Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It's a great visit! Though I consider too Presbyterian....... XD but overall a pleasant experience. Was going to check out their Chinese service first, but I woke up late due to my previous day's labor and tiredness. Eng service starts at 11am, the latest, hence the best choice!

Not that I impose Western culture more.... but I do find Americans' pastors giving more in-depth sermon msg. And it was a day like it .. interesting how he mentioned having the book of Jonah to be on film...... and look at the book from that POV.
-anti-climatic ending: no flood, no fire, no destruction (maybe why wouldn't make a good/interesting movie plots)
-redemption less exciting than destruction? (He didn't make much inputs to the point, but I thought it was a great point to remind us what we might've neglected the powerful work of redemption, not to focus or being distracted by the obvious terrors people have towards destruction nowadays - esp. in the movies.....)
-he mentioned that - if I remenber correctly, that its kinda Presbyterian..... ? Calling the worst missionary to do His work? I might have understood him wrong when i wrote this.... :p
- a story of calling.... church - "ekklesia": called community. It's a story about obedience, also a story about conflict with God
-at a deepest level, what we want and what God wants for us are the same
- plans don't keep up with the changes 記劃趕不上變化
- Jonah wants to plan for God.....
- at the end, He's making Jonah a better prophet according to Dr. Jon Seitz.... not sure about this statement yet, but God indeed didn't use another 'obedient' servant to follow up/replace Jonah.... nor rejected him. This strikes me in the sense that..... I've been'taught' that God can always use somwone else to do the work even if u say no to Him..... even though I know He never rejects nor forsakes us, it does bring a new insight when comes to fulfill His calling in one's life.... its not just about doing what he wants, but to really know that He cares for His beloved children, each one of us..... its as tangible as shown in the story of Jonah... thank God for such change in knowledge about Him.......!!!!

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