Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ciao 2006

拜拜 2006~~

今年雖然是我超難走過的一年, 但是是 神幫助了我!

我知道若不是祂的恩典, 我走不到如今, 更走不到 神應許要給我更豐盛的未來.

謝謝在我需要時, 聽我說話, 給我勇氣, 鼓勵我的天使朋友們, 妳們的話我都有記得喔!

看到妳們一個個都順利的找到生命中的Mr. Right, 我真的看到 神的時間都沒有延遲.


2007面對新的挑戰- 我的心啊, 你要倚靠 神.

願我更多順服祢, 使祢的旨意在我生命中成全! =)


Blessed be the name of the Lord!!!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What's your take on this?

=> Would you eat cloned animals' meat, even if the safety & drugs administration claim that it's as safe as conventional animals.


My home internet connection's been unbelievably unstable, that's why I can't get online at home. Other than Times Warner, don't we have another choice in my area?? (Rowland 91748)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Jesus' Day!

Merry Christmas to all my friends (Wayers, Daniel's, Mt. Sac & Fullerton friends, high school friends, relatives, families, whoever's reading!) Christmas is about CHRIST! Happy Holidays shouldn't replace it, it's my Jesus' b-day!!!!

Indescribable, uncontainable, all-powerful, You are. *Happy B-day shao Paul! :


Monday, December 18, 2006

Time didn't go by that fast after all

I haven't had boba since sometime end of Oct. (I thought I've restrained longer than that......) until yesterday, a good friend bought me a boba milk tea and.... inspite of the fact that I rarely have milk tea (cuz sometimes I would get dizzy - but I LOVE milk), and how I've tried not to drink any boba, I drank it.... I drank it.... felt a little guilty... is this the longest period of my 'drinking' discipline?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Power of Prayer

God only gives 3 answers to prayer.


 1. "Yes!"

 2. "Not yet."

 3. "I have something better in mind."


God is getting ready to bless us in a way we cannot imagine.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday morning

I felt like I didn't sleep at all yesterday. By 1 am, I was still counting numbers.... thinking nonsense stuff.... woke up at 3 am as if I never slept, wanted to call someone to talk to but don't know who could I wake up. And then... 6 am I was up again, wondered how 3 hours passed but I still felt I was never asleep. 7 am, hoping today wasn't Monday.... then 7:35 pm, had to get up.

Christmas celebration - Ontario

A co-worker of mine goes to this church called "Life Changing Ministires" in Ontario. This coming Sunday 5 pm they have a great Christmas celebration! I heard a few songs that their band & choir's gonna present this week, marvelous... great musicians! I get to see Moo-Moo singing and her daughter dancing 2! And Nguyet's willing to go 2 (wow... a weekend that she's not booked with family/parties...!!! :) I'll definitely GO, since I so want her to visit church, even if it's not mine.


Anyhow, anyone who's interested to go & have fun 2? Lemme know! It finishes at 7 pm, still possible to make it to SOP's tea time ^^

Saturday, December 9, 2006


Emotional today, conclusion: Hope I can be more like Brooke....

Instant noodles..

最近吃了特別多的泡麵... 人家曾經說過, 一包泡麵需要半年來恢復它所帶出來的不好原料之類的.. oh well, 我媽弄的泡麵真的很好吃呢.~ I don't know why I'm craving for it lately. 可能是冬天吧, 想喝熱的湯. 上次在Jennie家喝的雞湯真是好喝. 每家的味道就是不一樣啦 =)

Thursday, December 7, 2006

我的小藍... 再次面臨overheat的問題..~

昨天中午享受完我媽咪作的spaghetti, 想說去買買麵包當今天的晚餐跟明天家人的早餐, I drove to a bakery store in Hacienda Heights during my lunch hour. 開心的要回公司時, 在Gale & Hacienda Blvd中間的紅綠燈時, 忽然很神奇的看到... 我的車前面在冒煙了....! @@ 現在是什麼情況啊? 我嚇了一跳...~ 再看, 我的溫度計忽然在我的眼前升到200了.............. *雖然比起去年和表妹們一起去LB's museum, 溫度計完全跑到紅線的情況下, 這不算什麼, 可是... 它真的在冒煙.. 不是一點點.... 是我眼前都是白煙了~!! 我趕緊開緊急燈, 熄掉引擎, 呼叫忍者... 第一個想到的, 還真是我的老爸..~ 因為10分鐘前想跟哥哥說個話, 他可能上課沒接到. 可是.. 家裡沒人接, 快打手機... Thank God for the technology!!!!! 我老爸大概也猜到有什麼事, 因為女兒週間只打家裡, 從不打他手機的.

總之, 我爸要我開到路旁... 但又不要我再開了如果已經冒煙了. *我真的不知道他到底是要我怎樣...... 可能我在慌亂中吧, 至少聽起來是. 我禱告一下, 決定開回公司 (not that far). 但是轉角快進去前, 又開始往上升... 煙又開始狂冒了... 後來, 看了, 發現有管子壞了吧, coolant都流出來了, 根本都沒有保住. 後來爸覺得我應該那時就開去修車廠, 下班時間會很塞. 我那時就禱告... 神啊, 讓小藍撐到Fullerton喔! (Prayer needs to be specific.. and BOLD....!) 一路上, 都沒有在升了, 我還很得意呢. 結果... 一要轉彎進去Carl Jr., 我的修車廠旁邊. 在還沒有轉進去的dividers上... 小藍出了個怪聲音, 然後就.... 整個熄了. OK.... so we pushed the car... into the plaza. 旁邊的人看到它在冒白煙... 大家好像只是覺得很新奇. 別的修車廠的人還跟Ed說: "You got business huh"!~ er..... newayz... what an experience. I didn't feel much scared, as long as it doesn't explode. ^^"
But I surely was worried about my Jetta....... you gotta live as long as I do.... at least before my next stage 小藍!!!

Stick w/ me, ok? Baxi


Tuesday, December 5, 2006


說到人心的歌詞真的能讓人永遠記得, 完全投入.~ 不論是詩歌或是流行音樂.

"很愛很愛你"是當年風聞一時的一首歌, 我還是過了很久才知道這首歌的; 曾經故做勇敢的送了它給一個人. 昨天表妹要求我再次彈這首歌時, 我發現... 越大似乎越難單純的像當年一樣哭哭就算. 是因為年輕嗎? 他人提醒我起來, 我才想起當年似乎多嚴重. 聽到這首歌, 還是會第一個想到他, 不過真的不記得太多其他感覺了... (so there's hope?!) Um... 我還是覺得歌詞聽起來很偉大, 很美... 不過是淒涼的美... 不過我又不覺得這是真正應該有的愛情. Am I daydreaming....

"我想她的確是更適合你的女子 我太不夠溫柔優雅成熟懂事 如果我退回到好朋友的位置 你也就不在需要為難成這樣子

看著她走向你 那幅畫面多美麗 如果我會哭泣 是因為歡喜 地球上兩個人 能相遇不容易 做不成你的情人 我仍感激

很愛很愛你 所以願意 捨得讓你往更多幸福的地方飛去很愛很愛你 只有讓你擁有愛情 我才安心~"

BAXIA! ^^>


Company's Christmas Party.

Ok.. it's Dec. 15th, Friday.. yes... Friday. 我之前很興奮要去的, 可是現在覺得沒那麼想去了... I don't know how the news spread around, few ppl thought I'm a good dancer @@ (lemme clarify myself. Yes, it's TRUE that I love to dance, but it's NOT TRUE that I'm a good dancer *I wish though.. it was one of my top three list of professions I wanna be..... oh well~) I get to bring someone 'significant' to go w/ me, another additional person will charge $150. 但是目前仍不確定有誰可以去.... 大多數的人都要去參加小組啊.......

Friday, December 1, 2006


Yesterday I had such a pleasant time playing piano at home. Haven't felt this way for a long time. Even though I'm not a prof pianist, I enjoy it...... yes, w/ my inadequate skills! :)


I'm sorry that I feel awkward about how things went, but I have my tolerance. I've been stretched greatly in the past few years, but... I still have limits. Sometimes it's really tough to not think about it. Take a deep breath, feel the sunshine, read friends' blogs, interact with ppl, I see hope again.


Lord, shelter me, so in my future years before I see You, I will not wake up in the middle of the night feeling vain. I wanna hold on to You... leaning on You, my rock, my fortress.