Saturday, October 30, 2010

no halloween...

no halloween celebration for me, posting this with a sheer fondness for google icon =D

btw, it's bdays for many of my friends, beloved ones for a few. there're like ..... 9 of them whose bdays all fall on the same day... 31st! how interesting...! (:

Costco & IKEA in Kaoshiung!

高雄的costco長得真的跟美國的超像, 壓根兒沒想到會一模一樣... @@ 可能全世界的costco看起來都是這樣... anyhow, 在裡頭走起來有覺得在美國的感覺, 所以還滿開心的 XD 之前繞到IKEA也是這樣, 好像行走在我熟悉的Covina IKEA.... 整個就想將房間再次充滿屬於IKEA的東西 wahahaha~ IKEA早上有便宜的早餐, 這也是這天我們大夥兒不能太晚啓程的原因. 豐富的活力早餐, 從$39, $59 往上, 加上yummy的fries, lol 昨晚稍稍的挨餓是值得的! IKEA還貼心的為家長們預備了兒童遊戲區, 甚至還有小背心給孩童穿上, 背後有數字幫助識別孩子.... 附上兩張興奮不已要進去的子洋照片 - #9 (:

至於Costco, 我只能說... 大家可真是熱愛從國外來的食品! Truffle搶得真的誇張... 一箱一箱搬上櫃的truffles就像是免費似的, 消費者平均一家拿至少兩盒走, 且搶購的速度約一秒一箱 @@ 我看著服務人員不斷加貨, 超忙碌 @@ 平時款式單調的衣著, 在台灣一般商場都超級冷門, 可能連多待一秒去翻的機率也是0.000000000000000000000000......1. 但在Costco, 連平凡到不行的外套, 也仍是消費者會去研究, 拿起來摸摸, 加商討購買... 我是滿傻眼的 =p 一定要說一下藥的方面~!!! 那個價錢實在....... 太太太太誇張了!!!! @@ 加了進口稅&運費也沒這麼多吧!!! 難怪台灣人知道朋友們要回國, 仍是會托買藥品. 因為Costco的藥品價位真的提太高了....... 傻眼!

書圈有許多兒童的英文書, 我看了也好想買..... 以後一定會買給未來孩子的 hahaha 我繞了繞試圖尋找熟悉且懷念的食品, 最後拿了Kellogg's Special K red berries cereal, New England clam chowder (特別想起@San Luis Obispo's Splash Cafe的clam chowder ><) & 韓式辛拉麵! 雖然放棄了Cheesecake Factory's cheesecake, 有打折的bagels, 好吃但太多的brownies, 默默想買的rice burgers, 會"刷嘴"的hi-chews等等............... 就知道我真的有節制了吧!! 有一個現象是我在Costco觀察到滿新奇的, 那就是....... 試吃的隊怎麼可以排這麼長 @@ 我可以瞭解大家有好奇食物的味道, 不過感覺好像多數是專門去吃的~~~~~~~ 不知道, 有點在這件事上看到台灣"好處決不錯過"的文化 >< 在美國很少遇到試吃可以這麼大排長龍的.... 不過就像小玉姐說得, Costco也很大方的給, 不會因為人多就給少, 不過也不能因為這樣所以大家的心態就是"更不能錯過"吧 -_-" 不過我能給台灣這一點多一些的解釋是: 可能很多人也不是高雄人, 所以也不常去Costco. 不像在國外, 雖然是不同城市, 卻也習慣這樣的開車距離, 所以去買不是一天唯一的行程, 更不會因為一些些的試吃而覺得它很重要. 而台灣, 這可能是一天唯一最主要的行程, 難得跑到不同城市了, 就當是遠足, 旅行, 所以把握每一個享受食物的機會?! 這是我唯一能對此舉動給與台灣人最做大的解釋了 ^^"

Well... 如果沒能有機會出過國逛過Costco or IKEA的, 跑過高雄的就大概知道國外的是長甚麼樣了, 因為真的相似度99嚕, 除了所有的產品加上中文解釋, 價錢平均多了0.5~1倍外, 它可連推車也是一樣大呢!!!! LoL 只可惜外頭的餐飲沒有銷售churros, 不然它真是就太讚啦!!!! =D

Thursday, October 28, 2010


mom's having cataract, so she at the very last minute scheduled the following day's surgery @@ and had it done on this past Tue. sooo.... i began to be the cook of the household, haha... but only two of us at home anywayz =p dad & bro are out at the construction site, only come back like twice a week. as i permed my hair the 2nd time today (w/ smaller rods this time), i constantly watched the food channel, hoping to enhance my cooking ability wahaha~ but............. argh, was sent away for shampoo while the main steps of the program was on @@ oh well, thanks to other blogger's contribution, found the link! can't wait to try it someday! =D i love eating! LoL

Here's the website you can go:!XWCMEfCLGBkx5rXaCRrflp03Eekk/article?mid=9656&prev=-1&next=9655

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


又一個朋友提醒我, 在台灣很難找到伴侶... @@ 是怎樣~~~~~ 不過其實我知道這個異性朋友是關心啦.... 說吃過洋墨水又知識廣..... 就是要找同樣的, 而這種人... 他雖沒說, 那也算是暗喻要回美國才比較找得到.. >< 好混亂喔~ 雖然用頭腦想, 我也知道推理來看這是真的, 但是...... 只能照著這個推理走, 所以就要因此考慮回去嘛? 他說我喜歡標新立異... 或許我有一點, 但不是故意要這樣... 只是我不太能接受一定要按照種種考量跟擔心, 只因為這樣回去美國... seriousy, i hate being someone shallow... though most taiwanese are... >< esp. guys - 這一點我朋友也承認 haha 還是他主動說的 lol also, i really wanna putting God into perspective....... 單身其實是更好可以事奉 神, 只是..... 希望不是因為我失喪所以最後這樣說. 抱著即使是單身, 我也要享受 神賜的每一天! so..... i'll lift up my eyes to God. Lord, grant me the faith to continue seeing what you see. (:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

沙漠中的貴族 - notes from Pastor Yeh sermon

i rarely felt being nourished from dayspring's sermons ^^" possibly pastor john's preaching in a very general and comprehensive view, and so i often don't find them deep and rich. and the church doesn't have adults Sunday school... >< hence, pastor yeh's sermon is relatively more in depth. perhaps his background is similar to mine? i duno if that's the main reason, but i can see how his background has shaped the way he preaches, and indeed more personal and intimate... more relational. definitely NOT the only way i resonate with the Scriptures, but i find it more receptive to his than pastor john's. although pastor yeh jumps his thoughts from this to that from time to time... =p i can imagine how difficult it is for the translator....

a few notes i wanna remind myself of (btw, this is back on 9/12):

1. servant lead servant 奴僕帶奴僕, 生奴僕 (spirit continues) - 我們如何看自己 Num. 13:32-33

2. 即使是很大的事件, 神也是要"個人"看見 (e.g. Isralites)

3. pride vs. self pity 兩個都是在比較裡 (comparison...); 尊貴 vs. pride 是在不同的system.

4. 征戰過的人知道 神的真實, e.i. Joshua - 因為他與仇敵面對面.

5. egypt: meaning "the world"? this i duno....

6. 會吵鬧, 會計較就是活在相信fate - 認命的個性... would grumble. 奴僕心態 Ex. 16:20

7. Saul - spirit of servant. 怕位子被拿走, 害怕人, 王位失去, insecurity. vs. Joshua: be4 he fought, he already saw himself in the promised land, cuz it's in his heart.. he knew God's gonna give him the best (trigger thoughts: what's the best that you believe is?) 進入豐盛之地

8. Luke 4 - temptations Jesus faced... 君王心態 **寧可挨餓, 不可失去自己的身分 - Christians should be. Best example: JESUS!

oh i did my 奴僕vs.君王心態的測驗, lol 是偏於君王那邊..~ 不過不是超級高.

future direction...

being at a crossroads where i have to make decisions about which path to go for. if you know what i'm talking about, please say a prayer for me, if not... you can still just bless my next step. Lord just revealed to me last night, how much i haven't trusted Him... learning to let go, and place my full security upon Him, my forever and everlasting Rock.


星期六 (10.23) 真是大夥兒認同的好日子呢~ 是我表妹佩君的訂婚日, 也是小組姊妹淑芳的... 由於三姨丈去內湖工作, 所以沒人開車帶爸媽, 三姨跟外公去參加遠於新竹的訂婚. 由於想開車自己上去, 最後找我一起去, 特別是幫忙當司機~ 本來由於沒peers要去, 加上覺得只是為了吃一頓 (個人真的覺得婚禮相關的要跟couples有互動, 像是活動等的, 不然只為了吃那參加婚禮就可以了 ^^") 最後, 看來接送角色很重要, 所以..... i went!

上新竹的路上, 一路上看到好多次禮車經過... 真是大家在台灣挑的好日子都ㄧ樣啊~ 訂婚還不錯, 新娘很美~ 就是太瘦了 ^^" 美食由於在Sheraton.. 整個就是搞氣氛吧~ 事後想想, 一個海鮮都沒有 >< 後來大家一時起意, 覺得都開到新竹了, 順道就上台北看看四姨, 三姨也想說去內湖看看三姨丈, 就這樣.... 甚麼都沒預備的我們..... 這週末就臨時決定直接北上了 @@ *害我需要cancel the Bible study that I was gonna lead for the 1st time in Dayspring on Sun ><

感謝四姨跟四姨丈晚上招待去吃蒙古烤肉+酸菜all you can eat火鍋... 撐~ 後去松江路過夜. 第二天除了本來最主要要看大姨丈的母親@彰化外, 早上又去豐原看叔公, + 努力爭取-到-順我的意-沿路去台中找dana & barnett吃午餐~ (: 整個就是忙碌跟緊湊的行程 @@ 最後送外公回家. 一天跑三個地方, 一天跑四個地方.. =p 第一次從台南開到北部, 再從北部開下來... 都是最後一小段爸有幫我開, 因為我真的累到想睡.... i love driving, but w/ so many backseat drivers, it kinda drove me nuts... later on after picking up my scooter, swing by at 二姑's.

will need to plan my daily schedules for the next.... few weeks, as i'll have quite some free time =D sth pleasant as well stressful.... so much need to lift up and entrust to God! 計畫趕不上計畫, 希望一切是出於 神... and only Him!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


智慧填補不了道德的空白 - 個人覺得應該是"聰明才智填補不了道德的空白"; 聰明跟智慧是不同的 (:










沒有檢票員。甚至連 隨機性的抽查都非常少。




















然而,真正讓他產生一語驚心之感的, 卻還是對方最後提到一句話:







1.遇到乞討者:遇到要錢的就給他(她)點飯,遇到要飯的就給 他(她)點錢。



4.遇到迷路的小孩和老頭老太太,能送回家就送回家,不能送回家的送上車、送到派出所也行,如果有電話, 替老人或小孩打個電話就走,反正你也不缺那兩個電話費。






Monday, October 18, 2010

愛的方程式 太22:37-40 + Lulav

the topic for dayspring's young adult retreat two weeks ago: 10/8~9. a few notes i wanna jot down.

1) 社群突破的關鍵: 處理conflicts (太18:15-17)

2) forgive: a gift for you (cuz God first loved and forgave us, so we may extend the same gift to others) 饒恕就是放棄"以牙還牙"

3) hedgehog and porcupine的比喻 =p

以西結 11:19-20

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meet Halfway! 可是要去哪?~~

This is soooooooo fascinating! 你有過想要跟朋友約碰面, 想要找兩人的中間點, 可是卻不知道要約哪裡的經驗嗎? 回來台灣沒有多久的我, 實在連跟朋友約也都不知道要去哪呢~~ 無意間發現這個有趣的功能...... 只要輸入你跟朋友的地址, 註明想碰面要去甚麼類型的地方.... 它就會告訴你有哪些地點available!!!! lol 今天要跟朋友預約馬上使用, yay! (:

Wedding Songs/Music

Eugene, my cell leader in Tainan, is getting married this end of Nov. He hopes our fellowship can dedicate a song at the wedding ceremony. Much to my surprise, he has asked me to coordinate..... a choir or sth! Personally, I think I'm time-crunched... but am honored to have been entrusted with this task. Just gotta spend time preparing music/lyrics/rehearsals and organizing the schedules, etc.

As I was browsing through online, I stumbled across quite a few wedding songs/music that I was deeply moved! Haha... even to think about what to use for my wedding lol Found a great one for Eugene and his fiancee... still pondering if I can possibly keep it as a secret from them until the wedding day, like excluding it from the wedding program?! =p Anyhow, if the song will be accepted by all singers, then there'll be translation and perhaps transcribing to do........~~~ more work for me @@ but def. sth I'd love to do even just for my own pleasure lol Ohh... will post these great wedding songs on my worship leadership site! =D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book of Daniel

Pastor John is preaching through the book of daniel for three consecutive Sundays, and this week he covered chapter 3~6. 有些points讓我想到其他特別的insights... 所以想記下來. (:

三位的挑戰 (3:6), 其中一項牧師講到勇敢順服 (3:15-18). 特別在v. 18, 我感動的是他們的full obedience... 或許我們都「知道」要全心的順服, 但是這裡的的順服是面臨生死-這點牧師也有提到. 但是我特別聯想到"how" we approach the Gospel... 這樣的順服是思考過的, 經過掙扎, 經過割捨放下自我, 那種regardless個人的感情, 即使失去生命也要全心犧牲 (sacrifice) 的順服. 我們通常傳福音時, 多數不敢挑戰剛信主的人有關這樣的擺上吧?! 甚至都覺得要讓他人比較"靈裡成熟"後在說... 但是可不可能in a way, we've watered down the truth, the FULL gospel?! 以至於一講到順服以至於死 (which Jesus had set the example), 我們覺得這個挑戰很大... 是需要格外的信心跟恩典? 決不是說我們不需要靠信心跟恩典來過我們每一天, 而是這樣全人犧牲的順服變得這麼難去天天面對, 而其實它正應該是我們天天的十字架功課~!

牧師說“神蹟並不是可將人帶向 神” (John 20:29). personally i would change the wording to “神蹟並不是一定將人帶向 神”. 或許只是翻譯的字吧, 因為牧師英文是說: "miracles are not means to lead people to God", which I certainly amen to that. perhaps another 'translation glitch' - 有時候一個重要的領袖需要獨自經歷這些考驗, 而沒有朋友的支持 (infer from the life of daniel). 在我還很年輕的時候, 關牧師曾對我說過這樣類似的話... 回過頭來看, 這句話曾幫助了我『很客觀+減少太多調適時間』來渡過我很多次服事的瓶頸+挑戰. 感謝我敬重的牧者的對我的提攜+指引! 哈 可能因為自己的經歷, 我覺得這句話更明確來說, 應該是: “一個堅持的領袖是一定有要經歷這些考驗, 而不一定有朋友的支持!”

最後,  我真的很喜歡也很受但以理的生命鼓舞... (below extracted from pastor's sermon) 6:1-4講到他得以在大利屋王下持有最高的位置是因為他的性格&正直, 及不可否認他對 神專一敬拜的順服 (6:7), 及即使在『受害者』的角色, 他仍不讓這成為他whine, 或是自憐的原因...... Pastor John 講到這可能是daniel的最後一個最大的挑戰 (6:28), what amazed me was how he upheld his reputation, and was still able to be honored by different kings!! 文化背景大大改變了... 但是他仍能再後兩個generations被王所器重, 被 神使用... 瞭解如何在不同的文化下仍尊榮主又得王的喜悅, 我好希望能像daniel一樣會活出見證 神的生命即使在不同的時代, 文化...... it's just incredible seeing him blended into the complex culture and yet upheld his beliefs... i wish i could live like that!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10.10.10!!!! woohoo~

Ha what a date... loving it! 正好是台灣的雙十, 又是2010... 哈 其實根本沒計劃特別做什麼, 不過對日期在意的我, 一定要上來寫一篇做紀念也好 lol 這天做婚禮或是生日都是很有意義的呢~

剛結束三週"大光教會"兒童敬拜讚美的訓練, 距離下禮拜正式要加入晨光的查經班, 今天是中間空擋的星期天... 我可是算滿興奮的想要好好過這天~ 主動邀約家人主日後一起吃貴族世家, 是休息也是家人聚聚.... 最近忙屏東等, 大家可是all in... let alone也很被"超"到的師傅s~~~~ >< 通常出了門就不喜歡回家, 回了家就不喜歡出門的習慣, 讓我享用美食後決定繞去買我遲疑很久的small money purse.. been deliberating for a while now... =p 其實一點也不貴 (特別當你用又美金去想的話 =p), but somehow i was debating whether or not to buy it. one habit i like, which somewhat developed within the past ... 3 months was to randomly wander around the shops, could be 愛買, 寶雅, 民佳美, or Watsons. perhaps this pattern will extend to even 以琳 (the new store just opened and is only like 3 min away from church!), 7-11 (got iCash now =p), movie rental, and 金玉堂, etc. oh, 並不是不喜歡教敬拜, 但是這次有遇到點狀況所以學到些溝通功課.... 所以這次教完有覺得喘一口氣~ but would love to expand my curriculum development, accumulate more of my understandings and incorporate them wholly and logically. it all starts with delineations, which........... truly involves SO much critical thinking, research, and then draw my own conclusions. gee, it sounds like writing my further dissertation after obtaining master degree - one without professors' grading! =p wish i have time for sooo many love-to-do items/list!

Alrighty, back to my communication books... Melanie was so right on this - it's all about teaching gimmicks when it comes to teaching KIDS! another new discovery about what i like/dislike.

更多有祢, 更少有自我. when my knowledge becomes self-serve, it's not a service to God - 這兩天特別想到Jonathan C曾經在fb post上寫下類似的意思... 有時摸不清是否有跑到the other side of the spectrum. thus, Lord, help me to discern and refocus. knowing You more.... rightly~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


nice chatting over fb w/ cousin tonight! felt like i was breathing tonight... maybe cuz i'm not going to the construction site tmr! haha so i finally felt i have a night to spend! (: actually, today i was kinda frustrated. simply cuz a student told his parents that 美語課很無聊 >< what the heck... just felt like i've spent so much time preparing and this kid simply said this to his parents which made them report this to the after-school and so the superintendent wanted to talk to me. anyhow, so they just want more GAMES~ kk... i'll figure sth out, just feel like there's more work for me @@

oh, been wanting to write this - 感覺生老病死在台灣離我更近... 可能是因為台灣親戚多, 爸媽認識的人也多, 所以會聽到的故事也多. 不是好或不好的問題, 而是有點不太適應... 相比之下, 美國真的好像paradise, cuz i don't hear as much... 多數朋友都是平輩的吧, 照顧也沒自家人多, 所以... 好似回到了現實. 雖然如此, 還是覺得調整是好的, 挑戰是應該的, 因為是遲早要面對的 - 台灣還是一部份重要的我, 雖然有時我還是看自己是foreigner...

writing helps me organizing my thoughts better, through writing i can understand why i feel this and that. and often times it's through writing on the spot that my thoughts will crystallize. i certainly like knowing how my inner thoughts formed very much! =D