Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Boba.... ciao

I love boba...... just can't resist it... BUT... thanks to my sensitive skin, the doc wants me to cut off from drinking boba to like twice per year. AHHH... MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!!!  but I'll try very very hard on that. So far I'm doing good... I realized that habits are relatively easier to change and adjust than my emotional instability.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Great & busy day...

待的Jess結婚日子到了.... I still couldn't believe that she got married.... my high school buddy. @ Tustin Ranch Golf Club, the place seemed so familiar.... 第一次在室外參加婚禮, 感覺很不同. 享受在日光下的婚禮典禮, 有噴水池, 有綠油油的草坪, 有湖在旁做景, 真是美景, 難怪Jess說一看就決定了她尋找了幾個月的location. Everything seemed so right... 特別難得的更是見到些多年沒見的高中同學. 一些是我知道他們, 他們不怎麼知道我的.. ^^" but I don't mind at all. 有人竟然跟我說我"女大十八變"... OK, I'll take that as a compliment ^^" (somewhat I admit.... I changed a bit).Lunch was delicate... and the group games were entertaining. Jess was preeeettyyyy.... Gary真的是幸福啦... 不過他倆可是愛情長跑接近9年, 所以能有這美好的結局, 我想兩人都是努力地在經營著. =) Thanks to 純純 & Nipen for helping out... 婚禮就是要開開心心地.~

由於so close to where David & Gracy live, me and 純純 stopped by to kinda visit them & Jocelyn. ^-^> JOCELYN 就是真的.... 可愛! 雖然她哭多餘笑, 不過稍微打擾到她的nap time.. hehe, 我已經滿足看到她了. 她越大越可愛囉.....!!! And then... I bumped into MORE high school friends even in Ten Ren, 還有幾年沒見的朋友耶! Ate, talked... then, 跟Paul等人一起看了"Click." Uuuumm..... 很有內涵的一部片子, 我只能說... a must see for 2006! *Cherish even the moments that you might even, for once, wanna 'fast-forward, skip'.

(Pics will be posted to my 無名! =)


Monday, October 2, 2006

Salsa & Swing

Salsa basic; Cucaracha; Mambo steps; Head loop; Slide back; Underarm turn; Cumbia; Swing basic; Tommy turn; L-shape; Credo; Credo with hand switch; Comb; Thrown out.... and many more. I'm done w/ my salsa & swing jam classes. I like swing more than salsa for some reason.... maybe cuz it requires less hip movements and more spaces. The professor is actually very well-known among this field - Betty Mae Yang. She promised us to be able to go out to the ballroom and dance after the classes.... um, I guess with a skillful partner it IS possible.

Might be scheduling for a Sat. Imperial ballroom practice time.~