Tuesday, August 31, 2010


為著二姑丈, 今晚二姑邀請大家一起唱詩敬拜禱告. 過了為奶奶的追思, 跟amy的婚禮, 這次回來這是第一次大夥兒一起如此.... 比起以前, 我想我這次心態上比較有所調整跟習慣... 雖然仍是有那歌詞跟我在美國唱的翻譯不同, 音節會莫名多一節, 會有大家都不在同一個key的情況, 台語我歌詞不會唱等等卡卡之處, 但是... 當在唱到一半之後的那後一半, 都是讚美居多...... 這點很自然最後帶出來的全心的"獻上"+"讚美" (以 神為主的歌) 可是在神學上/敬拜訓練上算"right way"... ANYHOW, 只能說在信靠的人身上, 會自然走出那個所謂"對的方式"! 請繼續會二姑丈禱告, 懇求 神醫治他的腦... 所有的血塊都自然的止住, 就算不透過開刀, 仍是能完全康復, 經歷 神的大能!!!! “祢是信實的上帝!”

Monday, August 30, 2010


是因為宇婷推薦又正好電視重播"燦爛的遺產", 所以我開始從中間看了... (: 林依晨唱了這首歌, 應該是翻唱吧~ a great song!

以上是網路上有人自製的... kinda cute! 來個原版的.

換掉我身上的舊電池 感情的界限已到此為止
放心這並不是什麼末日 世界還是老樣子
愛上你該愛上的女子 全心全意守護她一輩子
到達我到達不了的位置 去完成我未完成的事


相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時旅行逆著風前進

愛上你該愛上的女子 全心全意守護她一輩子
到達我到達不了的位置 去完成我未完成的事

相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時旅行逆著風前進

相愛是兩個人美好的旅行 淚水和笑聲都盡收眼底
分手是兩個人各自的修行 傷心時理性逆著風前進

movies i wanna watch

gotta write down what movies i wanna watch so i'll look up here whenever i got the time! (:
- high school musical 2 & 3
- the back-up plan
- the proposal
- dear john
- iron man 2
- robin hood
- karate kid
- toy story 3
- switch

Saturday, August 28, 2010

dye my hair!

the 2nd time i dyed my hair ever in my life (this time's dark reddish brown)! many thanks to my cousin eva who helped me coloring it, though haven't seen how the mix-equal part comes out yet (: want a new look? maybe so, but as well to have heavy weight hair by 'damaging' it a bit =p

my left back started hurting so bad since this evening... had no clue why. hopefully not the effect of heavy-load muscle @@ going to see 好消息's 音樂小組 tmr! looking forward to it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

my blog

ha, a close friend made a comment about knowing each other through blogs, i have to say i see eye to eye with her! people write blogs for various reasons, to me... it's just an expression to my daily life, how i aim to capture the 'moments' that can refresh my memory years after. also..... a place to vent and make my voice known though not all my friends read lol ANYHOW, gratified knowing tracy follows my blog, hehe Thank you my friend! (:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


昨晚著實有把我嚇到. 睡到一半 (根本不知道是幾點了), 明明很熟, 卻忽然對天空一陣亮給驚醒... 醒來時很清醒, 在想那真的是閃電嗎...? 因為那一煞那很快, 亮到我覺得我的房間因著那道光 (就橫在我面前) 有被分成兩半的感覺. 我想那是閃電... 所以我等著打雷跟雨. 過了超超久....... 雷跟雨都還沒來... 又一陣陣的光, 都猶如天空一陣大光, 照亮天際的感覺... 雖然我其實是躺著, 窗簾也是拉上的, 但我仍深深感覺到那道光何等的清楚, 劃過夜晚的天際~ 好幾次..... 總算, 大雷來了, 這一來也是連劈得兇, 我莫名地想會不會明早有新聞說有人被雷劈到 >< 它讓我想到太24:27: "閃電從東邊發出, 直到到西邊. 人子降臨, 也要這樣." 是的, 末日的一個現象. 閃電的光亮到我感覺那道光是橫劃整個夜晚的天際... 即使整個房間是暗的, 窗簾也是拉上的, 我仍是清楚地看到光... 我隱約聽到媽咪開房間門, 又開了陽台的沙窗要收衣服... 但我整個爬不起來也不想起來, 但是意識是很清楚的, 整個傻住. Thinking: am I ready? for the end time that it seriously reflects. 之後雨有開始狂下了.. 我還是起來關起窗戶, 仍然有閃電跟打雷的聲音在迴響整個夜空...... 媽今天說, 這幾天台灣拜拜天觸怒到 神了...... 我心想, 可是拜拜的人, 看到這樣的天氣, 如果真的有什麼感受, 應該反而拜得更兇吧 @@ Hope I'll have some culturally relevant talks to communicate with/influence others on this matter, somehow. 總覺得在這要做任何的事都跟文化有關... 我很希望自己能更深瞭解如何在這樣的環境中接觸到人, 影響到人群, yes in THIS culture, THIS enviornment... be culturally relevant... becuz it's virtually different from what I've been trained/accustomed to back in CA.

上週顧牧師講到"孤獨, 卻不孤單". 光看主題我就喜歡... 從美國回來後, 每每有獨處的時候我總是很享受... 畢竟我很習慣有個人空間, 做自己想做的事, 享受想要怎樣用自己的時間, 有被滿足到的感覺. 可能回來台灣後這種機會太少了, 所以一有時我都特別開心, 有喘口氣的感覺... 但是顧牧師有提醒到獨處時都在做什麼... 我發現我多數是用電腦 (e-mail, blog, fb, write curriculum - 最近), 彈彈琴+唱歌, 看電視, 即使是讀聖經時間也不是太長. 禱告是在睡前, 會替每位特別答應/知道有需要的弟兄姊妹/朋友/我觀察到需要代禱的. 但是這些時間.... 不總是"單獨"跟天父. 我想, 這還不是顧牧師說得"獨處"的操練 - quiet time w/ the Lord. Lord, teach me how to spend my quiet time w/ you relevant to THIS culture, to THIS environment I'm in. I'm willing to adopt to sth I'm not used to... help me, with a 'missionary-mindset', to blend myself in the midst.....

Friday, August 20, 2010

"Book of Eli" review

How incredibly amazing this movie depicts the gospel in a way that's... sheer awesome! =D How God speaks, how God leads, how God foreknows, and how God's Word is PRECIOUS! So many cool analogies unfolded throughout the scenes that directly bring me to introspection. How have I treasured what I already have.. how privilege I am to know what prayer is, and how I have been applying the Bible I know into practice, living it out, and most of all, to accomplish the mission God already gave, in the Bible. Wish I'll always be reminded how significant it is to have His Word with me, anywhere and anytime. Memorize His Word.......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

詩歌的大能! (:

I experienced the power of sacred/worship music today!! hehe... after my yoga class, i came home started working... 其實對於天天的鑽洞, 跟切木板/朔木, 我已經開始累了, 也覺得有點無趣; i just go through the motions... BUT since bro is out to 甲仙 w/ 姐夫, so all the four of us (parents, 宇婷跟我) 都不知道怎麼開工廠裡的那台radio (i assume..... cuz it was joseph who helped us w/ turning on the radio in the factory yesterday, i'm sure parents don't know how, and when i came home today, the worship music was already on). It was 約書亞樂團的"祂的應許, 祂的軍隊", 一張歷史粉久的詩歌CD (約書亞第一敬拜專輯?!) Nevertheless, i seriously consider it as one of my fav worship CDs! So many remarkable songs have been sung countless times at churches all over the Chinese congregations I'm positive! and guess what... we were SOOOOOO effective while working! The harmony, the cowork w/ 宇婷, it was such a WOW moment! To see how effective we were just the WHOLE day today.....~! Amazing......... 我想詩歌對於信祂的人, 即使在工作上, 也仍可對我們的心說話, 讓我們有喜樂的心, 也因此... 做起事來特別有勁, 就是開心享受即使是忙碌或是tedious的routines =p the POWER of sacred/worship music! AMEN! Thank you Father! <3

不過當然啦, 等到其他師傅回來, 才不可能聽這個... 他們會自然地turn on radio... but it's OK, i just can't keep silent after experiencing the power of His music~!!! hence the entry lol! PTL (:

Monday, August 16, 2010


一年一度亞州國家喜愛的七夕情人節, 我這次又遇到了~ (好像以前暑假回來時也有遇到過) 身邊仍是沒有情人, 但是我今晚有個有意義的夜晚~! (: 跟媽咪去看了幸芳. 她跟小Paul一樣, 都是因為受傷而paralyzed的弟兄姊妹. 她比Paul好一點, 因為她左手還正常, 右手及腰以下就不能運作. 她是個有生命力的人, 也是有深度的姊妹.... 看到她也會讓我想到Paul........... (: 雖然每年都這樣寫, but i really mean it - 願有情人終成眷屬~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are you nearsighted? Here's how you test yourself!

4.近視的人戴眼鏡看的是愛因斯坦, 取下眼鏡看到的是瑪麗蓮夢露, 近視度數少的站遠一點看

Thursday, August 12, 2010

no time to write!

constantly having the urge to write... but haven't got the time i need!!! @@ so much inspirations..... i just can't wrap my head around the intertwined culture & faith application/complication in my half-americanized/half-taiwanese mind! i wish i knew the answers to all my confusions.... so wanna jot down all my thoughts and ask around!!!! argh.. keeping my notes, hope i'll write soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the msg i need at times like this

was a bit delayed in reading PTWG, but on a day like today, the content strikes a chord with my current situation. my mind acknowledges that God has a storehouse of blessings reserved for me, yet when i'm on my side of waiting for it..., i felt i'm being forgotten. like the author wrote, joseph could be easy to second-guess the God of the universe when he was wrongfully being accused and stayed in the prison for another 2 years.... but "an early release would have disrupted God's perfect plan!" i knew it takes time... to fully be "there" - where God intends for me, the character development, the humility, the timing needed, and the difficult wait, the question mark, the unknown and doubts... like the TGIF msg suggests, i ask for Your grace to sustain me, in order so i will appreciate the delay and genuinely say that "it all worth the wait!" 7.28.10 TGIF: When the Lord Tarries