Friday, September 30, 2011


聽過這個名詞,但是一直沒查是甚麼意思。。。為了讀懂一篇文章所以去查了一下,原來stands for "DINK" - Double Income No Kids! Wa-le~~~~~~~~ XD

這種族類的興起,可以說是新潮~ 但就我的眼光,這很大的方面是自私吧!Majority來說,比例是越來越少人願意擔負責任,學習犧牲的愛,無條件的給 ---> 個人覺得有了小孩這就是自然的“結果” (生活 XD)。賺了錢,只想自己享受,過好的生活,不想被小孩綁住~ 或許等到30多歲,忽然想要小孩了。。。。。就成為高齡產婦了!所以這麼多 XD 不過當然,也有人是真的晚婚,真的想結婚想要有小孩但是拖到年紀比較大的啦!!!!!也有人是知道自己沒那麼愛小孩,無法給予最好的關愛與關注 (attention) 所以選擇不生。總之,學了個新詞~ Particularly applicable to Taiwanese nowadays...?! >< No good!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

For Women - Anion Sanitary Pads! :D

First time heard of this brand, but.. it's just STH that EVERY woman should have!!! (:

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

Love Moon - Anion Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is a tech product in this modern world, the Anion (Negative Ion) Chip in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion (Negative Ion) in Anion Sanitary Pads can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Sanitary Napkin is the first and only hygienic antibacterial sanitary napkin in the market today. Helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminates odor and promotes comfort during menstrual period.


Most sanitary napkin are made from Bleached and Recycled Papers?
Most sanitary napkin may cause rashes, inflammation and even Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?
Most Women are prone to a lot of Bacterial / Vaginal infections during their Menstrual Period?
Women....we have now the Answer....a Sanitary Napkin that refreshes a woman's feeling during more more more would even forget you have "period". So comfortable that you can do just right about anything what you usually do on your regular days.

As much as 107 bacteria can grow and multiply on 1 mm sq. surface of common sanitary napkin after continuous usage of normal sanitary napkin for 2 hours

Sanitary Napkin with Anion (Negative Ion)

Anion (Negative Ion) on the Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin able to suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion in Love Moon Sanitary Napkin release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic cm which has been proven in numerous scientific studies to protect against genital diseases, eliminating harmful bacteria, odor, enhance comfort and improve your health.

Advantages Of Love Moon - Anion Sanitary Napkin

1. Dry, air permeable, comfortable

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has three main components:

i. The surface layer;
The surface layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of thin silk and soft cotton materials to keep the delicate skin dry and comfortable.

ii. The absorbent layer
The middle layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin contains highly effective super strong absorbent agents that can turn the liquid discharge into a jelly-like state to eliminate the sticky feeling.

iii. The base layer.
The base layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of air permeable materials that allow diffusion of water molecules in the gaseous state to rapidly drive away moist air, thus effectively reducing moisture and heat between the napkin and the skin to maintain a dry and comfortable feeling.

2. Anti-bacterial and deodorization functions through purely physical processes

The padding in each Anion Sanitary Napkin is embedded with an Anion Chip that can release high density anion (Negative Ion) to help regulate body functions,such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. There is no side effect.

3. Use of highly effective and super strong absorption agents to meet physical needs

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has an absorbent layer. This is made of highly effective and super strong absorption agents as well as leak-proof materials through a special high-tech process. When the liquid discharge comes into contact with the layer, it is absorbed such that there is no back flow or leakage. This will ensure a comfortable feeling and convenience in movement.

4. Compliance with national hygiene standards (China) and prevention of infection

‘Keeping dry, air permeability and cleanliness’ are three main principles of genital care. Production of healthcare sanitary products must strictly comply with the GB15979-2002 hygiene standard.

The main assurance measures taken include:
(1) strict control over the hygiene standard of the raw materials for sanitary napkin.
(2) using enclosed production plant of international advanced standard for fully automated sequential production with fully automated packaging.
(3) Using advanced easy-to-open air-tight adhesive packaging to ensure the product is free from bacterial or fungal infection.

5. Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provided free of charge can be used for genital health check.


Taiwan's Teacher's Day and two other friends' bday (:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the unpredictable~!

i ... began to enjoy facing the unpredictable situations now! :D i thank God for this new attitude, maybe it's time to feel God's work once again. turned out that cell group was cancelled and i wasn't informed, was hoping to meet up w/ Eve and got to know her, but none of these... but a perfect time to meet a new friend! (: a female~~~~! but happened to be someone from US too (Chicago)! um... i think God wants to do sth, i don't know what, but i'm waiting to see.. if He has called me to do sth greater! (:

i love You, Lord! want it always to be with my whole heart, with my whole mind, with my whole soul, and with all my strength!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

part 2

本來是要先在籃球場聚集大家再報告為何請大家離開游泳池, 但是等我吹著口哨回到籃球場時.... 一半的男生跑到另一球場開始打球了 @@ 當我要去找這群人過來時.... 看到可愛的一位姐妹在玩一個房子外的一條"尾巴"! 在我還來不及反應過來要她住手或小心時.... "轟"得一聲....!!!! 有點小忘了是什麼... 忘了是三角龍還是大象... 總之又是一隻龐然大物撞出房子衝了出來~!!!!!!!! >< 大夥兒開始跑出(應該是學校)。。。等到跑出來後,我發現。。。。。。少了三個人!(好像是少了Joshua & Andy...?) 轉過身我問其他人(Amy, Joella, etc): "他們呢?" 就醒了.....!

驚險卻超級清醒的夢... WEIRD! but one thing irrevocable - i miss you folks ^^

Sunday, September 11, 2011

與WAY/Oikos 的驚險夢 part 1

i wish i've blog earlier, cuz apparently some memories have gone... disappeared for sure!!!!!! XD

話說我這天跟以前WAY&Oikos的人一同出遊, 大家開開心心的去了個... 有公園, 有游泳池的地方... 大夥兒先是開心的在一大長條的游泳池裡游泳, 不知道為什麼我沒游 (還是不太會游泳的我有自知之明?) 像是一切這麼熟悉一樣, 我在上面看他們游.... 忽然, 我發現竟有奇怪的動物也在裡頭..... ER.... crocodiles...? >< What the.... (why would there possibly be crocodiles/alligators INSIDE the swimming pool?) 當下不想嚇了大家, 直覺馬上喊叫 (and i remembered yelling this at the top of lungs: "hey everyone! when i count to 5, get OUT the pool!! 5... 4... 3....") before i got to "1", surprisingly everyone was immediately OUT! 印象最深刻的就是看到Elton馬上跳出來...!!!! :D 超聽話的 嘻嘻~ 大家也是對我超信任的~! (:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

practicing the piano

willie myette had some good points about practicing the piano~!

Practice with intentional focus:

-Repertoire (songs)
-Knowing scales
-Knowing chords
-Mastering rhythms
-Active listening

"You should sound bad when you practice!" -> not the same as 'playing the piano'!