Thursday, February 28, 2008


UPS最好沒有掉了我的包裹或是投遞到別人家了.... 雖然包裹不大, 也算輕, 但貴重的東西應該要要求簽名吧? 就留在門口算是不保險好嗎? Tracking顯示已經delivered了... 我根本沒拿到. 這可怎麼好呢?? ><

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


為什麼我的時間總是不夠用? 計畫要做的, 會因著他人改變, schedule就一直被延後, 熬夜做功課... 我也不想啊! 有時沒有拒絕自己辛苦, 或許我該回到像以前那樣?! 希望朋友能體諒..... 光Finale的demo就download了四個小時多, 昨晚要出去碰面前才install好, 研究研究中, 真有點興奮地想不出門了 =p 但是竟然不能save files??????????! 沒有天理! @@

Monday, February 18, 2008

Temp HR Assistant

- Location: Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science at Los Angeles
- Temp for 1 or 2 months.
- Pay rate around $14/hour and depends on experience.
- Job description

Prepare new personnel files in accordance to format set by the custodian of record. Close Recruitment files and ensure all required documents are included. Prepares check requests for recruitment functions. Assists with new employee orientation, including preparation of new hire packets and related material, set-up of conference room and confirmation of those on the agenda. This includes contacting all newly hired faculty and staff to schedule orientation date and time. Provide clerical support and perform other duties as assigned or requested. (Filings, copies, Re-organizing files, etc...) Make follow up call & schedule appointment for new hire paperwork. Serve as backup to the Human Resources Assistant I as scheduled or requested. Knowledge with MS Word & Excel. Experience with HR Process preferred.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


偷閒中, 遊覽朋友轉寄的電郵時, 看到這封夜市長達一個月的激烈競爭, 最終結果終於來了.........

第十名: 萬華夜市 (胡椒餅, 冰店, 大蟒蛇表演秀, 擔仔麵, 愛玉冰, 甜不辣)
第九名: 通化夜市 (生煎包, 米粉湯, 魷魚羹, 烤香腸, etc)
第八: 豐原廟東夜市 (排骨麵, 鳳梨冰, etc)
第七: 宜蘭羅東夜市 (羊肉湯, 鹹酥雞, etc)
第六: 高雄六合夜市
第五: 基隆夜市 (炭燒蚵仔煎, 鹹粥, etc)
第四: 師大夜市 (水煎包)
第三: 士林夜市 (生炒花枝, 豬肝, 大香腸, 蔥油餅, etc)
第二: 台中逢甲夜市 (起司馬鈴薯)
第一名: 超乎我意料之外..................... 竟是我家的台南花園夜市!!!! hohohohho!!! (醃芭樂, 鴨血, 雞排, etc)

昨天不小心撞到他人的車, 只是在parking lot也要賠這麼多...... 我的小藍其實比較慘好不好!!!~ @@

Happy B-day Jimmy! *連續五天都有人生日; 我還是最愛二月! LoL

Monday, February 11, 2008


第一次跟妳一起去Steamers, 感恩. 粉是提早收到的禮物, 也是今年的第一份. 謝謝妳囉.. 朋友, 其實妳的細心我是有放在心裡. 還無法拆"禮物", 我可是好奇的不得了; 因為妳每年送的都很用心, 也都讓我覺得很有意義. 謝謝妳在忙著談感情, 陪家人的日子中有想到我....

Happy B-day, Pastor Kwan!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Huckabee - "Never forget who the boss really, really is!"

He seems to come out of nowhere; unlike those wealthy politicians who have tremendous funds to spend on propaganda, media promotion, all that. But it looks like God does arise people for His own glory and guidance for this nation. 雖說台灣選舉很重要, 但是... 現在的我是住在美國!!! - since God has placed me here right now! Huckabee... 有不同的見解, 不同的生命, 不同的眼光. 牧師其實真的是接觸最多人群, 最多需要, 最多變化的人. 能讓身為共和黨的他, 使得整個民主黨的州 (Arkansas) 連選任他為兩期的州長, he really has something different.... quite some charisma! *This could possibly be a miracle witnessing by our own eyes.... what's your choice?

Friday, February 1, 2008

年年有餘 (移動滑鼠 :)