Monday, April 6, 2009

RH "Ten Year Reunion"

我真的懷疑有誰會看我的blog~~~ but oh well, simply glad that I live in this free country where I get to express whatever I want!~!! LoL

I got this postcard from Rowland High School informing me our "Ten Year Reunion"!! Whoa~~~~~ 10 years.. class of 99!!! Just joined the group at Facebook, I guess... I might go! Wondering how many people I actually knew though. I was quite low key back in HS days, had only been busy with church ministries, just never really ... enjoyed going to school at the time. Seriously, I didn't like to learn what I was learning, and was just too shy expressing myself. I was too self-conscious about almost everything! Thinking back, I lacked so much self-confidence in my appearance, my image, my ability, my self... see, just about everything! But I was soo convinced of the assurance and faith in Christ that all my energy were pretty much dedicated into ministries, all kinds! In retrospect, I did bring many friends to church back then; church is the only thing that's constantly on my mind! I've chosen my path at the time... I hope to see my future direction clearer. But just think about it, if God has prepared the best for me in every step of the way, I'm sure my heart will be ready for every change. Be submissive like the Son of God obeying the Father.


  1. i read all the time ah~

  2. 開玩笑~~ Jane, 看妳的Blog 就像看連續劇一樣 不能miss 精彩的哩 ㄏ ㄏ

  3. lol 謝啦 Captain Jack! "像看連續劇" - hahaha 我喜歡這個形容詞 :)

  4. 你的blog我每一篇都有看丫,雖然我沒有留言,但我都有在看喔~haha

  5. 原來小mo原來是有在乎我的 ><" LoL
