Wednesday, June 22, 2011


在台北開車說看到沒禮貌的人應該多數人沒什麼訝異的~~~~ 感覺這就像是很家常便飯的感覺。。。。但是今天跟玉妹想說在上班前去看看啦啦家裝潢的怎樣,去幫她瞄一下~~~ 在信義路四段快到五段時,看到個Mercedes-Benz(名牌車不代表就是educated people driving it!!)竟然。。。。。。。。在公車道上跟著公車前進!!!!@@ 左邊兩條路,右邊一條為了給右轉的道路,是怎樣。。。就不能乖乖的在自己“汽車”的道上行走嗎?!

我。。。。。忍不住記下車牌號碼!lol remembering it intentionally? i guess i am... >< can't help it! 576x-YC! (opposite of six)


今天是夏至!!!!一年中白天最長晚上最短的一天 ^^ what a great day for Alan's graduation ceremony which starts at 6pm! lol

Sunday, June 12, 2011

kong hee 1.23.2011

the week he (pastor Kong Hee) preached in 台北新生命,the reason why i was there.

- Luke 2:52 faith goes through seasons: 4 cycles (Genesis 8:22)
1. Spring of faith: rebirth (passover - salvation, redemption)
2. Summer of faith: testing of trial (spiritual welfare) Luke 4:1-2 learn to pray & fast, and fill with Holy Spirit *v. 1 vs. v. 14: 滿有HS的能力 (it's dry in summer, need water)
3. autumn of faith (harvest season) 雅5:7; luke 4:14-15; 太 4:23
4. winter of faithL storing (time of pruning, in order to go to the next level) John 15:2; Luke22:41-44

What's the season you're in right now? Be encouraged that it will not last forever. Don't lose the faith in God!

countdown at calvary chino

was fortunate to countdown at calvary chapel in chino end of 2010 welcoming 2011. pastor jack really shared a great sermon... been a WHILE now, but i hope this will remind me where i am in terms of looking back during this half-year-passing-by period.

Pastor Jack shared some great reminders that the Children of God should watch out for....

Is. 46 tells us that it's not the time to panic (cuz people nowadays panic for a lot of things... natural disasters, incurable diseases, environmental issues, terrorists attack, etc.) Tim. 2:2 endure hardship (we need to be prepared for such hardship... endurance is the key) 20:11

- on the last day of 2010, gotta decide the things to LEAVE BEHIND

- household of FAITH

- God's gonna refine her Church

- church shouldn't be like disneyland... we meant to blend in with the society, but not with the ways of the world.

2911: rescue those that are hurting... give away, life => IS "ministry"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

foreigners at metro station



哈 知道這個“祕密”我還滿興奮的!話說上週跟家人一起去台東,沿路我跟哥哥輪流開車,第三天開車換我從小野琉要回家的高路上(其實這段是因為怕我暈車,所以當司機),正好碰上警車在附近。一過了個彎,我爸爸便問我知不知道閃燈的事~ 結果就要我閃燈給對面的來車,說是要提醒他們我剛過的轉角有警察。哈~ 真是有趣!台灣會這樣“幫助”彼此躲警察~ hoho 提醒對面的乘客,來避免拿罰單!只能說,漸漸更多的瞭解台灣做事的原則跟文化,有些真的很有趣,讓人忍不住會心一笑~ 閃車只要閃一陣子,之後我後面的車子也會接下去閃。真特別的“互助”!以後如果遇到對面來車給我閃燈,才不會以為是我車怎麼了或是怎樣的~~