Tuesday, September 28, 2010

贖罪日 9.12.10

Didn't wanna omit a few statements Pastor John stated weeks ago. 那天講到贖罪日, 悔改的力量. He said, "Confession and repentance are essential in our Christian life. Only when we repent will we be led to a thorough freedom and joy!" So amen to that... 用我們的全心 (眼淚) 全意 (禁食).

Monday, September 27, 2010


OK, so it's the recognition day for teachers... (: thanks to Google's reminder.

happy bday to google!

google's 12th anniversary! (: painting by wayne thiebaud.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

感謝妳, 朋友!

OK, i admit that albeit i've studied abroad and lived in CA for approx. half of my lifetime, i'm still traditional, even more so than those who've not gone abroad and lived in tw for all lives ^^" but i'm quirky..... in my own way... which i now believe, is somewhat inherited from my dad! ^^" not saying it's a negative thing, i've always seen it as sth peculiar (in a good way), but... in this season of life, i would say my attitude toward quirk is neutral for now ><

just for my own discovery, had another 'insight' today! another reason what i miss US - is that i have friends whom i can trust so much, that no matter what happens, no matter when... i can just dial the number and then i know she will be listening. friends that i entirely trust and being entrusted, 包括即使有時甚麼話都沒有, 只是坐在旁邊, 妳也能自在. 真的懷念那種被接納, 被認識, 被瞭解, 被信任的友誼... 所以即使我抱怨, 我懷疑, 她可以真實的看我, 知道我現在需要的是甚麼, 需要被提醒的是甚麼, 意見是中肯的, 是為我好的, 是真心的..... 恩, 更清楚的看這件事了... the 'bridge' role is bestowed on me.... just gotta organize and adjust my feelings, in order to have a positive and accurate point of view to see both sides. Lord, give me the wisdom and words of knowledge to say the right things at the right timing. be the right person with the right attitude. do the right things with the right motivation. lead me to ... serenity. but above all, at all times, i praise You! i want to honor You, and my father on earth, for he fears God.... and many more of his commendable work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

中秋節 – 美好+實際的一天!

不總是每個假期都想過得這麼充實, 但是今天的我, 按著預期的+臨時加添的, 可做了不少~! hurray! (:

- read "women of faith"
- prepare teaching lessons for 2 classes this Fri - print materials and burn songs (因為明天可能會去屏東住, 到星期五趕回來教課)
- read some CNN news!
- enjoy eating leftover/lunch w/ family and chitchat
- enjoy playing piano + sorta practice the 'surprise'
- enjoy relishing the snacks (小林煎餅+Hawaiian cheesecake) along with ten-ren's high mountain oolong tea!!!! 好懷念喝茶.......
- read for leisure (today happened to read 'breaking dawn' only...)
- more reading on breaking dawn....
- 從國小就沒見過的瑞發哥來..., 後來三人一起從貨車卸東西
- 三姨他們從東山&嘉義回來來看瑞發哥, 在家裡小聊一下...
- get ready to home grill with lina at her house
- barbecue & grilling...... + tv
- clean up & buy apples for work tmr at 屏東
- swing by at 明宏's outside grill and chill
- home........ extremely exhausted!
- pack for tmr's overnight at the construction site (信望愛育幼院)
- ready to hit the sack........ Z z z z z z..............

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

happy mid-autumn festival!

nothing much, just wanna say happy mid-autumn festival! got a day off which everyone's pretty excited about! tmr there're two groups of people (relatives) doing outside grill... and they've invited me, not sure which/none to go yet... don't wanna think about this decision now, just wanna CHILL!!!! wahaha been falling in love with a lot of songs.. or i should say, kinda wanna know how to sing them by really knowing the lyrics! e.i. 一想到你啊, 解脫, 聽你聽我 (apparently, so far all a-mei/張雨生 related :) 還有美好的旅行, 守護星, there can be miracles, under the wings (小胖的), etc. also, just thought about an "idea" for jen's surprise.... ahem... will sleep on it! (:

Thursday, September 16, 2010


friends would still ask me from time to time: "have you settled in?" it feels both nice and baffled. on the one hand, it brings a smile to my face knowing friends care, on the other hand, it made me stop and ponder where i am right now in the midst of all the transitions. well, it's been 4 months, i guess when i don't have much reactions, then perhaps i can say i'm well adapted. (: however, i know i'm also good at disciplining my determination and will while ignoring my feelings to do whatever is needed, hence, it would be nice to rethink how things were formed and developed into the way they are now. this is what my master degree has shaped my thinking.... lol

teaching kinders are like battling. you gotta know your boundaries, set them well both in mind and in action, and even if you make some mistakes in tolerating some of their behaviors, you gotta come back and tackle w/ it. due to the meager curriculum the 'supervisor' lacks to provide?! i had to come up w/ my own teaching materials for one hour! seriously, w/ their short attention span, i sure had to prepare way more activities than i envisioned... after all, the youngest age group i've taught were elementary, never had i voluntarily wanted to teach anyone younger than that no matter how cute they appear =p 不過真的有幾個小孩長得超級可愛...... wanna bite their cheeks. lol

alright, insomnia is getting better. currently two of my fingers are suffering from pus.... >< one's on the corner, one's completely inside the nails @@ sounds grotesque isn't it........... used a boiled needle to jab it, hurts like crazy @@ argh, perhaps i will need to see a doc before it gets more than swollenness!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

吹角節 The Feast of Trumpet - 神所預定第三個秋天節慶

Pastor John talks about the feast of trumpet last Sun, to me it's fascinating to see pastors following Jewish calendar (appreciate seeing pastors honoring God's festival, 因為越來越少教會注重這些了; 以前在Vineyard的我可從來沒有做/聽過)! It brings gratification.... later on Melanie told me the close connection Pastor John particularly has with a Jewish family, maybe that's why. Nevertheless, only when we understand Jewish festivals/holidays will we have a broader and deeper affection... for one, to identify and relate the Messiah that Jews have been yearning for, and/or to experience the 're-live' which is the new life that Jesus Christ gave us. And/or other traditions/feasts that show the significances of 'worshipping' Him this way! "Re-live"... 很powerful的!

經文: 利未 23:1-4, 24-25
號角聲音迎接新的一年, 並以10天 (9/17) 來預備自己進入贖罪日.
"Yamin Noraim" -> 令人敬畏的10天, 是為了自省及悔改 (Lev. 23:24-26)
"shana tova umetukah" = 好且甜蜜的一年 (習俗是: 用蘋果沾進蜂蜜中) a new year of blessings
眼淚及喜樂 (詩126:5)

The Feast of Trumpet this yr: supposed to be Thur (9/9), but because in Jewish tradition, 從前天的evening就開始了, 所以牧師也將禱告會改到Wed (9/8) 傍晚開始. Oh, 這禮拜還有讓我很窩心跟感動的是, 牧師要我們自己上前去拿餅杯.... believe or not, every action we do on Sun sanctuary represents some theology behind the head of the pastor.... it shows their understanding and theology! We walk up to Christ... to ask for mercy and grace, not passively; just a simple action can arouse such a deeper appreciation and humbleness reminding us of our role - the forgiven, the granted... and He, the merciful, the giver, the source! (:

Oh, 曾牧師 (Christine) 在分享她在以色列&torah curriculum有提到... 想要復興要持續做的: 祭壇 - personal, family, church, community, national. 全國禱告網絡上有有關以色列的近況... 2 Chr. 7:14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。明年是台灣100年... every 50th year is Jewish's tradition of celebrating 神的禧年! 所以... 她鼓勵我們要想: what's my purpose & mission for being part of this celebration? Deep... and worthy to disclose...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


剛回來台灣時, 覺得那兩個nephews真是難搞... 又皮又不聽話, 整個就是... $%&*()#(*$&)#%*(&!)( 但是多相處了些日子, 也算主動跟他們建立關係後, 其實我覺得小孩都是可朔性高的, 只是要怎麼去帶... 不過太多人管他們了, 所以兩個應該覺得大人的規定怎麼很複雜跟不同吧, 也應該會找漏洞 lol anyhow... 這晚沒有小組 (Fri night), 我主動想要稍微babysit一下兩個小孩, 所以就跟姐商量過要看toy story3 since somehow rita bought the DVD in China. 可是不知為什麼, menu上顯現沒有中文語言, 所以我們臨時改為宮崎峻的"懸崖下的金魚姬" - 一部其實兩個小孩都看過的片子... (later found out). 我們看著看著... 邊加料 (小的會興奮的告訴我之後會發生什麼事), 後來我爸媽也加入觀看的陣容. 到了約9:30pm, 小的忽然跑上樓.. 邊喊: "我明天要上課, 要先睡了" (台語)... 我們大家都心裡有數, 明天是星期六哪有上課. 應該是因為看過不想看了, 所以用這種理由.... ^^" 過了個約十分鐘, 忽然聽到"碰"一聲, 大的忽然跪下來.... 小小聲慢慢得跪著俯俯往前行, 以為這樣大家都沒注意到他, 仍是可以專著地看著螢幕 @@ 看著他爬過二姑的前頭, 小心翼翼, 低低地試著通過我們前頭盯著電視的視線... 默默以為他自己是隱形的吧...~ @@ 這時我說: "子恩啊, 你為什麼不看了啊?" (想說看他會用甚麼理由來逃脫) "你也是因為明天要上課要早睡嗎?" 這個孩子.... 我想是因為是哥哥, 有去上課不一樣, 知道不應該說謊, 所以不能再用這個藉口... 所以他選擇................ - 乾脆來個裝傻...! 甚麼話都不說, 仍舊跪著, 慢慢得俯俯前進爬向樓梯處...... 我們幾個看著他的姿勢, 在後頭大笑..~ ha 結果最後, 竟然是我, 我爸跟我媽看到最後. =p 不知道是我莫名的太挑了還是怎樣, 怎樣都覺得這部片子其實很不適合小孩看呢~! 畫面可愛歸可愛, 色彩分明鮮艷, 但內容可是有多處讓我覺得.... 不只是誇張 (好聽的說是有創意~~) 但是一些教導個人覺得滿不好的; at least if i were to have kids, i wouldn't want them to watch this film @@ anywayz... 這兩個孩子平時雖然皮歸皮, 但非常單純, easy to read their minds... (: 他們有他們很可愛的點! =D

Friday, September 3, 2010


幾年後, 若在回來想這件事, 應該會覺得真是無聊... 浪費自己的青春跟寶貴時間, 但是... 現在要說完全不在意就似乎有點牽強~ 我仍是在尋求人的認可嗎? 還是我不確定自己的價值? 其實他的想法可以一點都不重要, 因為也真的沒啥事發生, 但是自己的思維又讓我覺得他很膚淺, 也莫名的生氣. 我想是因為我覺得被比下去了.... 或許根本沒這回事, 但我忍不住不這麼想... >< 我似乎在心深處很在意一些男生對我的看法, 即使他們不是我生命中真的重要的人. 哎~ 只有單身才會有這種困擾吧.....