Tuesday, February 21, 2006

iHop One Thing Conference 2/17 - 2/19

Don't get me wrong, iHop here isn't the restaurant.~ the One Thing Conference is just awesome! Not just because of the powerful speakers, the anointed worship band, but on top of that, God is INDESCRIBABLE! :) Frankly, even after the great conference I still get affected by things that are bothering me, but still, I gotta say -- God is worthy of my praise! Before I went to the conference, Jonathan already told me that Misty Edwards is a great worship leader, but to see her leading worship is an eye-opening experience!

Corey Russel, Dwayne Roberts are great speakers too! Corey shared how he became a Christian through, really, Holy Spirit's amazing work, and released from drug addiction. He gave 2 powerful msg - regarding Noah's end time, where ppl were still eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage while the flood came and took them all away (Matthew 24: 37 - 39). Watchful! Being God's messengers, whether or not we want to, we're representing and showing what we believe everyday in our lives. How and what messages we bring out says sth... be a rightful messenger! Dwayne has a special way of pronounciation (at least to me...), but is a cool dude~ he surprisingly preached the same verses as Pastor Kwan did at the Sunday morning sermon.! Matthew 6 regards to giving to the needy. He approaches the verses differently than how Pastor Kwan did though -isn't God's Word awesome! =) To give, but has the hearts/motivation right.

Kiss the Word!
Time is in Your hands...
How great is our God!
Wonderful Savior, beautiful God, intimate Maker, & I will give You my life.
Something is going on... sth bigger than me is going on.
God the transcedant
Because of You...
Let it rain, open the floodgates of the Heaven
See the way You hold the Heaven and sky, the way You hold my heart
God, uncomparable, indescribable, uncontainable!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thank You! I had a great b-day!

謝謝大家的祝福~ 雖然這麼晚才跟大家謝謝! =p

謝謝星期三來慶祝的你們~ 雖然多數是我邀的, 可是看到你們後 還是很感動囉~

Thanks to Jimmy - is actually the first one to say "Happy B-day" to me on MSN (2-15, 12 AM! :)

-- Amy, Jasmine, Charlie, Brook, Leo, Joshua, Joella, Karen, Helen, Penny, Andy, Luke, Michael, Tracy, Annette, Louis (that's all I think...) for showing up on Wed night! -- thanks to you all! And even though I didn't see many more on Wed, but.... my dearly WAYers and Rowland Heights buddies who gave me best wishes- Tiff, Kari, Ivy, Betty, Tiffo, Gary S, Sunny, Gracy & David, Shawna, Vicky, Grace G (sorrie for waiting for 2 long....) Miko (thank YOU! and hopefully your family is doing better!), Jess @Irvine, Jessica T, Chelsea, Eric H (although you didn't show up on Wed.... ahh!) Shannon, Jonathan, Lit Paul, Lillian, Esther, Yido, Maggie, Mark, Edward, William, Claire, Peter, Jet, Chris L, Pear, Dana, Lala, Joseph and my mom! Last but not the least -Brandon, and many many more...... Luv ya all, and hoping God blesses all ppl around me!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

今天一早就收到兩個朋友的text messages, 粉是感動~ 沒有時間回信, 加上有好多朋友想要一起祝福 只好用網誌代替囉!



Sophy: Thanks for being a dearly sis. 真愛要等待 - 妳讓我看到一個美好的見證!

Esther Tao: Congrats... the LAST 未婚的情人節呢!

Gracy: Surely you're a great great sis in Christ to me! 謝謝妳的愛, 妳的關心, 妳的幫助!我期待妳可愛的baby girl!!!

Connie Lan: 希望能看到妳多多開心的時候~

Sunny Uncle: Thanks for listening to me a lot of times... :) and being my support.!

Tracy K.: Girl.. great to know that you go to 真道~ & thanks for your carings lots times. 要堅持妳所相信的 神喔!

Monica: SUP girl.. 主日能看到妳真好! 希望妳在凡事中 能經歷 神!

Betty: Not quite a 'big' sis, but thanks for being a sis to me along the way. 妳的改變 粉是激勵我~ 期待看到妳結婚 嘻嘻~

Tiffo: 妳真的粉是成熟~ 看到妳美好的服事及擺上 我相信 神能更多使用妳!:)

Lit Paul: Thank you for ALWAYS have confident in me! You're always a great brother in Christ to me! Press on as you've gone SO far with the trust in the Lord.! I'm always proud of you~! ^-^

Lillian: I'm truly thankful for knowing you, such a sweet and considerate girl, and also boldly in believing soly in the Lord!



Amy: 謝謝妳平時的陪伴, 雖然也經常找不著妳, but you're always my best listener!

Jasmine: 謝謝妳常常的關心, 學業 心事 神都知道, do ur best, God will help you OUT~!

Kari: You're always by my side, thank you... 妳的感情我相信一定有 神最美好的帶領!雖然希望明年的這時妳有好交往的對象, but I know you're willing to wait for God's timing. 父母的期待.... 希望妳因為 神繼續堅持妳所信的!

Helen: 覺得妳一直滿辛苦的.... do pray for your future husband lor. :) & love yourself more~!

Tiff: 妳一直是我滿佩服的一個, 工作 繼續加油加油!CMA一定可以的 you CAN do it! and.. RELAX~

Penny: I always think u're STRONG in many ways - although u always want me to shut up saying that =p oh well, you deserve the BEST, and God WILL give you the best! :) keep praying & believing.

Ivy: 在妳一直努力的方向 加油吧!

Tracy: I surely admire your talents! & appreciate your encouragements! 相信妳可以更多被 神使用 加油!

Jessica: 謝謝妳誠懇的關心, 在所學的學業上 妳可以的!凡事交拖~

Cheslea: you're a sweet girl, I hope I can see more of your crazy sides =p LD是不容易, but u've been a great model. 凡事加油~! Vivi: Glad that you came to the states! 希望在這比較悠閒 沒有壓力的環境下 妳能多多學習 也能真更多認識 神~!

Orchid: being a VP at club surely gets you busy. well, hope God's love will overflow you everyday~! :)

Jocelyn: Hope to see you more on Fridays! 學校加油~ 希望妳家人能快快信主!

Claire: God surely had done great things in your life! :) 剛17, 年輕歲月 好好愛主吧!

Cathy: 常常看妳很安靜.... 新的一年 希望看到妳有更多在主的不同~!加油!

Rachael: Thank YOU for your sweet msg. :) and your dearly caring... although u're far away. May you find favor in God's eyes in everything you do!

Stephanie: sup girl.. haven't seen you for ages. well, hope everything's well with u! :)

Evelyn: Hope to see ya on Fridays~! God had touched you~~~ :)

Linda: SUP girl... i know school is busy, but... oh well, hope to see ya on Fridays! God bless ya~! :)



Lina: 粉久沒有妳的狀況了, 不過以妳對主的渴慕, I know everything's gonna be just ALRIGHT!

Eva姐;在還沒有小孩的日子, 仍是愛 神 & 相信 神; 姐!God knows what you want... +oil!

Rita姐;我粉是期待看到 神為你準備的伴侶呢!妳這麼好, 神為你預備的一定在被朔造當中

小蘭姐;現在的階段是為了以後有更好的日子, 不要氣餒, God is on your side. Kaka & Jeremy are adorable kids. :)

Cassy姐;我知道妳一直都非常幸福, 天天都好像在過情人節. 願妳更多用婚姻來榮耀 神!

Dana姐;謝謝妳的e-card, 妳記得了耶!我真的太感動了....... 我想到妳會為你禱告, 希望妳不只考執照順利, 也經歷 神的看顧~

Lala: hehe, girl... congrats for finding the job in HK! I'm so glad for ya & proud of ya. 希望妳在香港能盡快適應 也能找到一個適合妳 能成長 更認識 神的教會~!

Joseph: You're such a great artist!!! gee, I surely envy this talent God gave you hehe... well, +oil at your school! God is always BY YOUR SIDE~

Larry: 工作努力啊~ 希望快快收到你的喜帖~ 嘻嘻

Josh: 粉久沒你的消息~ 希望一切安好 凡事感恩~ 神祝福你!


Mt Sac/Fullerton/Rowland/Other Great Friends:

Joella: Thanks for your encouragements.! You surely deserve a significant someone.~! 教學的事, I believe you can be a blessing to all your students!

Connie C: 謝謝妳的鼓勵~ 不常看到妳 但是每次看到妳 我也變陽光了~ 工作加油!

Amy Chang: Long time no see ya.. hope you enjoy your animation job, and... have a God blessed year!

Karen C: 不要懷疑 是妳!謝謝妳啊 有朋友要聚會想到我 也謝謝妳真誠的分享 雖然仍是不一定會星期五 或星期天看到妳 不過我仍是等待喔~!You're a great friend! :)

Miko: Great to know that you're moving to HK, well, hope God leads your way and ... thanks for your kind words.~

Nicole T: Although we don't meet up much, I can feel your warm greetings every time we meet at MSN ^-^" ganbatte at your work, you CAN do it!

Belinda: Sup girl! Kari & I had always hoping that we (including Nicole) should just hang out sometimes. Hope everything's well with you, and thx for your greeting at X'mas!~

Lan: Haven't seen you much for a while, I miss your accompany........ still jogging?

Pear: Hope studying days are enjoyable! Miss ya... btw, I just knew that 巴黎有個華人復興教會, 有空去看看 或許妳可以去參加它們的聚會喔~

Frank: Thanks for your enthusiasm in helping me with iBook stuff, really really appreciated it! :) hope you have a God blessed year! :)

Jess C: Girl.. yeh, high school buddy! I've always thought you're a sweet and transparent person that I love to be friends with. Hope u'll not just enjoy your work, but get promoted hehe! Thx for the friendship~

Shawna: Oh, we've known each other for too long, but I'm so so thankful to the Lord that we met!! hehe. Always knowing that you'll succeed in whatever you try to achieve, hoping your life will reflect God's glory more and more! and... luv ya! (can't wait for your wedding... hehe... i'm rushing u haha)

Louis: Well, what can I say.. u've been one of my 'rare' great guy friend. Thx for remembing my b-day... and thanks for your encouragements! Hope your life will shine more like Jesus! +oil in everything you do.~

Shannon: Thank you for your kindness... and always send great warmth to me. 也更是謝謝妳記得我的生日, sent me the e-card... OHHH~ :)

弟兄 男士們 沒有時間寫給你們的 希望不要介意囉