Friday, January 30, 2009

Woman is like a Rose

"Woman is like a rose. If you treat her right, she'll bloom; if not, she'll wilt!" Guess what movie is this from? :)

Happy Bday Shawna~! You're always young in heart, and younger than me! ^^

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Nope, I wasn't jogging... was plain walking w/ my iPod on for almost an hour LoL This always is the BEST time either to listen to the Scripture or to music, a great time to loosen up!! I LOVE listening to excellent music, especially jazz now! :)

Weird weird today, that my shopping cart was stolen out of nowhere! @@ It was just in a split second.. I was attentive to what the other family was talking about the price of Korean pears, by the time I turned around... the cart was gone~~~ I thought I forgot where I left it, so I ran around the aisles. Nope nope nope.. it was simply disappeared! SO bizarre....... For some strange reasons, I immediately checked my bag to see if anything was missing. I even walked around to see if anyone has taken the wrong cart or something... 有這麼一煞那, 我懷疑我有失億還是怎樣, 時間凍住了. So... got a new cart, I started picking the same stuff I once picked... 嘴裡不斷念念有詞 - "是怎樣啊, 連購物車也有人要拿!" - a long day shopping!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

True Tomodachi

True friends says this to you: "I'm sure you can do whatever you want to do, whether it's blah blah blah....." I've learned so much from my true friends!

Text Msg

I called AT&T to add the 200 text msg plan... knew sooner or later I would need this. So.. here it is! Let me know who's capable/or not of receiving text msgs w/o extra charge!!! LoL

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Study for Doctorate Degree?! & Misc.

Category: Education, CM, KC, Misc.

I used to think that education is just A DEGREE, people can learn so much outside of this paradigm. It is still true.. to some extent, but I became such an advocate of education now! LOL I told my mom yesterday that I'm kinda thinking about getting my doctorate after I graduate from master... she chuckled and said, "sure, as long as you find a husband who's gonna support you!" Haha... mom's funny! She's in a way telling me: "Nope!" O.K. I guess it'll be one of my dreams... I'll see how God leads.

So excited... I'm leading worship at Kids' Church this weekend! Sad that I haven't gotten to prepare for new kids' worship songs, they'll just gonna learn from what summer camp students did last yr! *Since when does the church kids learn after the SC kids?! 教會孩子應該更是有好的裝備啊... >< So yeh, I started choosing worship songs for SC this yr! Just listening to even children's worship songs by Hillsong, my excitement got pumped up! LoL I really LOVE their song arrangements and all the efforts they've spent into children's CDs & DVDs. Cool and decent dance/body moves, can't beat it! Um, do they have new albums coming up this yr? I still couldn't find better ones than Hillsong's, so I've decided to use others songs (that I didn't find so great last yr) within the same albums. Yet many of them after listening for a few times, also after scrutinizing their lyrics, I would rate them as high as 7~9 though they didn't catch my attention when I firstly listened to the albums last yr. Ooh well, I would purchase the new albums on behalf of CM w/o hesitations if Kids Hillsong publish them; that's how much I'm fond of their children's worship CDs/DVDs!

Tomorrow *Today's Mandy's wedding. Yeah, maybe like what Sharon recommended - I should start counting the weddings I've been to every yr and be blown away myself! :)

Finals next wk, nothing tests-related... but papers & presentations. A bit fret about it... yet I sure had a good time doing almost half-way-through Amos' final at APU's theology library today *yesterday. :) Sheesh.. when will I get to travel again?! Doesn't have to be a long trip you know, just like... SD, SF, etc. If not... what about IL, and cruise?! LOL Can I go?!

Seeing God's visions... speak to me in dreams if necessary Lord; I want to hear Your voice.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cousin J

雖然只是件很小的事及一包辣味蝦味先, 我可是開心勒~~ 雖然和玉妹偶而還是會有誤會要解釋等的, 但是她有不少優點是我常在跟她學習的. 貼心, 顧慮到他人感受 (有時too sensitive ^^"), so disciplinary, 顧家, 愛乾淨, 勤勞, 最重要的, 她對自己說過的話負責任! 我越來越發現我真的很看重最後這一點 - 對自己所說的承諾負責. 即使是很小的事, 但是敢說又敢做的人, 信任度一定加分~! You're reliable Jas! ^^

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


話說我在Christmas ~ New Year期間是有個Victoria Secret's coupon, 本來是打算去買lotions, 後來一忙, 就忘了這檔事~~ @@ 但是前幾天參加Mandy's bridal shower, 最後要分散時她送我們一人一瓶Victoria's lotion耶!!! God knows & sees my needs lol Thank You, my Father!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mondays for This Semester

I can't believe I need to wake up sooo early on Mondays from now on till May. I seriously was half-awake almost the whole time last night. Am I getting old or what, I have problem sleeping @@ Ends class at 10:30pm!


*7:10am is early for me Eye-rolling & I was late for class!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Genre: Comedy?!

Category: Scripture

I've never thought that there would/could be a genre such as 'comedy' in the Bible. The term "comedy" in the literature is different from the images of comic television shows we see today. It is "a narrative whose plot has a happy ending, in some cases through a dramatic reversal" (Intro to Biblical Interpretation by William W. Klein, Pg. 334-335). So what are the examples of such genre?! Wanna give it a try?!
Stories like...........
Joseph (Gen. 37-50) and Esther (Es.)! (:

Mommy's Feet Surgery

Category: Family, Mom

Since the past summer when my mom's feet got so swollen, she finally got to exam it. The situation was worse than she thought... people would never understand how frustrated one undergoes circumstances like this, especially for my mom who loves walking, dancing, serving, moving around.. just so active! She told me that she wanted to visit a sister in Taiwan who lives on the 5th floor and only stairs was accessible. Aunties were like, "yep, go w/ us!" but then it was just so tough for her to walk up to the *5th floor. Thankfully, it was the time when she was being told of such doctors who could help straightening her feet problem. Not that her bones will function as normally as before, but it should do good to certain degrees for her in the long run. My optimistic mom! =)

Good & Bad

I love my teal speakers... soooo LOVING THEM!!! :)
I can't believe I eat so much lately. Though I don't spend too much on the food *I cook, but I eat soooooooo much. 2pm for lunch, 6pm for dinner, and .... 9:30pm for night meal... 而且不是少量多餐喔, 是... 多量多餐 @@

今年的Valentine Friday (2/13/09), Daniel會有很特別的情人節日 - 弟兄們專門為姊妹服務!! Like "Girls Appreciation Day" :) 哪年可以在生日時和幾個好友在加州以外的地方渡過...?! Looking forward to that...~!

呂代豪牧師的見證很感人. 不斷讓我體會, 神的慈愛與恩典永遠長存~! 虧欠的多, 感恩的也多. 神國的道理跟世界是很完全不一樣的; 神揀選要用的人, 神必出手拯救. 過去的往事都可以成為來更深見證 神施恩的手. 過去看為不好的, 都可以變為新的! =)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Technology Needs

哈 好多東西想買喔~~ And some are really "needs," not just "wants." My speakers are on the way, hooray!! :) *同時也希望不要太倚賴technology...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Random Stuff

我知道我不應該這麼晚睡, 不過... 今晚算是我少數中的星期五, 會在小組後仍留下聊這麼久的時間~ 由於之前跨年時找不到爸媽, 所以我還是小白目的在開車的回家路途中打電話回台灣 - 我媽咪一開始完全沒聽出我在開車, 唸歸唸, 還是陪我講話了. 明明聲音沒有這麼明顯, 她終於還是莫名地聽出我在開車吧, 忽然問我: "妳現在在哪?!" 馬上要我掛電話明天再聊~~ @@ 跟她說是用bluetooth講話她還是堅持要掛. 媽咪一聽說陳叔叔住院, 馬上跟我爸開車去高雄醫院看他. Sweet parents.... 聽說陳叔叔信主還受洗了!! 有時... 真的是藉著不同的環境, 使人歸向主! 疾病sometimes really point people's hearts to God... 感謝主, 得知陳叔叔信主! 最重要的 :) Jess也真的很貼心, 之前馬上飛回台灣照顧 =)

我承認女人對感情多數是容易被感動的~ 也因此會容易被影響. 下以下的這個結論可能還是有點片面及不夠合理, 不過, 我目前很深的感觸: 女人若不自己有對 神堅定的委身及自我接納&肯定, 在與異性交往時, 很容易會把 神放一邊, 而看重男朋友多於 神. 這個結果還不是最糟的, 我個人認為, 更慘的是 - 這段感情多數是不完全得到祝福的, whether from God or from others, AND, 機率很高最後不會走在一起 *聽起來很糟吧 - 代價可是高勒! 投資的時間, 精力, 金錢, 青春, 及那段寶貴可以成長的機會, 都浪費了. 沒走過的人很難體會, 容易不夠警醒; 走過聰明的人就像老人般不斷提醒, 不夠機靈的人就反倒覆轍. 或許是看到些事而有感而發, 不過, 總之, 愛情是盲目的... 關係不到, 有時多說也無益. *Everything we do today affects eternity. Sometimes I'm still so near-sighted.

Daniel小組有很多好弟兄, 也有不少好姊妹, 可是為什麼情侶這麼少呢?! 雖然仍是個無解題, 答案會越來越明確. 不在乎人看得如何... 要跳出這個框框, 神的計畫是可以完美呈現出來地.

Number wise, I like 2009 more than 2008 lol 今年的resolutions, 我要有行動完成它! =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Entry for 2009

I planned to go to church for countdown, but I ended up staying home. The engine oil was out and my Jetta sounded really bad... & 加上天氣冷, 我... 就不想晚上出門了. Shouted "Happy New Year" to myself, and to Jesus! Happy 2009, I welcome you! :)

鄰居在放鞭炮, 有歡迎2009的氣氛喔.