Thursday, April 23, 2009

學習面對, 接受自己的不成熟

前幾天在學校看到她, 我超級訝異... 自從那次'不歡'的巧遇後, 我其實陸續有逃避看到她.... 沒想到, 幾年後, 在學校的音樂系巧遇.... 其實沒什麼好尷尬的了, 為著能在現在這種情況下碰到她其實我很感謝 神, 能寒噓幾句表示關心也化解這幾年來可能有的些事. 本想在她轉身離去後再叫住她想跟她解釋點什麼, 可是... 等我這念頭變為決心之行動而踏出門時, 她已走出我的視線不見了.... 想當年, 我真的就是跨不過去.... 真的不知道怎麼回應跟她做朋友, 不過其實我是肯定她的.. anyhow, I hope I'll be able to do sth or at least, be a sister in Christ to her, if not friends.

Also, Happy Bday to Esther Tai & Sophie!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


從來沒有在太陽下山後去散步/運動, 今天是個嘗試! 天氣一整天熱到爆, 所以晚間的低氣溫格外地舒服. 平時下午時不覺得, 晚上的花味特別明顯 - 喜歡茉莉花香, 還有不少烘乾機的香味 =p 一路上打個幾個電話都沒人接, 不過有跟爸&哥講到話, 值得囉~!

做夢做太多真的滿累得, 而且每個夢都是跟爭戰有關, 是 神想提醒我一些事還是我太不給自己break了, 連在夢裡都在忙 @@

Monday, April 13, 2009


盧卡斯真的很帥~ 在"拜犬女王"裡面真的超級溫柔體貼又帥氣! 1982年的.. can't believe the pop stars now are younger than me @@ "阿母"是母親耶, 不是伯母吧 =p 表面看起來剛強的女性, 有時感情世界還是難被了解的. 默默付出就一定會有結果嘛?! 其實也不一定.~ 感情要平等! 對待要平等!

小小期待畢業了... 只是不知道這期會不會不過 ^^" 還沒有30, 我想還是有改變的空間的. 跟長輩聊天真的可以學很多... sometimes I'm just acting mature LoL

沒有Kate在身邊, 神也給了我另一個可以信任的姊妹! 發現友誼的建立有時不一定是由時間來決定的... 所以我想... 應用在感情上也是吧~! :) 我還是沒辦法不憑著感覺. 某一方面的反應我超快, 某方面我遲鈍得誇張. 多了解自己一點, 就越發現自己越不知道要什麼. 我期待順其自然地看見 神一切的帶領.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


可能是一時興起想寫, 可是... 今晚特別特別超有感謝的心... 整個就是充滿感恩...~! I learned sooo much from my cell group people, I'm super thankful that God placed them in my life, in this season, in this stage... =) Not gonna put their names down =p *Just gonna use 他 the whole time instead of 她.

1. 愛人熱切又真誠的心, 真的是我的榜樣. 看到他為他人的需要跟盲點擔憂到難過地哭, 這種愛人無私的愛... 我羨慕他生命的流露.
2. 雖然表面不馬上答應每個要求, 但是其實是認真地看待每個決定, 深思的想過而做有行動的follow-up.
3. 謙卑地愛人的靈魂, 即使是自己有所犧牲或被不公平對待, 仍堅定用學習到的教導跟對 神的愛來持續看重人的靈魂過於一切!
4. 對自己的生命很嚴苛, 在下定目標後, 熱意改變跟調整過去不夠好的lifestyle, 不斷學習, 謙卑來改變自己.
5. Encouraging... walk humbly; though was a bit hard to get to know at first, 單純信任人的心是很寶貴的!

先降吧... 累了, 該睡了~ *If if if if... we really get to do IBSM, even just once a month, I'll be so fulfilled!

Monday, April 6, 2009

RH "Ten Year Reunion"

我真的懷疑有誰會看我的blog~~~ but oh well, simply glad that I live in this free country where I get to express whatever I want!~!! LoL

I got this postcard from Rowland High School informing me our "Ten Year Reunion"!! Whoa~~~~~ 10 years.. class of 99!!! Just joined the group at Facebook, I guess... I might go! Wondering how many people I actually knew though. I was quite low key back in HS days, had only been busy with church ministries, just never really ... enjoyed going to school at the time. Seriously, I didn't like to learn what I was learning, and was just too shy expressing myself. I was too self-conscious about almost everything! Thinking back, I lacked so much self-confidence in my appearance, my image, my ability, my self... see, just about everything! But I was soo convinced of the assurance and faith in Christ that all my energy were pretty much dedicated into ministries, all kinds! In retrospect, I did bring many friends to church back then; church is the only thing that's constantly on my mind! I've chosen my path at the time... I hope to see my future direction clearer. But just think about it, if God has prepared the best for me in every step of the way, I'm sure my heart will be ready for every change. Be submissive like the Son of God obeying the Father.