Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It's a great visit! Though I consider too Presbyterian....... XD but overall a pleasant experience. Was going to check out their Chinese service first, but I woke up late due to my previous day's labor and tiredness. Eng service starts at 11am, the latest, hence the best choice!

Not that I impose Western culture more.... but I do find Americans' pastors giving more in-depth sermon msg. And it was a day like it .. interesting how he mentioned having the book of Jonah to be on film...... and look at the book from that POV.
-anti-climatic ending: no flood, no fire, no destruction (maybe why wouldn't make a good/interesting movie plots)
-redemption less exciting than destruction? (He didn't make much inputs to the point, but I thought it was a great point to remind us what we might've neglected the powerful work of redemption, not to focus or being distracted by the obvious terrors people have towards destruction nowadays - esp. in the movies.....)
-he mentioned that - if I remenber correctly, that its kinda Presbyterian..... ? Calling the worst missionary to do His work? I might have understood him wrong when i wrote this.... :p
- a story of calling.... church - "ekklesia": called community. It's a story about obedience, also a story about conflict with God
-at a deepest level, what we want and what God wants for us are the same
- plans don't keep up with the changes 記劃趕不上變化
- Jonah wants to plan for God.....
- at the end, He's making Jonah a better prophet according to Dr. Jon Seitz.... not sure about this statement yet, but God indeed didn't use another 'obedient' servant to follow up/replace Jonah.... nor rejected him. This strikes me in the sense that..... I've been'taught' that God can always use somwone else to do the work even if u say no to Him..... even though I know He never rejects nor forsakes us, it does bring a new insight when comes to fulfill His calling in one's life.... its not just about doing what he wants, but to really know that He cares for His beloved children, each one of us..... its as tangible as shown in the story of Jonah... thank God for such change in knowledge about Him.......!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


自從上台北後,天天陪伴我的交通工具真是重要。。就那兩個 - 捷運&公車!也不是說平時公車司機不好,但只要遇到好的,真的是印象深刻!有次回家,坐著226往吳興方向的公車,許司機(忘了他的全名)竟然是在每一站都說:“親愛的乘客您好,晚安!歡迎您搭乘XX公車,很高興能為您服務。下一站我們要前往的是XX,謝謝您的搭乘,祝您有個美好的晚上”類似的話~!覺得只會在專車或是旅行團才會聽到的介紹(我詳情忘了,不過真的讓我很印象深刻!)真的非常特別!!!=D 那天真的感覺非常舒服~雖然下班了,但感受到的不只是疲憊或是面無表情的路人,而是一位公車先生對工作的熱情!!!從小事上可以感受到人生的大道理!i wanna be someone who works with passion!!!!!

re-energized at work

i believe at some point in time we all need to be rejuvenated.... particularly at work. i was feeling a bit out of place a week ago or so, didn't see where i could go in my work course. karen randomly shared some of her insights gained from a seminar... actually most of the 'principles' were learned back in university when i was studying bus management, but i kinda forgot about them and their applications, esp. when i've been away from work/business environment for ages.... i was given new vigor!! felt i could go on with more energy now and focus too!!!! =D

- don't lose focus of what your competitors are doing when you're too concentrated doing your own thing!
- service.... sometimes weights more than the product itself!
- teamwork.....

some thing i wanna pray for: to have the ability to see what people are good at, and use that!


昨晚在邀約不到我僅有在台北少數的朋友下,我想 神要我好好回家休息,別再到處晃了!所以我下班後,做了最後掙扎後仍沒有成功後,就決定回家換衣服去跑步!(但是後來還是沒有跑。。。只是快走!因為忽然看到個看起來慢跑級有經驗的小腿。。。。我決定 - 別跑了)回到家七點,換個衣服出門天色開始暗了,沿路上看著下班的人潮,頭腦不想任何事情,只想放鬆~ 感謝主這次走到榮星公園發現了游泳池!!!!!!hooray~!!! 一走進公園後,發現人群還真不是蓋的!XD 黃昏遛狗的主人還真是多耶~~~~~~ 年長的夫妻一對對一起散步,打羽毛球,上班族也提著公事包在公園蹓躂,真是好不熱鬧!!!!!(:

我真的很好奇是愛狗養狗的人這麼多呢,還是因為平時大家都上班,這是唯一的時間帶狗狗出來走走?!真的好多狗狗“趴趴走”~ 雖然我不愛狗(應該說是怕狗),但是只要是被綁住的狗狗,看到還是很開心的!特別是大狗!!!!hoho i actually prefer those than the small/tiny puppies! =p 偶爾這樣的夜晚,不知道有個人在身邊是否會更有感覺?XD

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

martha graham


Monday, May 9, 2011

mr men & little miss

have always loved their series.... and today's Roger Hargreaves' 76th bday! (: gotta post them up! thumbs up for all his creative stories that i used to have fondness listening to....

Monday, May 2, 2011

職場宣教研習會 4.23.2011

感謝台南晨光告知此台北研習會,讓身在台北目前仍算沒確定下教會的我,能得知此研習會,而真的是受益良多!當初是因為看到曾國生弟兄的名字(Gracy的爸爸)才決定去的,畢竟我對台灣的神學老師/牧師等瞭解真的很少。 想打下那天的notes,希望能自己受益外,也能擴展有心在職場宣教的弟兄姊妹的眼界!因為台灣這幾年來創意下帶起的職場宣教真是越來越有趣且生活化了!=D


一,連結禮拜天與星期一 (Linking Sun & Mon -> Christianity everyday): market place (workplace) theology 職場宣教神學。Jesus's Dual Ministry 雙重事奉:Jerusalem (temple 聖殿) vs. Galilee (market place 職場);傳揚救恩,改變生命 vs. 實踐信仰,影響世界。


- 職場的意義 (purpose):1. 工作的委任 (Adam) 2. 伊甸園後的工作3:16-19 污染了工作,not curse (女人與男人沒有被咒詛,是地和蛇被咒詛,人是要辛苦才能有食物)3. 工作的上帝 *提到做有創意的工作會感覺靠 神比較近 =p 因為 神是位創造的 神 4. 現代基督徒的工作(約17:15-16)活在這世上卻不屬於這世界,用心 (not overwork) 在這世界工作,心卻不交給世界的價值 5. 工作的救恩(可8:24)捨己,背起十字架

- 職場的靈性 (spirituality):1. 為誰工作(歌羅西3:23)2. 工作,或被工作(以2:10)=> answer is both (Psalms 90:9-10 vs. 15-17) 3. 與神同工(羅8:28)互相效力(也可解為工作)有益 4. 帶著愛去工作(林前13:1-3)無益 (第四點與第三點剛好相反,襯托出何為有益,何為無益)5. ㄧ生工作的大衛(神說他服事了一個世代,稱他合神心意的僕人)

- 職場的倫理 (ethics):聖靈觀 vs. 世界觀。正直 & 誠信,私利 & 公益,公平 & 正義,金錢 & 權力,個人 & 群體,愛心憐憫 & 績效要求,監督管責 & 利益衝突,社會責任 & 永續經營。

- 職場的宣教 (mission):要臨清的方面:異象 & 使命,呼召 & 野心,負軛 & 承擔,領導 & 順服 (leader as a follower is very important...),勞苦 & 安息,信心 & 理性 (白弟兄比較喜歡用"專業"來代替"理性"),虧負 & 饒恕,角色 & 真我。至於如何做的方法,有很多,e.i. 1. 職場 (market place) 與宣教 (mission) 各自獨立 2. 職場提供宣教支援 3. 職場作為宣教手段 (businaries) 4. 職場成為宣教平台 5. 職場內含宣教 6. 職場即是宣教.... e.i. Paul 不同的階段寫下他生命的宣言 - 將萬事看為糞土,之後... 沒抄到,到最後:活著就是基督!

- 一份『職場神學』教學設計

- 結論 --- 職場,被揀選的族類: Peter 2:9

- 回應的部份:一本書叫“天使的眼睛”是講醫學倫理,用聖經基督徒的眼光由一位代職弟兄寫的。職場上的應該要有神學提供給弟兄姊妹,讓弟兄姊妹去apply case by case; 神的百姓,應該沒有clergy與否的差異?(thought to think about)... 另些書推薦可看的:"Unnecessary Pastors"及“曠野的呼聲”。


*夏牧師很有趣。。。因為之前主持人說“華神”應該悔改。。。而夏牧師一上場就說,是“教會”應該悔改!(will be explained more in details below)

一,職場,當然有神學 :神”安置“亞當(兩次記載)1. 上帝以祂的形象樣式創造人,賦予職場 2. 伊甸園:亞當在職場照管全地 3. 職場是管理全地的事奉。夏牧師表示事奉應該有三種(他總括的): 1. 生命的事奉(worship - 將身體獻上乃是理所當然)2. 聖所的事奉 (長子,特別的蒙揀選的事奉)3. 萬民的事奉

二,職場宣教的契機--重新翻修教會觀(牧師不斷強調,這該是教會觀再思)1. 教會歷史中的神學爭議 2. 預備迎接教會論的爭議 3. 什麼是教會?*成全聖徒還是成全教會?家庭的天堂,職場的天堂。。。美好是由 神定義,不是由世界定義。該有“新的教會觀!!!!!!” 教會是補救方式 - 本不是 神的心意。God's creation 原意是:family,職場,fellowship,community!
4. 從創造看教會:教會失去生存的意義&價值。。。

三,職場宣教的路向:1. 職場中的教會 - 高雄林商號教會(a pastor in company);高雄八大教會(hire a pastor, has Sun service every Sun);美訊設計(美訊。。。就是mission!)hire a coworker去牧養九個9 coworkers (不是只有大公司可以做。。。。重點是看不看重。。。) 2. 教會中的職場 - 辦公室團契;CBMC;全福會 3. 職場新教會 - 青島經濟技術開發區基督教會;浦東張江感恩堂 4. 職場即教會 - 熱交換器公司;足浴店(上海,就是教會。。。。every Sun service, 平時有空就做training)5. 教會即職場 - 核心教會 & 延伸教會 (但夏牧師不喜歡延伸教會這詞);五花馬餃子店;恩典小棧(夏牧師的idea - 就訓練人做三個現代人需要的:心靈輔導,健康資訊-減肥,跟醫學;開放家裡,下完班就開放讓想來的人來,就這樣傳福音);xx教會(事工減化,建造信徒,生命,生活=>才應該是事工);家教會運動 - 五餅二魚,吉他堡小家。*最強棒的應該到最的地方去做G12!!!! (which is workplace... not at church,也因此夏牧師強調,職場如果是現在華人看到,想要踏出去的區塊,教會的角色是否應該是provide好的神學跟幫助,來讓弟兄姊妹在職場好好發揮,進而做出美好見證,instead of 這樣“”強棒“的人,花很多時間參與教會的事工以至於無法專心做好職場上的呼召)在現實面我個人也想到一點,似乎教會能用的人才就這些。。。。又是職場上想/有心想發揮,又同時是教會很主要的參與同工。所以當鼓勵弟兄姊妹瞭解自己的呼召,自己的角色,以至於將時間用在 神給與的那一份,各盡其職。6. 職場轉化 - 深川電腦(不准送回扣。。。hire an Indian to pray everyday);ATTOS (label scriptures on their items, giving scriptures);大哥大;TVBS 7. 社會轉化 - 大使命企業 - 異業連鎖;演藝圈;企業;七個山頭 - 七層面的12向度。

四,職場轉化總路向 --願祢的國降臨

回應:曾國生弟兄 - 力量&季節的問題。。3G很重要:strategy, structure & spirituality. 陳偉望弟兄 - 幫助人的全面性, not just one perspective... health, relationship, 原生家庭的影響跟關係等等的。從人際網絡的架構分析,“職場教會”的定位。。。企業裡的基督徒可以組一個”屬靈受難隊“!教會的priority should go like this... x: 社會結構, y: 專業領域. x: 從左到右:家庭,社區,國家社會。y:從下到上:專業訓練,企業職場,專業社群。x & y的點是:個人。

Sunday, May 1, 2011


had i always seen it from the wrong perspective? i thought i've discovered just about most part of myself, and i didn't figure this out until now? >< i was totally taken aback when you said the temperament that you see in girls... maybe i've stopped caring to know you, how you've changed, because i always got irritated the way you treated me. k, no time to get distracted and probe into anything as if it's ever possible. like what debby pointed out, i really need to pray to the point: God, bring the one to me, no matter where You're sending him from..... either 吃過洋墨水 or not, as long as it's from You, bring it on! i'll lean on You!


May 1st... was originally a holiday for financial institutes only, but now that the election's coming up, it's possible that the gov's giving some benefits hoping to win their votes? anyhow, tmr's a day off for us too... but i'll be running errands too! i like google's icons!