Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Adds To My Not-To-Watch Movie List

明明是很好的一天, 有開開心心的逛街, 買到需要的東西. 跟表妹們享受地喝了個自家下午茶, 去Yogoo La Mode, 整個就是美好. 又去了第二個mall逛, 沒有巧遇, 一切順利.... 直到...... 這部片子!
Yes.... Will Smith had said something significant in the story lines, BUT... it is one of those that weight more on its negative sides than positive... bright, or even so-called worthwhile movies! OK, I really need to learn from all these strong regrets - 看電影看到一半 (或是不到一半時), 後悔我為什麼踏進來, 為什麼會以為自己可以撐下去, 為什麼不事先問清楚片子是有關什麼的.... 總總的自我對話. 不能因為朋友們說好看就奮不顧身的犧牲掉我的gift card on THIS movie..... ahhhhhhh~~~~~ *sigh~ 我不知道別人看完它學到了什麼. 不過, 我確定: 再怎樣的人, 能健康活著就是好事 - 還有人在你旁邊就感恩; 還有, 不管怎樣relate, 再不好看的電影也可以學東西等的話.... 我還是覺得, 更重要的是要有智慧選電影看! 有機會敵擋時, 先聰明的閃掉不接觸才是明智之舉. 就像這一部 - "I Am Legend." Sorry, it's just NOT MY TYPE! ><

Thursday, December 13, 2007


YEAH! Done with finals!!! :) YAHOO~~~!! 吃了飯, 回到家, 想了很久應該做什麼才算是享受考完的這一天.... *真是閒不下來. 拿起琴譜, 開始彈....... 一彈就彈了3小時. 真的, 到最後總算感到手痠, 感覺手不是我的~ @@ LOVE to play piano!!!!! :) Contemporary is my favorite! Classical + Jazz! 我果然還是個喜歡跟著原則, 但在方格裡做改變的人.

這學期, 有兩個老師分別請我們去他家吃飯. Tue. 在尋找Dr. Gray家時, 就像同學說的一樣, 沿路上感覺好像要開到"世界的盡頭"了 (to the ends of the earth). *我到底在哪裡啊??!! 連google & yahoo都找到不到他家, 頻頻問我是否打錯地址?! @@ Dr. Gray的拿手mushroom超級yummy...... 改天自己來試試吧 - w/o grease though.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Jasmine once fainted at this elementary school that she interns at. I thought she must be really weak and stressed.. which she was. But today.... I was in a similar situation. UNBELIEVABLE! I always consider myself healthy, and none such as this could have happened to me.


Well, everything was going well after I finished my history final at 1 sth. As I was in the piano room practicing my conducting, I started feeling cramps... to a point, I had to rush to the restroom. I really felt like screaming inside there... and which I did later on, crying out to Jesus when no one was around. I was sweating, hands trembling, and felt fainting in any minute! After I managed not to vomit, I forced myself to walk out and then completely dropped myself on the floor. Dr. Royse passed me by and jokingly asked me if I passed out. I didn't have any strength to talk, so I just sat there, whispering back that I almost fainted. He helped me to call the health center and had two ppl to take me from there. Anyhow, everyone must thought I was unconscious... cuz I responded so slow and so late.


Even the nurse thought I was crazy enough to stay for my class that's from 6 - 10:30 tonite... but thank God I'm well now. Without health, you just can't do ANYTHING. God, thank You for the breath You've given me. Note

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Time for Myself

發現, 家人還是世界上最親的人.
有時, 真的還是不喜歡一些在我身邊發生的事情.
Can't wait for a short break...