Friday, October 31, 2008

Think vs. Think More! *不要衝動~

Happy bday to Cheryl, Tiff, Jack Cheng, Jacky, Peter Yeh & Lynn!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So in one of my interesting classes, we talked about how weddings are presented. Although numerous friends & cousins have been married consecutively, I never really dig into researches on how traditional/modern wedding customs are formally performed. Now, after some more understandings of it, there're two cultural & religious elements that I desire to incorporate into my wedding, ONE DAY! :)

Unity Sand Ceremony:
Unity sand ceremony is a Hawaiian tradition, an alternative to the unity candle ceremony. It usually takes place on the beach or in an outdoor setting. It is more significant because it captures the meaning of two lives becoming one - creates a lasting keepsake of that special day. The concept is similar to the unity candle where by pouring of sand by the bride and groom into a central *perhaps heart-shaped unity container, two sands blend together as their lives join to become one in love and union. Well, just make sure that we don't build our foundations on sinking sand!!!! =)

According to 1 Corinthian 11:24-29, we observe communion because the Lord commanded us to, to remember Christ, to examine ourselves, to proclaim His death until He comes again, and to participate in the body of Christ. As Dr. Muthiah has pointed out in class, communion was never intended to be served for only a few or a couple even on their special wedding day. The 'communal concept' for communion in weddings was never introduced in my tradition, at least I haven't gone to one where the communion was not just for the couples! But now with the conviction I will want the Eucharist to be administered and made open and available to all, on my wedding day, which symbolizes OUR (the church) communal faith in Christ, and also as the Body of Christ, witness me and my future spouse's commitment to one another :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Way to Go!

What's coming up till next weekend...

Final, Presentation, Paper, Worship, Drama, Choreography. Whoo~ Way to go....! =D

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thanks to JC

So JC gave me wonderful reminders & encouragements... 能夠在現在的階段看到有人走過了這段路, 也能如此堅持下去 (to bring changes?!), 是一個很大的安慰也是激勵. 跟他聊過真的有差... I'm so thankful!

1. Attitudes.... submit to the authorities.
2. Share what you've learned with your peers.
3. Do it with a genuine heart... implement w/ slightly changes.

Family is family, even though we fight, we disagree, we struggle, we're a family!
If I believe God is sovereign, then there must be a purpose that I'm in the midst of this.... trust that He the SOVEREIGNTY (SP).

Congratulation to my dearest Dana

Dearest Dana,
在妳大喜之日, 為妳感到開心! Sorry that I can't be there, hope you can feel my blessings through my music. :) Love you... and may God bless your family, and make it be a blessing to others 2. Congrats to you & Barnett! ^^
Luv -Jane

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Love the Homosexuals, but YES on Proposition 8

I tried not to be upset, after all, I shouldn't be surprised of your reaction; but I was, entirely. I guess... when we don't seek God, the world eventually seeks after us, and grabs us. Our values had gone adrift.... what irritated me the most wasn't your response toward homosexuality; it was a sign of where you are in your spiritual journey. We used to share so much in common, and what I treasured the most was our eagerness in Christ. I should have realized... you were walking away from mine, and should have attempted to hold you back.

Yes, it is the fundamental principle that the state and church are to be kept separate and independent from each other, yet we act out in what we believe in, and my vote does being affected by what I believe in Bible. Church and culture has ALWAYS been interrelated significantly, and homosexuality is NOT about human rights... believe it or not, satanic scheme plays a even greater force in this issue. My dear friend, you might not see how huge of the influence this proposition can play out in the next 50 years, but I see how this will harm the generations to come. You might not consider this as a way of 'hurting' people because maybe it doesn't physically, yet it totally hurts God's heart, and it means... bringing down a GREATER sin upon ourselves by opposing God's command on top of what we've already done unrighteously. And actually, homosexuality HURTS people psychologically and mentally... it just perverts our natural God-given images! And when people regard this issue solely as humanly rights, it proves our world's corruptness. Love & Truth.... has a unique corollary, depending on which comes first. That's why in John 4:24 it says "God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Anything that doesn't come with God first will end up going astray no matter how good a thing is. As simple as that is! Jesus Christ has set the ultimate example and is the source of EVERYTHING. We want our ways of loving others when we ourselves don't even know how Jesus has loved us, we seek to find the social justices for homosexuals when we don't even know that God cares for them more than we do but He hates the sins, yet He has remedy for ALL.... through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ! Salvation... salvation... this is what boils down of, something I care about you the most.

Today I was reading Jeremiah who prophesied the words of God truthfully, but people wouldn't believe its severity and wanted to sentence Jeremiah to death.... as multitudes and officials seized him, he said "Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring the DISASTER He has pronounced against you. As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right. BE ASSURED, however, that if you put me to death, you will bring the guilt of innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and on those who live in it, for in truth the Lord has sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing" (26:13-15). The other prophet, the FALSE prophet, Hananiah, who only said pleasant things to the people & all priests, was being acclaimed.... but he died the same year he prophesied because he had preached rebellion against the Lord (28:16). My point is... we ought to do what is godly in His eyes, else.... God will indeed bring punishment upon this land, upon us. He is loving... and yet He is HOLY. Without Him, we can't love..... stop treating this as a mean to communicate our 'love' toward the homosexuals. I love what God loves. God LOVES homosexuals MORE THAN WE CAN EVER BE! BUT His righteousness reigns 2. Truth comes with love, love comes with truth, 缺一不可. C'mon my dear friend, vote YES on proposition 8. No negotiation on this one! God ordained marriages to be between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Gotta Vote "YES" on Proposition 8!

The 5%+ homos are speaking up for their rights, what about the rest who doesn't see eye to eye on this point? California is such a strategic state, its influence will diffuse..... Christians, you really ought to vote on this - YES on proposition 8!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidenote: My dad's on the way flying back today, never has it been a time like this that I felt missing him so much. 他這次來可真是幫家裡整理超多的, 滿心感謝.... 我也有用心的花時間陪他, 認識他在研發的新產品. Who knows, I might start assisting him more than I originally intended to.

ALRIGHTY, back to readings... although tons of To-Do lists are waiting for me.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Outcry Event: 大喊大叫的跟一群雖不認識但卻有同樣心志主裡的弟兄姊妹一同敬拜, 禱告, 認罪... America really had sinned against God in so many ways, and... particularly, California. Family strife, discrimination, rebellion, sexual immorality, homosexuality.... Lord, have mercy on us, heal this land! Church really needs to arise and speak up; we, the brides, should not keep silent at this time. Our voices count! God CAN do what we cannot do, but He is waiting for His brides to cry out and cooperate with what He desires to do. Pray for gatekeepers - our pastors.