Friday, August 31, 2007

Medical Engineer

I still don't really know what a medical engineer does, but... anyhow, got a friend of mine who wants to find a job... lemme know if you have ANY info... thanks! =)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Studio for Rent


Reply to:
Date: 2007-08-23, 5:23PM

Privacy is everything! You get your very own Enterance and Bathroom in this HUGE studio (APPOX 400 SQFT)

* private enterance !
* private Bathroom !
* Brand new wood flooring and new paint !
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* Furnished: TV, DVD, VCR, Sofa, Fridge, Microwave & more !

* Available NOW
* First month rent plus one month deposit and non-refundable $25 for credit check with references.
* Sorry! No smoking, No drugs, No pets ..

* Great neighborhood ! close to Colleges and Shops
* Surrounding cities: Diamond Bar, Rowland Heights, Pomona, Phillips Ranch, Chino Hills, Walnut, West Covina .
* Close to FWY 60/10/57/210

Linda 909.331.2034

My 2nd home - VOH

剛過的這禮拜是整個暑假期間到如今, 第一次在一整個星期中我是舒舒服服的待在家, 名副其實的taking my break!! 要開學前的休息, 真是太享受了~ ^^

Stephanie is such a skillful talker who persuaded me into doing this thing that I thought I would never do. 認識我久一點的人, 可能會覺得要使我改變主意其實也不是這麼難的事, 不過..... Stephanie真的很有說服力; 可能也是因為我信任她說的話吧, 所以... 我竟然真的就有去行動. 到底是做什麼呢? .......... 在基督界裡算頂頂有名, 也真的祝福, 觸使許許多多的情侶走上紅毯的 - eHarmony! 為什麼要上這網站呢? 其實還真不是因為很想認識異性.... 不過它裡頭有個cross-exam的測驗, 我倒是覺得非常仔細, 非常實際. 除了非常仔細了解填寫者的個性外, 它還包括了詢問你許多的理念 - 太寶貴了!! 除了從個性, 喜好, 欣賞的東西, 理念, 信仰, 外貌等選擇題問題外, 它還問了些文字上的問題, 像是what you can stand, what you can't; what was the last book you read and why; what are the things that you are thankful the most etc. 這些都是為何Stephanie會強力推薦的原因. 使得我從大陸回來沒多久, 就有找時間去做. 這些問題幫助我認真的去思考, so I found the process so enjoyable myself even though I'm not finished with all the questions yet =p 裡頭有個問題我想了很久. 它問到, 除了你的父母, 誰是影響你最多的人, 及為什麼. Seriously, it took me more than at least twice to stare at the question, puzzled, hesitated, and logged out. 我想了很久.... 不是因為沒有影響我的人, 只是... if I were to put down only one name, I really wasn't sure who should it be, who I wanna write about and... why.... 有影響我個性轉變的人, 有影響我對音樂產生興趣的人, 有使我對 神更渴慕的人, 有似乎最了解我的人, 有陪我渡過難關使我看到 神無條件愛的人等等, 可是... somehow I felt like there's more to it. Yah.. I've thought of putting GOD down, which is absolutely TRUE and ... my #1 answer. Yet..... I know that there're ppl around me who magnify God's images that their actions speak louder than their words, and I wanna honor that [God knows my heart!] :) 最後..... 最後....... 最後, 我想到了!!! And he is............. my church senior pastor - pastor Kwan.

我真的很感謝 神帶領我到基督福樂之家 (Vineyard of Harvest, aka Vineyard of Hope - Walnut, CA). 在這個教會認識這位唯一的真神, 經歷耶穌基督祂無比的作為外, 福樂之家也奠定了很多我現有的價值觀 - which I really appreciate! 後來發現, 我的成長幾乎有一大部分的朔造是在這裡被建照的. 我做事的理念, 想法, 連在調整思想的過程中也很多是跟隨著牧師在聖經裡的教導. 今天, 牧師主動的關心我有關一些敬拜的事, 說真的.... 可能正好是我需要的, 我只差沒有感動的落淚而已, 心裡真的就被鼓勵到, 也穩住了這一兩天有的小隱憂. 這不過是最新的一件事而已, 對於關牧師, 我心裡打從尊重. 而這一切, 要歸榮耀給那指揮家 - my precious God, Jesus & Holy Spirit (one God, one spirit, it's 1 x 1 x 1 = 1!)

Saturday, August 25, 2007


夜深了, 我應該要去睡了... 有兩天有特別注意, 早睡, 避免吃辣&吃炸 - 為了我已花下去的錢跟皮膚, 但是... 今天violated them all. 很久沒有在聚會完後跟小組人去吃宵夜, 這晚因為想多跟姊妹們聊聊, 想說明天沒有一早要練習, 所以... 給自己放個假. 同時.. 也又開始晚間high起來, 睡不著~~
我知道有時的夢一點意義都沒有, 但是有時的夢卻是從 神來的啟示跟感動. 我昨晚還特別有為睡中的夢禱告, 所以~這個夢應該是有意思的. 夢到.... somehow, 要跟"最愛是你"的小組人碰面. On the way, a car was tailgating mine.... 後來可能覺得我太慢, 就超速超過我. 後來我到時, 那個車的人從我身邊走過. 那時不知為何, 我直覺性的看當時我的車是否有上鎖. 確定有後, 看那人走過去了, 我就停車在停車場. 沒有馬上拿在passenger side的包包, 我竟走出來, 繞到另一邊要去拿. 看到Eric Hsieh好像想玩我的車, 自己走上我的駕駛座. 那時... 忽然那個人出現在我面前, 拿著一個小刀要威脅我給他東西. 怕他傷我的情況, somehow我竟然用手去抓住他. 雖然他其實離我有一段距離... 但他的手似乎就在我前面 (magic? witchcraft?) 總之, 他的力量超大, 刀離得我越來越近... 我當時第一個想法就是: where are the guys? 他們就都在我旁邊, 看得出來很焦急, 可是... none of them came to my aid!~~~~~~~~ 後來就醒了. Um.... 醒來後, 第一個念頭就是, 神啊, 我是不是要去學跆拳道啊?!!!~~ cuz it was so vivid to a point.. I really ponder what I COULD do if that really happens? and I had no clue!!! 弟兄們真的不會出面嗎?~~ >< *Please tell me otherwise~~~~

跟小組姊妹今晚分享時, Michelle J也分享了她一個我覺得超棒的夢, and guess what, it really spoke to me! Summary as follows: 她說有一次她夢到就像是世界末日要來了. 而從天上有個聲音說: 所有相信耶穌的, 要手牽著手圍著圈... 不論發生什麼事情, 都絕對不能鬆手!!! 她說看到人好多, 大家擠在一起, 很多圈. 忽然... 試探來了. 每個人有不同的試探. Ex. Pride. 很多人因著這些試探, 就一個個手鬆掉, 走了... 而走的那個人, somehow他左右兩邊的人也都消失了. 當M知道換她試探要來時, 她就想說, 想不到自己有什麼樣的試探.... 那時, 出現在她面前的是........... - 坦克車!!!! [wow.... to me it was.... 意想不到的... 粉大的挑戰吧!] 她身邊的人看到時, 都很想鬆手... 但是她堅持, 說: 不行, 死就死吧!!!!! [^^ isn't my sister brave or what???!!!! :)] 那時... tank向著她撲過來, 她可以感覺到一陣很真實的風從她面前經過... she didn't let go of her hands.


我聽到這時, 我真的很有感觸. We're not alone... God knows that... that's why we have fellowship, church etc. AND... 遇到試探時, 很多時候我們真的就讓它戰勝我們... 離開 神, 甚至帶著我們的朋友. 那選擇不顧念自己生命, 堅持住的, 多勇敢啊...! 在小組時, 有位弟兄問了個問題: 為何基督徒每每在門徒中遇到逼迫時, 反而福音更加興旺. 正常的情況不是應該害怕... 不敢挺聲嗎? [我真的很appreciate小組中坦承地問問題!] 當下有許多人給了很棒的回應! 我自己的感受是如此: "因為.... 福音是真的! 我們所信的 神, 是真神! 受逼迫是顯明人們感到有逼迫, 感到受威脅. 當有人為 神的名受苦時, 其他信徒更因此受感, 受激勵, 也要表明他所信的是真的! 所以.... 更多人願意為福音擺上. 連可能平時不覺得自己有能力的, 這時卻能因著對真理的堅持... 站出來! 也要testify God's authenticity!" 受逼迫的日子, 目前在北美還是少之又少的, 求 神幫助我們不因此而不預備自己吧.! Matthew 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 馬太 5:10 為義受逼迫的人有福了, 因為天國是他們的.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Luxury education

I was well aware of the expensive tuition a private uni may cost, but... I absolutely had forgotten about the textbooks! Seeminlgly acting like a freshman on campus, I mistakenly asked for where the 'library' was when what I meant was actually 'bookstore'. How silly~~~~~~ >< Why does each class require more than one book?! ..................... [speechless]
Well..... education is indeed a priviledge, and... it does make sense why people get to be paid more with higher degrees. *baxia*

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


我承認我很容易being emotional... 今晚的我, 真的很感謝 神.. 雖然沒有親姊妹, 但是A&J真的是我的好姊妹. They know me quite well.... I know it's very obvious to tell when I'm gloomy, but they know how to comfort me and make me comfortably see that the situations I feel troublesome are not quite that much of a deal. They can identify with me... and to prove that I'm not a weirdo. =p hehe 可以讓我舒服的發發牢騷, 聽我講些有的沒有的 - 一定要有這樣的一個伴侶啦!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Thanks to Frank, Amazon is a fabulous place to order stuff... esp. books! Bought a few books... 買書的速度比看書來得快得多 =p *為什麼我的房間怎麼整理都還是看起來東西很不整齊~ Way tooooooo much stuff.. and yet I can't simply throw them away. Uh......

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Maybe it sounds a bit silly, but I felt like I miss the kids in Chongqing more than they miss me. In the closing ceremony, I couldn't help but weeped agitatedly.... Michael even teased me for crying more than the students. *Love as if you've never been hurt. Even though we can't avoid to become more sophisticated, I choose to remain simple in heart, be open to myself, to God, and to the people I trust around me. And it takes sacrifices.... Tomorrow will be another closing ceremony, I wanna enjoy it to the most! [Be myself]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


父親節, 沒有怎麼幫爸爸慶祝, 從早就忙碌, 算是充實, 享受了一天! 辦了好多好多的事, 吃了想吃的香腸飯, 也看美美的楊丞琳, 帥帥的賀軍翔 & 王傳一. *生命要不斷的相信: 感謝 神, 祂總是在我快要失去更多信心時, 給了我一道光.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


太講究公平的我, 實在常常很難去面對不公平的事. 我知道 神是最公義, 最公平的, sooner or later, He will judge with justice. 以前覺得這樣的品格是好的, 但信主越久, 越發現, 以前看為好的, 都得重新用 神的眼光來調整. 不完美的我, 得不斷學習在看為不公平的事物上, 仍然去相信 神, 擴張自己. *睡了將近一整天, 時差應該調回來了... 現在卻睡不著.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Miss them

Ever since the 2nd day off the class, I began to miss every single teens from the summer camp in Chong Qing!