Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of 2008

不在意是否不用大腦, "Yes Man" 比 "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" 引起我更多的反應 =p 2009 is approaching... SOON.

Passionately falling in love with Jesus, is my priority! Patiently waiting for Him, listen and obey to His voice without asking too much "why!" Lean not on my own ability. I do not because I am able, but because He is able. *What are their roles in God's kingdom; how are their needs be met in God's sovereign plan in their lives - 我該想的.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


異性好朋友有時真的很貼心, 雖然這種機會不常有 ^^"

今天可是充實的一整天, 小組會議一個上午, 敬拜團練習半個下午, 一個人去Hub Cafe吃火鍋兼寫功課另外半個下午, 教會小組禱告會, 回到家九點多一點. Fieldbrook一整條路上停滿了車, 猜到鄰居在開party, 可是... 怎麼連我家的driveway也有一台不認識的車, 亮著燈停在我家門口的車位? 看到我的車後, 從我家的driveway正要開走... 我整個嚇到. 在我停下車後, 我整個不敢動, 也不敢下車... 想說他還停在我表妹車後面做啥~~!?!? 這時, 手機響了....... "啊Jane, 妳幹嘛不下車?" "喔, 是你停在後面喔?! 我想說怎麼會有人停在別人家driveway?" *我之前還在想說是不是來參加party, 找不到位置所以開到人家家的driveway - 我想像太豐富了可能 >< 下車後, 看到Mark帶著他的愛狗, 竟然買杯咖啡給我!!!!! "喔, 妳不在我還以為妳去參加大專的retreat勒~! 天氣很冷跑去買杯咖啡, 想說妳一個人在家就順便買一杯給妳! 本來想說要開走了結果妳正好回來~" *OOOH so sweet... 雖然我一開始大驚, 可是.................... 真的是一杯溫暖的咖啡! Thank you Mark H :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008


明年的這時候應該是畢業了, 我不管, 我明年一定要看到啦....... *你們明年一定還要有competition喔, Long Beach wealthy residents!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I figured it probably wouldn't be good to turn on the heater for the whole house when I'm home by myself, so I bought a portable heater today. Will see how functional it is by tonight... Walmart可是大賣, 都快沒貨, 只得挑一個box壞掉的 >< *Don't feel like doing hw, 怎麼辦...?!

Happy Bday Paul! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Season... b/c of Jesus Christ!

Merry Christmas to all my dearie friends & families

Home Alone

Home alone的日子開始了~! 還不知是好還是不好, 不過... 這曾是我很嚮往的一段時間, 所以... 要珍惜! *可以去看Christmas lights了, 開心!! :) Sleeping late tonight... 臨時Joyce姊姊找我去機場接她, 因為Cathy Pacific overbooked, 她選擇不搭飛機, 要晚一天走. What a night...

Monday, December 22, 2008

For Melody's Bday on Dec. 24th

Melody's bday is on 24th - Christmas Eve. I invited Daniels to record a clip as a birthday present for Melody, and... we were bold enough to upload it unto YouTube lol

Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Creating a Buzz"

"... keep things focused on the source of the miracle, not the way it was done. Be aware when God does things outside your paradigm of experience. Don't jump to conclusions about the ways of God if they don't fit your paradigm. Jesus rarely does things the same way every time. This is intentional in order to keep us trusting in His power, not His ways."

Listen to the small voice of God, we will hear/feel it. Then, obey. "Thank You for today, Father!"

Friday, December 19, 2008


幸福, 就是珍惜每天陪你渡過很routine生活的人, 生活小細節都會過問, 關心的家人朋友. 不能忘記最根本的幸福.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miscarriage Service

Miscarriage service is something that churches have been neglected, or perhaps they are not equipped to deal with it. I've never been exposed to miscarriage services, but I thank God for the opportunity to be more aware of the needs through our projects. 真的好難想像流產媽媽的心情... naming the baby is really significant for miscarried babies and their parents. 之前有聽過朋友流過產, 我真希望當時我有現在的了解能幫助她.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


想看聖誕燈... 下禮拜想找個時間去! :)

把情緒跟理智分開, 其實是有很多好處的. 在看"命中註定我愛你"時, 特別有感觸. "陳欣怡"真的有個好心腸... 從她的個性可以學到很多東西. 其實假期還沒有到, 不過我已經有放假的悠閒了! 仍然有3個assignments, 2個papers等著我, I'll have a great vacation!!! ^^ *Last class: Dec. 22nd; Last assignment due before Jan.: Dec. 23rd.

Happy Bday Jasmine! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reframe My Own Thinking :)

日久見人心, 姐這句話真是安慰我. 我知道不可能討每個人的歡喜; 事實上, 真要服事 神的話, 一定會有人不喜歡妳. 如果沒有人不喜歡妳的話, 那妳的服事就太舒適了...!
我只能做我該做的, 懇求 主給我恩典, 讓我所有的服事不是為人做, 乃是為主做. God is watching over me! ^^ *Love this word: REFRAME!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Categories: Church, Love, God, Fellowship

Samuel今天帶了個很棒的查經. 如果我說他的帶法讓我想到我學校的老師, 可能不是所有的人都覺得這是個稱讚, but it IS! =) 這也是我在APU學到的一些東西, 我在他的查經中看到, 也是我希望以後我帶話語或是教導時會incorporate的. 這次話語的內容 (Rev. 2:1-7) 其實也是很針對我目前的狀況吧. 我承認我常把自己弄得很忙... but it is a problem when my focus isn't almost on Jesus. No, it's more than a problem.. it's a SEVERE and SERIOUS problem, and.. I just.. had to repent. 愛人的心, I really lack of it.. cuz I haven't spent as much quality time as I should w/ God. 常常覺得沒有愛人的能力 - 廢話, 沒有常跟 神連結啊!! 總之, 今天有很好的反省. 我想要愛神, 愛人, 愛祂的一切... 同在, 倚靠祂的心, 愛自己. ALL THAT!

Lord, humble me.... so I may be functioning in Your eyes.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Amy's leaving for Taiwan tonight, for the 1st time ever since she 'unknowingly' immigrated to the states 13-14 years ago. I'm sure she'll eventually have fun... after initially undergo certain cultural shocks. Baxia girl.....!


Kate's graduating this Sat. (Dec. 13); she'll be the ONLY one graduating w/ her Master of Music Education degree this yr! So proud of her... So are Gloria & Tony, who are graduting w/ their Master of Worship Leadership diplomas!! Hooray~! Birthday cake

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Interpretive Leadership Paper...

Seriously, I run out of ideas... What are some of the Scripture references for older generations to support younger generations both mentally, physically and even financially?

Interpretive Leadership is really powerful... I'll write more on this when I have time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Advent Season

Advent, from the Latin word adventus, means "coming," is a season in which that Christian churches wait expectantly and prepare for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus! Advent season begins on the 4th week before the weekend of Christmas and lasts through Christmas eve. This year's Advent is from 11/30 ~ 12/24. Tomorrow will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent! Some churches don't buy into the notion of singing Christmas carols until the weekend of Christmas. Not in my case though! In my opinion, they should be sung starting the 1st week of Dec!! lol Besides, Christmas songs do not ONLY have to be sung during Christmas time!! They should be sung in any worship time... like "Joy to the World." However, people still stare at me when I burst out this comment or when I attempt to lead it on any of the Sundays other than in Dec.

LoL Christmas... is ALL about Jesus Christ!! None about commercials on simply 'holidays!'

Windows Live改變了!

People don't usually like changes the first instinct, because we need to get out of our comfort zone and readjust! Same here... but I like this Windows Live's new platform! Change that occurs once in a while brings a smile on my face, like by looking at my new-looking blog! lol


Yep, internship at VOH doing children's ministry starting next year, something that came out after Field Ed's requirement of meeting w/ my supervisor, Mrs. Kwan, for the past few months. I think I'm excited about it; at the same time anxious just by dwelling on it. This is some kind of challenge that my cousins had nicely but strongly suggested me to think clearly before I came to my final conclusion. Candidly, my Spring semester (correctly speaking, the unending Fall II, Spring, and Spring II) is gonna drive me nuts again in the first half of 2009. The Haggard Graduate of Theology has decided to switch the 9-weeks courses to 15-weeks, something unexpected when I first initiated to talk to Mrs. Kwan about the probable internship. Mrs. Kwan encouraged me to just step out in faith... all the talk isn't gonna do any good unless you step out, she said sth like that. Well, I can only believe that God knows better of the current situation I'm facing and has provided grace. I'm stepping out... Steph said something really positive about my decision; it was such a compliment to hear it from someone who's such a pro teacher, who has faith in me!

So much I hope I can do to change, and will eventually, and possibly realize cognitively how much I cannot do too. It'll be such a learning process... to stretch, to expand, to rely on Him and not on myself. See how positive I am right now... you gotta remember this moment Jane! =)