Tuesday, January 30, 2007


我覺得我一直很努力, 想要改善跟妳的溝通, 可是.... 直到上星期六, 當時我真的很frustrated... 那一刻, 我真的感到好累~ 忽然有點覺得那種 - 我還是少把我的想法跟妳說好了.~ 妳明明知道我的動機, 卻還是很難接受, what can I say then? 有點tired of being initiative, 試著配合妳 *是的, 我有在試著配合妳!. 或許某方面我是sensitive, 可是可不可能妳更sensitive? *激動ing....................

Monday, January 29, 2007


關牧師跟我們分享的, 就是sth like this. This particular clip was done by a church brother - Donald,'s friend~! You may search it at Youtube - Platform 6, not the rap/dance one....


Jan. babies..~

I can't remember everyone's, but few old friends' are just stuck in my head 4ever since many yrs ago! Somewhat miss the times when there weren't any cell phones. I was the phone book - remembered all the nos. & b-day dates.~


1/1 Sammy (even though I haven't seen him for 8 yrs or so already...)

1/9, or 11? Tacq ^^"

1/12 Donald

1/14 Gary W.

1/20 Shirley

1/27 Edwin

1/30 Shawna!


Newborn baby: Ely's - baby FAITH 1/26/07! And... Vivian's pregnant 2!  Another Aug. baby...

God is humorous - full of wisdom!

򥪺zu`iz~ oSo򧹬!! HH pGOoXMand yet fear of the Lordleader, iLkNڭ̾Eo_~! Oڥuݨ짹?! OıoA̯uOڪ]! FϮ~, ڷQ~uOĤGn!!!~~~ ڱqSQL wƬOڻPA̶}l@_Ӱo!!! uOڷQSQL.....~~~ haha exciting to see how God orchestrates all these! =) Receiving vs. Giving - @~!

God has His timing

SOO˪H, HeګܮebܽХLH@ǨƦӾDڵ (YϬOܰ઺ڵ), ܮeL - ]ܮetake it personal, ıoO]ګ˫˩ҥHOHo˦^. @D, ڬOQWѨM, ]Qݪө.... ڥHeıooSԣn... iOO̮eް_j. Ѫ, iHR. O]Ѧbpժ? iOڷQO] UڦF.

, pGOnڰ, ЬڧP... ٦ܦhnDzߪ, give me a humble heart & a soft heart for You.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

May You have my heart

Wed night prayer meeting, as usual... I went. 那天的見證都很鼓勵人, 但是.... God surprised me w/ sth even greater! =)

最後的一個見證, 是Alice阿姨分享她的四哥... 一位不論有沒有所謂宣教士頭銜的主的僕人, 在他生命的晚年, 全心全意投入做 神給他的passion - 凝聚在外地的弟兄姊妹聚會, 撒福音的種子, 建立新的聚會點, 自工自養. 最後........ 可能因為太忙碌, 或許因為 神看他在世的日子已經完成 神本來所拖付的, 很可能 神看他愛祂的堅定足已用最大的見證來榮耀 神, 挑望更多的靈魂來被激勵, 來效法他. 這位主所使用的弟兄, 很突發的身體開始不舒服, 身體檢查的報告一次比ㄧ次負面, 但是...... 在最後去病院看他的人, 都相反的被他安慰... 因為看到他深信他所信的 神, 仍是配得過這一切.... 他有著平安的心跟信靠, 繼續將生命交拖給 神, 知道自己往哪裡去. 不特別求 神的醫治, 因為已經信祂到相信 神知道什麼是對他最好的. 是留, 是走, 他都只要主的旨意.......! 看到Alice阿姨一開始講見證一快掉眼淚時, 我馬上將整包面紙給Debby阿姨讓她傳給Alice阿姨... 但是..... 當時聽到最後的我, 其實哭得比較像是需要面紙的那個..... 現在可以粉平靜的打下這些, 但當時的我... 心裡的感動跟這幾年來陸陸續續不斷被 神的靈感動的激揚是一樣的. 我知道那是從 神而來的... 我知道 神一直沒有放棄我, 我知道我真正的滿足就是這個... 除了吶喊, "神啊............ 祢真偉大!...." 我知道這種為主活的道路是我想要的. 說真的, 我不知道我到底要怎麼走.... 我的未來要怎麼走, 但我知道 神掌管... 只要我把自己交給祂 - both my strength & my weakness. 我軟弱時, 我看到我什麼都沒有... 祂的恩典; 我剛強時, 我越來越多看到我什麼都不是, 如果不是祂賞賜. God, You're unbelievably perfect, wonderful, powerful, beautiful. Full of justice and yet compassionate.....

不要等到妳/你看到才相信, 越大的人應該是越會懂得從別人身上學經驗. I saw this article before I went to prayer meeting on Wed, but I thought it would be a good ending for this blog entry

graceandpoise.spaces.live.com/blog/ => 天堂、地獄的活見證


I wanna borrow some English praise/worship CDs... or any recommendations on Christian albums/artists.

And... if you happen to have some dance DVDs/clips (hip-hop, jazz movements) & willing to lend me, plz....


Lately I've had impulses to choreograph sth... anyone who's interested, lemme know 2!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rare shark & Artificial insemination rhino

Wish List

Only if you know what I'm talking about, and if you want to give... you can take this into consideration. *Ah... am I reaching an age that appreciates wish list more now? Don't wanna waste impractical stuff* However, anything you find suitable works 2.


1. Gift cards - Starbucks, movie tickets, Ten Ren => In case you don't know, YES! Ten Ren has its own gift cards available now for their goers! ^^ *Doing promotion for my friend Tracy K~ lol

2. iPod.... ^^"

3. Water-resistant mascara / make-up stuff

4. Slippers

5. Reversible thick belt (2 sides)


My purchase items on list / few dream items: ^^"


1. Desk lamp

2. Keyboard.... what brand is good?! Any suggestions?

3. Air tickets .... Hawaii, Paris, Taiwan, Seattle, Texas, Korea, Japan...

4. Sunglasses

5. Glasses

6. Skirts

7. ... God knows...

Jie Mei

A sister-in-Christ jie jie came all the way to have a lunch w/ me today..... "gan-don" ahhhh~~

Such a sweet and trustworthy friend to have.... yes, you're like a jie jie to me, not just because you're older (you might even look younger than me ..... >.<) but you've been thoughtful. I still remember the kind words you told me a yr ago when I was dismayed.


I've always longed to have sisters.... blood-related sisters. But ever since I have intellectual capacity, I knew it would never happen. My gracious God has given me many GREAT sisters-in-Christ and sisterly cousins, and I do treasure them.~ However...................., if I will give birth, I want my children to have their same-gender-siblings! *Will I, Lord?*


Everyone, cherish your same-gender siblings more!

Monday, January 22, 2007


I'm not always optimistic....................................., BUT when I connect my thoughts/perceptions with the eternal God, then everything becomes a blessing. No matter how unpleasant things are, more or less, sth out of it would turn out to be a plus that I can give thanks to. On the other hand, it reflects how pessimistic our nature tend to be...


Being negative is normal..... but it usually comes out of our flesh. Um, I still can't express well the differences between of being negative vs. judgmental, but to me, being critical is a diff story - some ppl are simply more meticulous.


Ok... what's da point of me saying all this..... the worlds had taken what used to be improper to become acceptable, what used to be wrong to become tolerable. Almost all things are in gray areas now, even God's Words are being compromised. I'm not doing good AT ALL YET, but we as God's messengers, can we stay together, and all learn to stick firm with God's standards. Let 'yes' be yes, and let 'no' be no. I really need ppl to be like "Jonathans" beside me.


Maybe a lot of times I'm straightfoward or too abrupt, but if I were to choose, I rather not pleasing everyone and lost my sight, respect everyone's opinions but not honoring Him.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dreams 夢想

最近有很多realizations, 粉多的不足與軟落. 其中一樣是發現自己其實不敢做夢.... um.. 應該說是不敢去夢我的夢想~! 因為不敢去夢, 就在想要去find out時, 我發現along the way, 我失去了做夢的渴望, 而不太知道自己的夢想是什麼. 但是.... 除了最近在聽到不同人的生命經歷得到激勵外, 神也因為知道我的心不會滿足, 直到我找到它, 所以我重新開始試著在主裡去面對, 重新認識自己, 去思索自己到底想要什麼. 對於目前看到的, 要走的路, 我其實很興奮..... 迫不及待.... 求聖靈幫助我要好好地預備自己來承接 神要成就的大事!

*神的喜樂是我的力量; 享受 神所賜每一天的恩典*


醫生對我說: "妳可以去做雷射啊~ 不要的話, 那要注意喔, 不要劇烈運動, 像是不要跳上跳下, 頭呢, 小心不要去撞到, 不要被東西打到, 其他的.... 少揉眼睛, 少盯著電腦." 最後他還好心的加上, "建議妳可以的話, 就換個工作, 少用電腦的工作." 我媽咪曾很嚴肅的告知我要小心我的眼睛, 因為她說她的眼睛很不好.... but I proclaim today that I will have a health body, every parts of me... 我呢, 認真想了一下, 這些我都可以學習去避免, 不過..... 好像high起來... 很可能自己會忘掉 ^^" 所以希望身邊的人提醒我囉. 其實很少人會打我頭, 只是... 請還是注意囉~! :)

*飛蚊症-stay away from me! 我要好好照顧聖靈居住的殿!*

Saturday, January 20, 2007


我曾經聽過一個很有charisma, 我很欣賞的一位基督徒領袖, 說過這麼一段話. 雖然是很多年前了, 不過讓我印象深刻. 她說: "很多人可能會以為做基督徒是因為很軟弱, 需要一個寄託, 才會信主. 但是, 我要告訴你, 基督徒是最勇敢的人!" 我最近聽到一對夫妻生命的見證..... 有ㄧ對在台灣的牧師師母, 本來有三個孩子. 但是在最近這幾年, 相繼不太久, 在意外中失去了他們的兩個兒子..... 如今只剩下一位女兒..~ 不只是父母心裡疼痛, 這位姊姊也經歷了她生命中的一些難關. 但是..... 如今他們仍然事奉主, 仍然繼續做 神的工, 用生命來服事. 我聽到時........ 我感動不已.... 我羨慕這樣的生命..... 我羨慕這樣對主的認識跟堅定, 對主的倚靠. 他們何等激勵了我.~ 可能在他們身邊的人, 不論信主或不信主的, 都會question....... "你們的 神還是ㄧ位賜福的 神嗎? 如果 神是愛你們的, 為什麼要讓這樣的事發生在你們身上呢? 你們還是這樣擺上事奉祂的.~" 對我而言, 很多時候, 我的確還是無法回答你... 但是我深深知道, 祂的道路高過我的道路, 祂的意念高過我的意念, He's doing things with LOVE. 其實我也要不斷的提醒自己... 因為有時我仍是小信的. 可是..... the more I think, the more I feel that He's all I need, and... 神再次在使我經歷祂, 看我是否真心裡堅定相信祂向我所施的是平安的意念, 愛我的意念, 不是降災禍的意念.

*Hallelujah, 耶穌對我們真好!! =)

Friday, January 19, 2007


I felt the enjoyment again among you guys. I didn't know how to articulate well to other ppl about it, but I guess I can put my thoughts together and make a better picture myself as time goes by. Not that I'm being only practical, but the united spirit that we had, it's so real and I felt so much comforted.. knowing that I'm not alone, we all have the same vision, and same desire for Him. God, You are BEAUTIFUL!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

2l4 gj3 ru4 g6

ru8 xu3 2u04 sl3 u.4 u.3 jp4 wu6 xk7, nji3 u3 53 cl3 u.4 y94 ej/ n 283 xk7. yl3 ru.4 vu;3 .3 -3 5k4 u;4 283 ek7 2j/ vu, y4 ru3 el vu/4 u,3 cl3, hehe. =p vup n u4 su04 g4 yjo4 s06 2k6 g/4 2k7, 5j3 87, ji3 5p 2k7 vm ul4 su3 2k7 1; 5j4... ji3 5 2l4 ji3 u3 ru/ rup4 1j4 cp3 2ji xk7, 204 g4 c96 g4 xu6 s84 yjo4 ao3 cl3 2k7 u.3 u 2j04 rm4 xu6. ji3 ul4 2k7 vu/4 zj6 g4 gk6 ak7 sk7.... ji3 53 5 2l4 gp6 cjo4 eo3 ji3 u ek7 fu6 ru, 1u/4 ru/4 w8 yjo4 5 2l4 ji3, so thank You in advance! :) vu04 y94 dk3 u3 d9 g3 2l4 gj3 ru4 g6 xk7, njo b06 1j6 5 2l4 rup su06 2k7 ji3 cjo4 1j6 cjo4 vul3 vul3 e03 g;, 204 g4 ji3 vu;3 ji3 2k7 m/3 fu4 5/ ru8 xk7, ji3 vm,6 vu6 1j6 ul4 c94 q84 ji3 g/ au/4 5j/ 2k7 ek xu4 u83. z. h/6 ru/ 2u,6 2l4 ej3 2u3, ao6 u.3 gk6 ak7 g/4 1j6 eji4 xk7 187~! fu.6 5j3 1; 5j4 ji3 cl3 cl3 vu;3 ji3 rup su06 2k7 m04 j;4 g4 gk6 ak7, ul4 u.3 u4 u4 87!! *ru8 u.6 ru8 u.6 Jane! su06 fu/ 2k7 g/ au/4 ul4 jo4 5j3 -6 cji6 87! u 1o4 y3 2. 1j6 cjo4 c.4 cjo3 2k7!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Had a little painful throat on Monday, yesterday the sore throat got worse, then started coughing today. I don't think I can be sick.... at least gotta past the coming Sunday. I've taken some actions - take vitamins, drink hot water with lemon, try to hit my bed no later than 12 am (for those who are reading this blog - plz pray for me... =) Lord You know who needs healings, come.... heal my mom 2... and rescue those who need Your almighty power & gentle touch once again~!


And yet, I will still sing of Your love! For I know that Your love endures forever!!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


話說我媽去年拿到公民後, 大約兩禮拜多前就興致沖沖的買機票回台灣去看親戚加享受. 隨即也跟著回去的表妹Jasmine, 兩人在回去前都是擔心憂憂的怕我們到時沒人煮飯.~ (平時表妹雖不常下廚, 但比起其餘的我們 -包括成員我爸, 我哥, 我表妹Amy 及我, 她算是還會偶而去煮煮薏仁湯啊, 綠豆湯等的) 表妹也特別提醒我: "表姊啊, 到時要煮飯耶~! 不要都沒人煮, 天天吃外面~ >.<" 我爸是最樂觀的, 只吩咐我媽別像多年來的習慣 - 回去前兩個冰箱都堆的滿滿的食物, 直到她回來都還有可能沒煮完的程度~~ ^^" 我本來也有最壞的打算, 平時天天固定帶去上班的便當, 這一個月就別帽宿了. 但是................... 出乎意外的~~~~~~~~ 幾乎打從第二天開始, 每天晚上我們可都是飽飽的, 可撐呢~~~~ 幾乎天天都帶了便當, 我同事還以為我媽已經回來啦~~~! 我也有天心血來潮的煮curry ^^ 今天, 我跟我哥還搶的煮飯呢 @@ 所以最後平均分配, 連我爸也盡上一份心力, 進廚用鍋炒烏魚子~~~ ended up with six dishes, not including 炒飯 for three of us - dad & bro & me!! ^-^v 我們一致認同, "看來媽咪不在, 我們的勤勞度都提升啦!!" 煮飯的時間當然也是變長, 媽咪果然是能力強, 她的炒飯速度我們可仍是遙遙不及啊~~~~~~~~~~ 我想我媽如果知道的話, 應該會很安慰, 搞不好還會想: "那我在台灣再多待一陣子好啦!"*btw, thank to my bro to call Times Warner and had them sent a repairman to do sth w/ the wires... and now the internet WORKS perfectly! =)

Friday, January 12, 2007




材料: 蒜頭一斤, 蘋果醋二瓶
製法: 將蒜頭去衣,拍裂放下空樽內,再倒下醋封口,待兩個月後便可飲用。 早、晚各一次,每次一湯匙,溫暖開水沖服,如發覺病況好轉,便應繼續服用,待病況痊癒為止。 如發覺有效,可介紹其他病者試用。



感冒的雞湯有兩種: 1)普通口味,除了,要放入胡蘿蔔、芹菜、洋蔥、大蒜。2) 辛辣雞湯,當然是非常辛辣。可以消除感冒症狀,如通鼻、袪痰等。雞湯中要加入大量胡椒、辣咖哩粉和大蒜,熱呼呼一碗下肚,眼淚、鼻涕直流,口、喉和肺部液體快速排出,達到袪痰效果。




製法: 茄子的吃法,最好不用油炒,可將茄子洗淨切開裂縫放於飯鍋中蒸熟,取出,拌入薑末、蔥花、蒜泥、麻油,稍加醋和醬油拌食、是一道色、香、味俱全的佳餚,也是中老年人養生保健的健康菜。



青木瓜最好選擇果實肥短,容量比較大,將木瓜頂部切開,挖出木瓜內的種籽,再開一個小缺口方便倒茶水,另一邊開個小洞透氣,放入茶葉、倒進沸水後蓋回木瓜頂部,並以牙籤固定,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同, 茶葉使用一般品質的烏龍茶即可; 一般木瓜要四個月左右才會成熟,但成熟後就沒有療效,青木瓜大約在三個月大左右收,這時果實較大,果實內的「木瓜奶」含有木瓜酵素、木瓜等有益健康成份,不但可泡茶喝,還可以切塊連同排骨熬湯,或切細絲加蒜頭炒,都非常可口


Thursday, January 11, 2007

什麼樣的男朋友值得繼續交往 - for girls!

I saw this in my OLD emails, thought it's a good reminder.



-God gives you what you need, not necessarily always what you want - friends told me. He knows the best! But..... girls gotta have fondness... otherwise, no way Jose! ^^





-Um.... I guess it's hard not to compare.


-His talents gotta be somewhat relate to eternal values! but gotta know how to take care GIRLS! =)



-Be nice... I would be glad to listen.


-This one I'm not sure what to comment yet. ^^"

This is the year of Lord's favor on all of us!

I receive Your blessings.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Job openings


A Leading Power Supply Manufacturer has opening for the following positions.


1.Product Managers: Responsible for switching power supply related management, PM/sales experience preferred Bilingual (Chinese & English) is a must.


2.Sales Engineers: working with sales, familiar with power supply technologies,  EE

degree preferred.


3.Senior Sales/ Account managers: self-motivated, aggressive, excellent communication skill.


SPI offer competitive salary, 401K with company match, Performance Incentive program and health insurance. Please fax your resume to 626-839-5830 or sent e-mail to victorw@sparklepower.com