Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of 2008

不在意是否不用大腦, "Yes Man" 比 "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" 引起我更多的反應 =p 2009 is approaching... SOON.

Passionately falling in love with Jesus, is my priority! Patiently waiting for Him, listen and obey to His voice without asking too much "why!" Lean not on my own ability. I do not because I am able, but because He is able. *What are their roles in God's kingdom; how are their needs be met in God's sovereign plan in their lives - 我該想的.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


異性好朋友有時真的很貼心, 雖然這種機會不常有 ^^"

今天可是充實的一整天, 小組會議一個上午, 敬拜團練習半個下午, 一個人去Hub Cafe吃火鍋兼寫功課另外半個下午, 教會小組禱告會, 回到家九點多一點. Fieldbrook一整條路上停滿了車, 猜到鄰居在開party, 可是... 怎麼連我家的driveway也有一台不認識的車, 亮著燈停在我家門口的車位? 看到我的車後, 從我家的driveway正要開走... 我整個嚇到. 在我停下車後, 我整個不敢動, 也不敢下車... 想說他還停在我表妹車後面做啥~~!?!? 這時, 手機響了....... "啊Jane, 妳幹嘛不下車?" "喔, 是你停在後面喔?! 我想說怎麼會有人停在別人家driveway?" *我之前還在想說是不是來參加party, 找不到位置所以開到人家家的driveway - 我想像太豐富了可能 >< 下車後, 看到Mark帶著他的愛狗, 竟然買杯咖啡給我!!!!! "喔, 妳不在我還以為妳去參加大專的retreat勒~! 天氣很冷跑去買杯咖啡, 想說妳一個人在家就順便買一杯給妳! 本來想說要開走了結果妳正好回來~" *OOOH so sweet... 雖然我一開始大驚, 可是.................... 真的是一杯溫暖的咖啡! Thank you Mark H :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008


明年的這時候應該是畢業了, 我不管, 我明年一定要看到啦....... *你們明年一定還要有competition喔, Long Beach wealthy residents!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I figured it probably wouldn't be good to turn on the heater for the whole house when I'm home by myself, so I bought a portable heater today. Will see how functional it is by tonight... Walmart可是大賣, 都快沒貨, 只得挑一個box壞掉的 >< *Don't feel like doing hw, 怎麼辦...?!

Happy Bday Paul! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Season... b/c of Jesus Christ!

Merry Christmas to all my dearie friends & families

Home Alone

Home alone的日子開始了~! 還不知是好還是不好, 不過... 這曾是我很嚮往的一段時間, 所以... 要珍惜! *可以去看Christmas lights了, 開心!! :) Sleeping late tonight... 臨時Joyce姊姊找我去機場接她, 因為Cathy Pacific overbooked, 她選擇不搭飛機, 要晚一天走. What a night...

Monday, December 22, 2008

For Melody's Bday on Dec. 24th

Melody's bday is on 24th - Christmas Eve. I invited Daniels to record a clip as a birthday present for Melody, and... we were bold enough to upload it unto YouTube lol

Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Creating a Buzz"

"... keep things focused on the source of the miracle, not the way it was done. Be aware when God does things outside your paradigm of experience. Don't jump to conclusions about the ways of God if they don't fit your paradigm. Jesus rarely does things the same way every time. This is intentional in order to keep us trusting in His power, not His ways."

Listen to the small voice of God, we will hear/feel it. Then, obey. "Thank You for today, Father!"

Friday, December 19, 2008


幸福, 就是珍惜每天陪你渡過很routine生活的人, 生活小細節都會過問, 關心的家人朋友. 不能忘記最根本的幸福.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miscarriage Service

Miscarriage service is something that churches have been neglected, or perhaps they are not equipped to deal with it. I've never been exposed to miscarriage services, but I thank God for the opportunity to be more aware of the needs through our projects. 真的好難想像流產媽媽的心情... naming the baby is really significant for miscarried babies and their parents. 之前有聽過朋友流過產, 我真希望當時我有現在的了解能幫助她.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


想看聖誕燈... 下禮拜想找個時間去! :)

把情緒跟理智分開, 其實是有很多好處的. 在看"命中註定我愛你"時, 特別有感觸. "陳欣怡"真的有個好心腸... 從她的個性可以學到很多東西. 其實假期還沒有到, 不過我已經有放假的悠閒了! 仍然有3個assignments, 2個papers等著我, I'll have a great vacation!!! ^^ *Last class: Dec. 22nd; Last assignment due before Jan.: Dec. 23rd.

Happy Bday Jasmine! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reframe My Own Thinking :)

日久見人心, 姐這句話真是安慰我. 我知道不可能討每個人的歡喜; 事實上, 真要服事 神的話, 一定會有人不喜歡妳. 如果沒有人不喜歡妳的話, 那妳的服事就太舒適了...!
我只能做我該做的, 懇求 主給我恩典, 讓我所有的服事不是為人做, 乃是為主做. God is watching over me! ^^ *Love this word: REFRAME!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Categories: Church, Love, God, Fellowship

Samuel今天帶了個很棒的查經. 如果我說他的帶法讓我想到我學校的老師, 可能不是所有的人都覺得這是個稱讚, but it IS! =) 這也是我在APU學到的一些東西, 我在他的查經中看到, 也是我希望以後我帶話語或是教導時會incorporate的. 這次話語的內容 (Rev. 2:1-7) 其實也是很針對我目前的狀況吧. 我承認我常把自己弄得很忙... but it is a problem when my focus isn't almost on Jesus. No, it's more than a problem.. it's a SEVERE and SERIOUS problem, and.. I just.. had to repent. 愛人的心, I really lack of it.. cuz I haven't spent as much quality time as I should w/ God. 常常覺得沒有愛人的能力 - 廢話, 沒有常跟 神連結啊!! 總之, 今天有很好的反省. 我想要愛神, 愛人, 愛祂的一切... 同在, 倚靠祂的心, 愛自己. ALL THAT!

Lord, humble me.... so I may be functioning in Your eyes.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Amy's leaving for Taiwan tonight, for the 1st time ever since she 'unknowingly' immigrated to the states 13-14 years ago. I'm sure she'll eventually have fun... after initially undergo certain cultural shocks. Baxia girl.....!


Kate's graduating this Sat. (Dec. 13); she'll be the ONLY one graduating w/ her Master of Music Education degree this yr! So proud of her... So are Gloria & Tony, who are graduting w/ their Master of Worship Leadership diplomas!! Hooray~! Birthday cake

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Interpretive Leadership Paper...

Seriously, I run out of ideas... What are some of the Scripture references for older generations to support younger generations both mentally, physically and even financially?

Interpretive Leadership is really powerful... I'll write more on this when I have time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Advent Season

Advent, from the Latin word adventus, means "coming," is a season in which that Christian churches wait expectantly and prepare for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus! Advent season begins on the 4th week before the weekend of Christmas and lasts through Christmas eve. This year's Advent is from 11/30 ~ 12/24. Tomorrow will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent! Some churches don't buy into the notion of singing Christmas carols until the weekend of Christmas. Not in my case though! In my opinion, they should be sung starting the 1st week of Dec!! lol Besides, Christmas songs do not ONLY have to be sung during Christmas time!! They should be sung in any worship time... like "Joy to the World." However, people still stare at me when I burst out this comment or when I attempt to lead it on any of the Sundays other than in Dec.

LoL Christmas... is ALL about Jesus Christ!! None about commercials on simply 'holidays!'

Windows Live改變了!

People don't usually like changes the first instinct, because we need to get out of our comfort zone and readjust! Same here... but I like this Windows Live's new platform! Change that occurs once in a while brings a smile on my face, like by looking at my new-looking blog! lol


Yep, internship at VOH doing children's ministry starting next year, something that came out after Field Ed's requirement of meeting w/ my supervisor, Mrs. Kwan, for the past few months. I think I'm excited about it; at the same time anxious just by dwelling on it. This is some kind of challenge that my cousins had nicely but strongly suggested me to think clearly before I came to my final conclusion. Candidly, my Spring semester (correctly speaking, the unending Fall II, Spring, and Spring II) is gonna drive me nuts again in the first half of 2009. The Haggard Graduate of Theology has decided to switch the 9-weeks courses to 15-weeks, something unexpected when I first initiated to talk to Mrs. Kwan about the probable internship. Mrs. Kwan encouraged me to just step out in faith... all the talk isn't gonna do any good unless you step out, she said sth like that. Well, I can only believe that God knows better of the current situation I'm facing and has provided grace. I'm stepping out... Steph said something really positive about my decision; it was such a compliment to hear it from someone who's such a pro teacher, who has faith in me!

So much I hope I can do to change, and will eventually, and possibly realize cognitively how much I cannot do too. It'll be such a learning process... to stretch, to expand, to rely on Him and not on myself. See how positive I am right now... you gotta remember this moment Jane! =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


一年一度的感恩節又到了; 媽咪不在家裡就沒有party了. Jack上次跟Paul來時還問我今年會不會在我家聚集, 他還offer說要買火雞過來 ^^" Sorry lo Jack~

假期期間我還是努力的趕作業, 不過今晚會在溫馨的王媽媽家過節. 數算 神的恩典... I offer my thanksgiving to YOU. *Happy bday to Oscar!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

U.S. Medical System...

My eyes got so irritated for many days already. Dry eye symptoms did not improve even after I increased the frequency of rewetting drops; actually, it got worse! 我媽咪很爽快地叫我去給醫生檢查 *以前總覺得她很不喜歡我一不舒服就提想看醫生, 這次她豪爽地主動提起, 還真嚇到我~ 但是有感到被愛的感覺 lol So I quickly made an eye appointment, too disappointing that my school insurance does not cover vision *nor is dental I think >< The doctor was really nice and professional, but I just cannot understand U.S. medical system at all!!

Why are they so expensive? Tacq once told me that it's NOT that hard to be a doctor, but it is SUPER difficult to BECOME one. Maybe THAT is the reason, but still..... still... can only rich people receive medical? That's the message I got. Anywayz... the eye exam was $69, not including a prescription doctor gave me. So this is where the absurdity that triggered me to write this entry - I was being requested to purchase this tiny little eye drop thing that Dr. Chen said any pharmacy store would carry it. On my way to school, I stopped by at Albertsons' Sav-on pharmacy... waiting for like 15-20 min to obtain this. The price shocked me a bit (I assumed it to be less than $10), so I just randomly asked for its original price before deducted from my insurance coverage and I sure was dumbfounded by the cost she told me! It was... $100 something!!! @@ Seriously, this minute bottle was 5.5 cm (I just measured it) and 5 mL! Alright, I guess my eyes are SO important! Thank God I am not allergic to any of its ingredients (or haven't found out yet?) & was valid for its prescription coverage. =)

不打算跟我爸媽提看眼睛花的錢, 就在這小替美國居民伸個冤... 醫療費別這麼貴啊!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

When I'm Hyper...

When I get hyper, I talk nonsense.... it is something that bothers me from time to time. I really don't like this part of me... in which I know what I say might bluntly sound unintelligent and inconsiderate. We say things out of our minds.. I admit that my mind is so imperfect and ungracious. Argh, do I have a secure environment where I can grow with patience? Maybe I should try to discipline myself, but it's so hard! I felt bad for what I said tonight; Amy even said that I was talking crazily that she got shocked 2................. ah, really?! 淑女的形象好像離我好遠... 我也不是一定要當淑女, 可是太瘋狂亂講話的形象真的不是我要的! *大聲的OS~ Well, 有朋友說, "阿這就是Jane啊!" Some people said this w/ complete acceptance and magnanimity, but some carried this phrase with resistance, or hardship?! WAY's atmosphere is sooo different from Daniel. I feel I don't belong to either group lately. What's gotten into me? I duno. I wish I knew the answers to all my questions.

Esther Xiao had her huge 21 bday party tonight at her house. 21 is absolutely an age that worths to be celebrated. *Happy Bday Esther! =) I think I had a great party for my 21 too... can't really recall the last time I gathered people to celebrate w/ me on my bday. Not that I don't care anymore, but I feel the responsibilities come more attached year after year as I celebrate. The impression got me unnerved. I hope I discover myself more each day, and I will come to accepting who am I either by changing myself or loving the way I am. Age comes with maturity, I want to be matured in every way. May Your Words teach me and transform me in light of Your cross and grace!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


最近忙到出門只是為了去上課, 買家用或日需用品, 就醬, 所以傍晚可以稍微和朋友逛個化妝品, 邊吃邊閒聊, 是一大享受! 跟TK真的太少hang out了, 所以話題超多地~ 她問了個沒有到不舒服的話題, 只是... 在另一個層面, 某方面我還是希望圈子不會碰在一起. I don't dislike people easily; I try not to judge, after all, we choose our own friendships. 說到這, 今晚認識個我覺得有氣質的姊姊, 我想我跟Kate都能跟她成為好朋友 *哈! 就個直覺~ I do want to get to know more musicians... lol

文化不同的人真的很難認識及相處吧? 理智上我是明白, 可是總也會有exceptions. 姊總算直率的說出了她的看法, 我是滿訝異的, 平時聽她給建議時並沒有這麼直接... 看來她是真的要告訴我: NO! Alright, why am I still awake? And still home alone? =p 看來有人為了感恩節的活動粉是努力錄影~~

Friday, November 21, 2008

Death Provides Meaning...

Categories: Grief, Death

Had the privilege to be educated on helping with the grief process. Everyone is unique, so everyone experiences grief in a unique way. No timeline for grief, and after one loses his/her beloved ones, they'll become grievers. At some point in life, we all become grievers. Feelings can be extremely complex... I learn not to say "I know how you feel...." or try to alleviate one's pain. Give them space and time.

After visiting the Forest Lawn Memorial Park/Mortuary (, *a very good association, even though it's huge and appears to be expensive, it's reasonable* last night I dreamed of my grandpa (外公). 我夢到牽著他的手, 讓他倚靠著走路, 就好像今年暑假去泰國玩時那樣. 然後我跟他說, "阿公, 我以後要叫我先生這樣扶著你走", 阿公就笑笑. He's the only living grandparent I have... I think I can never really know what he had gone through in my grandma's unexpected death years ago. I don't want to be all optimistic about the meanings he probably saw in my grandma's life changes or even her death although I know it is significant. There're just so much more sophisticated factors that I'll never comprehend in their relationships. But there're perhaps things I can do with my limited ability. Lord, I cry out for his salvation in You!

今年奶奶過世, 在台灣有時我的感覺是麻木的, ... 我不敢去感受感覺. It was a comfort hearing different reactions from the pastor. Everyone who knows how to love knows how to grief. I thank God for what I have.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Categories: Scripture

I got to read Apocrypha the first time ever in my life in my Biblical Interpretation class. So what is "Apocrypha"? It is from the Greek word ἀπόκρυφα, any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon (Wikipedia). I think Catholics still use it (total of 6 volumes) as their secondary scriptural readings. Even thought the authenticity of the writings is questionable, I thought maybe the knowledge could be thought provoking and who knows, it might possibly even be good for scripts?! =p At least that's the feeling I got tonight when I was reading this portion of the apocrypha written on "Bel and the Dragon." It comprises of 3 different modified parts of the Bible stories which are the 70 priests of Bel, the dragon, and Habakkuk who helped Daniel who were being thrown into the lion's den, into this tale.

As a class, the professor wanted us to select one out of the four possible key phrases that most explain the structural relationship. I thought the answer was obvious... but when we were walking to different corners representing our choices, I was sooo shocked that I was alone at the back of the corner which I thought the answer was. So we got three corners all stood up by one person whereas one corner was packed with five people. Turned out that I got the correct answer! lol The professor jokingly stated that the only female student in class got it right! =)

Maybe I'm somewhat trained in Chinese cultures to easily identify the 'correct answer'... but anyhow, I think the concept of evangelism/conversion is embedded deeply inside of me that it just captures my heart right away. The problem with the tale was revolved around the king who doesn't seem to believe that God is God and even publicly professed that there's no deceit in Bel. Thus when he finally claims that there's no one like our living God, this is such a pivot... a turning point in his life that I can't help but evidently claim that this is the key phrase!! Well, in actuality, Daniel's reputation was another clue; sth I didn't pick up before Debbie mentioned it.

There're so many books that I wanna dig into once when I'm not as occupied as I am now. I really began to fall in love with theologies. The Words of God are so profound and RICH! =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy bday Kari!

You're almost 3 yrs younger than me... ah, still young! =) Happy bday to ya.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


"什麼? Selah已經要evacuate了? 不是離我們家也很近嘛?" 加州乾燥, 山上一燒就一發不可收拾, firefights也進不去救火啊!~~ 我跟表妹們連奔回家, 準備packing. 打個電話給威達叔叔後就決定... 稍微打包一下, 可是沒想動了. 不要再燒了..... Father God, we need rain here in Southern California! Hear our prayers....

辛苦了, firefighters! Protect them, Father.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thoughts from Class - Safe Church Environment & Sexual Education

I really like this Pastoral Servant Leadership class, primarily because Dr. Muthiah teaches so well! He's such a wise and exemplary professor; one whose behavior & preach is equivalently reflected like an ordained clergy! *Maybe he is?! I really like his teaching style; shows how much effort he puts into the curriculum.

We talked about how to teach smart people to learn, because well-educated people do not experience much failures. Their educations and successes have built into this defensive reaction that when challenge comes, they automatically shut down their learning system and tend to blame on others and thus are not learning at times where they need it the most. This was described in a business setting in the article, but it applies to even the churches we have today. How perfect and ideal do the churches seem like, yet is this safe for congregations to allow mistakes? Do the churches transparent enough to accept/admit people's vulnerabilities, including leaders like pastors, worship leaders, deacons or just anyone? And how would the congregations' responses be? I'm not sure how much does this apply to Chinese churches like mine, but I began to see & exam more and deeper if we're fostering a safe environment for people to accept who they are, where they are and the space they can grow into.

Sexual education is quite a no-talk topic in church, but I felt more concerned about it than before. Sexual harassment is often a huge issue in the States but not quite so in Asia. Am I becoming too Americanized? Yet I'm more conscious about it now. Ask for permission before I hug, is at least one step that I'll work toward to. Give people the option to say 'no' is a great way to help others setting the boundaries, at least I believe is so helpful and necessary for the children! =)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pressure... less

Category: About.... me!

媽咪誇獎小鳳姐這我真是可以理解的, 因為小鳳姐真的活在個很知足的生活中.... 雖然已經30多了 *Sorry, 報料了 ^^" 但是能靠著 神, 即使還沒遇到好的對象, 也能享受地過單身生活. 愛姪子們, 照顧爸媽及家人親戚, 又天天喜樂.... 我想我現在缺乏的就是知足吧~ 常會默默地希望我的伴侶趕快出現! =p 已經有兩個朋友因為看到我facebook之前抱著Isabel的照片, 而以為我已經結婚生子了 @@ 我是希望啊~~ 可是, God has a better timing, and obviously it's later than what my agenda is.

其實跟喜歡的人在一起, 我是木訥的.... 是呆呆的. This sounds ridiculous, but... I have realized. 是要聽聽我哥的建議, 好好再次思想我的伴侶條件 - they've been neglected for a while, but I surely will pick it up again... praying about it.

知足 & be joyful! I'm pressure-less!

Btw, despite of my hectic schedule I still find time to blog... cuz... I need fresh air! & also good for pressure relief lol

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Find Out Your Spiritual Gifts

Category: Church, Ministry Strength

About almost two yrs ago, Jonathan had Cornerstoners who were in Lillian & Peter's group to do a spiritual gift test, which I found to be interesting and helpful (the paper is still nailed up on my wall today) to see where I'm good at and perhaps could build up on that. Way before that, I've done at least once with this kinda test in Oikos LONG time ago! As I'm doing my philosophy of leadership paper today, I looked up online and saw a link that provides free test. About half way through, I thought it was gonna take a long time and even thought of quitting, but... thank God I sticked to the end. Contains a total of 108 questions, kinda gives good general directions of what spiritual gifts you might have from the Lord. The result was slightly different from the one I took before, mainly because the categories were set up differently. I don't know how many categories in total, but I think it does not divide up as in depth as the one I did before. For this time the top two I got were evangelism & serving =).

For those who want to discover/confirm your spiritual gifts, here's the link:

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I just couldn't believe people would bluntly say that President Bush is the worst president of all in presidency... 不然你來當當看.... #@$&*()$(*&#@)%(*&#@%)(#*&

Friday, November 7, 2008


現在打電話回家就像是開心的孩子... 聽到媽咪的聲音很滿足, 知道自己不是孤單的. 今晚我有莫名的難過... 覺得自己很怪, 覺得很難被了解, 覺得... 是不是我的問題. 媽咪的心總是向著需要的人, 她的generosity總是我的榜樣. So tiring today... why do I always make myself so busy, so occupied. Sleep time.... I really need rest.

Miss the food in Taiwan, also 鮮芋仙.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yeah... changes come to America.

As I was watching McCain's concession speech from Biltmore Hotel at Phoenix, Arizona, with Kate at Applebee's, I felt speechless.. I was moved by it. So... it's President Obama.

There are times where we need to be encouraging, yet there are times where people just want to hear what they want to hear. 我之前也被經濟嚇到, 覺得這是最嚴重的問題... 不過, 到頭來, 還是敬畏 神最重要, 也是美國最應該奠定的基礎. I'll hold myself unto the belief that God is sovereign, and all things are under His hands. Politics真的不是最重要的, 能站立在話語上, 存愛神愛人的心, 真的需要 神不斷的恩典澆灌. 要為在上掌權的禱告啊.... 我能做的 (1 Tim 2:1-2 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness).

Friday, October 31, 2008

Think vs. Think More! *不要衝動~

Happy bday to Cheryl, Tiff, Jack Cheng, Jacky, Peter Yeh & Lynn!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So in one of my interesting classes, we talked about how weddings are presented. Although numerous friends & cousins have been married consecutively, I never really dig into researches on how traditional/modern wedding customs are formally performed. Now, after some more understandings of it, there're two cultural & religious elements that I desire to incorporate into my wedding, ONE DAY! :)

Unity Sand Ceremony:
Unity sand ceremony is a Hawaiian tradition, an alternative to the unity candle ceremony. It usually takes place on the beach or in an outdoor setting. It is more significant because it captures the meaning of two lives becoming one - creates a lasting keepsake of that special day. The concept is similar to the unity candle where by pouring of sand by the bride and groom into a central *perhaps heart-shaped unity container, two sands blend together as their lives join to become one in love and union. Well, just make sure that we don't build our foundations on sinking sand!!!! =)

According to 1 Corinthian 11:24-29, we observe communion because the Lord commanded us to, to remember Christ, to examine ourselves, to proclaim His death until He comes again, and to participate in the body of Christ. As Dr. Muthiah has pointed out in class, communion was never intended to be served for only a few or a couple even on their special wedding day. The 'communal concept' for communion in weddings was never introduced in my tradition, at least I haven't gone to one where the communion was not just for the couples! But now with the conviction I will want the Eucharist to be administered and made open and available to all, on my wedding day, which symbolizes OUR (the church) communal faith in Christ, and also as the Body of Christ, witness me and my future spouse's commitment to one another :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Way to Go!

What's coming up till next weekend...

Final, Presentation, Paper, Worship, Drama, Choreography. Whoo~ Way to go....! =D

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thanks to JC

So JC gave me wonderful reminders & encouragements... 能夠在現在的階段看到有人走過了這段路, 也能如此堅持下去 (to bring changes?!), 是一個很大的安慰也是激勵. 跟他聊過真的有差... I'm so thankful!

1. Attitudes.... submit to the authorities.
2. Share what you've learned with your peers.
3. Do it with a genuine heart... implement w/ slightly changes.

Family is family, even though we fight, we disagree, we struggle, we're a family!
If I believe God is sovereign, then there must be a purpose that I'm in the midst of this.... trust that He the SOVEREIGNTY (SP).

Congratulation to my dearest Dana

Dearest Dana,
在妳大喜之日, 為妳感到開心! Sorry that I can't be there, hope you can feel my blessings through my music. :) Love you... and may God bless your family, and make it be a blessing to others 2. Congrats to you & Barnett! ^^
Luv -Jane

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Love the Homosexuals, but YES on Proposition 8

I tried not to be upset, after all, I shouldn't be surprised of your reaction; but I was, entirely. I guess... when we don't seek God, the world eventually seeks after us, and grabs us. Our values had gone adrift.... what irritated me the most wasn't your response toward homosexuality; it was a sign of where you are in your spiritual journey. We used to share so much in common, and what I treasured the most was our eagerness in Christ. I should have realized... you were walking away from mine, and should have attempted to hold you back.

Yes, it is the fundamental principle that the state and church are to be kept separate and independent from each other, yet we act out in what we believe in, and my vote does being affected by what I believe in Bible. Church and culture has ALWAYS been interrelated significantly, and homosexuality is NOT about human rights... believe it or not, satanic scheme plays a even greater force in this issue. My dear friend, you might not see how huge of the influence this proposition can play out in the next 50 years, but I see how this will harm the generations to come. You might not consider this as a way of 'hurting' people because maybe it doesn't physically, yet it totally hurts God's heart, and it means... bringing down a GREATER sin upon ourselves by opposing God's command on top of what we've already done unrighteously. And actually, homosexuality HURTS people psychologically and mentally... it just perverts our natural God-given images! And when people regard this issue solely as humanly rights, it proves our world's corruptness. Love & Truth.... has a unique corollary, depending on which comes first. That's why in John 4:24 it says "God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Anything that doesn't come with God first will end up going astray no matter how good a thing is. As simple as that is! Jesus Christ has set the ultimate example and is the source of EVERYTHING. We want our ways of loving others when we ourselves don't even know how Jesus has loved us, we seek to find the social justices for homosexuals when we don't even know that God cares for them more than we do but He hates the sins, yet He has remedy for ALL.... through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ! Salvation... salvation... this is what boils down of, something I care about you the most.

Today I was reading Jeremiah who prophesied the words of God truthfully, but people wouldn't believe its severity and wanted to sentence Jeremiah to death.... as multitudes and officials seized him, he said "Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring the DISASTER He has pronounced against you. As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right. BE ASSURED, however, that if you put me to death, you will bring the guilt of innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and on those who live in it, for in truth the Lord has sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing" (26:13-15). The other prophet, the FALSE prophet, Hananiah, who only said pleasant things to the people & all priests, was being acclaimed.... but he died the same year he prophesied because he had preached rebellion against the Lord (28:16). My point is... we ought to do what is godly in His eyes, else.... God will indeed bring punishment upon this land, upon us. He is loving... and yet He is HOLY. Without Him, we can't love..... stop treating this as a mean to communicate our 'love' toward the homosexuals. I love what God loves. God LOVES homosexuals MORE THAN WE CAN EVER BE! BUT His righteousness reigns 2. Truth comes with love, love comes with truth, 缺一不可. C'mon my dear friend, vote YES on proposition 8. No negotiation on this one! God ordained marriages to be between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Gotta Vote "YES" on Proposition 8!

The 5%+ homos are speaking up for their rights, what about the rest who doesn't see eye to eye on this point? California is such a strategic state, its influence will diffuse..... Christians, you really ought to vote on this - YES on proposition 8!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidenote: My dad's on the way flying back today, never has it been a time like this that I felt missing him so much. 他這次來可真是幫家裡整理超多的, 滿心感謝.... 我也有用心的花時間陪他, 認識他在研發的新產品. Who knows, I might start assisting him more than I originally intended to.

ALRIGHTY, back to readings... although tons of To-Do lists are waiting for me.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Outcry Event: 大喊大叫的跟一群雖不認識但卻有同樣心志主裡的弟兄姊妹一同敬拜, 禱告, 認罪... America really had sinned against God in so many ways, and... particularly, California. Family strife, discrimination, rebellion, sexual immorality, homosexuality.... Lord, have mercy on us, heal this land! Church really needs to arise and speak up; we, the brides, should not keep silent at this time. Our voices count! God CAN do what we cannot do, but He is waiting for His brides to cry out and cooperate with what He desires to do. Pray for gatekeepers - our pastors.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Anew Breakthrough

PRAISE THE LORD! Can't say it more... PRAISE THE LORD!

I knew, I just knew, I couldn't have done what I did today without God. Anyone who knows me knows this. The sequence actually all happened so speedily, I praise God for giving me receptivity to His Word, and my "trustworthy & forever" friend for being persistently 'obnoxious' in this matter. I was convinced that he was saying those all for my sake, and... it made me softened. Yet ultimately, it was all because of His infallible Word & revelation!

Last day of Sept. & during the atonement period - a new start!

Monday, September 29, 2008


朋友跟感情一樣, 是可遇不可求的. 我的個性跟某些性質碰在一起, 只能做淺的朋友, 或者是... 好只能好到某種程度; 而跟某些特質的人在一起, 就算不說話, 也不會覺得不自在, 後來發現是彼此欣賞, 沒有哪一方一定付出比較多. 有時對於我以為可以做比較熟的朋友, 最後for some reasons... 感覺她跟和另一種個性的姊妹比較合, 我就會下意識不那麼黏她了. 有時會內心呼喊, 是否可以坦白對每個人說出心中的OS.... 承認希望跟某些姊妹的關係可以有更多改變, I need to learn to have contentment 2.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sth New

Sorry for being ignorant, but I didn't know before today that any churches that start with "HOLY" is a Catholic church! Not so much of being against Catholic, yet I wasn't and am still unsure if it has to be a 'Christian' church in order to fulfill my writing criterion. The church I visited today *way early in the morning at 8 am was Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (well, I got up at 6:45!), was absolutely a traditional one *10 am's service is contemporary with MUSIC! So you can presume that it was NO music AT ALL in the traditional Eucharist. Yep.. I looked completely awkward and uneasy as I didn't know when to stand, when to bow my head, what to recite, and what to respond on top of being the only Chinese-looking gal AND a new comer (the last time I ever was in a Presbyterian church was in 1996 or 1997?). Hence, when the communion time came, I hesitated whether or not I should go up *As the congregation was predominated comprised by elders, the number of attendees was only 18 or thereabouts, so everyone walked up & KNEELED in front of the altar to receive the communion. Anyhow, I figured I should take the communion as I am a believer, just one who's not familiar w/ the liturgical style. Also everyone was lining up so I didn't want to exclude myself and let this be the only reason to make myself looking like a non-believer which I am not! So I kinda followed how others took turns to kneel down on pillows so I wasn't being conspicuous. To my surprise, the wine was REAL WINE! After the clergy dipped the bread into the 'wine', and I even forgot if it was she who put it into my mouth or did I do it myself, I was immediately nauseous and felt dizzy as I stood up. Dr. Muthiah has lectured in class that using a real wine in communion gives new experience..... I think it does, just not quite as I expected @@ It was overall a pleasant experience, I do hope to see and integrate some of their elements into contemporarized services.

Courtney got baptized today at VOH!! Her 2nd b-day! :) Sophie was nice to throw a celebration party for her at Samuel's place. Daniels showed so much warm supports for her! Samuel said sth meaningful to me after I inquired some questions - PERSEVERANCE! I really need to persevere in what I believe is essential in WL. Lily's sharing also encouraged me, also reminded me to focus on God rather than people's responses. It's a dual aspect, I just need to swing to the other side more, that's all. Thanks be to GOD!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"The Heart of Worship" Story

So today Pastor Dennis informed me of this complete story that I've sort of heard this and that. I googled it and found it inspirational, and personally reckon that a very pragmatical practice as to what the church music nowadays requires. Plus some of the most informative books that I've read written by experienced worship leaders, prolific song writers, and doctrinal theologians, I indeed show reverence to their devotions and affections that help shaping the worship that we have today! :)

Derived from Parish of Walthamstow Magazine's website:

The song dates back to the late 1990s, born from a period of apathy within Matt’s home church, Soul Survivor, in Watford, England. Despite the country’s overall contribution to the current worship revival, Redman’s congregation was struggling to find meaning in its musical outpouring at the time.

“There was a dynamic missing, so the pastor did a pretty brave thing,” he recalls. “He decided to get rid of the sound system and band for a season, and we gathered together with just our voices. His point was that we’d lost our way in worship, and the way to get back to the heart would be to strip everything away.” Reminding his church family to be producers in worship, not just consumers, the pastor, Mike Pilavachi, asked, “When you come through the doors on a Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to God?”

Matt says the question initially led to some embarrassing silence, but eventually people broke into a cappella songs and heartfelt prayers, encountering God in a fresh way. “Before long, we reintroduced the musicians and sound system, as we’d gained a new perspective that worship is all about Jesus, and He commands a response in the depths of our souls no matter what the circumstance and setting. ‘The Heart of Worship’ simply describes what occurred.”

When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come / Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless your heart… / I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You, Jesus.

Redman remembers writing the song quickly in his bedroom soon after the church’s journey together, with no grand intentions, by any means, for it to become an international anthem. He viewed the words simply as his personal, subjective response to what he was learning about worship. But when Matt shared “The Heart of Worship” with Pilavachi, the pastor suggested making a few small adjustments to the lyrics so any member of the church could relate to it as well.

Amazed by how God has since taken the song around the world for His purposes, the songwriter smiles in regard to his own lack of foresight. “It nearly didn’t go any further than my bedroom. But I love that…” The trademark tune soon became the title track for Matt Redman’s 1999 album, The Heart of Worship. The recording process was consistent with the artist’s sensitive approach to being in the studio.

“We decided to not get all complicated, and just let the song ‘breathe.’ We’re always trying to create more of a church atmosphere in the studio rather than just a technical musical gathering. Something happens when the people of God gather together and play out the praises of God in the presence of God. Hopefully something of that passion and purpose transcends beyond that studio room onto the recordings themselves.”

Following Matt’s original release, which featured a guest vocal appearance by Martin Smith, lead singer of Delirious, “The Heart of Worship” became a new standard of the modern worship music movement, sung by fellow artists, choirs, and church families alike. Among the ever-rising number of reinterpretations, Redman is especially fond of Michael W. Smith’s from his 2001 classic, Worship.

“I honestly like them all,” he admits. “It’s a great encouragement when people take the songs and run with them. Perhaps my favorite is Michael’s— maybe because it’s a live version and therefore really captures and conveys the heart of the song’s theme.” Even more encouraging, he says, is when other pastors get in touch to let Matt know how God has used the song to take their congregations through a situation similar to the one his church experienced.

As teachable as “The Heart of Worship” has become, Matt Redman continues to learn about true worship and followed on into that heart in summer 2004 with the album, Facedown.

“It’s such a biblical posture in worship that speaks of reverence. If you look through the Bible, there’s a whole host of people who faced up to the glory of God and found themselves facedown in worship. So the album weaves through a theme of reverence, wonder, and mystery in worship, things I feel we really need to grasp more of in our worship expressions. I know that I do!”

Love today's date - Google's 10th Anniversary :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My father

Category: FAMILY! *Why isn't it one of the lists?! I'll add it myself - once when I find out how I did it before.

My mom used to jokingly suggest I married to someone who resembles my dad, and without further asking in what ways, I would tell her a straight "no." After more than half a year of living apart from my family, and in particular of the cozy family life I've had this past summer, including the irritations I struggled with pertaining to the culture differences/huge family cultural dilemmas, I found myself clinging to my family more. One of the remarks she made almost every time when I called her is "Wow Jane, 妳這次從台灣回來後, 怎麼這麼乖, 這麼常打電話回來." I knew some values inside of me were changed; the majority of those were greatly counteracted even when I was back this summer. Ugh.... weren't I supposed to talk about my dad? Just too easily got distracted....

So my dad came back last Friday for some business-related networks that he has to establish here. On the way driving him back from LAX, I attempted to progressively but was still quite bluntly mentioned of my possible move to work at VOH in the future. I truly honor his very astute perceptions on many of the Biblical insights he perceives. But as I've known his point of view on church work, I somewhat was prepared for a probably heated discussion/debate. Yep, we 'discussed' at times were loud, yet, his ultimate response was really encouraging to me. He reminded me to respond ONLY to God, not men, and if I were dare to tell him that I felt being called then he would just support me. Whether it was from the teachings of VOH or somewhere, that I feel obligated to get parents' approval on this, my dad considers being accountable to God who entrusts us the most critical. I was feeling so blessed...!

It is He who transformed my dad so much and deserves all the glory! *Friends have said this to me, SO if I have any credits in being commended as brave out against norms, I think the genes were imbedded from my dad. *Actually, my mom 2 lol! So..... today my dad was cleaning my brother's room because a couple of a family & their six-year-old kid will stay in Joseph's room for a few days around mid-Oct. I've done a little clean up last week when I was fatigued during my studying, but I knew the room was still a mess. My dad, who always relies on my mom for almost all household things, rolled up his sleeves and really made Joseph's room to cleanliness! I didn't get to take pics of how it was before, but.... he's superb at reorganizing the room & definitely cleaning! =D Imagining there were my keyboard, my amp, OUR miscellaneous stuff and a bunch of empty boxes laying on the floor as you look at the pics enclosed. *I took them with my cell phone, too lazy to get my camera.

Btw, my dad helped fixing the doorbell and a broken conduit under the sink 2... My mom always compliments on my dad's repairing skills ever since I recalled and was also something that I absolutely consent to, which is a skill that I cross my fingers and hoping my future husband will possess! =)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Literacy Problem?!

How can my full-time peer take as many courses as I do and manage to master them all while I, as an unemployed, struggle every week at reading & critical thinking? Toooooooooooooooooo much reading!!!!! I truly wish I have 36+ hours a day! *Had a dream that can be interpreted in spiritual, mental, and psychological realm. Speak louder to me Lord...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

O My O What a Wonderful Day! lol

Sept. 13, 2008 Today's such a blessed day! I had a really constructive conversation with a close friend of mine. On top of that, I am so thankful that I attended tonight's mission conference! LoL Dr. Hormoz Shariat's sharing/sermon was just so inspirational. Who would ever imagined multitudes of Muslims being converted to Christians in such a technological way?! And incredibly seeing salvation comes to their lives in such a miraculous short period of time?! -- At least I wouldn't have thought of its tangibleness! I guess from time to time, I still more or less limit His power. BUT His mercy endures forever! Glory be to God who deserves all the glory, might and honor. Check out his website. Not just to see what God is doing in Iran, but..... how we can take part of what He's doing in the entire world now! God is doing His part; what are our responsibilities?

Joyful heart! lol

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

我呼求聖潔 Angels Cry Holy by Sam Evans & Mike Guglielmucci

啊啊啊~~ 超好聽加有恩膏的歌~! Just fall in love w/ this song immediately when I hear it! *早就聽Evange說過Planetshakers的歌好聽, 一直沒有多去研究 @@ 後悔!

祢造天地之前 已有計畫完全
雖然我們犯罪 祢仍為我預備


我呼求聖潔 聖潔
天使呼求聖潔 聖潔

我一生的道路 在祢手中堅固
用全心和全意 我讚美敬拜祢

Before all time began
You had the perfect plan
To make us
In the image of Yourself

Although we went astray
You even planned that day
On which You sent Your son
To Pay the price

You took on all the sins of the world
And washed them all away
Bearing every curse upon that tree

With all my future plans
They're safe within Your hands
Far beyond my
Highest thoughts and prayers

With all my heart and soul
I'll praise You and extol
The mighty God
Who holds me in His arms

We all cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
The angels cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord

@2005 Planetshakers Publishing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hawaii, Here I Come

其實應該是很興奮的, 可是... 有莫名無助的擔憂. 所有該讀的書都在UPS delivery的路上, 去Hawaii玩前拿不到, 回來就有一推功課等著我 @@ 星期二3點前要做完能交會是個奇蹟! Oh well, 豁出去了, 要好好過這五天的Hawaiian lifestyle! Shawna & Jerry's wedding is gonna be fantastic at Waimanalo Bay! lol

*Help me to find roads easily as I drive there, & I can't be sick right now, protect me Lord.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tainan Family + Relatives

幾個最經典的團體照, 有和家人的, 我們這一輩的及平時會多數聚集的親戚.~ 哈, 有動作的都是我提供的 hohohoho! :) 第一張照片是從數字一到八. *由於電腦容量出了點問題, 只放得下這些 for now.... 請等待! Will upload unto Wretch LATER.

回來後, 因為忙, 所以做事很efficient, 馬上瘦. 大家以為是我回台灣瘦的 @@ 我還以為一天一磅勒... 到底哪個scale才準呢?!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


因著朋友喜歡上這首歌.... 童話 by 光良.

忘了有多久 再沒聽到你
我想了很久 我開始慌了

你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的
也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後

張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

非常泰 - Bangkok & Pattya

First Day: Arrived Bangkok, 皇宮東南方的中國城區, 品嘗親切價格的魚翅及燕窩!! 大夥ㄦ開心的買"林真香"肉乾等. Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers (5 Stars): 2 Charoen Krung Road, Soi 30 (Captain Bush Lane), Siphya, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand

Second Day: 搭船橫越湄南河看臥佛.... then Vimanmek Mansion Palace (威曼美庫宮殿), 拉瑪五世生前最愛的別墅... 拉說電影"國王與我"的發生地在此噎! 由於此王非常喜歡歐美風格, 當初還特請英國老師來教他英文勒.~ 此屋建築由義大利建築家曼弗雷第設計的, 1899年完成. 晚上於河畔區搭遊蜓享用自助餐. 夜間回顧白天看到的大皇宮, 廟寺的建築物等都看起來超亮的.... 因為外面都貼金.!! Still... Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel.

Third Day: On the way to Pattya, we stopped by at Jim Thompson's museum + mansion, "泰絲大王". "JT" lol!!! Dine somewhere, then had Thai massage!! It was fantastic... at night we saw the well-known transvestite cabaret show, Tiffany's Show. Amari Orchid Resort & Tower (4 stars *Why Orchid again? =p): 240 Moo 5 Beach Road, Pattaya Beach, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand.

Fourth Day: Instead of going to 九世皇廟 as we intended to, we head to 龍虎圓. Ha.. I thought it was so fun!! 先是鱷魚表演 (人把頭伸進鱷魚頭裡... he's trained to stay in the open position while they did it...), 接下來是老虎表演 (for some reason, 他們超怕trainers拿鞭子, 我們在想他們訓練時是用電棒........), then elephants *lol elephants definitely become one of my favorite type of animals~~~! SO CUTE although quite smelly =p 超級可愛, 整人也即有趣..... 用鼻子耍呼拉圈, 表演跨人過去, 還會慢動作版製造效果 =p 用美美的姿勢敬禮等~ Then back to the hotel, I swam by myself... for this very once during the WHOLE time in Asia.....

Fifth Day: 文化點: 玫瑰花園, 有泰國傳統的文化與民族歌舞表演, 拳擊, 刀劍之舞等. Then Siam Niramit 天使劇院聲光舞蹈秀!!!!!! ^_^v 號稱全世界第四大表演場 - 不誇張!! 最後還有獨特的水燈節給情侶的. =) S15 Sukhumvit Hotel (4 Stars, 獲國際設計大奬): 217 Sukhumvit 15, Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok.

Sixth Day: Instead of going to 丹能沙朵水上市場, we just spent the whole day shopping at Central World! Naraya's 曼谷包 lol then 桑崙 night market :)

Seventh Day: Back HOME.
Aug. 26th, 8 pm

Siam Niramit Show - Gigantic Stage Listed in Guinness World Records

Thanks to Karen's diligent planning before we went to Bangkok & Pattaya, we had such a high valued trip. Siam Niramit Show is only included in those $50,000 or over's worth of package, but we've got the opportunity to see this spectacular show!! *Might have a tour guide cousin in the future....~~! :) Even 4th aunty, Emma, and Karen themselves have not seen this though they've been to Thailand numerous times. The show contains couple sceneries, a journey to the enchanted Kingdom of Siam (the former name of Thailand), including Lanna, hell & heaven, and joyous festivals. 真的是到泰國的一個必看的表演!!

How to get there: MRT Thailand Cultural Centre Station, free shuttle bus at Exit 1. Open daily 6 - 10 pm, Showtime 8 pm. For reservations +662 649 9222, fax +662 649 9275. Email:
Aug. 26th, 4:03 pm

Tiffany's Show

The original transvetite cabaret show in Thailand, has been playing three shows every night for 33 years now in Pattaya City. Indeed, those transvetites are prettier than a lot of real females, BUT.... it only makes me to appreciate more for being REAL, even though I'm not slim like any of them. 看人妖秀時腦海中不斷在想 神會怎麼看... 泰國有很多很貧窮的家庭, 反倒女人賺的錢比男人多, 很多小男孩看著姐姐為家裡掙錢, 便從小就下定目標要成為人妖, 也就會不斷固定的去打針注入女性賀爾蒙. 開始這個秀的是個華人.... 一開始是好心讓人妖有路走.... 但卻使這個文化 - 贏得了成為個最大且吸引外地的人妖秀, 使泰國對性別變性更加的"自由". 我沒機會照人妖, 但"她們"是真的一個比一個美, 一個比一個身材辣, 一個比一個會扭, 一個比一個手足細膩, 比一般的女人還要女人. HOWEVER, 我還是很難懂為何會有人會娶人妖. 神愛世人仍是不改變的事情, 求 神改變泰國能遠離偶像, 我滿期待會有機會聽到個人妖信主作見證... 有個開始! Righteousness + love = life, prosperity & honor! Proverbs 21:21
Aug. 26th, 3:41 pm

Friday, August 15, 2008


在坐統聯上台北的路上, 看著街上店家外多處擺設的拜拜東西... 粉是難過跟憂心. 拜拜的人真的很多.. 人想尋找平安的渴望是處處可見. 還是有很多很多的人不認識真理, 看著這麼大的需要.... 忽然覺得自己好渺小. 願 神大大祝福各教會, 每個屬祂的子民.


昨天和高傳道聊天問到她如何知道 神要她走這條路, 她說她常用此問題問自己, "假設只剩下一個月的生命, 怎樣活才有意義?" :) 提醒我要永記那起初的感動, 目標使我心更穩! ^^

看到Melody, 很受鼓勵..... I see a transforming life completely demonstrated God's spirit in her. 真的, 神要改變人是可以快到我們無法想像! If you just BELIEVE in GOD and PRAY over ANYthing! *發現 神在我沒特別注意的事上仍是做奇妙的事.... 使我讚嘆!


君: 把握時間, 學習永遠不嫌晚... 看別人比自己強, 討 神的喜悅, 其他的 - 放一邊~~!

Aug. 16, 2008 12:12 am

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


結婚的結婚, 懷孕的懷孕 .... this is what my friends are experiencing during this season.

Shawna's wedding is on 9/6, Dana's on 10/18, 黎姿也懷孕了 (明年如果有回來就要抱姪女了).. etc. We're aging...

8/9奶奶的生日, 日子不再一樣.

Aug. 12th, 3:53 pm

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finally, 不一樣的心情

今天是今年在台灣有很不一樣的心情的一天, 從昨天就還覺得滿不一樣的. 本是為了掃外婆的墓才決定要和親戚和家人去布袋, 大寮等走走, 且探望其他長輩親友. 從第一個姨婆(奶奶的cousin, same as Dana & me) 的碰面我主動提出禱告後, 後來的兩家就連續有機會為他們禱告. 直到最後的七叔公... I had such a heartfelt moment that I've not experienced much since I'm back to Taiwan. My aunties and parents were really touching. They didn't do anything particular; they're simply being themselves - warm, considerate, sincere and passionate. 七叔公和奶奶一樣大, 今年92歲. 媽咪說上禮拜他們已經來過, 爸爸也跟他提過耶穌 *這是見到每一個不熟的親戚我一定會問我媽的問題. 我只知道我無法承擔那種看著年長的長輩沒有信主而我什麼都不能做的心情.... anyhow, I kept praying that the Holy Spirit will do miraculous work that amazes me, and He did. 我簡短帶七叔公做決志禱告 *he can't hear me very well, 我們也為他做祝福禱告. Lord, now that You live in him, I pray that You will lead him into knowing you in spirit and in truth, fill him up and be right next to him whenever he calls upon Your holy name. I believe in JESUS! :)


對國民黨越來越反感... I somehow wish His justice to just come at this very moment and unveil people's hearts. 好難愛這種人...... LORD, save Taiwan in righteousness.

Aug. 9, 2008 12:19 am

Friday, August 8, 2008

京奧 Olympic 2008

Praise God that I have the opportunity to watch Olympic this year in Taiwan - the same time as Beijing. I'm still a bit concerned if terrorists will do sth harmful... GOD, protect China!

今年是第四次在亞洲辦, 北京很有趣的從南至南平門 (天安門) 至"鳥巢"有29次的煙火代表第29屆的奧運. 張藝謀構思的開幕有"天使", ㄈㄡ(二聲)2008人鼓的演出 *聽說熬夜了100天以上, 位小妹妹的演唱, 舞蹈, 還有排練出長城, 戲曲 (超中國味), 划船似的用長槳 (鄭和下西洋), 禮樂, 朗朗鋼琴手 (22-yrs-old) & 一位五歲小妹妹同表演, 人海戰術來運用燈光色彩, 變為鴿子形狀, 小朋友的天使, 太極的自然風表演, 運用很多小朋友的參與來呈現出童真, 武術, 太空人, 人在巨大的地球儀上移動, 主題歌"我和你" (You and Me) 的演唱伴隨著鯨魚為背景, 世界各地不同種族孩童的微笑, 又有2008個微笑煙火, 48中國族的表演 (包括許多少數民族), 及運動員進場 (Greece 希臘, Africa's 幾內雅, Turkey 土耳其, 土庫曼, 阿拉伯半島的葉門, 馬爾地夫, 地中海下的個島國馬耳他, 馬達加斯加, Malaysia 馬來西亞, 非洲的馬利, 非洲的馬拉威, 東南歐的馬其頓, 馬邵爾群島, 關曼群島, 不丹, 弍瓜多, 比利時, 萬那杜, Israel 以色列, Japan 日本, Taipei 中華台北, 中菲, Hong Kong 中國香港, 甘比亞, 烏茲別克, 汶萊, Brasil 巴西, 巴拉圭, 阿拉伯灣群島的巴林, 巴哈馬, 巴拿馬, Palestine 巴基斯坦, Cuba 古巴, 查德, 白俄羅斯, India 印度, Indonesia 印尼, 立陶宛, 尼日, 奈及利亞, 尼加拉瓜, 尼泊爾, 迦納, Canada 加拿大, 加澎, 吉爾吉斯, 寮國, 亞美尼亞, Spain 西班牙, 百慕達, 剛果共和國, 剛果民主共和國, Iraq 伊拉克, 伊朗, 瓜地馬拉, 匈牙利, 安哥拉, 安地瓜 ,安道爾, 東加, Jordan 約旦, 赤道幾內亞, Finland 芬蘭, 克羅埃西亞, 蘇丹, 蘇利南, 阿拉伯聯合大公國, 阿根廷, 阿曼, 阿魯巴, 阿富汗, 亞塞拜然, 納米比亞, 坦桑尼亞, 拉脫維亞, 英國, 英屬維京群島, 肯亞, 羅馬尼亞, 索羅門群島, 法國, 波蘭, 挪威, 南非, 哈薩克, 科威特, 葛摩, 保加利亞, 俄羅斯, 敘利亞, 美國, 泰國, 埃及, 以索比亞, 賴索托, 莫三比克, 荷蘭, 荷屬安地列斯, 喬治亞, 祕魯, 愛爾蘭, 愛沙尼亞, 海地, 捷克, 吉里巴斯, 菲律賓, 薩爾瓦多, 薩摩亞, 密克羅尼西亞, 塔吉克, 越南, 非洲的波扎那, 斯里蘭卡, 史瓦濟蘭, 斯洛維尼亞, 斯洛伐克, 葡萄牙, 南韓, 奧地利, 緬甸, 瑞士, 瑞典, 詻魯, 蒙古, 新加坡, 紐西蘭, 義大利, 塞爾維亞, 塞席爾, 獅子山共和國, 墨西哥, 黎巴嫩, 德國, ............) 等, 都很整齊且表現出很多中國&儒家的文化, 千人的進場跟疏場的快速, 應該令西方人士很大開眼界. 開幕典禮的準備工作可見花了許許多多月的彩排, 充分表現出碩大便是美.... 我真的很佩服他們動員人力的功夫, 每一場出來都是人氣浩大, very grand.

Aug. 8, 2008 11:02 pm

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


是因為習慣嗎, 在美國住久了, 習慣就是一個人跟兩個表妹. 其實連前幾年就算爸媽跟哥在, 我也是習慣一個人處理很多的事情. 教會的姊妹們可能認識我比我家人還多. 在台灣, 哥說我把這當度假, 我的確是沒太多覺得回家的感覺. 很多的矛盾, 我可能是把它推為是文化的差別, 可是就是不習慣. 美國不是所有都是好的, 台灣的文化也不是都是不好的, 我只是喜歡美國多些. 1.5 generation.... not belonging to any identity, that's what I feel. Without God, I cannot overcome any of my weaknesses. 對真理的堅持, 求 神賜下也給我智慧跟愛去執行.

Went to a church that reserves Jewish' collections, esp. during the Holocaust. Learning history can really reveal lots mistakes ppl had done. 更深想了解歷史, knowing how God's chosen nation had been persecuted with no reason. Discrimination, Satan's wicked schemes, human's indifference, all lead to pursuing a peaceful world. 神來的日子真的好近, 你感覺到了嗎?

Celebrating Father's Day tonight! Olympics' starting 2...!
2:47 pm Aug. 7, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008


太多人說這部好看, 也都說比Kung Fu Panda好看. 早在美國時就聽了太多, 還有個朋友很強調的說它多有含意加深度, 講得實在讓我一有機會在台想看電影時, 碎碎念的說要看Wall-e. 就連才10歲Alan也這麼說.. 也覺得比panda好看, 所以..... 前天跟啦一起去看了~ 每個人的體會不同吧, 我還沒上網去看他人的回應. 和啦有事沒事就開始用那淒涼的高音叫著"Wall-e........" + "Eva....."! 小小毛骨悚然... =p


我不要變那樣的胖子, 手短腳短, 怎樣也不要! *啦我們要一起加油!*  要運動, 要動, 要動! 別懶, 別懶, 要轉頭, 要互動, 流汗是好的! Technology wise... watch out! 種樹, 愛習plants. *啦妳努力, 這點我還沒啥興致 yet, 可是我會學習睜大眼睛欣賞.* 感情要專一. 愛情確時是超級盲目, Wall-e & Eva 超級表達出純真的愛情 - 有好幾幕我都覺得他們太瘋狂了....... =p 真愛的表現. 好啦, 等著回去可以跟大夥兒討論了.


Side Notes: 1) Finally going to the churches in Taipei, lol! 2) New plans coming up! Excited... 3) $260 story........

8/3/08 1:01 am

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grandma's Memorial Service

之前沒有寫是因為覺得有很多的事情involve.... 有些也不想說, 因為處於無解的狀態, 所以就乾脆不寫.~


告別式一切非常的順利, 歸榮耀給 神! Thanks to all who prayed for us. :) 其實我自己個人很多時很無力, 所以很多時處於放棄的狀況. 我爸媽所擺上的真的的多, 當然我姑姑們, 阿姨們, 叔叔們還有很多熟或不熟悉的親戚們也都很關心跟幫忙. 自從奶奶過世後, 每天大家就按照時間, 一天三次 10 am, 3 pm, & 8 pm 在我家聚集唱詩歌讚美. 歌曲包括"萬王a王" (奶奶的最愛), "你是信實的上帝", "耶和華祝福滿滿", "輕輕聽", "奇異恩典", 及一首台語流行歌 "媽媽" 等. 哥花了很多時間做個紀錄片, 加錄了多位的懷念感言. 還在一次為了錄我的鋼琴, 不小心洗掉, 在告別式前幾天重做, 使他和小鳳姐可犧牲了不少睡眠. 打著奶奶的生平介紹, 我才知道奶奶在60歲前其實都很吃苦. 我爸年輕時的發願, 也總算在跟我媽結婚後, 接了奶奶來住台南. My grandma looked sooo cute, she's always so naive and considerate. 看著奶奶最後這幾個月的clips, 真的就忍不住落淚... but thank God, I know where she is right now. Heaven is where her home is, and I will see her again in her glorious form again. No more fake tooth, no more slump back, she'll be in a perfect condition! :)


安葬在富貴南山的"路得館", I still can't believe that I didn't get to see her last face.... but in bone ashes. 整個程序都有 神保守, 不是基督徒的親朋好友也都跟著我們的形式. 堂哥跟堂姐也自己說有信主跟沒有信主的致詞就是有差, 他們說我爸聽起來很正義稟然, 也很有深度. I felt God's seeds planted somewhere, but seems will need more than a lot to water them, and it requires lots persistent and continuous prayers for them. 可是我自己受culture的影響很多時候很無力, 情緒不好, 想躲. Yeh, like what Joseph said,  I'm coping a lot faster than him who stayed here more than half a year by now, but I know cuz I'm treating this as a vacation, not a permanent home. Sounds indifferent? I'm just so confused of my mixed feelings. However, the memorial service was a blessing to all who came, and also to our own HUGE families & relatives. *我家族比我想像中還要大... incredible.


7/28/08 12:40 pm

08 1st Sunday at Tainan!

Today felt like a long day. The kids area was better compared to the adults service..... *Maybe I'm being picky & impatient but the announcements are way TOO dragging and I felt pointless for some of the parts! Perhaps I'm being judgmental, but when the purposes are not specified, I wonder the functions of various programs/events offered. After obtaining the approval from my cousin, I just walked out and decided to check out the kids' service where Lina served downstairs. I can't believe they have snacks prepared for kids after splitting into group discussions, it so surprised me! :) After church today, I helped out teaching "My Redeemer Lives" to some 3rd & 4th graders. It was more than just sweats, I felt lighter afterwards. lol


Shopped a little bit at 名加美, picked up Joseph, then six of us headed to 二輪戲院 - to save money!! There're at least 3 movies that I've wanna watch but never had a slight chance before July. We ended up watching "決勝21點" & "頭彩冤家" which I never heard of before! 很急促的去安平吃豆花, 買Dana & Barnett's McDonald, 送他們上統聯, 就剩下Josh & 她女友和我跟哥去吃小火鍋. *能吃不貴又不辣的火鍋真是幸福~ Just so thankful that I finally get to watch MOVIES after my last one of"300" at the theater so long ago!


Typhoon's around the corner, but I have so many errands to run tomorrow!!! Happy Birthday Daddy! 綁蝴蝶結的禮物

Monday, July 21, 2008

Arrived Tainan

Arrived Tainan 2:45 am in the morning. Since most of the public phones have changed to IC-card inserting machines, I couldn't find even one regular phone for me to call my family. Was going to walk home... which I initiatelly did. With my big suitcase, I was heading home & walking on the street around 3 am in the morning. But then in the industrial regions, the street dogs were just too scary for me, 我告訴自己: "幹麼逞英雄呢?" Then went to 7-11.


After shower and everything, I couldn't fall asleep. 沒有時差阿, 可是從國內回來的. 可是五點了, 總得睡. Woke up at 8:30 in the morning, then later on got to sing praises w/ families as remembrance of my grandma. Term paper... I'm coming, just bear w/ my hectic schedule. I've always kept you at the back of my mind......


有約13+ yrs, 我和我家人沒有同一起待在台灣生活過了. 不是爸回來就是媽, 不是哥回來就是我. First time in the past 13-14 yrs, we have this opportunity to live in Taiwan together for a short period of time - 是因為奶奶. I believe grandma is at a better place than anywhere else on earth. Look UP!


July 22, 11:53 am

Saturday, July 19, 2008

2nd Year in CQ

CQ camp is over, successfully. Thanks to those who have been praying for us, everything went very smoothly and we found favor in their eyes. His name is great in CQ! *Peter2, Yumi, Annie, Sophie, Amy, Sharpay, Emma2, Ann, Robert, Victor, Lily, Qiqi, Mark, Gigyko, Leo, Hunter, Tan Yang, Gillian, Sherry, Shelly, Dora, Maple, Mike, Jelty, Linda, Natalie, Nancy, Crystal.


Side note: Grandma passed away on 7/16 5:20 pm. I didn't get to see her last face as I planned to... Steph said that her grandma passed away during her mission trip 3 years ago too, but I still felt a mixed feeling. Last full day in CQ. 飞机

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

HK Airport

Arrived at HK airport around 5ish am, slept in the lounge loooking like a homeless for a few hours =p Start missing the ppl from the states. Teaching starts tomorrow, definitely need good rest & preparation tonight. *Feeling quite comfortable in Asia countries... roots, roots, roots. Rainbow


9:20 am HK Time.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Family in the US

A meaningful & a catch-up lunch w/ E & the couple! We stayed in the Souplentation for four & half hours... ha, 把很久沒聊的話可是一次全分享出來, 希望到台灣還會碰到面. Spiritual advisers are soo precious and important to me, that's what I love about VOH - we're a family!


Eng. camp is around the corner again. Honestly, I had forgotten almost all the frustrations I had last year oversea, until this morning.... when I got the phone call from CQ. 我比較想得起來困難到底在哪了 - 我的心臟沒有很強壯. 我是沒有什麼都很flexible, 但是太多最後一分鐘的更改我真的很難當家常便飯. 在沒有預防下, 今早開始重新體會需要的第一心裡建設針. 之前一直忙其他在這需要take care的事, 教學的事其實還沒認真準備. But it's time! Time for me to be extra wary; a time to test my discipleship. 一整天gotta run some errands and thanks for the heads-up, Lord, please be with our team from now till we leave CQ! *Leaving tonight.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

CHOOSE to be Thankful

Thanks for adjusting me Lord, although it does feel so painful. So much need to learn to be humble, and let His righteousness take over rather than my own judgment. Might feel numb cuz unconsciously wanna avoid thinking about it, but please don't let me go. I can't even rely on myself... nothing to hold on to. You've set me free, and I choose to believe and live it out. THANK YOU ABBA. Your joy is my strength!

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th

最近有點感到迷失, 就會放空. July 4th, I didn't go anywhere particular, other than helped packing the camp's supplies, studied, and stayed home. 做事情我算是滿快速的把握時間, 可是有些事情就是學習得很慢. 琴藝怎樣就是卡在個關卡, 真的好無力, 總覺得沒有些人的開竅. But, on the other hand, I have to give thanks to the Lord; He really provided something I needed. Jehovah Jirah.

警醒不代表緊張, 我需要不緊張.
如果會讓我遇到, 就是代表祢的恩典夠我用, 那就使我的心可以沈澱, 不會起起伏伏.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another Great Class!

A very intensive summer course that I just finished today; tons of post-writings are awaiting me... the classmates were fabulous, all of them! The professor really turned the environment into a very safe place for us to explore, to meditate, to discuss, and most of all, to mingle! Even though I did sth really silly, kinda embarrassing today in front of SO many of them, I guess it's alright... esp. after Mark's console. =p Apparently no one wanted to leave, just wanna stay a bit longer and chill. Well, ciao - my only summer MAWL class. I'll miss the good times we had in the straight past 6 days, videotaping & evaluating one another, plus laughing out loud together!

Gloria, Christie, Tony, Shin, Ed2, Travis, Adam, Mark, Randall, & Dr. Altizer!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Had a mini-reunion with a few high school friends. Other than me, none were girls, expect this 家屬 of Jeff's (his wife!!!!) 最後我也找了Frank, 真的是難得的時光!

聽到好多人結婚, 生小孩. 雖然在我們的年紀, 這是個應該要習慣的話題, 但我還是忍不住一聽到一個就"wow"的小叫一下. 在高中不是因為低調, 我承認是不起眼. 也同時像Frank以前提到剛認識我時那樣, 整個就是有懼男症. 朋友多數是女生, 真的好點的男生就只有那幾個. 比起現在, 我當時的朋友真的算是很少, 所以也難免講起高中生涯時, 知道我的人比我知道的人少之又少. 如果說有任何後悔沒有更盡力的事, 那應該是豁出去的不在意人的眼光, 除了努力的服事, 生活或許可以更有膽識, 不限制地擴張眼界. 回過頭來, 當時沒有太多因著更多的自我認識而產生的自信. 不過對於我青少年期擺上的服事, 我還是覺得那是我在youth時最寶貴的投資, 也是現在無法相比的. 我比他人的成熟晚了許多年吧.....

A different & a new stage. I don't know how high school friends think of me right now, but it's good to feel & see the differences between how I was and how I am - absolutely a somewhat transformation by Him, somewhere. All my past experiences have helped shaping who I am today, I learn to cherish and embrace them. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of my life in His hands. It's all Your grace.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


以為現在好很多了, 但是今天又想問自己: 是我習慣忙碌的生活, 不懂得享受安息, 還是事情總是衝著我來, 還是是我個性問題, 沒事找事做? 請告訴我答案!!! 本來想說會有個小假期, 卻不知不覺中, 事情又整個都pile up起來. 一問到考完試的我, 似乎又是一件接著一件的事務追著我跑~ 每次一忙, 錢就又花一筆, 油錢就又升一筆. 是覺得我承擔的了嗎? 我需要看得見的恩典.......

Ying Yang

好久沒有拿過這麼糟的成績 @@ 心情小低.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


加油加到快$60.. 有沒有誇張?! 可是聽說美國已經是算便宜的了..... 可以的話, 想換成hybrid vehicle.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

有時就是一個回答讓我知道妳了, 就很滿足了.

幾乎從小就在同一屋簷下一起生活將近20年的我們, 我一直覺得我們很彼此了解, 近年來吵架的次數也少之又少. 但最後一次跟妳大吵後, 我錯愕得才發現我們其實也都在蛻變. 熟悉歸熟悉, 不清楚溝通的情況下, 還是有太多習慣性的假設. 但是像今晚我們幾句的對話, 妳我都猜到對方會接的話. 我還是覺得.... 妳是我肚子裡的迴蟲 =p

以後我的伴侶要跟妳請教才是... amy! :)

Saturday, May 31, 2008


太晚來, 太早來, 都不對... 時機才是關鍵, 可是它不是我能控制的.
Jehovah: I am who I am.

Friday, May 30, 2008


The more I ponder, the more breakthrough I feel needed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


終於知道他是誰了~~ 我不知道我為什麼會這麼覺得, 我怎麼越聽他說話的感覺, 越覺得有像到言承旭?! 就說話而言.
聲音真的有好聽... 而且感情充沛. 聽過他唱幾首歌, 滿喜歡的: 鴿子, 洋蔥, 新不了情, 背叛, 聽說愛情回來過, 人質, etc. 這幾天多知道了好多首近年來的流行歌曲~ 真的太久沒接觸了. 簫敬騰也是粉有實力, 而且有多一個plus - piano!!!! lol 聽說是基督徒? 以前有聽說黑人是基督徒, 直到今天看了個他給Aska的一段勉勵, 我有感動到. 雖然是很簡短的一句話, "我相信這是上帝給你的一個考驗", 但是.... 真的有感到陽光........ since when was the last time to hear GOD mentioned in our media....?! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Er... a bit addicted to Facebook lately. Having too much fun with some of the features. The images of those Korean food, sushi, night market, Disney, Pooh... are so pleasing to the eyes that made me wanna stare at them, and send to more ppl so that I can accumulate my collection sooner ^^v

三姨跟表妹今晚回去了, 真的滿捨不得的... 以前沒信主前, 對於家裡像是女人國時, 有覺得陰氣太重 >< 但現在, 可以講很多有的沒有的, 也可以從阿姨身上看到賢慧母親的榜樣, 我更感到以我外婆為傲~ 阿姨有很多地方跟我媽很像... 她們都是勤奮, 勤勞, 耐苦的長者, 偉大的母親. 我以我的家族為傲~ 求 神使我的家族, 連extended families, 都得 神的救恩, 以神為樂!

想念奶奶... 主, 祢深知我心, 我不知道怎麼禱告, 願祢最美好的旨意成就. I will praise You at all times. Empower me through the Holy Spirit, and enable me to do what I cannot do.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Again, Nick's Story

"We can't, and we should not compare sufferings, because this is what we do as a family of God, hand in hand, and then together, coming and standing on the promise of God, knowing that no matter who you are, what you're going through, that God knows it, He's with you, He's gonna pull you through. I'm just a vessel, it's not about me, it's not about my achievement, it's not about what I can do, what I cannot do, but it's who I become by the power of Jesus Christ!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Frozen Yogurt

Frozen Yogurt 算是粉營養的食物.... 又可瘦身. 有兩個朋友家都有在賣, 歡迎大家告訴大家! :)

1. Tealicious (茶經班): 不只賣道地的台灣小吃, 牛肉麵等的, 今天也新開張賣self-served的frozen yogurt! Address as below:
1155 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Tel. (909) 860-8252

2. Yogoo a la Mode: 有frozen yogurt & gelato! Self-served too, very close to Ontario Mills.
Tel. (909) 484-1820


能夠被好友所愛, 被好友體貼到是一個幸福.
能夠轉回正直的道路, 在基督裡有2nd chance是一個幸福.
能夠感到安心, 安穩, 安全是一個幸福.
能夠be myself是一個幸福.

幸福可以是隨手可得地. 希望可以天天享受 神賜予的幸福. (:

Friday, May 9, 2008


又是一個晚睡的夜晚. 不是因為功課, 不是因為想熬夜, 只是晚回家, 睡意似乎沒了. 啊..... 晚睡有對不起我媽咪的感覺..... 皮膚會過敏跟這也有關係吧.

今年的summer camp's worship songs又是很有活力, 會讓人rejuvenate的歌. 期待~~~~~~ *Supernatural, My Redeemer Lives, This is the Day, In the Sanctuary, Tell the World, Better than Life.... etc. 就算是老歌, 新的arrangement還是很有能力地! Let the sounds of praise be heard!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


做夢有時, 回到現實有時.... 真知道自己是誰, 才能在必要時站立得穩.
雖然話說"什麼樣的鍋配什麼樣的蓋", 但...... 不需要也不能靠任何人使自己多加幾分價值... 要清醒~!

Lead me to the Rock that's higher than I.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


學東西是永無止境的. 享受 神賜的音樂, 享受生命感染生命.

因材施教 - 我愛, 但真的不容易~


音樂真的很寶貴, 也很神奇, 真的是 神超美好的創造之一. 我好希望自己能更加進步... 更加知道怎麼詮釋, 怎麼聆聽, 怎麼明白, 怎麼用心彈. 有時真的會懊悔... 如果能早點看見現在所體會的... 沒有停止的學習.

Wisdom & Inspiration from Above.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008





媽媽這時說:「你白癡阿~~~~~~~~你這樣子叫爸爸,他聽淂到嗎?人家來修理水塔,你趕快到房裡去叫爸爸來,帶他上頂樓去。 」

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lutein - 4 Eyes

Lutein from GNC Natural, provides dietary support for eye health. Other ingredients: spinach leaf powder, gelatin, corn oil, and contains fish 2.

還不便宜勒. 媽咪說對飛蚊症有用, 可是我吃一個多月了, 並沒有太多幫助說. 還是我還少了什麼事項... *PS. 少看電腦? (還是去做雷射好了)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Scarlet Fervor"

"Scarlet" ( 謝幕整整三個禮拜後的今晚, 我們所有的crews & casts聚集在一起. 一起看了我們的表演, 分享我們這幾個月來大家的喜悅跟感觸. 我們真的有太強的"Scarlet fervor", 不論是facebook還是英文堂等的弟兄姊妹, 整個就是還在這個話劇的mode裡...... 連今晚在開玩笑還是用當中的台詞來joke around.... really hilarious! =D

關牧師最後用了個我很喜歡 & powerful 的metaphor來做結束... 他問我們這次雖經歷各樣的excitements, struggles, frustrations, feeling like 'withdrawing', but pressed on.. etc, 是否到尾一點都不會regret... we all AMEN to that! 而這些, 他說, 都會在eternity見到主面時所感受到. 我講的真的沒有牧師說得感人.... 不過我實在覺得一切都是值得的!!! 多少小時的開會, 討論, debate, choreograph, rehearse, pray, 一切到最後, 是那麼的值得, 那麼的讓我覺得沒有白忙. God, may all glory be to YOU alone!! 我希望在我一切忙碌的背後, 生命跌跌撞撞學習中, 我能總是選擇繼續press on.... 直到見主面, 看到擺上的一切都是值得的! I don't wanna regret.......

Another shows? Might be coming up........

Friday, April 11, 2008




媽咪從以前就喜歡跟我說: 媽媽的眼睛很不好, 特別是左眼... 妳可要特別小心, 不要讓自己的眼睛太累, 跟媽媽一樣. 她講後, 我有在特別注意啊... 自從有小飛蚊症開始後, 就有想到時要遮遮我的右眼, 才不會下意識的只用右眼看東西. 可是.... 忙著忙著就忘了這回事. 幾個禮拜前, 左眼開始出現有像jelly的東西, 在眼眶邊多了起來... 一開始真的被嚇到了. 本來只有一邊, 後來還好多了... 但從昨天還是前天開始, 連右眼也開始了 @@ 請為我禱告. 學校護士之前說可能是infection, 不過好像越糟了~~~~ 最近看太多電腦?! Please pray for me..... kk, gotta go sleep.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

You Are the Truth, the Way, the Life

Luke 14:27 And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me (Jesus) cannot be my disciples.

耶穌是來真的. 祂不要也不喜悅不冷不熱的跟隨者, 因為祂對我們的愛是完全的. He is a jealous God.... 全心地愛祂所創造的每一個靈魂. 之前跟麻吉也討論到, 現在多數的教會訊息多被膚淺化 (watered-down) 了... 為了吸引群眾, 不再多講十架的道路, 該擺上的犧牲, 需捨己近天國的窄路. 謝謝聖靈今天的conviction. 信主越久, 主啊, 求使我渴慕祢的同在與真理的心與我初信的渴望不減... 反倒更深, 心更柔軟, 更不倚靠自己的才幹及經驗, 天天有祢活潑的話語在我裡面使我飽足.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Bday!

Happy Bday Nipen.... :)
Facebook真的要玩起來, 其實還蠻花時間的. Frank提醒說這種network的東西, 其實要少碰. 有心之人要利用這個是很容易的~~ 除了fluff's Blessing外, 發現它的Winnie the Pooh超可愛!!!!!!! 真的要擁有它們也不見得會這麼興奮勒... 看就好, so cute lol *Final剛結束, 雖然還是有semester的課, 但是有放假休息的感覺囉.. high high high!!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


快被花粉整瘋了!!!!!!! Benedryal 後來沒效了, 買了Zyrtec.... 可是, 好像更嚴重. 爸媽和哥在台灣其中最大的收穫之一應該包括躲過這折騰人的花粉ㄡ.....
每每晚都要凹個1-2小時才能睡著, 清晨熬過一段後才會有一整晚最好的睡眠時間... 啊!!! 今早.... 擤到凌晨7點才睡著. 主啊..... 花粉真的很煩耶.~ 我真的快撐不下去了

Up for Sth

I know I shouldn't be awake but I'm still =p Just watched our "Scarlet" musical... it was great!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I fall in love with the music myself... definitely love everyone of our hard-working crews! What a privilege to be part of this production. *More shows?

Friday, March 28, 2008

基督徒: 掃墓節 (採自於









My Conclusion: 真誠表現出愛家族的心是最重要的. 做法可以不一致, 但因著主愛未信主的人, 求主使我們有像祂愛世人的心, 神可以用我們想不到的方式來改變我們覺得不可能被改變的人的心~~ God just works in mysterious ways, unexpectedly~! 我做我的100%, He will do HIS. lol

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Scarlet" Musical by VOH Production

Enjoyed so much of the premier of our 1st musical! Proud of my team, proud of VOH, and proud of my great SAVIOR! :) THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESURRECTION for me...... 我的救贖者活著!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thankful Heart - Good Friday

雖然又是再一次看"The Passion of Christ", bloody的部份還是令我戰驚, 但是再次想起祂付上極重的代價來買贖我, 一個完整的救贖工作. 若沒有這樣的犧牲, 如何能表彰 神賜給祂獨生子的尊貴榮耀呢?! I will tell of Your WHOLE STORY, not a partial story.

Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows... He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed (Is. 53: 4 & 5).

Monday, March 17, 2008


天天不知道用了多少面紙. 小醫生說一早吃yogurt有用, 可是它對我就是沒有幫助. 光一個早上就可以有1/3滿, 一團一團擤鼻水後的垃圾. 我以為我已經對花粉免疫了說~~~~ 一想到可能上課時又要浪費面紙, 決定去買Benadryl. Finally!! 果然這個remedy比較適合我... My remedy. *Jesus, my remedy 2!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Unbelievable! I've never been this FAT before in my entire life! What have I done to myself???? Angry

Ar.... even Esther has kindly reminded me to control my weight @@ How could I possibly gain weight when my parents' are away... wouldn't I be losing weight?!

The fact is... I couldn't resisit eating AT ALL!~ When I feel the pressure, I begin to get starving, and.... the next thing is, I grab all the edible food/snack I can find and ... they're inside of me. ARH..... friends, help me!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


可以稍微恢復到以前有的discipline - 拒絕想玩想跟朋友hang out的心, 而選擇離開人群乖乖回家做該做的事... I'm so proud of myself!!! 開始又嘗到有原則生活的步調, 就是有踏實的感覺! *作對的事情後的心, 真的才會安. 不知道是不是一般人都會跟我一樣... 一定要過自己心的那一關!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


UPS最好沒有掉了我的包裹或是投遞到別人家了.... 雖然包裹不大, 也算輕, 但貴重的東西應該要要求簽名吧? 就留在門口算是不保險好嗎? Tracking顯示已經delivered了... 我根本沒拿到. 這可怎麼好呢?? ><

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


為什麼我的時間總是不夠用? 計畫要做的, 會因著他人改變, schedule就一直被延後, 熬夜做功課... 我也不想啊! 有時沒有拒絕自己辛苦, 或許我該回到像以前那樣?! 希望朋友能體諒..... 光Finale的demo就download了四個小時多, 昨晚要出去碰面前才install好, 研究研究中, 真有點興奮地想不出門了 =p 但是竟然不能save files??????????! 沒有天理! @@

Monday, February 18, 2008

Temp HR Assistant

- Location: Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science at Los Angeles
- Temp for 1 or 2 months.
- Pay rate around $14/hour and depends on experience.
- Job description

Prepare new personnel files in accordance to format set by the custodian of record. Close Recruitment files and ensure all required documents are included. Prepares check requests for recruitment functions. Assists with new employee orientation, including preparation of new hire packets and related material, set-up of conference room and confirmation of those on the agenda. This includes contacting all newly hired faculty and staff to schedule orientation date and time. Provide clerical support and perform other duties as assigned or requested. (Filings, copies, Re-organizing files, etc...) Make follow up call & schedule appointment for new hire paperwork. Serve as backup to the Human Resources Assistant I as scheduled or requested. Knowledge with MS Word & Excel. Experience with HR Process preferred.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


偷閒中, 遊覽朋友轉寄的電郵時, 看到這封夜市長達一個月的激烈競爭, 最終結果終於來了.........

第十名: 萬華夜市 (胡椒餅, 冰店, 大蟒蛇表演秀, 擔仔麵, 愛玉冰, 甜不辣)
第九名: 通化夜市 (生煎包, 米粉湯, 魷魚羹, 烤香腸, etc)
第八: 豐原廟東夜市 (排骨麵, 鳳梨冰, etc)
第七: 宜蘭羅東夜市 (羊肉湯, 鹹酥雞, etc)
第六: 高雄六合夜市
第五: 基隆夜市 (炭燒蚵仔煎, 鹹粥, etc)
第四: 師大夜市 (水煎包)
第三: 士林夜市 (生炒花枝, 豬肝, 大香腸, 蔥油餅, etc)
第二: 台中逢甲夜市 (起司馬鈴薯)
第一名: 超乎我意料之外..................... 竟是我家的台南花園夜市!!!! hohohohho!!! (醃芭樂, 鴨血, 雞排, etc)

昨天不小心撞到他人的車, 只是在parking lot也要賠這麼多...... 我的小藍其實比較慘好不好!!!~ @@

Happy B-day Jimmy! *連續五天都有人生日; 我還是最愛二月! LoL

Monday, February 11, 2008


第一次跟妳一起去Steamers, 感恩. 粉是提早收到的禮物, 也是今年的第一份. 謝謝妳囉.. 朋友, 其實妳的細心我是有放在心裡. 還無法拆"禮物", 我可是好奇的不得了; 因為妳每年送的都很用心, 也都讓我覺得很有意義. 謝謝妳在忙著談感情, 陪家人的日子中有想到我....

Happy B-day, Pastor Kwan!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Huckabee - "Never forget who the boss really, really is!"

He seems to come out of nowhere; unlike those wealthy politicians who have tremendous funds to spend on propaganda, media promotion, all that. But it looks like God does arise people for His own glory and guidance for this nation. 雖說台灣選舉很重要, 但是... 現在的我是住在美國!!! - since God has placed me here right now! Huckabee... 有不同的見解, 不同的生命, 不同的眼光. 牧師其實真的是接觸最多人群, 最多需要, 最多變化的人. 能讓身為共和黨的他, 使得整個民主黨的州 (Arkansas) 連選任他為兩期的州長, he really has something different.... quite some charisma! *This could possibly be a miracle witnessing by our own eyes.... what's your choice?

Friday, February 1, 2008

年年有餘 (移動滑鼠 :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008


不知何時開始, 有念頭跟 神要生日禮物. 不過幾年前的我, 雖有想過... 但卻不敢要.... 因為怕 神給我我不想要的 - 根本是自己的問題! 但是... 去年那時的我, 總算開口跟 神要了個禮物. 雖然... 禮物來的粉突然, 可能因為它不是我血氣裡想要的, 但 神的確給了個... 我想, 是我"需要"的禮物.
前幾天, 我又大膽開口跟 神要個生日禮物. 我真的不知道這是不是就是 神要給我的. 不過... 我去遵行了. 我知道它對我有益, 對我的未來有益.

Thanks for the courage from You, thanks for the grace from You, thanks for the freedom from You.

Sell: Grand Piano, and a Keyboard

1. 有個朋友想要賣keyboard, 很簡單Costco的那種. Lemme know.
2. 另外知道有個grand piano, around 2k... just 1-yr old, still in a very good condition.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Scarlet" Musical by VOH Production

HOORAY!! VOH's 1st musical show will be performed on March 22nd and 23rd!

You just can't miss it!! The ticket is $5 per person. Please reserve your time, and mark it down on your calendar~~~!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Amazing - "Love"

好友說"天下無賊"好看, 很感人. 真是抽時間看的..... 一直到最後, 真的... 我不得不哭. 最後真是連賊都被"傻根"給感動了... 而劉德華飾演的王薄, 最後也因著愛, 為了劉若英飾演的王麗而犧牲了自己. 愛能改變世界, 能改變人. "Amazing Grace"到最後也是讓我很感動. 當初在fight for abolishing slavery應該也是少數人在不斷的堅持下, 為了公義跟公平, 犧牲了許多而使黑人有的自由.

神一切的創造都是因為愛... 也因為愛, 所以給了人完全的自主權, 也可以選擇不要 神, 不愛 神. 將來, 神的國度必是用愛來掌管萬物! Will be completely different from the world we're in. 我們與世人有什麼分別呢? 就是有基督的愛! 在末後的日子, 主啊, 求祢保守我的心, 使我的愛心不減, 反倒要日與俱增~ I need Your grace.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I finally come up with 2 resolutions!
那天聽了關牧師分享一個牧師做到了他去年的一個挑戰 - "一整年不發脾氣", 而他做到了! 其實我已經沒完全做到自己的新年新希望了, 可是我還是要繼續!!! 跟自己賽跑! :) The Power of Prayer.....

Friday, January 11, 2008

Cherish - 現在

家人回台灣了, 開始不一樣的生活步調了, 我希望幾個月後我還是有現在深刻的感動.
還記得約兩年前, 我第一次看這篇文章後, 我開始學習不太只是"存"我喜歡的東西, 而是用它們, 把每天當作是特別的日子. 喜歡"珍惜"這兩個字不是沒有原因的. :)







好友說:在高速公路, 一輛失控的大卡車給撞的。








好友低著頭:你想我? H後還用得著嗎?一句話,兩人又迸出眼淚。




我最遺憾的是我再也不能穿漂亮的裙子了 .....



只是這一件是我最喜歡的,我一直珍藏著捨不得穿,總想要等到一個最特別的日子,一個與眾不同的日子和場合, 但好像日子每一天都很平常都不特別,我也就永遠失去了穿它的機會。



我懷抱著這件美麗昂貴的裙子、披肩、皮鞋坐在車內,腦子裡好友傷殘的雙腿和美麗的裙子交疊在一起不停地閃現,心痛到抽搐成一團那些 ' 重要的日子 '、 '特別的日子 '也許將來還 會出現在她的生活 ?,但漂亮的露著小腿的裙子和美麗的六英寸高跟鞋已經不存在於她的字典裡了。




我搖搖頭,對他說是好友送的,因為她再也不能! 穿! 裙子了,因為她沒有腿了。



我的淚又湧出來:她買了好久,她以為總有一天她會穿上,她一直在等一個特別的日子 ……先生摟過我 ,撫著我的頭髮:那個特別的日子從來沒有來,是嗎?

第二天早上起,先生已經在廚房裡忙碌,當我睡眼惺忪走進廚房,看到餐檯上擺放著早餐,裝早餐的是幾只象牙瓷的盤子,那是兩年前我在一次展示! 會! 上買的,盤子表面的光? A非常細膩,周邊點綴著紅的草莓和細小的綠葉。這會兒裡面 盛著只黃白的荷包蛋,非常好看。




每次用完都趕緊收起來,怕被孩子打碎,總想等孩子長大到不會失手打! 碎! 的年齡再拿出來用的,但我發現我一直都覺得他會打碎,不管他是 2歲還是 12 歲。




中午先生和孩子去了百貨公司,我坐下來給先生? g一張生日卡? 儘管他的生日已經過去一周了。


下一次下一個生日還會來,我甚至想 ......... 或者到兩個人都老得走不動了的時候再寫給他也不晚。

現在我知道並不是所有的 '明天 '都會一如既往地站在前面等我,我必須把對他的那些愛與感覺適時告訴他。

我還打電話給一家影城,告訴他們我要訂三張週末的《哈利波特》的電影票,兒子說過很多次想讓我陪他去看他喜歡的一些電影,但我總覺得自己很忙,抽不出時間陪他去看那些兒童電影,往往要他等,等到天氣好的時候、等到我心情好的時候、等到我有時間的時候 ........

總是一拖再拖,拖到所有的電影院都放過一遍了,那個 ' 天時地利人和 '的時間總也還沒到來。

而孩子也已經過了不需要我陪著看電影的年齡,漸漸長大離家,只留給我一個匆匆的背影和永久的遺憾 -! -!

我 錯過了陪他看電影聊電影的樂趣,這個樂趣是再也不會回來了。





這時他坐在沙發上挑張出來給我看:這處不錯,離東湖很近,在自己家裡就可以看到湖水,院子裡有網球場和游泳池,有大片的草坪和鮮花 ……

我們可以先付頭期款,剩下的向銀行貸款,那樣我們可以住到全家人都喜歡的地方,你累了可以去樓下打球游泳,孩子和他的朋友也可以打球 ……



! 如果一生只有百年,至少應該住在自己喜歡的地方吧。我點點頭。



Thursday, January 3, 2008


新的一年的開始, 我和家人一同去了Arizona. 他們很快就要回台灣住了, 忽然覺得沒有家人在身旁的我, 會孤單... 所以最近特別會找機會跟父母做一些以前沒有一起做過的事, 或總是在忙碌的藉口下, 遲遲沒有積極去做的事. 這趟其實主要是陪我哥跟他老師去辦事情, Main Street上有上百家的art galleries.... 我倒是發覺到自己還滿適合做經紀人的, 或是談生意的..... 根本就是在幫老師跟Joseph跟店主聊天, 哈拉, 翻譯, 介紹跟推薦他們. 這兩位仁兄, 真不知是因為是純藝術家還是怎樣, 邏輯上有時讓我有點錯愕; 還是因為我做事慢不下來?! 人真的就是不同吧!

遇到幾個超好的gallery owners.... 最後這一位, 更是讓我自己小小後悔小時沒有好好學畫畫. 真的覺得他可以有本事讓我可以出頭天, 只專心畫出好畫就可以有好收入的感覺! *所以請我哥務必努力! 又是這家有reputation畫廊的老板, 又是Thunderbird的marketing professor... phew... 人整個就是gentle又有愛心! 我差點就想開口問他結婚了沒 =p *sigh.

今年都還沒有想新年新希望. 總覺得夢想好遠, 我要走的路看不到個出口. 主啊幫助我!