Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Psalm 40



「我的神啊!我樂意照你的旨意行;你的律法在我心」(8節),一個倚靠神的人,有一個特徵就是敏感於神所喜悅的,並神所要的。倚靠神的人可以放下自己的看法、意念,只求神更高、更美的旨意,並且受激勵去行神的旨意。神向我們所懷的意念是出於祂的慈愛,祂的愛何等的大,祂的意念也是何等大,「我的意念,非同你們的意念…我的意念高過你們的意念」(賽五十五8∼9)。你相信神向你所懷的意念都是出於愛嗎?你會不讓祂負你的責任嗎?=> 取自於靈糧堂靈修網站

Friday, December 25, 2009

I Am Blessed!

At this very moment.. I just wanna say, "我是一個幸福的人!" 我有愛我的好朋友, 疼我的父母, 關心我的哥哥, 及信任我的教會弟兄姊妹... 雖然今年的聖誕節曾有讓我懷疑自己的地方, 但是... 我感謝 神, 我可以在讚美中看到真實有基督的人的identity! :)

Also, thanks to Dr. Gin... who's willing to spend time on my thesis during Christmas break... it touched my heart seeing her response today! :) 好多人我想感謝.. though they might not even see this blog entry =p

Not in any kind of order, just ... people that come to my mind right now... 小Paul, Paul爸爸, Penny, Jeffery, Jeffrey W, Stacy, LiLi, Kari, Nicole, Tracy K, Rita, Eva, Pastor Howard, Mrs. Kwan, Karen Y, E2, Joella, Jack C, Maggie, Gracy, David Ting, Joseph, Dad & Mom, Mark Hsieh, Mr. & Mrs. Feng, Joyce, Alison, Kate, Susan Huynh, etc, and.. GOD!!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

"稱頌, 讚美"來回應

當我們不把所蒙的恩典視為理所當然時,我們將蒙更大的恩典,當我們以恰當的行動回應神的祝福時就見證了神是凡事都能。- Psalm 115. 採自靈糧堂靈修網站.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009




Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dec. 10, 2009 Ps. 143:1-6

「在你面前,凡活著的人沒有一個是義的。」(v.2) 這真是一個偉大的發現,「義」所指的是神的標準,沒有人能達到神的標準,特別是對我們這些明白「新約」恩典的人,更是一個非常明確的指引。今天我們之所以能來到神面前,完全是因為耶穌基督所成就極大的恩典,我們完全無功勞可言。我們需要常常回到救恩的根源,詩人的話說「我追想古時之日,思想你的一切作為,默念你手的工作」(v.5)。不論我們信主的年日多久,初信之時的感動常常是那麼鮮活,每次回想都可感受到主的恩典,特別是當我們在主裡的日子長久些,我們將更能為主所成就的事感恩。當我們愈明白神工作的原則時,就能更加看見神的手在我們身上不是一時一刻而已,祂是有計劃的。雖然詩人的光景是這麼的不好,他說「我的靈在我裡面發昏;我的心在我裡面悽慘。」(v.4) 這麼糟糕,這麼困窘,這麼不安,但他的出路在那裡呢?是在思想神的作為,默念神的工作。

一方面,看見我們是多麼需要主的救恩。另一方面,當思想主為我們所付極重的代價,使我們得享救贖恩典時,我們豈可浪費我們的精神在自憐上呢?惡者就是要讓我們看不起自己,我們真是不配蒙神恩典,但卻蒙了恩,這是何等大的恩典呢?主所要的回應就是接受與感恩。第三,既是恩典,就不好獨享,與人分享得救的喜樂及盼望則是我們蒙恩之人回應主恩的實際行動。--- from 台北靈糧堂資訊網 :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fred Craddock sharing about "preaching"

As I was reading a chapter in a required textbook, I came across reading one of Fred Craddock's writing, and for some reason, I googled him... found an interesting blog talking about him. This person lists out tips that I thought it might be good and helpful for preachers, whoever out there who might be intrigued.

Craddock offered 13 statements about preaching. Here they are:
1. Respect and come to love the hours of study in the preparation of a sermon. The discipline of study brings freedom.
2. Pay close attention to words; study them, respect them, love them.
3. Have a clear grasp of anthropology. In other words, understand deeply your view of humankind. How you view people informs your sermon.
4. Create high expectations.
5. If possible–find a governing image or metaphor.
6. Build anticipation in all your ministry.
7. Be able to state the sermon in one sentence.
8. Facilitate conversation between the congregation and Scripture.
9. Be flexible with the many layers of Scripture. There is usually more than one way to understand and present a text.
10. Populate sermons with people–people with names.
11. Create materials to make your sermon more real.
12. Develop and maintain balance in your life.
13. Live with a understanding distance of God. Talking with God that authorizes talking about God.

So that is a great list to take to heart…..but if you just heard that you would have fallen asleep, here is the stuff you would have loved!!!:

A question he always asks:
What do I think I am doing when I am preaching?

Preaching should be a habit/discipline BUT MUST contain reflection
He talked about Chaim Perelman a man who is an author of rerhetoric not preaching). And Craddock said this”
“Good communication, is making the absent present”. If listeners can see something, then it is persuasive. He gives and example of a Chinese emperor standing in the entrance of the palace. He watches some men taking an ox to its death for sacrifice. The emperor said, “Stop turn it loose and go get a sheep!” So the men asked the emperor, “Emperor, do you prefer sheep over oxen for sacrifices?” And the emperor replied, “No, it is just that I can see the ox”.
Something important to Craddock when he thinks about preaching is that the sermon
1. must get the scripture straight. (knowledge), 2. AND it must be powerful, (then he gaver a”>King Lear quote, “My heart is in the coffin with Cesar, and I must pause until it returns me”) there is power in those words…he could have said, “I just miss him, give me a few minutes”, but instead Shakespear uses power, and those words force pause, awe, and beauty!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Craig Shaver Sharing on 11/8/09

- We got to come to church, vs. we get to come to church. Got vs. Get

- Share the gospel, three results:
1) Being rejected
2) The person accept the Christ
3) Plant the seeds in his/her life

All are 'GOOD' and 'winning' situations!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Praise You TODAY!

God, you know how much obstacles and difficulties I'm facing right now at this very moment, I pray for Your protection over me, as well as Your strength. I can't do all these by myself.. nor I can control any of these. Come to my rescue Lord! I praise You for sustaining my life, all these yrs, all these tough times. You have laid Your life down for me, and so I lay myself before You, reign in every aspect of my life, including my very physical body I pray. Thank you for being my stronghold in life... In Your light I will see LIGHT! THANK YOU FATHER :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

They make me *grin

Halloween... I have 8 friends whose bday is today! Crazy isn't it! Came across Google's search engine as I was doing my thesis... haha, they really made me grin. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

John 14:13


Monday, October 12, 2009

John 12:37-50

Esp. liked 四, 五, 六! Reminders of the day!

主題信息: 主耶穌的話
















回應: 求主使我們明白、領受、相信、遵守主的話,喜愛主的命令過於一切。

Thursday, October 8, 2009

John 11:17-44

Yes Lord, I'll seek You in present tense, seek Your help and have faith in present tense... 天天活在活潑的信心裡. :)

主題信息: 復活在我,生命也在我




















回應: 求主現在賜給我活潑的信心,並使我分辨三種責任去信該信的,去做該做的,去幫助該幫助的。

Monday, September 21, 2009

John 5:30-47

以下是取自於台北靈糧堂的靈修內容.... such a powerful and convicting msg! :) So speak soooooooooooooooooooooo much to me...... 讓我完全不求任何一點自己的榮耀, 只求從 神來的... 主!!!

2007/01/27 讀經: 約翰福音五30~47

主題信息: 三美•四缺•五見證 禱讀: 44節
























Monday, September 14, 2009

秋雨之福 by 李良達老師 9/13/09

珥2:23 "合宜的", 在希伯來文是tsadaqah, NIV: righteousness, NKJ: faithfully, KJ: moderately.. 恰到好處的秋雨之福~在春雨來前的秋雨!

我們所得的也是配得的 - 有些因為過去耕耘的.

Had a great worship Sunday too... God has set me free to worship Him, solely focus my eyes on Him when I was under the weather and felt anxious. Great time worshipping the Almighty w/ my great team!!! :)
1. 何等偉大
2. 祢是彌賽亞
3. 以色列的聖者 where I ask the congregation to kneel down when singing "我要跪下".. 'cause how many times do we really do what we sing.. along w/ Scriptures Phil. 2:6-9, then 9-11
4. 全然為你 (with all I am)
Offering: 單單為祢耶穌.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


姊姊讓我看到夢的重要性.. after all, the dreams that me and Samuel shared both proved to be 'reasonable' and 'true' now that I look back. BUT I dream randomly as well, and sometimes they are just insignificant to a point that I think I should evade and ignore... yesterday's... I woke up wondering if it's significant or insignificant, if what I remembered was correct. Will see.

Forest Home Retreat 9/4~9/6

Learnt so much from the retreat, both from Mrs. Kwan (愛慕耶穌, 找出3個主要的values, 改變自己的taste) & Samuel (走出去). When Kate isn't around, my brain hasn't been stimulated nor bombarded with challenges.. and it's been a long while! I'm not sharpening my thinking at all lately. But with two days' devotion, I felt being at the right place.. though not on the knowledge track, but back to desiring an intimate relationship w/ my Savior, my Abba, casting down all my anxieties on Him. Feels afresh! =)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


看來正如Frank說過的, 再深的感情, 的確可以有走過的一天.. 那時的我, 完全不能相信及了解.. 但現在的我, 可以接受這句話了.

在整理資料, 試著想要將些沒有必要的文件照片等的存到external harddrive時, 看到以前存下來的msn對話. 越看越覺得自己真的沒有被好好對待.. 到後來的我, 總是委屈求全的在討好他, 對於他隨意跟其他女生的關係搞得自己心情不好. 感情早就不是平等的了, 也或許他是故意這樣要我放棄吧~ 總之, 真的覺得自己曾眼睛瞎了, 怎麼會這麼不愛自己, 容許自己走到那麼痛苦的階段... 這也是其中些原因我們真的難再做朋友了. 真的要找到個欣賞我, 接納我的人. 花心, 說話不可靠可是大忌啊.... 感謝 神讓我走過那段真是痛苦跟艱難的日子. 最近完全想不起談戀愛是什麼感覺... ^^" 努力做調整, Jane! God is able~ =)

目標: 變淑女!!! haha

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009


好久沒有讀啟示錄了, 這次讀時.. 有感覺~ 首先, 耶穌在此卷書給我的感覺... 不像平時容易感受到的全愛, 溫和, 卻是嚴厲, 嚴謹, 公義的一面. 從一開始就先給七個教會些嘉許及責備. The way Jesus was described.. was in holiness, in mighty, in power! "Peals of thunder" appears to show God's majesty and authority.. 教會能聽的就當聽, realized so much to adjust, yet I feel alive....! I haven't felt this for awhile, and it gets back to where I know I am supposed to be... my heart feels it right! :)

Love Revelation!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Life Community Church in SLO 8/16/09

So we did attend their service on 8/16 on our family trip to SLO over the weekend, recommended by Mark. We went there early and attended the Vertex service at 11am. I think God is really teaching us to pray... nothing new, but do pray! 'Cause the topic... same as VOH, is prayer! "Praying That Makes A Difference" was the theme for the week, and next: "Finding Courage to Pray." The church is beautiful, well decorated, and even served breakfast/refreshments.. too bad we ate sth beforehand and were anticipating the delicious lunch at Giuseppe's Italian Restaurant, so ... I did take any good looking bagels. Since they're two services at different locations, the pastor had to preach in Vertex first and then head to the other worship center, so .. worship started first!

There wasn't any drummer, simply one guitarist also is the worship leader, and one female vocalist, that's IT! What amazed me was their harmony ability. It was just beautifully sung... when one sings main melody, one simply sings harmony, and she knows when to fade out and when to build the dynamics. Awesome.. and wonderful voices! :)

Also, a few announcements startled me.. or I should say, how organized and resourceful the man power they got!
1. Library closed between Aug. 9-23. *they got a library on campus? WOAW!
2. Jr. High Parent Meeting *so.. the meeting is for parents, not teens... for parenting issues, teen culture, and youth group programing.
3. Prism Orientation *I guess this is for high school orientations?!
4. Freshman Parent Orientation *again, they focus on parents.. what parents need to learn about 9th~12th grade programing.
5. Christmas Production! *they have to audition to get roles -> need dads to play shepherds, jr. high and high skul students as soloists, and 4th~6th graders to play angels. So specific and seemingly a huge production coming up!
6. L.A. Dodger Game $20 *include bus ride and admission. What a great family trip!
7. 13-week biblical based video/small group study course on financial peace. *there's even a preview class....
8. Marriage Preparation Class *so they do it in a group setting, like a class session. An enrich pre-marital inventory need to be completed also.
9. 10-week video discussion support group for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one *um.. too much like a course to talk about it, but.. it's good that they try to be informative about it!
10. Recruit adults and 5th~12th graders to be a part of worship and drama teams for kids (children ministry!) *productions are once a month from Oct - May.

Notes for the sermon: Eph. 3:14-21
Three general observations about prayer:
1. Prayer and the Bible always go together (Eph. 3:11-12, 14; John 14:13)
2. Prayers ought to include requests for all dimensions of life (Eph. 3:16; Hebrews 4:14-16)
3. Prayer expresses desire (Eph. 3:20)

How can we make a difference in someone walk with the Lord?
By praying for them:
1. To be strengthened by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 3:16-17) ... being rooted and established in love...
2. To understand the love of Christ (Eph. 3:18-19a) .. is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge...
3. To be filled with all the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19b).. Romans 8:28-29 Pastor Vince Llamas also mentioned.

"Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds
"Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees." William Cowper


It's really hard to make up my mind as to my favorite book of the Bible, but Hebrews is absolutely one of them! I've always wanted to study the Word in expository fashion... is that the word? Forgot! Anywayz, just hoping to help memorization, that's all!

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. 信就知道諸世界是藉著 神的話語造的 - which was invisible..... faith is ALL about believing the invisible yet by heart we know it's solid!

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 光唸就會使我得激勵... 如同雲彩圍著我們的見證人, 使我們可以看到, 得以放下重擔脫去罪, 心忍耐, 還要有行動地去奔跑...! 定睛看著那為我們成就十字架羞辱跟得勝的基督來奔跑..! I can literally feel the power flows through such picture...! (:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Get People to Tell You Bad News

I came across reading this section of the book "Children's Ministry Leadership" by Jim Wideman, felt so practical!

1. Don't shoot the messengers. If you explode at the person who calls you Saturday night to report the children's ministry's sound system won't work, that's the last time anyone gives you a heads-up warning. You need to "thank" people who bring you bad news. Not the people who caused the bad news, but those who reported it. They're your early alert system.

2. Calmly ask questions and dig deeper. Here's what your messenger didn't tell you: The sound system doesn't work because half of it's missing. The youth group took it on their weekend retreat.

3. Ask people who bring bad news to your attention what they recommend you do. They've thought about the situation longer than you have, so get their opinion. You don't have to take their advice, but if you've got sharp people on your team, they may heave already figured out a solution.

One person on your team might be a policeman who has a megaphone in his trunk. Let the guy preaching the children's sermon use that on Sunday morning, and then meet with the youth pastor on Monday to discuss "borrowing" sound equipment.

1 Peter 1:20-21; 23-25 & Colossians 3:2 & 22b

My cell group has been following GetPassage of this preset schedule of 3-months Scripture reading on both OT & NT. I'm positive it has blown us off since the 1st week, cuz there're like 7 chapters a day?! It's now almost coming to the end, I thank God that I followed through, well... hopefully.

彼前1:20-21 基督在創世以前是預先被 神知道的, 卻在這末世才為你們顯現. 你們也因著他, 信那叫他從死裡復活, 又給他榮耀的 神, 叫你們的信心和盼望都在於 神.
彼前1:23-25 你們蒙了重生, 不是由於能壞的種子, 乃是由於不能壞的種子, 是藉著 神活潑常存的道. 因為: “凡有血氣的, 盡都如草, 他的美榮都像草上的花. 草必枯乾, 花必凋謝; 唯有主的道是永存的.“

我何等榮幸跟感恩能生在耶穌顯現的末世.. get to know Him after His resurrection, and be able to build my foundation in Him! 基督是被預定的.. 而我的出生也是被預定的.. 為著我的年代, 我在 神big picture的計畫裡, 我蒙了這樣的恩... 其實話語真的有限, 我也不是很會表達我的感受的人... 簡單的說, 我找到生命永恆的意義, 生命認識那永不壞種子的源頭!

歌羅西書3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3:22b 講到做僕人 (slaves) 的心態... "不要只在眼前伺奉, 像是討人喜歡的, 總要存心誠實敬畏主." 不是第一次讀到這節, 但今天有個另一個感想... 相對來說, 那應該不像是討人喜歡的服事, 應該是討主喜悅.. seek the things above, not on what's seen on earth. 忽然, 想到什麼是things above?! 代表不是我現在肉眼看得到的東西 (think of character, souls), 之後.. 想到什麼是我們容易看到的 - money, and then.. talents! 我想到我很看重伴侶的, 其中一項是... 才能! 我很在意我以後的伴侶要有我很佩服的某個才幹, it doesn't limited to a certain area, just.. sth that attracts me that I know! 忽然覺得是否我一直在選伴侶上注意的點不是最重要的.... 主啊, 幫助我.. seek and desire for things above, not worldly things, and most of them are tangible things. This is such an opposite teaching from what the world is telling us through media, TV, news, products, all over the world. Help me to not be trapped inside blindly and re-shift my focus back on things unseen that Your heart is on.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Romans 12:15-18, 21

與喜樂的人要同樂.與哀哭的人要同哭。 要彼此同心.不要志氣高大、倒要俯就卑微的人。〔人或作事〕不要自以為聰明。 不要以惡報惡、眾人以為美的事、要留心去作。 若是能行、總要盡力與眾人和睦。 你不可為惡所勝、反要以善勝惡。

Lately my cell group leader has emphasized what entails a good cell group, is to care for one another in action. We're to pray and lift up the one who's weak.. not just me or you, but WE. Jesus' commands are soo different from the world's values; stay renewed and not go astray.

Friday, August 7, 2009

2 Corinthians

My all time fav. verses: 2Cor. 4:7-9 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from GOd and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Today I liked so much about the one after it... v. 10, We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. WE ARE, at this moment, representing both His resurrection and ALSO death... for we need to constantly kill all that's unpleasing to God, unbecoming conduct and habits!

Monday, July 27, 2009


我越來越相信 神給的伴侶是沒有"那唯一的". 神給我們很多選擇的空間, 讓我們自己去決定. Um, grant me the wisdom & sensitivity to see & search for the right qualities in guys. 神給的跑不掉, 不是 神給的, 強求都得不到. 主啊, 在我看不清楚時, 求你帶領跟引導我, 即使是我在下意識做的決定, let it be from/blessed by You.

還是很開心收到他的信~ :) In my own reverie...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Submissive, Submissive, Submissive

"Submissive, submissive, submissive"... was the only reminder from the boards and PK before we departed. Though we've gotten it down and did practice it.. we still didn't have a full submission after the Nankai middle school's camp was over. However, I learnt that we're people lacking submission when we do not stay alert all the time. It's so easy to just slipped away and the next minute we knew it, we've been disobedient! Snap, just like that...

I felt like I learnt so much this yr in the camp. About unity, submission, loving and accepting one another despite of our differences in personalities, working styles, cultures, habits and just about everything! The only thing that ties us together is because we all fear God and are willing to change because of Him. I sensed the humility in their hearts and so I saw the changes and truly admiring them. Thank God for a wonderful team, Stephanie, Benson, Ray, Jordan, Rosalyn, Jessica, Abraham, Christina, Catherine, Kindra, Andy, Jeff, Michael, Jet, and me (of course, also Julia Ayi, Uncle Alan, Steven and Dennis). Praise GOD that we resolved everything... I really wanna carry the submission and unity that I see among us back to the states. I hope that I'll remain sensitive always trying to stay in submission and unity w/ my brothers and sisters... always learn to have a good character as a good leader. Keep using the characters that I taught the kids to be a good leader as well. Seriously.. what we taught was so meaningful and practical to me as well. :)

LOVE is beyond all the talents we can ever have, I pray that I'll always have love before all corrections, judgments, critiques and avoidance. Um, maybe it is possible to train anyone to be disciple of His. I've often thought that connections, chemistry between people play a more crucial role in terms of making closer relationships w/ those who I wanna build bonding with, or even do discipleship with... maybe not so now. It's a determination, whoever you see has the passion to grow, has a humble heart, who you decide to disciple on. The key is... do you love to see them achieve higher than where you are? I found myself relieved.. when I discovered this. The core issue is about our love for others. Lili reminded me 我們要擔當別人的重擔. 這是要出於愛他人的心, 而不是只因為我們頭腦知道是耶穌的吩咐. 發現人真的很容易只關注自己的需要... 主啊, 謝謝祢憐憫我們... 求改變我的心, 讓我給時是出於愛他人.. a willing heart and giving hands.

I don't want to be in a backward prison... I want to set myself free from all the bitterness and jealousy, Lord, empower me to continue walking in Your grace.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


The camp has successfully finished. I felt a little of relieved and sad... I miss my boys from class, such as Dennis, Daly, William, and Ian. 能力到哪就做到哪吧... 我不能用別人的標準跟程度來衡量自己的. 這裡的孩子覺得我很兇.. which is true I guess, 是我的問題嗎? 有時我真的不知道怎麼跟某些孩子應對. Oh well... Lord, may Your grace fall liks rain on me. I'll humble myself and be humble of being who I am.


We're heading back on 22nd, somewhat I wish to fly back tomorrow... can't go back to Taiwan this summer, sorry mom, dad and bro...

Friday, July 17, 2009


So not ready for tomorrow's closing ceremony.. felt like I did such a bad job coordinating it >< The seating arrangement is always killing me.... I think I might freak out playing piano. When you see this, please do 'p' for me... if I got friends there reading this entry.


2 meetings when we get back... I really just wanna take a LONG break after going back HOME. What's the problem?! Feeling stressed... frustrated, and... alone.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Countdown ... 2 more!

We taught kids "Breaking Free" today, most of them have heard the song from "High School Musical." I really love my kids.. today, I "p" for them while they were preparing the role plays, simply GLAD! I still feel inadequate to build a closer relationship w/ them for some weird reasons.. I'm just not that clingy to them, so do they.


I really wanted an ice cream today, but.. Michael said that we ain't allowed to go out. I just felt like eating something salty... don't wanna have more sweets such as candies. Possibly I'll be losing some weights.. been not eating much due to our limited food once when we decided to dine in the teacher's lounge. 16 students...


I've practiced "Awesome God" several times throughout the week, still afraid of it though =p I crave for Korean food, yogurt, tea, and... just some tasty FOOD!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 More Days of Camp

It's kinda impossible to not have any favorites, but I try to be fair treating every student in my class. I can't imagine the days w/o them now... Helen, Jenny, Kevin, Shirly, Nick, Alex, Dennis, Daly, Mary, Lily, David, William, Ian, Joel, Kubby and Sue. I love my students... the boys are really cute and sweet - well, most of them. Anyhow, we finished our 6th day today, 3 more days to go and... closing ceremony. I'm playing a mimi recital for the closing ceremony (beginning 5 min of the ceremony from 3-5pm), hopefully I won't freak out >< "P" for me when you see this... :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2nd Day of CQ Camp 2009

So far the camp has been a success! At first I thought that the kids' Eng. level was quite low and their reactions were simply SLOW and unresponsive. Yet today, 2nd day of camp & 1st day of teaching curriculum, my class turned out to be fun!! I guess speaking more Chinese hoping to get the content clear to them was the main reason to make them finally feel connected w/ me and Jeff. Else.. everything was just so behind when they didn't understand what we were saying and they just stared at us or giving us blank faces =p Role play also benefited greatly, I can feel that they're bonding together after the music time and skit :)


"We're the Champions" was a blast!!! Kids love it. So do I :)


Btw, I had the worst diarrhea ever.. woke up twice in the night and ... >< Lord, help me to sleep well, including no wake up at night and no backaches from the sleep.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So... we're starting our opening ceremony tomorrow MORNING at 9am! Luckily we were finally able to move in our luggages and supplies to the teacher's lounge and dorms. The dorms looked soo nice, the school has prepared so much for us - basins, soaps, water, etc... just a lot of stuff =) So.. will be busy for the next 10 days w/o much time to blog >< I thank God that I felt trust in my accountability group that I was able to share the deepest thoughts in my heart and... wept =p Anyhow, I thank GOD for being so real that He is the One who helps us to adjust and live Him out! I thank GOD for a great team... though we're so different in culturally, we're willing to sacrifice something out of the love for others! :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Plan Changed

We were gonna start our summer camp on Tue, but... the gov. found out that school has allowed to have us teach w/o quarantined for at least 7 days and was worried, thus they postponed our class one day off and have the school's doctor to come to examine and check up our temperature everyday. SO.. right now we're still freeing up everyday, eat, sleep, prepare, hold meetings and that's it! ^^" I felt so not in a teaching mode... after so many days roaming around =p

I still wish the boards decide to send us back after the camp's over, seriously, I wanna save money for BH and secretly wishing that I could go back to Taiwan for a little while :) I've been quiet... feelings mixed. Gotta wake up early tomorrow, hope we'll be super ready!!!!!! ^^ God, I want YOUR presence!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thoughts Be4 I Head to CQ

After talking to my brother, I felt knowing my future direction a bit clearer :) Uncertainty.. is crucial in accomplishing what God wants us to do. Sometimes we feel so tempted to quickly grasp the path we're comfortable with, and often presume that it's the best way out.. but, it might NOT be the path God wants us to take - we choose out of efficiency, level of comforts, just simple way out. 昨天在禱告會, 因為我們去重慶的行程臨時的更改, 關牧師強調我們的態度.. 是重點, 不是這些用世俗的眼光來看的確會讓人有抱怨的改變. 我開始覺得後兩個禮拜的行程反倒才是這次旅程的climax, 才是明白這次 神藉著大環境的問題想要讓我們看見的. I'm so excited of this change now. I pray that I'll love Chinese, specifically, 重慶人, more.. instead of constantly focusing on my ability or myself, and also to love those ABC teammates that I go with more, 要不然, 我也可能會因著他們太隨意, 會總是用美國的standard/environment來比較而抱怨的口而產生不合一.

Be a watchman.. be alert, be a unity bridge, are reminders repeatedly mentioned to me by many adults... Lord, let Your Holy Spirit be my only strength, and I desire to experience this yr's trip differently than all the ones I've gone to. Let my heart be calm and always know that You are in control when unexpected situations arise throughout the trip. 今天無意中看了本書, 又看到2 Cor. 7:10. 愛的情感是【依著 神的意思憂愁】, 世俗的憂愁是愧疚, 是【叫人死的】. I give praise and thanksgiving to You, the Lord Almighty!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

對我說話的經文 & Quote =)

God has spoken to me... through 2 Cor. 7:10: 因為依著 神的意思憂愁, 就生出沒有後悔的懊悔來. 以致得救; 但世俗的憂愁是叫人死. ... and 當我們視我們的失敗和罪在於不夠愛人, 而非我們的【壞】, 我們在善惡的事上就往更成熟邁進了!

No Way!

SO... Nai Kai was seriously concerned about swine flu, and possibly think that we caught it... >< The low enrollment has caused us to cancel the 2nd session... well, as of now, there're only 80 students registered. We have worked at full stretch and now the plan is hindered... NO WAY!! Please pray for us, the situation, and ... the swine flu.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6/23/09 Devotion

I've been behind on my scripture reading ^^" With an extreme gratitude this morning, I'm able to spend some quiet time reading His word.. OHH =) God's Word is sooo abundantly filled with LIVE!

Just this past Sunday as I led worship, I reminded congregations to give and sing praise with willing hearts, 甘心樂意順服.. is what pleases God the most! And this morning, I'm being reminded again... envision that it IS such a moving scene to see people rejoicing from as high as the king, leaders, down to all the families to offer freely and wholehearted. It just touches my heart.. and it is something that I dream to see.. among my family, my cell group, my church and.. everyone in God's kingdom!
1 Chronicles 29:9 The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord. David the ing also rejoiced greatly.
v. 10 David praise the Lord "in the presence of the whole assembly"... when I'm in a position role, I wanna honor Him publicly, not ashamed of My God in all circumstances.. Lord, help me to cling on You.
v. 22 They ate and drank with great joy in the presence of the Lord that day... 這種在主裡的喜樂, 神同在可以有的喜樂.. 我渴慕天天經歷, esp. when I'm w/ other bro & sis in Christ at any time, anywhere!

v. 22 continues saying that 'they acknowledge Solomon son of David as king a SECOND time..." It strikes me.. - a second time! 被人立跟被 神膏立的不同... people desire to anoint him (Solomon), 即使是再多一次他們也不嫌煩, 不嫌囉唆, 不嫌"搞什麼".. 形式這時反倒即使是多加上去的, 也是樂意的.... WOW, I was amazed by the heart of unity the Israelites have at this time! Not only that.. v. 25 says that ".... all Israel... bestowed on him (Solomon) the royal splendor such as no king over Israel ever had before." 看到此時我馬上愣住... 對以色列人一直立王的印象, 多數聽到的都是負面的.. 從 神一開始就對Samuel表明百姓是棄絕 神不是Samuel開始, 到 神拿走Saul's throne and gave it to David, 一直以來.. 王的位置沒有順利過是正式傳承的.. (雖然王到目前也只有兩位 ^^") 不過明顯看到... Solomon是唯一個順利且是祝福地傳王位給他的 - 是 神指定大衛要給的.. 沒有其他人的篡位, 沒有任何陰謀, 沒有任何負面的反應, 就只有... 眾人歡喜快樂膏所羅門! 我可以想像這是多美的一幅 神及人都享受滿足的一幕! God's heart was here with what David was doing.. God was contend... people were rejoicing... I wanna see my life being fulfilled like this beautiful picture - in God's plan, and it perfectly meets God's will.

Last but not the least, David... in v. 28, died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honor. 不管他以前走過多麼孤單, 傷心, 失去的痛苦, 他最後是享受晚年.. and even in wealth and honor. No matter what we go through, let's hope and pray that our lives will end on a high note, a note that summarizes our lives in prosperity. 不是只是金錢跟被人尊重, 我指得是在祂裡頭的滿足跟不後悔, cuz we've done what is right and pleasing in His sight!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009




I feel lost lately... not sure what directions I'm striving for. Though I see the end, I don't see the routes that take me there... Fight over my inner turmoil...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In the Midst of Busyness

I truly hope to walk humbly everyday with my Lord Savior, esp. when I begin to question the value of the things I do..., I hope to find contentment in Him alone.. I pray Lord that I'll once again, be renewed by Your strength and power, be filled with Your exceeding joy and become a great lady of integrity and influence.


So much I wanna do, so much I wanna learn... I need to hear from You and know the calling from You. Bless me on my final tonight, my teachings of the summer camp, the preparation and the actual teachings in CQ, and even the cruise that I'm interested going... Lord, walk with me. May the power, glory, honor, and praise be to YOU! <3

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

5/18/2007 & 5/18/2009

兩年前的這個時候, 我在台灣放假, 辭了職, 等著master class的啟程... 兩年後的我, 在忙碌中渡過, 似乎仍是在徘徊... moving up in a spiral course.

I will trust in You alone! Praise the Lord! (:

Saturday, May 9, 2009


能接納彼此就是幸福, 能一起吃飯就是幸福, 能彼此相愛就是幸福.

Happy Mother's Day! I miss hanging out with my mommy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

學習面對, 接受自己的不成熟

前幾天在學校看到她, 我超級訝異... 自從那次'不歡'的巧遇後, 我其實陸續有逃避看到她.... 沒想到, 幾年後, 在學校的音樂系巧遇.... 其實沒什麼好尷尬的了, 為著能在現在這種情況下碰到她其實我很感謝 神, 能寒噓幾句表示關心也化解這幾年來可能有的些事. 本想在她轉身離去後再叫住她想跟她解釋點什麼, 可是... 等我這念頭變為決心之行動而踏出門時, 她已走出我的視線不見了.... 想當年, 我真的就是跨不過去.... 真的不知道怎麼回應跟她做朋友, 不過其實我是肯定她的.. anyhow, I hope I'll be able to do sth or at least, be a sister in Christ to her, if not friends.

Also, Happy Bday to Esther Tai & Sophie!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


從來沒有在太陽下山後去散步/運動, 今天是個嘗試! 天氣一整天熱到爆, 所以晚間的低氣溫格外地舒服. 平時下午時不覺得, 晚上的花味特別明顯 - 喜歡茉莉花香, 還有不少烘乾機的香味 =p 一路上打個幾個電話都沒人接, 不過有跟爸&哥講到話, 值得囉~!

做夢做太多真的滿累得, 而且每個夢都是跟爭戰有關, 是 神想提醒我一些事還是我太不給自己break了, 連在夢裡都在忙 @@

Monday, April 13, 2009


盧卡斯真的很帥~ 在"拜犬女王"裡面真的超級溫柔體貼又帥氣! 1982年的.. can't believe the pop stars now are younger than me @@ "阿母"是母親耶, 不是伯母吧 =p 表面看起來剛強的女性, 有時感情世界還是難被了解的. 默默付出就一定會有結果嘛?! 其實也不一定.~ 感情要平等! 對待要平等!

小小期待畢業了... 只是不知道這期會不會不過 ^^" 還沒有30, 我想還是有改變的空間的. 跟長輩聊天真的可以學很多... sometimes I'm just acting mature LoL

沒有Kate在身邊, 神也給了我另一個可以信任的姊妹! 發現友誼的建立有時不一定是由時間來決定的... 所以我想... 應用在感情上也是吧~! :) 我還是沒辦法不憑著感覺. 某一方面的反應我超快, 某方面我遲鈍得誇張. 多了解自己一點, 就越發現自己越不知道要什麼. 我期待順其自然地看見 神一切的帶領.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


可能是一時興起想寫, 可是... 今晚特別特別超有感謝的心... 整個就是充滿感恩...~! I learned sooo much from my cell group people, I'm super thankful that God placed them in my life, in this season, in this stage... =) Not gonna put their names down =p *Just gonna use 他 the whole time instead of 她.

1. 愛人熱切又真誠的心, 真的是我的榜樣. 看到他為他人的需要跟盲點擔憂到難過地哭, 這種愛人無私的愛... 我羨慕他生命的流露.
2. 雖然表面不馬上答應每個要求, 但是其實是認真地看待每個決定, 深思的想過而做有行動的follow-up.
3. 謙卑地愛人的靈魂, 即使是自己有所犧牲或被不公平對待, 仍堅定用學習到的教導跟對 神的愛來持續看重人的靈魂過於一切!
4. 對自己的生命很嚴苛, 在下定目標後, 熱意改變跟調整過去不夠好的lifestyle, 不斷學習, 謙卑來改變自己.
5. Encouraging... walk humbly; though was a bit hard to get to know at first, 單純信任人的心是很寶貴的!

先降吧... 累了, 該睡了~ *If if if if... we really get to do IBSM, even just once a month, I'll be so fulfilled!

Monday, April 6, 2009

RH "Ten Year Reunion"

我真的懷疑有誰會看我的blog~~~ but oh well, simply glad that I live in this free country where I get to express whatever I want!~!! LoL

I got this postcard from Rowland High School informing me our "Ten Year Reunion"!! Whoa~~~~~ 10 years.. class of 99!!! Just joined the group at Facebook, I guess... I might go! Wondering how many people I actually knew though. I was quite low key back in HS days, had only been busy with church ministries, just never really ... enjoyed going to school at the time. Seriously, I didn't like to learn what I was learning, and was just too shy expressing myself. I was too self-conscious about almost everything! Thinking back, I lacked so much self-confidence in my appearance, my image, my ability, my self... see, just about everything! But I was soo convinced of the assurance and faith in Christ that all my energy were pretty much dedicated into ministries, all kinds! In retrospect, I did bring many friends to church back then; church is the only thing that's constantly on my mind! I've chosen my path at the time... I hope to see my future direction clearer. But just think about it, if God has prepared the best for me in every step of the way, I'm sure my heart will be ready for every change. Be submissive like the Son of God obeying the Father.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

For Good (Wicked)

"For Good" Lyrics (one of my favorites)

I'm limited
Just look at me - I'm limited
And just look at you
You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda
So now it's up to you
For both of us - now it's up to you...

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for

But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share

And none of it seems to matter anymore

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better

And because I knew you...

Because I knew you...

Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good

Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

Some day my prince will come.
Maybe moving back to Taiwan isn't that bad of a thing... at least Kate is there, someone I love to talk to.
Helping dad with his business could be an adventurous path... it's an entirely different world than the one I'm in right now.
我需要方向... 一個 神給, 不因為環境而改變的答案.
我是獨一無二的Jane! (:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Google Icon....

Just thought of keeping track of their good icons. So... celebration for the 1st day of spring?! =)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day!

I even reminded my dad to wear sth green, but I forgot myself. Until I got to the school, I even wondered why people were all wearing green LoL haha.. I've never liked green until two yrs ago, I found the best greenish color I like!! :) Olive is good too.. but, nothing beats this~!!! *See the text color


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pasadena Marathon

A musician friend is running marathon next week at Pasadena. Though he's doing half marathon, I sure admire his persistency and perseverance during all the training he consistently pursues himself. He said he's running because of his boss who asked him, but I'm sure he loves sports too! Not so familiar w/ Pasadena area even though I wish I do... GO GO Mark!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We're Always Family

Lyrics: Prudence & Esther

看似不經意 身邊的人來來又去去
在祂的愛裡 這一份感情不會這樣就逝去
我們生命裡 這樣的劇情還會不斷的繼續
但我深深確信 這全是祂安排美好的旨意

當我面對你離去 我學會向祂感激
雨後的天晴才顯美麗 分離更讓你我珍惜相聚
能不能有個約定 今後或許各奔東西
再遠的天際 不會是距離
We're always family

回憶著過去 點點滴滴感恩在心底
每一個情景 處處流出你對我們所有的鼓勵
我們的生命 因為有你而體會成長的意義
把這些告訴你 是讓你放心去開創另一個奇蹟

自從你做了決定 我們都為你歡喜
知道這是祂時間所定 讓你回應祂呼召的聲音
這不是永久分離 你也知道我為你開心
悲喜的交集 還是捨不得你
'Cause we're family


當我面對你離去 我學會向祂感激
雨後的天晴才顯美麗 分離更讓你我珍惜相聚
能不能有個約定 今後或許各奔東西
再遠的天際 不會是距離
We're always family

Friday, March 6, 2009


Nipen說得對, 寧缺勿爛.! 我是真的滿享受我的single生活... 其實自己一個人有很多的好處地. The feeling of being free is very precious... 等待是值得的 (歡呼!). I'm teaching kids about "faith" in the context of worship this week, sure gotta apply it myself too! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The University of Adversity

再次感到直腸子的我... 好難在服事的崗位上做得好. 破碎... 還是破碎, 是必經過程, 好難.... 好多問號, 未來, 感情, 個性, 才幹, 溝通, preference... 好想逃喔~~! 可是這是最不能走的路. 所以 神, 請給我力量... 讓我不選擇逃避, 而好好面對困難; 不依靠自己的聰明, 而降伏在祢面前... 讓祢來帶我走... 連我surrender的力量, 都當給我.~! *沒錯... 要服事 神的人都得要在The University of Adversity畢業!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Change" by 木村

真的不記得最後一部看得日劇是什麼.. it's been so long. 很巧的, 看到了"Change"! 雖然表妹說一開始有點悶, 可是我可是從CD1不知道第幾集就開始哭了 @@ 有夢想又能謙卑讓夢一一實現的感覺真的很感人! 我情不自禁地吶喊內心深處能resonate那種活得有意義跟朝著目標滿足行走的每一天~! 能影響人的每一天! 能使他人感受到我所堅持而願意一起同工的每一天! 承認integrity就是能輕易奪走我目光跟眼淚的.... 邊擦眼淚的同時, 也不斷思想如何能將它表達出來的正義跟為大局好的精神用在現所參與的兒童事工~ 木村在戲裡能用孩童(5th graders)懂得的方式來表達一般人覺得很深奧的政治, to me.. it is profound and so meaningful! 如果我也看重孩童 - 未來的棟樑, 那我該如何給予他們在任何環境及學習空間裡看到接納&榜樣呢?! How do I set curriculums that they feel accessible and being part of the stories, this journey of knowing Christ, and knowing how important they are in God's eyes?

*同工似乎不是刻意找來的, 是發掘他們生命的特質, 讓他們以他們有的來發光~! 主啊, 求給我宰相般的心胸, 耶穌道成肉身般的die to myself, for the unity that I've never ever seen or exposed to before. I praise You!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pop Music - "Love"

One of the most significant Valentine's days was last weekend's. I was fortunate to play KB with others at Hub. Though it was a mini band... only one KB, one AG, one djembe, and three vocals, I spent almost two entire afternoons listening to YouTube and tried to imitate every songs' intro/interlude all that, as close as I can. It's been like forever since I keep up with any pop music. Really enjoyed the process... honing my listening skills :)

1. 愛的就是你
2. 只因為你
3. 親親
4. 當你孤單你會想起誰
5. 非你莫屬
6. 期待你的愛
7. Everything
8. 一比一
9. 今天你要嫁給我

Of course we had to incorporate more as we went along, cuz time was flying... and we were still tensed up the first round. Also sang "情非得已", "跟愛很簡單"~!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Terrific Beginning of 28!

This yr's bday happened to be on Sunday. I think it was very unique, cuz ... I had the opportunity to lead worship based on our regular rotation. 一早有嚴重的不開心 - 因為soundman遲到, 使得我們的練習減少... 這個問題已經長期覺得很挫折了. Anyhow, thank God for the adjustment inside of me... worked it through. I was respectful to the soundman to have no one touched any of the equipment until he arrived. I learned to do my part... right. :)

Got to go to Bucca di Beppo Italian Restaurant w/ beautiful sisters and brothers - Kristen, Jenny and Jennifer, *Isabel, Victor and Peter. So relaxed and... enjoyed the delectable meals (esp. chicken carbonara). Though I got lost for more than an hour, safely picked up my wonderful yogurt cake by Viv & Edwin's with Jenny, and... celebrated w/ Daniels at E2's. Really feel being loved by everyone of them... 弟兄們超配合我的要求照相, 貼心的禮物等的. Perfect! Great start for me... as I turn 28! =D Thank You my Father!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


今晚是Daniel小組弟兄們溫暖地為姊妹們辦一個Sister Appreciation Night! 我知道他們花很多時間跟精神準備, 不過我沒有想像過任何的期待或是情景... 它還是讓我震撼到了~ 雖然我們多數準時到, 在門口等待許久... 但是一進去的氣氛, 燈光, 精緻的小禮物, 音樂 (Disney專輯)!!! 整個就是PERFECT! *我承認音樂讓我很加分~~~! - Beauty & the Beast, Lion King, Aladdin, Enchanted, L.O.V.E. etc, 就是完美~! LoL

最後有個"投票", 姊妹們選出最有"良人"特質, best waiter & talented的弟兄, 而弟兄選出最有笑容, 最有氣質, 跟最有服裝造型的... 出乎我意料之外, 我竟然被選中.... 最有氣質的 @@ 說真的, 這對我是個很大的鼓勵, 只是... 我超錯愕的, 也會納悶 - 是弟兄們不夠認識我, 還是我不了解自己的特質 =p 只能說, 謝謝大家的抬舉及看重. 這該是我有生以來最大的稱讚吧 LoL

I love You the first moment I saw Your face, I love you for You never take away Your grace, I love you for the reason of the rest of my days... in loving You. God, You're my everything!! I praise You~!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all~

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hockey Game!

I've gone to live basketball game once, baseball once, and tonight was my 1st time watching a hockey game! Free VIP tickets offered by Stacy's friend's friend, hahah~ It was so excited watching live games... though I've never learned much about hockey. Didn't get to scream much, cuz... KINGS was not aggressive enough. Since I had to shop for Daniel's Sister Appreciation Night dress, we went to the Staple Center late, missed seeing how Flames scored the 1st point... anyhow, I felt like Kings didn't have a good teamwork - they would somehow end up leaving one of the teammates 'solo fighting' w/ at least 2 opponents. It's weird seeing how their strategy play out... I felt it was a bad strategy if it was ever one >< However, still enjoyed the night hanging out w/ Stacy, and met two other great & gentle engineers! =D *I really like seeing/listening to the cheering music going one key after one key higher.... haha!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


最近開始發現我很欣賞一位長輩... or 前輩? 真的是我很好的榜樣... 以前曾經覺得她很難了解或熟起來, 雖然認識了超久. 也總是在年輕點時, 反而多數是會去請教她先生多於她... 但是, 從去年底開始, 發現.... 除了她對 神的認識有深度外, 體驗到她對 神的單純信心, 健談開朗, 及溫和易相處的個性, 都讓我打從心裡喜歡跟她說話, 也開始會明白為何她女兒們都如此愛她跟倚賴她. 我真的很喜歡我的'mentor' + supervisor + 輔導 + 師母, MK...~! LoL

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Outside of VOH Mentor...?! :)

Had both lunch & dinner engagements today, had so much fun!

- Prof. mentor: No limitation to what God has stored for women. Explore the possibilities, do not be limited by my current views.
- Love comes with sacrifice... if I can't sacrifice, I don't have love. *Life testimonies from Eva Ayi and Lily! *Sophie 2009要結婚........ um, me 2? =p

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Conversation

A: (剛講完手機, obviously心情很好, 從廚房呼叫) 表姊, 我要煮水餃妳要不要吃?
Me: Oh.... 好啊, 我不是很餓, 只要一點點.
A: 后! 一點點是多少....
Me: (走出房間) 就... 6顆好了!
A: Oh.


Me: Hey Amy, 要不要順便燙個青菜來吃啊?
A: 有什麼菜啊... (口吻聽起來不想弄) 啊我在熱肉又在煮水餃, 妳弄好不好?
Me: 有 'pea' 啊! 啊就燙就可以了啊. 又不需要動手.....
A: (大笑) 什麼屁 (指著屁股), 屁不能燙啦~~
Me: (當然知道她在指什麼, 只是心裡暗想: "果然是跟anata講完話, 心情好, 跟我開起玩笑了" 我倆對笑) 后呦~ 就燙pea.... 很快啊! pea可以燙啦~~!
A: 那是豌豆.
Me: 阿它英文就是pea啊~! 不然勒~~~ 看妳啦. (繼續回房間做我的功課)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Haha, just wanna say "here comes Feb! my favorite month of the yr!" maybe cuz it's close to New Year, i always feel like it goes by so fast... cherish my 28 days of Feb. LoL

Friday, January 30, 2009

Woman is like a Rose

"Woman is like a rose. If you treat her right, she'll bloom; if not, she'll wilt!" Guess what movie is this from? :)

Happy Bday Shawna~! You're always young in heart, and younger than me! ^^

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Nope, I wasn't jogging... was plain walking w/ my iPod on for almost an hour LoL This always is the BEST time either to listen to the Scripture or to music, a great time to loosen up!! I LOVE listening to excellent music, especially jazz now! :)

Weird weird today, that my shopping cart was stolen out of nowhere! @@ It was just in a split second.. I was attentive to what the other family was talking about the price of Korean pears, by the time I turned around... the cart was gone~~~ I thought I forgot where I left it, so I ran around the aisles. Nope nope nope.. it was simply disappeared! SO bizarre....... For some strange reasons, I immediately checked my bag to see if anything was missing. I even walked around to see if anyone has taken the wrong cart or something... 有這麼一煞那, 我懷疑我有失億還是怎樣, 時間凍住了. So... got a new cart, I started picking the same stuff I once picked... 嘴裡不斷念念有詞 - "是怎樣啊, 連購物車也有人要拿!" - a long day shopping!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

True Tomodachi

True friends says this to you: "I'm sure you can do whatever you want to do, whether it's blah blah blah....." I've learned so much from my true friends!

Text Msg

I called AT&T to add the 200 text msg plan... knew sooner or later I would need this. So.. here it is! Let me know who's capable/or not of receiving text msgs w/o extra charge!!! LoL

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Study for Doctorate Degree?! & Misc.

Category: Education, CM, KC, Misc.

I used to think that education is just A DEGREE, people can learn so much outside of this paradigm. It is still true.. to some extent, but I became such an advocate of education now! LOL I told my mom yesterday that I'm kinda thinking about getting my doctorate after I graduate from master... she chuckled and said, "sure, as long as you find a husband who's gonna support you!" Haha... mom's funny! She's in a way telling me: "Nope!" O.K. I guess it'll be one of my dreams... I'll see how God leads.

So excited... I'm leading worship at Kids' Church this weekend! Sad that I haven't gotten to prepare for new kids' worship songs, they'll just gonna learn from what summer camp students did last yr! *Since when does the church kids learn after the SC kids?! 教會孩子應該更是有好的裝備啊... >< So yeh, I started choosing worship songs for SC this yr! Just listening to even children's worship songs by Hillsong, my excitement got pumped up! LoL I really LOVE their song arrangements and all the efforts they've spent into children's CDs & DVDs. Cool and decent dance/body moves, can't beat it! Um, do they have new albums coming up this yr? I still couldn't find better ones than Hillsong's, so I've decided to use others songs (that I didn't find so great last yr) within the same albums. Yet many of them after listening for a few times, also after scrutinizing their lyrics, I would rate them as high as 7~9 though they didn't catch my attention when I firstly listened to the albums last yr. Ooh well, I would purchase the new albums on behalf of CM w/o hesitations if Kids Hillsong publish them; that's how much I'm fond of their children's worship CDs/DVDs!

Tomorrow *Today's Mandy's wedding. Yeah, maybe like what Sharon recommended - I should start counting the weddings I've been to every yr and be blown away myself! :)

Finals next wk, nothing tests-related... but papers & presentations. A bit fret about it... yet I sure had a good time doing almost half-way-through Amos' final at APU's theology library today *yesterday. :) Sheesh.. when will I get to travel again?! Doesn't have to be a long trip you know, just like... SD, SF, etc. If not... what about IL, and cruise?! LOL Can I go?!

Seeing God's visions... speak to me in dreams if necessary Lord; I want to hear Your voice.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cousin J

雖然只是件很小的事及一包辣味蝦味先, 我可是開心勒~~ 雖然和玉妹偶而還是會有誤會要解釋等的, 但是她有不少優點是我常在跟她學習的. 貼心, 顧慮到他人感受 (有時too sensitive ^^"), so disciplinary, 顧家, 愛乾淨, 勤勞, 最重要的, 她對自己說過的話負責任! 我越來越發現我真的很看重最後這一點 - 對自己所說的承諾負責. 即使是很小的事, 但是敢說又敢做的人, 信任度一定加分~! You're reliable Jas! ^^

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


話說我在Christmas ~ New Year期間是有個Victoria Secret's coupon, 本來是打算去買lotions, 後來一忙, 就忘了這檔事~~ @@ 但是前幾天參加Mandy's bridal shower, 最後要分散時她送我們一人一瓶Victoria's lotion耶!!! God knows & sees my needs lol Thank You, my Father!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mondays for This Semester

I can't believe I need to wake up sooo early on Mondays from now on till May. I seriously was half-awake almost the whole time last night. Am I getting old or what, I have problem sleeping @@ Ends class at 10:30pm!


*7:10am is early for me Eye-rolling & I was late for class!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Genre: Comedy?!

Category: Scripture

I've never thought that there would/could be a genre such as 'comedy' in the Bible. The term "comedy" in the literature is different from the images of comic television shows we see today. It is "a narrative whose plot has a happy ending, in some cases through a dramatic reversal" (Intro to Biblical Interpretation by William W. Klein, Pg. 334-335). So what are the examples of such genre?! Wanna give it a try?!
Stories like...........
Joseph (Gen. 37-50) and Esther (Es.)! (:

Mommy's Feet Surgery

Category: Family, Mom

Since the past summer when my mom's feet got so swollen, she finally got to exam it. The situation was worse than she thought... people would never understand how frustrated one undergoes circumstances like this, especially for my mom who loves walking, dancing, serving, moving around.. just so active! She told me that she wanted to visit a sister in Taiwan who lives on the 5th floor and only stairs was accessible. Aunties were like, "yep, go w/ us!" but then it was just so tough for her to walk up to the *5th floor. Thankfully, it was the time when she was being told of such doctors who could help straightening her feet problem. Not that her bones will function as normally as before, but it should do good to certain degrees for her in the long run. My optimistic mom! =)

Good & Bad

I love my teal speakers... soooo LOVING THEM!!! :)
I can't believe I eat so much lately. Though I don't spend too much on the food *I cook, but I eat soooooooo much. 2pm for lunch, 6pm for dinner, and .... 9:30pm for night meal... 而且不是少量多餐喔, 是... 多量多餐 @@

今年的Valentine Friday (2/13/09), Daniel會有很特別的情人節日 - 弟兄們專門為姊妹服務!! Like "Girls Appreciation Day" :) 哪年可以在生日時和幾個好友在加州以外的地方渡過...?! Looking forward to that...~!

呂代豪牧師的見證很感人. 不斷讓我體會, 神的慈愛與恩典永遠長存~! 虧欠的多, 感恩的也多. 神國的道理跟世界是很完全不一樣的; 神揀選要用的人, 神必出手拯救. 過去的往事都可以成為來更深見證 神施恩的手. 過去看為不好的, 都可以變為新的! =)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Technology Needs

哈 好多東西想買喔~~ And some are really "needs," not just "wants." My speakers are on the way, hooray!! :) *同時也希望不要太倚賴technology...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Random Stuff

我知道我不應該這麼晚睡, 不過... 今晚算是我少數中的星期五, 會在小組後仍留下聊這麼久的時間~ 由於之前跨年時找不到爸媽, 所以我還是小白目的在開車的回家路途中打電話回台灣 - 我媽咪一開始完全沒聽出我在開車, 唸歸唸, 還是陪我講話了. 明明聲音沒有這麼明顯, 她終於還是莫名地聽出我在開車吧, 忽然問我: "妳現在在哪?!" 馬上要我掛電話明天再聊~~ @@ 跟她說是用bluetooth講話她還是堅持要掛. 媽咪一聽說陳叔叔住院, 馬上跟我爸開車去高雄醫院看他. Sweet parents.... 聽說陳叔叔信主還受洗了!! 有時... 真的是藉著不同的環境, 使人歸向主! 疾病sometimes really point people's hearts to God... 感謝主, 得知陳叔叔信主! 最重要的 :) Jess也真的很貼心, 之前馬上飛回台灣照顧 =)

我承認女人對感情多數是容易被感動的~ 也因此會容易被影響. 下以下的這個結論可能還是有點片面及不夠合理, 不過, 我目前很深的感觸: 女人若不自己有對 神堅定的委身及自我接納&肯定, 在與異性交往時, 很容易會把 神放一邊, 而看重男朋友多於 神. 這個結果還不是最糟的, 我個人認為, 更慘的是 - 這段感情多數是不完全得到祝福的, whether from God or from others, AND, 機率很高最後不會走在一起 *聽起來很糟吧 - 代價可是高勒! 投資的時間, 精力, 金錢, 青春, 及那段寶貴可以成長的機會, 都浪費了. 沒走過的人很難體會, 容易不夠警醒; 走過聰明的人就像老人般不斷提醒, 不夠機靈的人就反倒覆轍. 或許是看到些事而有感而發, 不過, 總之, 愛情是盲目的... 關係不到, 有時多說也無益. *Everything we do today affects eternity. Sometimes I'm still so near-sighted.

Daniel小組有很多好弟兄, 也有不少好姊妹, 可是為什麼情侶這麼少呢?! 雖然仍是個無解題, 答案會越來越明確. 不在乎人看得如何... 要跳出這個框框, 神的計畫是可以完美呈現出來地.

Number wise, I like 2009 more than 2008 lol 今年的resolutions, 我要有行動完成它! =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Entry for 2009

I planned to go to church for countdown, but I ended up staying home. The engine oil was out and my Jetta sounded really bad... & 加上天氣冷, 我... 就不想晚上出門了. Shouted "Happy New Year" to myself, and to Jesus! Happy 2009, I welcome you! :)

鄰居在放鞭炮, 有歡迎2009的氣氛喔.