳脫出一個團體模式.... 但是, 同時想起在另一個團體模式, 這種跳脫反倒成為異類. 用健康/教育 (critical thinking) 的角度來看, 我知道這沒有不好, 只是感受上, 覺得自己好像是孤單的. 遇到這種情形, 我就會特別想到K.... 因為她能讓自己即使在感受上, 也能因為頭腦清醒跟理智的成熟度上, 想像她會告訴我"這是好的..... 沒有關係, 是他們不懂...." haha 朋友好像真的會彼此受牽制跟影響... 我某方面覺得她很不夠意思, 在友誼連絡上這麼被動到積極的我都有點受挫了, 卻有覺得她卻是很能瞭解我跟安慰我的知心.... k... i won't hold my grudges, will track her down AGAIN.

Where are my true friends, I ask myself.... or where have I placed my entire trust on? (:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Red Box

I miss Red Box... renting movie for $1.09 US dollar! =D It's convenient, it's fair, and it's a practical way for entertainment! Even Taiwan's movie renting isn't as cheap as Red Box!!!! Sth I started missing heaps... also, SOUPLANTATION!!!!! >< Still receive its coupons once in a while (drooling....... ><)

Been to two small groups in Dayspring~ Liked both. Although they gave me distinct feelings, I see their strength... ahem, should I continue checking out the rest of the two groups, or should I just settle with one of them? 想到蔡牧師說過一句經典的話, "如果(我)夠成熟的話, 應該是什麼人都可以接受(結婚)" - 當然不是說伴侶隨便去路邊找就可以結婚, 但是他講到個重點: 越成熟的人, 能夠搭配且擁有美好婚姻的人就更廣, 更不會受限制. 雖然當時大家都聽聽/講講笑笑, 但是我可是打從心裡贊成他的說法... 心胸寬廣, 健康的人能接納的人更多, 能配合的人更多... =) 同樣的邏輯也可以應用在這裡 -- 其實待在哪個小組也可以不是重點... 他們各有我覺得小組某些好的特點, 分別是組員的屬靈成熟度 + 真誠/transparent. 認真想想, 我現在最想要小組的東西是甚麼呢? 1) 屬靈同伴 2) 可以給與/服事的人. 用這個觀點來看, 我......... 還是覺得不太確定. Karen曾建議說要看哪裡有potential的弟兄多 =p 可是我卻也覺得人看跟 神預備不一定成正比... 所以也是無解. 最近看猶大書看到不要做倚靠血氣的人, 所以... Lord, I lift this up to You... enlighten me and show me the path. I trust You, Lord!!!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

what to do to keep a relationship steady and healthy!

L - listening
O - overlook (each other's flaws, faults...)
V - voice
E - effort

ha also the story of 阿美雞, 鬼告你, 罪惡, 肉藍, 斯仔... 誰最有榮譽? lol what a test.....

Friday, July 16, 2010


everyday i keep myself well occupied... not doing it on purpose, it just happened to be this way @@ factory's workload gets really intense, though i usually don't work from 9am whereas theoretically it's 8am, and my nap is normally a bit longer too comparing to our factory's 師傅s =p i still get so worn out every night before i hit the sack~ last night all my family members didn't get to take showers until 9pm where all four of us were scurrying into bathrooms~ well, as a matter of fact, had to take turns since we only got two on our floor, but you got my point!

so...... my body is full of ... bruises & wounds! -_- 被5大片木板因為滑下撞擊到整個左大腿... 大腿上打到的裂痕看起來像是家暴受傷的瘀青 @@ 游泳老師整個嚇到~~ 為了剝木屑中的小削, 指頭邊破層皮... 跳上跳下攪機器時不小心左腳腕扭傷... 右腳上莫名地出現破洞... 一直沒解決的濕疹也擴散到兩大腿及左右手臂 @@ the good thing is... i found the yoga getting its efficacy! =D i seem to find the practicality applicable in my daily life! hoho how i get up better; how i was using my body flexibility to achieve certain needs with less difficulty; how i sorta found its relevance connected to the "combo" dance i've learnt so long ago... ha, finally see all the points connected more and more! this made me more gleeful! w00t!

grandma's memorial service is tmr! but today's the day she passed away... and guess what, one of my nephew was born today! coincidence? praise the One who ordains! =D Thank You Jesus!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


第一次去晨光教會, 感覺很像VOH~ 可能是因為自由敬拜的方式很像吧... 感覺裡頭的裝潢超漂亮的, 連小孩的堂&playground都很光鮮亮麗 (: 不過能這樣釋放地在台南找到個用英文敬拜的教會也真是難得....~ 不過路途真的遙遠....... 雖然比起美國, 半小時不算甚麼, 但以在炙熱的日光下騎機車半小時, 這還是有點距離地 (以台南人的思考邏輯). 這週沒有機會聽到主任牧師的講道, 不過期待星期五的小組跟下週senior pastor's sermon! 可能我之前太想著"條件", 所以一有消息就忍不住想分享... 但是現在覺得話不要說太滿, 一切都等到方向比較確定再說囉... 好多決定要做, 主, 讓我愛祢, 單單愛祢... 以至於我的決定是由"愛祢的心"出發!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Learning Piano~

I seriously don't get how jazz chords move~!! Even though I enjoy its beauty and freedom, I don't know how to play them.... @@ Speaking of piano, Dr. Chang is one of a kind classical piano teacher whom I was fortunate to learn from. Though tardiness is one of my pet peeves, and his unpunctuality has really gotten on my wick! >< Nevertheless, he indeed has inspired me so much.... I've not SOO been aspired and urged to practice classical piano since... 10?! Yet he made me yearning to practice even just ETUDE!!!!!!!! @@ It became so fun playing it..... He is truly amazing..... not only his playing, but I highly value his proficient teaching/interpretation of music.. not to mention his skillful technique at such age (30 sth?) Anyhow... I wish I can find a jazz piano teacher like him who can motivate me to see the new outlook of jazz piano... in a simpler way that I understand how to apply! (:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

一年過一半了! @@

Seriously... 我嚇到了! 昨天看著新聞說, 交通局糊塗地將罰單輸入進6/31... 讓民眾傻眼不知該如何回應... 因為一般會等到30後才處理, 可能就發現已經逾期付費了... (傻眼的一則新聞) 那時我才忽然驚醒.... 7月了.... >< 怎麼這麼快2010已經過半年去了...... 啊~~~ 主啊, 是老了嘛, 怎麼對於時間消逝地怎麼快有感嘆呢?! I really need to use my time wisely!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


不進則退... 這是真的, 因為人人在求進步, 神也是個天天做事的 神.... 不懈怠. 屬靈的道理也是這樣, 不追求, 就是在原地踏步, 甚至或是後退...... 最近覺得自己的屬靈生命就是這樣... @@ 天氣熱就昏昏沈沈的, 需要goals.... 工作希望能盡快有好消息, 有 神帶領去的工作環境.

媽咪今天下午12:30帶進去開刀, 注了嗎啡有昏昏睡睡得感覺, 不過感謝 神, 她這次沒有上次那麼痛了....... 媽咪好勇敢, 這是她第四次開刀了....... 我光上次牙齒開刀已經有壓力了, 好難想像媽咪可以開了四次 @@ 她今天還開懷無壓力似地跟護士說呢..... =p 早上我去看陳文毅醫師, 左腳凸起來的部份不算壞消息, 也因為等太久, 拿起好消息雜誌起來看, 看了幾個感人的見證.... 主持人的分享, 洪榮宏一家的見證, 還有幾個藝人的照片... 有些人都一直不知道是基督徒... 看來 神真是在娛樂界做奇妙的事... continuously! You are an awesome GOD! So.. I can entrust myself to One who judges justly.

對了 昨天忽然想到... "reap whatever you sow".... 好大的警醒.... what have I been sowing? what am I sowing?

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I'll start watch out for what I share w/ others... simply because... 有時話會傳到不需要知道的人, 而導致不必要的負面影響.... 以前只是覺得要坦白, 但是... 我發現到了個要保護自己的地步了....

要有技巧... 真的好難, 但是我真的要學習... 謝謝姐姐提醒! (:


我自認是很願意分享我自己比較私人事情的人..... 但是, 這不代表我的朋友可以隨意分享我的私人事情... @@ 今晚聽到個讓我極其傻眼的事情..... >< 啊~ 雖然在教會的環境裡有時很難避免, 但是... 仍是希望不隨便提別人的事情吧~~~~! 超傷腦筋....


Yes... I know the importance of discovering our callings... but, only one like me struggles so hard and yet still can't manage to find an answer! >< I understand that people probe such a question to get to know you; nevertheless, to respond in a definite and secure posture is real tough for me... for as long as I remembered whenever pastors/mentors had attempted to plug me into ministries. Am I deluding myself from what I deeply feel? Or is it rightly that God hasn't revealed the ULTIMATE purpose He has ordained when He made me? Argh.............. how I wish I just KNOW by instincts to my confusion, my never-solvable question~ Lord, please grant me the strength to dig into what You meant for me to understand, even if it takes time and steady effort... and help me to accept what by human effort can never accomplish, and gladly acknowledge it with obedience. 我能交托, 因為我深知那愛我的主, 是永不止息的愛. 主啊, 也幫助我能適時, 適當, 和祢的工作連結, 產生正確的回應!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Job hunt

I'm in the process of job hunting... decided to try educational-type of job for now. Sent out a few resumes, made a few phone calls... being one without any education background, after school & cram school seemingly are my only options... or thru network to get into public schools~ haha see how God provides...... FAITH! (:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


有些事情過了就不能回頭了... 時機真的就是不對, 所以也只能相信這也是 神的安排~ 昨天近半天還是忍不住惆悵了起來, 總覺得還想改變一些甚麼.... 可是好似就是這麼巧, 就是時機都沒有碰上, 就是堅持了自己所謂的原則, 就是按著自己當時的理解跟經歷判斷了那時最適合的處理方式, 而錯/經過了我自認為的"機會". 媽咪說有時讓事情就這樣過了, 反而是留下美好的回憶.....

默默期待我及身邊好友都有好的歸宿... 雖然我不能掌握時間, 但我能掌握自己的態度. 如果有機會再看到你時, 我倆的笑容希望能說明我們還是朋友. Lord, I cast my worries to You!
June 24, 1pm

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


跟Amanda姐姐講到話, 粉開心的~ (: 雖然我們認識的時間算短, 但是卻很能聊... hehe 謝謝她很衷誠地分析事情, 雖然也是仍在摸索如何做是最好的, 但是是很真心的替我想... 她也總很專注看 神怎麼對她說話, 我想這點的細心是我要學習的. 願妳心所求所想得都能按著 神美好的時間, 為妳成就! (:

Thursday, June 17, 2010


"就想賴著妳"看到目前 (episode 4), 只有一個感觸: 不要做花癡!


Kate是我身邊好友很明確說我少一根筋的... 其實出自朋友的口說這句話, 沒有任何的負面想法, 反倒... 有開心的感覺 haha 我是怪咖吧~ 可能覺得有人認識自己吧... 因為我多數給人精明, 利落, 果斷, 快速的感覺, 而只有好友才認識另一面的我... Li Li也是認識我的好友~ 可以說出我的不足跟我的強項... 其實越來越大後, 發現少一根筋的人...... 是幸福的~! 其實比起很多我的好友們, 我並不算是太少根筋的人 haha (這是實話 lol) 人跟不同的人會產生不同的互動跟chemistry, 所以人是要相處才知道的... 就像衣服一樣, 看都是不準的, 要試~~~~ 人呢, 也是一樣... 看和不和也是不準的, 要相處! haha 奇怪的比喻嗎? 互補的個性還是比較好的..... Amy教過我要看看我和的朋友們, 有哪些特質是我們很相符的, 可以用這個去看甚麼樣的男生適合 hoho.......... 可是聽完我還是覺得難.. 因為, again.... 人是要相處才知道的, 每個人都是獨特的個體, 很難拿某個部份來跟另一個人的某個特點來相比... 因為, 還是像獨一的DNA - 沒有一個人是一模一樣的! (: 就讓我自我發洩吧~~~~~ LoL

Love today's date: 6/17!