Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Change" by 木村

真的不記得最後一部看得日劇是什麼.. it's been so long. 很巧的, 看到了"Change"! 雖然表妹說一開始有點悶, 可是我可是從CD1不知道第幾集就開始哭了 @@ 有夢想又能謙卑讓夢一一實現的感覺真的很感人! 我情不自禁地吶喊內心深處能resonate那種活得有意義跟朝著目標滿足行走的每一天~! 能影響人的每一天! 能使他人感受到我所堅持而願意一起同工的每一天! 承認integrity就是能輕易奪走我目光跟眼淚的.... 邊擦眼淚的同時, 也不斷思想如何能將它表達出來的正義跟為大局好的精神用在現所參與的兒童事工~ 木村在戲裡能用孩童(5th graders)懂得的方式來表達一般人覺得很深奧的政治, to me.. it is profound and so meaningful! 如果我也看重孩童 - 未來的棟樑, 那我該如何給予他們在任何環境及學習空間裡看到接納&榜樣呢?! How do I set curriculums that they feel accessible and being part of the stories, this journey of knowing Christ, and knowing how important they are in God's eyes?

*同工似乎不是刻意找來的, 是發掘他們生命的特質, 讓他們以他們有的來發光~! 主啊, 求給我宰相般的心胸, 耶穌道成肉身般的die to myself, for the unity that I've never ever seen or exposed to before. I praise You!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pop Music - "Love"

One of the most significant Valentine's days was last weekend's. I was fortunate to play KB with others at Hub. Though it was a mini band... only one KB, one AG, one djembe, and three vocals, I spent almost two entire afternoons listening to YouTube and tried to imitate every songs' intro/interlude all that, as close as I can. It's been like forever since I keep up with any pop music. Really enjoyed the process... honing my listening skills :)

1. 愛的就是你
2. 只因為你
3. 親親
4. 當你孤單你會想起誰
5. 非你莫屬
6. 期待你的愛
7. Everything
8. 一比一
9. 今天你要嫁給我

Of course we had to incorporate more as we went along, cuz time was flying... and we were still tensed up the first round. Also sang "情非得已", "跟愛很簡單"~!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Terrific Beginning of 28!

This yr's bday happened to be on Sunday. I think it was very unique, cuz ... I had the opportunity to lead worship based on our regular rotation. 一早有嚴重的不開心 - 因為soundman遲到, 使得我們的練習減少... 這個問題已經長期覺得很挫折了. Anyhow, thank God for the adjustment inside of me... worked it through. I was respectful to the soundman to have no one touched any of the equipment until he arrived. I learned to do my part... right. :)

Got to go to Bucca di Beppo Italian Restaurant w/ beautiful sisters and brothers - Kristen, Jenny and Jennifer, *Isabel, Victor and Peter. So relaxed and... enjoyed the delectable meals (esp. chicken carbonara). Though I got lost for more than an hour, safely picked up my wonderful yogurt cake by Viv & Edwin's with Jenny, and... celebrated w/ Daniels at E2's. Really feel being loved by everyone of them... 弟兄們超配合我的要求照相, 貼心的禮物等的. Perfect! Great start for me... as I turn 28! =D Thank You my Father!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


今晚是Daniel小組弟兄們溫暖地為姊妹們辦一個Sister Appreciation Night! 我知道他們花很多時間跟精神準備, 不過我沒有想像過任何的期待或是情景... 它還是讓我震撼到了~ 雖然我們多數準時到, 在門口等待許久... 但是一進去的氣氛, 燈光, 精緻的小禮物, 音樂 (Disney專輯)!!! 整個就是PERFECT! *我承認音樂讓我很加分~~~! - Beauty & the Beast, Lion King, Aladdin, Enchanted, L.O.V.E. etc, 就是完美~! LoL

最後有個"投票", 姊妹們選出最有"良人"特質, best waiter & talented的弟兄, 而弟兄選出最有笑容, 最有氣質, 跟最有服裝造型的... 出乎我意料之外, 我竟然被選中.... 最有氣質的 @@ 說真的, 這對我是個很大的鼓勵, 只是... 我超錯愕的, 也會納悶 - 是弟兄們不夠認識我, 還是我不了解自己的特質 =p 只能說, 謝謝大家的抬舉及看重. 這該是我有生以來最大的稱讚吧 LoL

I love You the first moment I saw Your face, I love you for You never take away Your grace, I love you for the reason of the rest of my days... in loving You. God, You're my everything!! I praise You~!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all~

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hockey Game!

I've gone to live basketball game once, baseball once, and tonight was my 1st time watching a hockey game! Free VIP tickets offered by Stacy's friend's friend, hahah~ It was so excited watching live games... though I've never learned much about hockey. Didn't get to scream much, cuz... KINGS was not aggressive enough. Since I had to shop for Daniel's Sister Appreciation Night dress, we went to the Staple Center late, missed seeing how Flames scored the 1st point... anyhow, I felt like Kings didn't have a good teamwork - they would somehow end up leaving one of the teammates 'solo fighting' w/ at least 2 opponents. It's weird seeing how their strategy play out... I felt it was a bad strategy if it was ever one >< However, still enjoyed the night hanging out w/ Stacy, and met two other great & gentle engineers! =D *I really like seeing/listening to the cheering music going one key after one key higher.... haha!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


最近開始發現我很欣賞一位長輩... or 前輩? 真的是我很好的榜樣... 以前曾經覺得她很難了解或熟起來, 雖然認識了超久. 也總是在年輕點時, 反而多數是會去請教她先生多於她... 但是, 從去年底開始, 發現.... 除了她對 神的認識有深度外, 體驗到她對 神的單純信心, 健談開朗, 及溫和易相處的個性, 都讓我打從心裡喜歡跟她說話, 也開始會明白為何她女兒們都如此愛她跟倚賴她. 我真的很喜歡我的'mentor' + supervisor + 輔導 + 師母, MK...~! LoL

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Outside of VOH Mentor...?! :)

Had both lunch & dinner engagements today, had so much fun!

- Prof. mentor: No limitation to what God has stored for women. Explore the possibilities, do not be limited by my current views.
- Love comes with sacrifice... if I can't sacrifice, I don't have love. *Life testimonies from Eva Ayi and Lily! *Sophie 2009要結婚........ um, me 2? =p

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Conversation

A: (剛講完手機, obviously心情很好, 從廚房呼叫) 表姊, 我要煮水餃妳要不要吃?
Me: Oh.... 好啊, 我不是很餓, 只要一點點.
A: 后! 一點點是多少....
Me: (走出房間) 就... 6顆好了!
A: Oh.


Me: Hey Amy, 要不要順便燙個青菜來吃啊?
A: 有什麼菜啊... (口吻聽起來不想弄) 啊我在熱肉又在煮水餃, 妳弄好不好?
Me: 有 'pea' 啊! 啊就燙就可以了啊. 又不需要動手.....
A: (大笑) 什麼屁 (指著屁股), 屁不能燙啦~~
Me: (當然知道她在指什麼, 只是心裡暗想: "果然是跟anata講完話, 心情好, 跟我開起玩笑了" 我倆對笑) 后呦~ 就燙pea.... 很快啊! pea可以燙啦~~!
A: 那是豌豆.
Me: 阿它英文就是pea啊~! 不然勒~~~ 看妳啦. (繼續回房間做我的功課)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Haha, just wanna say "here comes Feb! my favorite month of the yr!" maybe cuz it's close to New Year, i always feel like it goes by so fast... cherish my 28 days of Feb. LoL