Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year eve...!!!

i'm in LA so in a different time zone... (: called earlier to kinda countdown w/ parents oh yeah!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

my childhood piano favorites!

Nadia's Theme: 

Ballade Pour Adeline 水邊的阿地麗娜 music by Paul de de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint : 

Peter Piper 夢幻鋼琴手 by Frank Mills: 

Yesterday 昨日: 

My Way 奪標 music by J. Revaux & C. Francois: 

Csikos Post 郵政馬車 music by Hermann Necke: 

Gavotte 嘉禾舞曲 by F.J. Gossec: 

Mazurka 馬曆卡舞曲 by Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky: 

now i think back, the reason why i liked those songs.. my mom invested her time and bucks into my piano tuition and i spent so much time practicing and learning while others have their free time watching afternoon peak hours cartoons... =p those songs are my memories that resonate w/in me still.... (:

Pipe Line管路

i used to love this song SO much when i was little learning piano. have been always enjoyed playing this song whenever being asked to perform =p never had i heard the originality until today @@ and found it to be sooo rock and disco-like LoL

Monday, December 27, 2010

Google 2010 Christmas Icons

I thought I didn't save them..... oh yay! only two of them, but i'm satisfied! (:

a new mindset to adjust

幾個禮拜前在主日時, 有個很深的感觸 - when new comer comers, there's inconvenience... when we proclaim that we wanna see/welcome new comers, are we ready to embrace the inconvenience as well?

那天在聽講道時, 就覺得.... 為甚麼後面的人一直講話? 不知道現在是聽道時間嗎? 怎麼牧師講一句他也講一句? 台上已經有翻譯員了耶~~~ @@ 我一開始很不舒服... 因為真的就在我正後面, 聽得很清楚在說話 >< 甚至還在考慮要否轉過頭來, 微笑著提醒弟兄姊妹不要說話.... 後來... 稍微想一下後面可能做甚麼樣的人時 (之前有站起來打招呼).. 多想一下, 忽然想到可能是幾個外國人... 雖然不是白臉或黑臉, 但是我知道是"外國人" - 非台灣人. 才忽然驚醒... 台上的牧師講英文, 翻譯講中文, 但還是沒有翻到他的語言 XD 不管那是甚麼語言, 但是他朋友是在幫忙翻譯牧師的內容 @@ 雖然還是不習慣, 即使英文或中文都聽得懂, 但是就是會在中文時有另一個語言也同時在"打架", 對我耳朵不喜歡"噪音"的, 真的很不喜歡... 但也是那時才讓我恍然大悟... 好加在我當時沒有轉過頭去用勸戒或是提醒的話或表情去表達... 因為, 這都會讓新朋友覺得不被接納... >< 感謝 神讓我再次站在新朋友的角度來看... 而不落入當"insiders"太久容易只按自己的舒適來解讀或是抱怨........ 這又讓我想到耶穌比喻那穿著破爛的人走進聖所跟那穿著高貴的... 雖然我不是看外表來論斷, 但也某方面是落入自己的喜好來評估的眼光 >< 教會真的想要突破跟成長, 想要看到人群湧入教會嘛? 我們的心思意念也要調整, 不停留我們的舒適, 好讓新朋友感受到他們是被接納的, 即使我們有很多的不同, 有教會所謂的"習慣&文化".... let us not be limited by our own culture and comfort zones....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

當 神出手時....

當 神出手時... 事情可以出奇的令人驚奇! (: 最近"計畫趕不上變化"也是有這樣的心情 --> 但是這是屬世界的說詞; 而真的 神出手時... 事情是可以180度的轉變~

今晚和RC的一通電話, 讓我莫名的感覺事情可以有轉折... 看來我還是不夠清楚事情的轉變... 不過 神有保守跟忽然給的機會, 我很為他們高興~ hopefully it will turn out to be a great news! (: 另外, 神的確也為我預備了臨時的sub~! (: 感謝主! 還有今天的TOEIC... 連當初預定考試的時間, 決定去考, 及自己去......, 現在回來想想, 都是 神的恩典跟祝福~ 雖然12/26 the date is just ODD, but... i now realize how God has blessed even as trivia as choosing the exam date. 再來... 就是更加期望這個聖誕節&新年期間知道特別需要代禱的神國家人... 能得蒙保守與醫治... 是的主, 懇求祢出手... aunty eva, brian, and ching's mom. Lord, may you heal them completely... but according to Your perfect and good will!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


人真的很怪... 明明過程很多時候很挫折, 但在要離開時仍是會捨不得, 難過... 是因為這群孩子吧... 雖然難搞, 但我一定會想念他們.. 已經在想可以偷偷的回去看他們上課嘛? 會看起來像是個怪阿姨 =p

教英文的幼稚園生真的很難搞, 皮, 如果只有一個就也還好, 但是好多個, 又有butterfly effect (蝴蝶效應 XD), 班上又層次差異, 所以.. A班真的很難帶~ @@ B班就差滿多的, 比較像在上英文課, 所以喜歡很多 =p... 雖然一開始有皮的幾個學生, 但是they're big enough that i can reason with... 加上, 這幾個皮的孩子發現老師其實不因為他們的皮不喜歡, 不接納他們, 他們感覺到愛後, 最後反而不是最難搞得... 甚至成為最貼心, 最有笑臉的學生 =D 這點我真的很高興, 也有莫名的成就感........... i will really miss them so much~ >< i think the feeling is about to kick in...... 難過ing..

A: Jason, Wiwi, Ray, Allen, Leo, Eric, Wendy, Candy, and Polly

B: Allen, Eric, Nicky, Kevin, Jinna, Eva, Wendy, Linda, and Sherry

I taught them so many English songs... phrases, vocabs, and... games! =p As I'm preparing my last lesson w/ them for the coming Fri, I feel so sad. 張老師 asked 莊老師 why I have to leave so early (about 2 weeks' notice)... 是真的計畫改不上變化. I have to fly back and come back in time for cousin's wedding on 1/15, have to fit the time slot and squeeze into the crazy flight booking on top of my registered TOEIC exam on 12/26, and my urgency to settle in at the new surroundings in Taipei. Anyhow... can't whine nor complain, I've made my decision and I'm sticking to it! I'll miss those 3+ hours spent on writing communication books each week, around 3~5+ hours spent on prep time @@

So what have I taught them? (songs are listed in another entry)

A: alphabets: A-L; what's your name; body parts (silly willy); phonics: p, b, d, v, k, s, g, z, t, c, f, g; colors; animals; shapes (circle, triangle, square, oval, diamond, rectangle); comparison (big, bigger, small, smaller, tall, taller, etc); numbers; king big wig; phrases (now is the time to ...; got a big idea; it's time to ....; you look like a .....; what (do/does not) go(es) on what; i like ..., i like .... more; a bowl of ....; gave .... a(n) .....; small things vs. big things; my favorite color/animal/thing is...). Games: do this, do that; simon says; rock, paper, scissors; 大風吹, etc. and also games that involve vocabs, shooting balls into basket, relay game, 圈差, 男女分組比賽 etc.

B: alphabets; what's your name; how are you; how old are you; phonics; colors; numbers; animals; phrases: s/he is ...; it is (not) a..../they are ....; yes/no, it is (not)/they are (not); singular & plurals; blindfolded and guess the items; Christmas story; is it/are they color? yes/no, it is/they are not; what color is it/are they? listening to 1A CDs and doing practices. Games: rock, paper, scissors; hangman; 大風吹; do you love your neighbors; do this, do that; simon says; relay games; shooting balls into basket; and competing games against each other (girls vs. boys), etc.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

what a sleepless night

it's another sleepless night... i got up and began to do things over the internet. should be hitting the sack by now... it's almost 2AM. not good... that i'm still awake. finally e-mailed out informing my return to LA. hopefully school will decide on the sub soon... i miss LA.

Merry Merry Christmas!

昨天花了不少時間寫給學校孩子的聖誕卡, 並加上跟每個學生一起照的照片... i love writing Christmas cards! (: Merry Merry Christmas to you all~! 請點 Christmas Card!
1. 先點最大的雪球 (Click on the largest snowball)

2. 點雪球將它們擺在對的地方 --> 大中小往上疊 (Help by dragging the snowballs into place)

3. 點雪人 (For some finishing touches, click the snowman)

Elevated from the Pasture

Elevated From the Pasture
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman

Now then, tell my servant David, "This is what the Lord Almighty says: I took you from the pasture and from following the flock to be ruler over My people Israel." - 2 Samuel 7:8

Have you ever heard someone say, "He is a self-made millionaire"? They are stating that this person accomplished everything through his own efforts. His achievements were a result of his hard work and street smarts.

David was nearing the end of his life. The prophet Nathan was responding to David's idea to build a temple where the Ark of the Covenant would stay. God reminded David of his roots and where He had brought him. God took David from the fields of pasturing sheep to pastoring a nation. God reminded David that He cut off all of David's enemies. (David never lost a battle.)

Have you ever felt tempted to look at your accomplishments with pride as if you were the reason for your success? Have you ever thought your prosperity was due to your ingenuity? Has your material success been a testimony to others that God is the ruler of all aspects of your life, even the material side?

Joseph's greatest test was not his temptation to be bitter against his brothers. It wasn't the sexual temptation that came inside Potiphar's house. It wasn't even the discouragement of years of imprisonment for being wrongfully accused. It was the temptation of prosperity and ownership. Once he was elevated, he was given choices that he never had before. It was totally up to him as to which choice he would make. Stewardship reveals what we believe about God and ourselves.

Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to pride and a fall. The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity. -Oswald Chambers

Do you have a proper understanding of who you are? Do you understand that it is God who has given you the ability to work and achieve? He is the source of all good things. Ask God today if your life models this belief.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I pray...

I pray I will never be too stubborn or insusceptible to a state that no one dares/willing to tell me my wrongdoing/blunders/the truth. May my heart becomes soft and tender toward God.


這可花了我好幾個禮拜跟小時準備這幾個月來要教的幼兒英文歌~!!! (: 因為要注意歌詞... 要有幫助教英文外, 還要性質不能有不雅的內容... 或是覺得帶來不好的訊息. 其實另外有些歌超好聽, 也很好帶... 但是因為內容的考量, 或是沒有找到很好, 適合小孩的速度, 或是youtube沒有的, 就沒有收錄了~~~~~ hence, surely love the list i came up with~!

Two CDs:

1st CD:

1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 2. If You're Happy and You Know It 3. Walking Walking 4. The Alphabet Song 5. Row, Row, Row Your Boat 6. London Bridge is Falling Down 7. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 8. Super Simple ABCs Phonics 9. The Letter Sounds Song (真的很讚~ A makes 'a', B makes 'b', etc.) 10. I Am a Little Teapot 11. Five Little Monkeys! (5 little monkeys jumping on the bed) 12. The Itsy, Bitsy Spider

2nd CD:

1. The Wheels on the Bus (go round round round) 2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 3. Teddy Bears' Picnic 4. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (turn around; touch the ground; polish the shoes; off to school) 5. She'll be Coming Around the Mountain 6. Santa Claus is Coming to Town 7. Jingle Bells 8. I Am the Music Man 9. Grand Old Duke of York (marched them to the top of the hills and he marched them down again) 10. Going to the Zoo Tomorrow (mommy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow) 11. The Bear Went Over the Mountain 12. The Animals Went in 2 By 2

A班 (小中班): 1st CD => #1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 2nd CD => #1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11 (沒教到: #5, 12)

B班 (大班): 1st CD => #9, 10, 12 and 2nd CD => #2, 6, 10 (沒教到: #3, 5, #8)

Santa Claus is Coming to Town 聖誕老人進城來!

#You better watch out, you better not cry; you better not pout, I'm telling you why.

*Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town*

He's making a list, he's checking it twice; gonna find out who's naughty or nice *

He sees when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake; he knows if you've been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake # *

Little tin horns, little toy drums, rootie toot toot and rummy tum tums. Little toy dolls, that cuddle and coo, elephants, boats, and kiddie cars too *

The kids in girl and boy land, will have a jubilee; they're gonna build a toyland town, all around the Christmas tree # *


#你最好小心, 最好別哭, 不要噘嘴, 我告訴你為什麼: *因為聖誕老人進城來了.

他列了清單, 還檢查兩次; 要看誰頑皮還是乖 *

他在你熟睡時來訪, 他知道你是否清醒; 知道你是聽話還是不是, 所以為了好的原因, 要乖乖的 # *

小錫喇叭, 小玩具鼓, (形容發出的聲音 - rootie toot toot & rummy tum tums); 小玩具偶, 緊緊著依偎在一起, 大象, 帆船跟玩具車 *

小女孩與小男孩們, 會有個歡慶. 他們要建個玩具城, 圍著聖誕樹 # *

Jingle Bells 聖誕鈴聲

Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tails ring, they make our spirits bright, what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

O jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh (2x).

A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride, and soon Miss Fanny Bright, was seated by my side. The horse was lean and lank, misfortune seemed his lot, he got into a drifted bank and we got upset.

Now the ground is white, so go it while you're young, take the girls tonight, and sing this sleighing song. Just get a bob-tailed nag, two forty for his speed, hitch him to an open sleigh and crack! you'll take the lead.

以前只是聽聽, 都沒特別注意第二&三段的歌詞在說甚麼... 現在認真去看覺得還真有趣啊~~ XD


雪花隨風飄, 花鹿在奔跑, 聖誕老公公, 駕著美麗雪橇 (乘著一匹馬駕的雪橇), 經過了原野, 渡過了小橋, 跟著和平歡喜歡聲, 翩然地來到 (我們所經之處, 笑聲連綿不絕, 截短的馬尾上鈴聲叮叮響, 振奮我們的精神, 今晚邊唱邊坐雪橇快樂無比).

叮叮噹, 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮. 你看他不避風霜, 面容多麼慈祥. 叮叮噹, 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮. 他給我們帶來幸福, 大家喜洋洋 (哇~! 聖誕鈴聲, 聖誕鈴聲, 響徹雲霄. 乘著一匹馬駕的雪橇多麼有趣).

在一兩天前, 我想出外兜風, 那位美麗小姑娘, 她坐在我身旁. 馬兒瘦又細, 它命運不吉祥, 把雪橇拖進泥塘裡, 害得我們遭殃.

如今白雪遍地, 趁這年輕好時光, 今晚帶著小姐, 唱這雪橇歌.  找匹短尾馬, 日行千里長, 將它套在雪橇上, 就飛奔向前奔馳.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader感想

The sequel of narnia... was fantastic! wasn't thrilled w/ the 2nd one if i remember it correctly, but this 3rd sequel was awesome! definitely a thought provoking movie! spent some time writing down the questions i thought are discussable, questions that probe our thinkings in each character, also consist of my particular thoughts about the movie.

- temptations come CLOSE, the devil KNOWS, and he would penetrate through our MINDS, 即使是一點點也會受影響如果沒有處理好.

- 每個人都有自己的恐懼, 自己的軟弱/弱點, 各有需要去面對 (overcome) 的, 所以魔鬼會一個個來挑戰我們 (comes to us individually), yet we can bond as a team to help each other out. 有些人會先得勝 (in this case, Lucy was: her self-image, self acceptance), the desire to become like someone else who thought was better, prettier. but she gradually learned to just be herself! 其他像是對金錢的obsession, 貪念, 權利 (rule, reign, be in control), 或是搶 (food, etc), 或是美色.

1. 電影中是用甚麼來象徵試探? 它倆有什麼相似處?

2. 你覺得軟弱出現的形體是很明顯的嗎? 你/妳的軟弱是甚麼?

3. 要如何克服你的軟弱? 除了那一時的決定外, 有其他是平時可以訓練幫助我們去突破的嗎? (e.i. 觀念的改變, 習慣的改變, etc).

- Eustace Scrubb: 的確是個重要的角色, 雖然一開始超討厭他的... 但是他到最後卻是最主要表達福音的一個活生生例子! 他在我眼裡的轉變, 就像是從個還未信主的人到整個被 神被改造. 對於夢想, 夢幻, 完美覺得不可能... 又是個嬌生慣養的小孩. 但是.. he was being transformed through his encounter with Aslan (whom symbolically represents Jesus!) eustace learned humbleness, bravery, take on his 'new image' and learn to accept & embrace and even choose to be on God's side.. but his success was absolutely due to reepicheep's help (老脾氣/老鼠爵士). could he fulfill the 'calling' he was destined to achieve w/o reepicheep's encouragement? the night he cried, reepicheep offered to be his company, and even call him 'extraordinary' (displaying faith in him, walk with him, encourage him and pretty much BE with him throughout the way til the end). 聽到eustace講見證那段, 我整個就是哭.. he said sth like "there was nothing i could do, only He could. it was painful... but a GOOD PAIN." (中文翻"滿足的痛苦") (: 完全淋淋盡致地表達出一個重生基督徒的經歷與對白.... 一個字: 讚! <3

1. 你身邊有不可愛的未信主朋友嗎? 你們的關係如何?

2. 當他不接受你的想法或信念時, 這個過程你可以怎麼做? 做什麼? (e.i. 瞭解他的需要, 仍是嘗試去認識他, be his/her friends)

3. reepicheep是第一個主動做eustace的朋友, 他怎麼做eustace的朋友? (雖然不是完全從"善意"的開始, 但是他是主動去“雞婆”管教eustace - 偷水果的事... 引而有機會教eustace劍法, 甚至誇獎他"good match!" 因為reepicheep的正面態度&個性, 使得eustace跟人的互動有不同的反應開始 :) 到最後, 他在eustace孤單難過時, 他主動成為那個安慰者, 那個鼓勵者... 陪同他渡過他很難過的時刻 (半夜~~~ 陪他聊天) 直到最後又看他是"extraordinary", 鼓勵他說他搞不好會做那更大的事 - "extraordinary things only happened to extraordinary people!" 真的給了eustace很大的肯定跟安慰~ 使得最後的battle, eustace是主要的"weapon"來敵對巨蛇怪物, 用他可噴的火 (he was a dragon!), and even to die to save others.... he learned to sacrifice, to live for a greater cause! 我相信reepicheep功勞不可末~ =D 這教導我們要如何做那未信主人的朋友? 是以現在他的能力看他, 還是看到他在基督裡可以成就的事漸而來鼓勵, 陪伴他? 即使在他/她都不知道或不相信自己的價值在哪裡? (maybe we need to dig deeper and examine our hearts if we place our values in Christ as well).

4. 讓未信主朋友來講見證... let them speak their vivid testimony! give them the chance to articulate their experiences... to simply say what they encounter. glory to God!

- Prince Caspian: definitely brave, treat others with respect and show brotherhood. (gave the sword to edmund and said pete would like him to have it, and told edmund that he wanted edmund to know that he treats him like a brother if they didn't fight through the battle; 還有總是不讓edmund一個人去面對uncertainty - when edmund was gonna look for eustace, caspian initiated to go w/ him even though they just 'quarreled' over their 'reign') 雖然caspian也有懷疑自己的能力所以在試探上有覺得沒完全表現出一個國王的樣子... 但是在處理跟edmund的tension算是很有寬容跟心胸. 我特別佩服他有的謙卑.... 當他最後講完那段"振奮人心"的speech後, 看得出反是他被激勵了... 當narnians shouted out: "for narnia! for narnia! for narnia!" 他真的很自己做榜樣, 很有勇士的精神 yet walk in humility!

- Lucy Pevensie: i was glad she recognized her weakness and withdrew from it shortly, and she so was able to pinpoint the "devil scheme" out to edward and caspian during their fight. 當她被提醒是第一個發現narnia的人的重要性時, 她是何等再次體會"恩典", “信仰的自由”, "救恩的滿足".... 而拾回"起初的愛" - 我自己的解釋 =p 不過她另一個令我非常感動的一件事是... 當devil似乎要得逞, edmund又在試探中掙扎, 事情看起來不樂觀時..... lucy chose to PRAY. it was JUST a brief prayer... maybe not even a spoken one, it was a THOUGHT, a MIND, a CRYOUT from heart... knowing there wasn't anything they could do at the time anymore... they were out of ideas, out of hope, out of ways to get out of the situation that they were stuck in, and then..... she cried out for Aslan.... and immediately.... things change EVEN THOUGH she can't see it tangibly yet! 當時我的眼淚就又流出來了... for she leans on Christ, she KNOWS that Aslan can help them; with just one simple thought crossing over her mind, Aslan comes! 禱告, 禱告... 禱告... 因為不是我能做什麼, 而是我知道且選擇願意倚靠那真正的能力來頭 - Jesus!

1. lucy自己得勝後, 不忘去提醒有需要的人. 你呢? 有看到身邊有需要被提醒, 經歷像你曾經犯過的錯的人嗎?

2. 分享你的自由... lucy 馬上學習教她學到的. 當小妹妹說: when i grow up i just wanna be like you 時, 她選擇告訴那個小妹妹: "when you grow up, just be yourself!" she learned her lesson & shared it! (:

3. 不忘禱告... 當你看不到希望, 不知道能做什麼, 不知道任何事時... 禱告! 即使只是說: help us, Jesus! 同時, 相信即使在我們肉眼看不到的地方, 神已經出手了! (aslan appeared and transfigured back eustace hence he was able to put back the 'last sword on aslan's table). 現在你有什麼事要帶到恩主的寶座前, 讓禱告來成為你的解決開始?

- 為了現在一時想要的東西 (軟弱), 其實到最後的sacrifice更大... 要付出更大的代價! scary! 最後一定會後悔的....

- ultimate glory: another scene when i was in awe... tears flowing down my cheeks.. again. 一切恢復/變為它的peace, victory, joy, stableness, 真的"穩", 不是只有感覺, when satan was completely defeated & Christ reigns again,  in hearts & in position (the throne of His creation, His universe) - given back the authority & power to God/Christ/Holy Spirit!

1. 看到最後天空變為一片藍, 海闊天空時, 能體會那就是 神的榮耀嗎? 降服在 神的帶領跟同在中, 不限入試探, 最後的榮耀是榮上加榮.... an unspeakable, speechless glory that only He can bring... 這是 神配得, 應得的位置... 今天你讓祂坐在那個寶座上嗎? 那個能給你真正的"穩". behold, and know that He has defeated the devil. He has won the battle... He has redeemed us all! don't let the devil deceive us by trapping us into his evil schemes. we're FIRM on The Rock. give Him back all the glory He deserves!

2. 神的國度不分大小, 不分尊貴, 只要是嚮往noble & 美善的, 神都歡迎到 神國. 你的眼光是否與神國相符? 有什麼是我們被世上的價值觀影響了? 有什麼該調整的?

3. reepicheek選擇撇下一切, 進入 神的永恆, caspian選擇完成他該做的 - be a good king and serve His people instead of seeking his self assurance which he used to rely on his father. edmund & lucy & eustace選擇回去陪伴他們的家族, 家人. 沒有一樣是aslan逼他們或是告訴他們該怎麼做.... they just took up their responsibilities on their shoulders, 選擇他們這段經歷後, 知道/感覺該做的, 就去做. 你呢? 現在該做甚麼樣的決定? 不要讓過有不是從 神來的恐懼限制你, let each experience/encounter God change the way you do things, the way you make decision, and change from there on.

Friday, December 3, 2010


今天在中場要換班時, 幼稚園大班的學生熱烈的討論起我.....

孩子們: 老師, 老師... (Ms. Jane Ms. Jane - 其他的孩子叫我)... (看他們頗遲疑的樣子)... 妳.... 妳... 妳的眼睛怎麼了?

我: (huh?!~ 狀況外... 我的眼睛..... 完全處於仍在拿這班上課的課本的狀態... 沒打算回應)

某一個孩子: 老師, 妳今天沒戴眼鏡?

我: 喔對啊, 老師今天戴隱形眼鏡啊~ (還是覺得這沒甚麼啊, 為什麼他們還是處於大驚小怪的樣子.....)

一個小孩總算忍不住了... 走上前, "老師~~~~ 妳的眼睛.... 怎麼綠綠的?" (一臉認真樣+關切的眼神)

我: (總算知道他們在討論甚麼了.......) 喔~~~~ (總算搞清楚他們疑惑的點了) 那個是化妝啦~ (對我的藍綠色眼影感到好奇跟不安吧)

後來我朋友說... um... 他們的媽媽應該沒有在化裝的, 要不就是不用綠色的眼影 XD but... my students are sooooo cute! <3 i bought my digicam and took pics w/ them individually... finally gathered the guts to tell 顏院長跟莊老師 of my recent decision. >< 今天看到熱騰騰的車輪餅, 忍不住買了, 也多買了給幾個老師... 並不是因為這個決定喔, 乃是真的想要跟她們有多點的互動.. this is what i could do before...... my resignation.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

trivia game

i... just had too much fun with this today lol AND i consider it a learning experience as well! i'm serious! (:


如果要去看花博的, 建議是: 先一大早到時, 衝去所有需要預約票的館先拿預約票, 再慢慢逛不需要票的館及展覽. (: 哪些是需要票的呢? 1. 夢想館 (在新生館, 超搶, 所以.... 建議第一個去拿這個!) 2. 流行館 (圓山區) 3. 名人館 (圓山區) 4. 養生館 (新生館) 5. 舞蝶館的白合戀 (這個節目到1/7, 之後換別的... 是滿棒的, 於美術館. 雖然不需要拿預約卷, 但平均要在開場前2.5小時前去排才可能有好的位子; 時段分別是2:30, 4:30, 7pm 介紹: 我那天1點多一點去排裡頭已經坐滿了, 當然排得是候補... 不一定保證有位置. 感謝主我跟朋友還是有坐到椅子 (表演1小時), 只是是很邊邊.... 所以很多中間的表演看都看不到囉~~ 6. 未來館+天使生活館也是在新生館, 但是我不確定平時需要等拿預約卷嗎... 因為我們那天是很晚到這兩館, 發現只要排就可以進去... 只是等了很久, 不過由於夠晚, 天色以暗, 相信決不是最多人的情況. 7. 爭豔館, 不需要預約卷, 但建議晚上再去看吧... 因為是室內的, 所以等到白天外面的館看完再去就可以了, 但是我這次11.27去覺得最讚的館!!!! LoL

**預約卷千萬要收好不要掉, 因為.... 服務人員決不會因為同情或是好心, 讓你的同伴無卷入場~~~! 跟朋友本來想去試試名人館, 想說都快9點了.... 結果, nope.. still reservation ticket needed! 有對不知道是夫妻還是朋友, 問我們是剛從那看完嗎, 我們說沒有, 沒有預約卷... 他說可惜妳們是兩個人, 他們掉了一張, 所以也進不去... 本來想那張給我們的 >< i thanked them at the end as we depart... after all, they were kind enough to ask!

裡頭的食物攤出乎我意料的不貴~~~~! 以遊區+台北的消費, 是不算貴的囉~ $30米粉, 綜合丸子湯. 當然pasta等的還是比較貴... 所以就不要停在第一攤, 努力給它往前走, 整個看過一次再做決定也不晚~ 當然啦, 一整天下來腳是一定酸的....... 晚上記得提腳, 避免靜脈曲張囉~! (: 我那天還是撐到晚上快9點... 覺得腳都不是自己的了 @@

喔~! 還有個重要提醒... 請能不要帶到需要置物箱的東西為原則囉~~ 雖然titled "international", BUT.... the lockers are SOO limited! 聽說一半以上是志工在用 @@ 我是因為要上台北住加上第三天要面試, 當天選完票才上去所以行李一定不小... 雖然置物箱的確有像服務人員在電話上告知的, 有大中小的分別... 我的luggage也在大的置物箱可以塞進去, 但是......... 我們等了至少20min... 當中有陸陸續續約10個團體也在等直到放棄離開... 平均等待時間約20 min.. 不過那是正巧是午間志工在輪班, 才可能有這樣的機會. 沿路上也看到不少人拿著大行李一起帶著走... 真的很不自在~! 所以... 為了減少浪費時間等這個, 還是出門前少帶點東西. 要不然, 就像我下次會做的一樣 - 早一天上北部, 住在那, 一大早再衝去花博~! 東西就放在住宿處! 祝大家享受這個INTERNATIONAL flora expo! =D overall, i think it's worthwhile. after all, it gears toward international visitors! we as citizens, should go and explore ourselves! (: 雖然大家都不喜歡人擠人.........~