Saturday, July 29, 2006

Early post

自從上班後, 至少7:20 am 要起床. 可是因為之前事情多壓力大, 不管幾點關燈入睡, 通常不到六點, 就一定會醒來, 然後.... 就很難再睡著, 直到快到7點 - 睡意又來啦.~ 所以現在有心裡時鐘, 習慣性地時間一到就會醒來 (我也希望可以睡久一點啊~~~~)

Lina表妹來美國玩, 我呢, 就能參與的, 盡量陪著一起玩, 不過 -- 玩也是會累的. ^^" 其實住在加州這麼多年了, 總覺得都沒有機會去更遠些的一些區域玩, 加州還是有很多地方我都沒有去過的....! 喜歡去不同的地方看, 遊走. 有哪些好玩的地方呢? viewers 介紹一下吧!!!

Has anyone seen "The Devil Wear Prada?" I've heard great comments, and want to go watch it =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


第一次有人來公司找我吃飯, 在門口等人來接的那種感覺, 很奇異, 也有小許地感動.... 公司午餐的時間有一小時: 自己帶便當在公司裡吃的話, 時間顯得很長, 還有時間小睡一下(不需要打電話連絡事情的情況下). 可是要是在外頭吃的話, 得先打個電話在附近的餐廳先訂, 時間上才會顯得差不多剛好; 不過就算如此, 還是得吃的快一些.~

我記得有一次, 在送Jason回去UCLA上課之後, 中午有機會和在downtown的上班女郎Tiff吃個飯. 那時她說過, 很感動... 有人可以來她公司附近中午陪她吃個飯.~ 而且說了不只ㄧ次. ^^ 雖然只是一個午飯, 我現在更能體會她當時說這話時的感覺. =)

只要事先約好, 除了跟同事吃飯建立關係, 能跟朋友吃個飯真的是很享受.~ 以後如果我不需要上班, 或是做了家庭主婦, 希望可以去找上班的朋友們, 中午約出來吃個飯.... 讓他人感到窩心 ^-^v

Baxia...... *a za a za fighting fighting!* (ha... side effects from watching Full House =p)

** Viv - Happy B-day **

Job Opportunities

1. Sales: Our area (Rowland/Walnut/Diamond/Hacienda), no experiences required.

2. Finance: Hedge fund (LA area), interested in finance.


Lemme know if you're interested, or have friends looking for related careers.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Yard House

七月的壽星真的太多了.... 越知道越覺得恐怖~ ^^" 本來以為認識的只有六個是七月寶寶, 後來...... 陸陸續續地, 目前知道地有15個了~

Sayuri's b-day party, 我和朋友去了Yard House in Brea ( 在週末慶祝, 為了不要讓大家等菜餚太太久, Sayuri體貼的選擇... 坐patio. 是的, 在上星期六晚間七點至十點 - 113度的氣溫下, 我們在室外享受美食~~~~ >.< (*不是住加州的朋友們: 最近LA的氣溫是..... 爆熱! 我是一百分之兩百怕冷勝於怕熱的, 可是它悶熱的程度我也小小不敢領教囉*) 吃到最後... 壽星自己衝到洗手間 --- 快吐了(ah! 天氣啊!!)

另一件有趣的事: 洗手間的水..... 它不是冰的... 它不是涼的.... 它不是冷的. 它.... 是的, 它..... 是... 啊! "Gee, my hands are burning....." 真的是這樣...! 是要讓顧客不浪費嗎?? =p 因為一群多數是不認識的朋友, 看到mutual friend就特別興奮! 基督徒圈子真的很小...... 真的是一家人, 連在一起地.

Yard House: 奇蹟的, 它們的appetizers are way much more delicious than their entrees..


Thursday, July 20, 2006


How many times have you tried to sing out loud at your downest moments,

and you feel much relieved and comforted? Every Tue afternoons, I get to make lots color copies for Autozone pallets, and mostly I'm all by myself in the copy room.


Not every time when I'm down, I can think of lots worship songs... ^^" This past Tue, I sang.... loudly..... weeping. The 1st song that came out of my mouth was:


"Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise,

and when the darkness closes in though, still I will say.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, blessed be Your name.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, blessed be Your glorious name..."


His name is worthy to be praised!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006








Thursday, July 13, 2006


Other than Xiang, who already head back to China for her wedding banquet, one of my close high school friend’s wedding is around the corner 2! After attending many church sista’s weddings, I’m relatively familiar with the preparations beforehand now. When Jess was asking me the availability of the day, I knew it - the bridal shower! Her wedding announcement came unanticipated -great surprise, yet reminds me of… age? Maybe. What I should be doing, what should be expected, what should be done…. by now, the age of 25… er, also concerned for few gals around me..

I twice heard from someone about the definition of ‘finding out your calling,’ and I’m amazed and contented by how it is wonderfully phrased! “You won’t be completely satisfied and at peace unless you’re living in God’s calling.” I thank God that with a little more discovering of where my passion leads me, I gradually get to taste more satisfaction of fulfilling God’s plan in me. =)

Jess & Gary: Congrats! Your long-run relationship is about to precede a blessed marriage~!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I've been blogging for a year now, I noticed! =)

July, what a month.... with many 'firsts'. 好與壞, 我都需要take it...

Lord, help me to live with a pure heart and pure motivation... be more obedient to You.


Blog是public的, 需要private的空間或多或少是不太容易. 除非改為restricted. 像玉妹說得, 要完全表達出自己全部的想法, 到底是有些考量的......

um...... ~~~~~~ 心情非常的複雜, 一生中好像沒有過這樣子的混亂跟難受.

不是不願意承認自己軟弱, 或是太多只注重自己的軟弱, 可是我需要時間.

我知道 神知道..... 我知道祂愛我, 我知道祂為我好, 我知道我是被愛的...

雖然感受跟我的理智上有一個距離, 而.... 我在學習拉近這個距離, 或是, 讓我離感受遠一點.

是的主, 我學習安靜.... silence..... 也要好好照顧自己的身體.