Friday, April 30, 2010

Dad arrived!

Delighted my dad arrived tonight! I really learned to appreciate what my dad has from the bottom of my heart... haha, not that I haven't appreciated that, but as I grow older, I begin to value more of my dad's characters/ability/changes in Christ. Seriously... I admire my dad so much now! :) Not only does he got wisdom, he's using it fully for God's kingdom, and has an open heart/different perspective applying biblical principles in every aspect. His thinking is quite peculiar... might appear queer at times, but when I inquire deeper into his reasonings, I really see his understandings & interpretations in DEPTH~ 有內涵啦!!!!!! LoL 我媽都會說, "喔~ 嫁爸爸的時候我都不知道我撿到寶... 現在才知道我是倒吃甘蔗, 越吃越甜~" :) My mom's so cute haha

其實這次的entry是想說見證 haha~ 總算回到正題~ 對於整件小木屋的未來/進展, 最近這一個月真是 神背後完全的預備及帶領~ 雖然....... 是透過慈濟的機構來完成這個project, 但是的確... 神可以透過任何一個人, 任何一個團體來成就祂要祝福的人/族群, 幫助的人/族群, 完全不受限制~ 其實就像我爸說得, 慈濟除了敬拜的對象不對以外, 其實他們表露了基督徒應該做的社區服務! - 他們只是做出來了... 應該, ............ 看到他們做的是要來激勵我們, 應該要來挑戰我們, 應該要來挑起我們反省我們該做什麼調整. 不久前看了個e-mail, 是出於最近高雄地震後被幫助的基督徒弟兄姊妹的一個吶喊聲音. 我看時是難過... 因為他們的教會一開始開幕吧... 影像顯現的是證嚴法師在說話, 的確對於弟兄姊妹, 在教會的禮堂看到如此, 是會有些不自在... 的想法等等. 但是.. 我爸倒是說了句我沒想過.. 應該說, 或許我/或我們都很難接受的話... 他說... : "其實是在於心~" (指說慈濟又沒有要基督徒拜佛, 只是在他們蓋的地方外放個石頭表示他們做的... 不過我們的心還是可以自由的敬拜 神, 感謝 神, 注視 神等). 畢竟他們做了該做了... 真的幫助到了需要的人; 而基督徒可以釋放地不受這些來影響基督徒. *我們的心可以不受這些影響的意思~* 我能明白被幫助者也希望他們可以選擇被幫助的機構是什麼, 但是... 慈濟做事的勢力真的早怖滿了全球... - 52個國家 @@ 多少年了, 他們看見且向這方向前進了... 知己知彼, 百戰百勝~ 我想不很多基督徒真的了解慈濟的架構或是工作吧~ 至少我可能不會主動去了解... 只會默默希望, 或是主動去加入某個基督徒機構的服務~ 然而... 慈濟他們已經走到一個地步是滲入許多地區/國家或是是連國家的總統都沒有第一線的多方面消息來了解/資源來幫助馬上的受難人群~ 我爸說就台灣而言, 慈濟已經現在預備了近百萬的乾糧及衣服等是預備災難的!! 食, 衣, 住, 行, 他們已經預備了三個, 只差"住"... 所以很巧的... (haha, 其實是 神有所預備) 我爸的產品可能會有助於未來"住"的需求~ 聽說Chile (智利) 的地震狀況也是滿嚴重的, 但是證嚴法師她說Haiti這個國家比較落後, 比起Chile可能會有比較多得幫助的來源, 她覺得她現在的重心會在Haiti~ 其實我覺得她的心智是滿有智慧的~ 也的確, 慈濟來幫忙的都是義工, 所以.... 人力上, 他們超有"動力"的... 找人, 到處都有人.. 每個區.... ^^" 連那幾天來幫忙蓋學校的義工, 幾乎天天不一樣 @@ 總之, 這次我們多了解了慈濟, 也真的看到他們影響到的程度跟範圍算是驚人啊~ 他們超級低調, 其實政府如果願意, 應該多花時間來知道了解.... 還有, 我要補充一點, 馮爸說證嚴法師以前是接觸過基督教的... 好像是10多歲的時候, 後來被一個人帶走去佛教... 後來有修女告訴他們說... 修道不管修多少都沒用如果沒有做實際的社會服務等的.... - 聽說... 然後所以證嚴法師才會引用到了這一點 (聖經講得很清楚), 去祝福社區, 幫助有需要的人~! 證嚴法師's current work is originated from Christianity? That I'm not sure if it is true.. but... I think her work has proven biblical (from Bible), that God wants us to reach to the poor, to the fatherless, to the oppressed.

我感謝 神的是, 這次... 家裡工廠的人手很奮力~ 聽說工作的時間是從7am~9:30pm.. 午休一個小時~ 另一個幫忙屋頂 (還是什麼的) 公司的態度相比之下, 還滿散漫的~ 連慈濟的人都誇我們出的人... 我感謝 神我們有的心態~ 雖然不是工廠所有的人都是基督徒了 (其實比例還是滿小的), 但是我想.... 他們每個都比我清楚做這個產品的過程有多辛苦, 我爸或是工廠擺下了多少, 投資了多少心力跟人力before finally THIS project coming along~ 連我的表嫂當初都說: "如果二伯 (我爸) 有訂單, 我就信 神!" ^^" 你就知道其實..... 之前這個過程ㄞ了多久....... 似乎看不到下一步怎麼走...... 沒有看到一條路... 的感覺~ 也不是我們走出了什麼路yet... 但是.. 我相信這就是我爸的生命見證, 用工廠做他被 神改變後, 想要樹立的工廠模式/模範有基督的同在跟帶領... 我佩服的地方. His heart is not just for himself, but for the benefit of others... and the society, and the needed; he sees it God's way... and if it is, he'll go for it... 不受文化或是思想過一般人會走/不走的路. Proud of being his daughter..~ Lord... lead me, so I see my role in what You want me to do now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now... or my life comparing to eternity.~ Teach me Lord......

My dad's able to witness my graduate graduation in May!!! w00t! He's never attended my graduation in my memory... so... 這次要補滿以前的 LoL 是因為這樣嗎, 所以很巧的是除了教會的弟兄姊妹們, 好像還很多叔叔阿姨要參加 =p

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Blind Side

This is indeed a great movie! Wasn't as dramatic as most popular movies, but it encouraged the viewers to be better people, better Christians, and dare to challenge the Christians the motives and actions. I think Mrs. Tuohy (starring Sandra Bullock) was just awesome in the film! Her character is compassionate, fiery and zealous, truly was inspirational to me... would I do the same even if I could be as wealthy as she/her family was, and welcomed a humongous stranger into the family as they did? Indeed they lived out Christ~ Check out this article~ I think everyone who lives in the United States should read it, and... perhaps ponder on how we handle the abundance God has given us.

The real Mrs. Tuohy

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kids Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act

- A reasonable suspicion of any forms of child abuse would mandate a child abuse report by any mandated reporter.
- "Child" is defined as a person under the age or 18 yrs
- "Mandated reporter" includes, but is not limited to, a physician, surgeon, psychiatrist, psychologist, dentist, resident, intern, podiatrist, chiropractor, licensed nurse, dental hygienist, optometrist, marriage, family, and child counselor, clinical social worker, psychological assistant, marriage family and child therapist trainee, unlicensed marriage, family, and child therapist intern.
- Under 12, kids cannot be left alone
- What is considered "abuse" among kids? - 4 years difference! e.i. 14 yrs old vs. 10 yrs old
- [When a clergy member acquires knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse during a penitential communication], any clergy member who has knowledge of or observes a child, in his or her professional capacity or within the scope of his or her duties, whom he or she knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse, shall report the known or suspected instance of child abuse to a child protective agency immediately or as soon as practically possible by telephone and shall prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident. A child protective agency shall be notified and a report shall be prepared and sent even if the child has expired, regardless of whether or not the possible abuse was a factor contributing to the death (Pen. Code, 11166, subd. (c).)
- Willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment of a child: willfully causes or permits the person or health of the child to be place in a situation such that his/her person or health is endangered
- Sexual abuse: includes both sexual assault and sexual exploitation. Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to, rape, statutory rape (under certain circumstances), incest, sodomy, lewd and lascivious acts upon a child, and child molestation. Sexual exploitation refers generally to the creation and distribution of child pornography.
- Elders: 65 or older
- Witnesses & videotape....

Abuse/rape/domestic violence
Child Abuse Hotline: 800.540.4000 (you can ask for consultation too)
Elder Abuse Hotline: 800.992.1660
Sexual Assault Hotline: 310.392.8381

Counseling/Crisis Referral
Critical Emergency: 911
Suicide Prevention Center: 310.391.1253
L.A. Mental Health Access: 800.854.7771

Drug Abuse/Addicctions
Alcoholics Anonymous: 323.936.4343
Cocaine Anonymous: 310.216.4444
National Drug/Alcohol Info: 800.622.2255

Housing/Low Income
L.A. Co. Housing Authority: 800.438.8808

Legal Assistance
L.A. Co. Bar Association: 213.243.1525
Legal Aid Foundation: 800.399.4529

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A&C's Wedding Signing Ceremony + Boiling Crab

A few of A&C's close friends/family, we were there to witness their semi-formal 'signing procedure/ceremony' at VOH this afternoon. PK, 王媽媽, Charlie, Amy, Frank, William, Mark Hsieh, Jasmine and I were present for this sacred moment~ I was even asked by PK to represent the lady's family to say a blessing prayer over them. Though it was simple, it was meaningful and heartfelt, which was all it needed! Yup, Amy can be formally addressed as "Mrs. Wang!" Almost at any given moment around A&C lately, you would sense the affectionate atmosphere penetrate through... :) I guess I began to see the popularity of June brides... the season is just right for weddings! haha

For my 1st time dining at Boiling Crab, I considered it being a pleasant experience. Even though the guys mumbled about shrimps' staleness, I enjoyed the peeling process... :) And its Cajun fries was incredibly savory... perhaps the difference was only the powder, but they made me grin! =) Also the fried catfish too... hoho Now I kinda see why Frank went there like 4 times within a month of staying in the states =p

Happy side note: I'm glad I talked to Steph today~ God has used many people lately whom I care about, to encourage me of what I've been doing/contributing though I probably didn't see that.. or maybe felt being recognized?! Her encouragement was so sincere and down-to-earth... I've always enjoyed working with her on the same team for the past three years serving in Chongqing camp... she inspires me to wanna be a better leader, a better sister, and a stronger Christian.. :) also, I guess it was a better outcome after all, for '[] not showing up.' And, I like today's date - April 25th! :]

Time to go for some jogging, yay!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


這是我最近的新發現... 就是啊, 可能以前沒有那麼常接觸國內基督徒, 不過最近特別有感覺說... 其實大陸的基督徒真正被 神得著後, 都是非常火熱的那種~ :) 不是說台灣或其他東南亞沒有啦... 只是... 我發現這是一個在特別那個文化裡的一個祝福.. 他們被主得著後, 追求地很徹底, 很認真, 特別不怕他人的眼光.. 就是哪種: "現在這就是我的生活方式~!" 而能勇敢的說該說得, 做該做的, 也一般都還很生活化~~ 這點我很欣賞! 一個... 很不一樣的發現, 跟.... 感動~ Praise God for Chinese! =D

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010


今早在學校, 莫名其妙的被腳踏車撞到 @@ 在等紅綠燈, 結果一個伯伯就騎著過來... 我當時沒多想什麼, 只是後來看到他移動好像因為要從馬路要上路旁的坡有一定的空間, 所以我也移動了一下... 結果他好像是不確定我要往左還是往右, 就..... 叫著撞上我!!!! @@ 我整個傻眼! 不是有brake可以煞嗎??? 怎麼會撞上我? 我還沒反應過來就"碰~"撞上了.... 他的飲料撒得我一身... 我腦袋也一片空白... 還在想, 怎麼真的撞上... 愣在那許久, 他才說: "eh.. I don't have any napkins..." 我就: ".... eh... I do........." 放下自己的課本跟包包, 拿出昨天Souplantation留下的紙巾... 果然還是有用. 只是... 怎麼這麼痛啊~ 他倒個歉就走了... 我能說什麼 ~~ >< 手臂好痛喔... 整個瘀青 @@ God heal me please.....~ 唯一最開心的事... my dad will probably come to my graduation!


好不容易看到一個我覺得不錯的他, 不過看來.... 不是 神預備的, 也就不可能囉~ 可是心情還是難免有點低落... 不多說了... 只是很想發洩一下~ ><

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

John 19:18-30 BSF Lecture

John 19:18-30
1. Jesus was crucified 19:18-22
2. Jesus' love and concern 23-27
3. Jesus' death fulfilled prophecy 28-30

1. Jesus' death on the cross, averts God's wrath brings new life & transforms believers
2. Jesus' shameful and sacrificial death allows believers to stand before God without shame
3. Jesus died with a serene confidence of victory secured & work finished

- Think about the drawing power of cross...
- Jesus is both the offerer & offering
- Imagine this scenario: Jesus healed, raised Lazarus from dead, spoke to the Samaritan women, Nicodemus, and all the people who've seen His power & miracles, waking up this morning and thinking, "what's going on?" Nothing makes sense to them! "Why is Jesus not using his power like before?"
- Pilate: I'm killing him (Jesus) to keep my job....
- God used people, even evil people, to fulfill His plan.
- Latin: language of law; Aramaic: the language they speak; Greek: forgot... ><
- Jesus is never too budy to care your needs! Whom are the people you are to show forth your love today?
- What's repentance: agreeing with God we have sinned.
- Roman law: as long as one person protests, Jesus wouldn't go on cross; his close friends/family knew that He was born to die.....
- Ps. 22
- Transaction of sin has been paid....
- "It is finished." - triumphant sound!
- We don't know how Jesus liked like the last three hours he was hung on the cross - it was dark. Appalled at His face...
- He laid his life... voluntarily, submissively.

Monday, April 19, 2010

4.18.10 to Christian Assembly Eagle Rock

I FINALLY, finally, finally got to pay a visit to Tommy Walker's church... been wanted to go since last yr! >< And I was fortunate to see Tommy Walker leading worship :) I posted some of my thoughts to my qulnb blog, here I'm just gonna talk about the sermon. :) It was by Tom Hughes.... I'm sure he's not the pastor there, and nor is he the Tom Hughes I thought I knew. His topic was counterfeit gods - the continued 2nd sermon to his series I guess. He states that we all begin to look alike what anything we like, he used dog lovers as examples.. which was so true =p so if it's power, sex, or reputation that you want, you'll become more like 你心裡所想的. Scary thought isn't it?! We resemble what we revere... sometimes it doesn't appear right away, because it develops over the years... like the polaroid camera, it develops over a period of time. How do you get to see the pic that comes out of it? You shake it.... more rapidly. And he links it to talk about us, how we sometimes need to be shaken in order to see what my lens has been focusing on. Should you just 'hang on' to the things, or instead, use our singular focus which we were created for - on only Jesus alone. Shaking will make us see that only the One true God gives unshakable promise, thus we become the unshakable we can be. 忘了他exactly怎麼說得, 大概就是, 要等到 神來shake時, 我們才發現, 最重要該留下的其實只有耶穌, 或是...... 我們一直要讓耶穌成為我們唯一重要的重心. Live as when Jesus is the only thing you have left...... :)

Exodus 20:3 Do not worship any other gods besides me.
Psalms 115:4-8 We need to rightly see & rightly hear....
Hebrews 12:25-29 .... the only eternal things will be left (here refers to the previous verse - heaven)
Joel 3:16 ... the earth and heavens will begin to shake. But to his people of Israel, the Lord will be a welcoming refuge and a strong fortress.
1 John 3:1-3 ... what we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like, for we will see him as he is... 只要愛 神就能變得更像 神... 當然我知道不只這樣, 但是... 你喜歡什麼就會變得像那個東西/人, 所以.... 愛耶穌可以更像耶穌!!!!!! =D

At the end I think it was Jacob Park who did the ministry song; I like its lyrics - "I will not be shaken."
So I'll stand and trust
I'll stand in faith
I will not be shaken

Whatever you choose, it will either ruin you or rescue you - I think he's the senior pastor who concluded it... and I will love JESUS!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

BSF 4.13.10 Lecture

Passage: John 18:28~19:17 Especially after doing my own homiletics today and seeing hers now, I realized how one can be good at coming up with its teaching after years and years of practicing homiletics :) Eileen really did a fabulous job!

Behold, your king!
I. John 17:28~40 The King Questioned
II. John 19:1-12 The King Mocked
III. John 19:13-17 The King "Judged"

Topic Sentence: God is sovereign and accomplishes His will.

-God determines the outcomes...
-Ch28 v. 28 "led" - again, Jesus VOLUNTARILY suffered...
-Jesus died for Barabbas - a vivid example for us to see... and I'm a Barabbas too.. thief, robber, Jesus died on my behalf too....
-Irony (blindness.....)
1) Jews need to slaughter lamb to offer, but they slaughter the true lamb at Passover.
2) Jews try to be clean that's why didn't go into the palace, but... they did sth unclean - twisted the truth.
-What flogging (the person is disfigured....) look like => devastation of sin (what sin does to our soul!)
-Ch19 v. 13 when Pilate heard this... v. 8 when Pilate heard this ----> he was listening to the wrong crowd, wrong voices!!! Which led him to compromise.
-"are you a king?" YOU is emphasized in original text... show up in 4 gospels!
-The truth of Jesus demands a response!
-What truth bringing/has brought to my attention?
-No more truth is given to those who refuse God's truth.
-If you receive His truth, He gives you more truth!
-Is there a chance that you ask God to illuminate the truth, yet you refuse the truth he has given you? e.i. seek sth yet disobey parents.
-Compromise of God's truth ends destruction.
-How did Jesus endure the suffering, pain and humiliation....:
1. Jesus was able to because He knew God is in control!
2. Jesus trust God's plan.
3. Jesus knew what it means for those he loved........ Love for His own!
In infinite love to pay the sin for your and mine...
-Honor the truth, embrace the truth, and apply the truth!
-The only holy person was outside the temple being slaughter where all sinners stay inside the temple......!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3.14.10 Visit to Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills

The week I visited was not preached by the senior pastor ^^" Instead, it was Ken Ham (author of "Already Gone" :) He preached well, talking about that we're to change heart & minds, not cultures! 'Cause it's the heart & minds that impact the culture! AMEN! He used 1 Chr. 13:32 talking about the importance to do like those who had "understanding of the times" to influence its generation; USA gotta go back to the foundations (Ps. 11:3) in order to stand strong in the future. Nowadays people say "God," but it could mean the god other than OUR GOD, so gotta say which GOD it is to be specific! 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always prepare to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. He also said that churches (people I mean!!) should be familiar w/ apolegetics! I mean, people would be like, "what is apolegetics?!" haha And he briefly mentioned it... which I really admire in his brevity and clarify. :) Gospel (know the sin):
1. foundation, knowledge
2. we got power
3. new hope!!!! (this is where we need to specify the GOD we serve) He called this "de-greekize"... turn Greeks into Jesus.. back to the right foundation - God's words! Rom 1:16
He talks about the importance of marriage doctrine (Gen 1-11).... hence the promotion of "I'm not ashamed" Click here haha Gary, Jasmine and I all bought the t-shirt! also got one for Amy :)

Ohhhhhhhh Ken Ham also made me wanna visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky!! Creation Museum

Friday, April 9, 2010

Worship Leading Blog

After taking several factors into consideration & praying about it, I've decided to setup a new worship leading blog~ :) Well... though I don't know how flourish it will be (which I doubt ^^"), I felt the eager stirred inside to write... to blog about worship leading, and also the attitudes of being worshipful on a daily basis. I know there're tons of info existing out there, but I suppose most of them are in English, there ain't a lot in Chinese. Hmm... I may have created on the wrong platform (alivenotdead), but oh well... better to be late than never! Really gotta just start somewhere :) Gee, now I have three blogs to keep up @@ Oh, it's Cherish2 as well. The name I wanna use always!! =D or jubilation2