Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Adds To My Not-To-Watch Movie List

明明是很好的一天, 有開開心心的逛街, 買到需要的東西. 跟表妹們享受地喝了個自家下午茶, 去Yogoo La Mode, 整個就是美好. 又去了第二個mall逛, 沒有巧遇, 一切順利.... 直到...... 這部片子!
Yes.... Will Smith had said something significant in the story lines, BUT... it is one of those that weight more on its negative sides than positive... bright, or even so-called worthwhile movies! OK, I really need to learn from all these strong regrets - 看電影看到一半 (或是不到一半時), 後悔我為什麼踏進來, 為什麼會以為自己可以撐下去, 為什麼不事先問清楚片子是有關什麼的.... 總總的自我對話. 不能因為朋友們說好看就奮不顧身的犧牲掉我的gift card on THIS movie..... ahhhhhhh~~~~~ *sigh~ 我不知道別人看完它學到了什麼. 不過, 我確定: 再怎樣的人, 能健康活著就是好事 - 還有人在你旁邊就感恩; 還有, 不管怎樣relate, 再不好看的電影也可以學東西等的話.... 我還是覺得, 更重要的是要有智慧選電影看! 有機會敵擋時, 先聰明的閃掉不接觸才是明智之舉. 就像這一部 - "I Am Legend." Sorry, it's just NOT MY TYPE! ><

Thursday, December 13, 2007


YEAH! Done with finals!!! :) YAHOO~~~!! 吃了飯, 回到家, 想了很久應該做什麼才算是享受考完的這一天.... *真是閒不下來. 拿起琴譜, 開始彈....... 一彈就彈了3小時. 真的, 到最後總算感到手痠, 感覺手不是我的~ @@ LOVE to play piano!!!!! :) Contemporary is my favorite! Classical + Jazz! 我果然還是個喜歡跟著原則, 但在方格裡做改變的人.

這學期, 有兩個老師分別請我們去他家吃飯. Tue. 在尋找Dr. Gray家時, 就像同學說的一樣, 沿路上感覺好像要開到"世界的盡頭"了 (to the ends of the earth). *我到底在哪裡啊??!! 連google & yahoo都找到不到他家, 頻頻問我是否打錯地址?! @@ Dr. Gray的拿手mushroom超級yummy...... 改天自己來試試吧 - w/o grease though.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Jasmine once fainted at this elementary school that she interns at. I thought she must be really weak and stressed.. which she was. But today.... I was in a similar situation. UNBELIEVABLE! I always consider myself healthy, and none such as this could have happened to me.


Well, everything was going well after I finished my history final at 1 sth. As I was in the piano room practicing my conducting, I started feeling cramps... to a point, I had to rush to the restroom. I really felt like screaming inside there... and which I did later on, crying out to Jesus when no one was around. I was sweating, hands trembling, and felt fainting in any minute! After I managed not to vomit, I forced myself to walk out and then completely dropped myself on the floor. Dr. Royse passed me by and jokingly asked me if I passed out. I didn't have any strength to talk, so I just sat there, whispering back that I almost fainted. He helped me to call the health center and had two ppl to take me from there. Anyhow, everyone must thought I was unconscious... cuz I responded so slow and so late.


Even the nurse thought I was crazy enough to stay for my class that's from 6 - 10:30 tonite... but thank God I'm well now. Without health, you just can't do ANYTHING. God, thank You for the breath You've given me. Note

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Time for Myself

發現, 家人還是世界上最親的人.
有時, 真的還是不喜歡一些在我身邊發生的事情.
Can't wait for a short break...

Thursday, November 29, 2007


好多事情好開心..... 學校還是忙, 有時忙得不像話, 可是, 也有有趣的事使我就是開心! 很多都是小事啦.
1) 原來之前網路有問題是因為router... 差點就因為誤會Times Warner而放棄他們了. 現在又回到本來就應該有的cable神速..!!! hehe
2) Musical "Scarlet"的committee team真的很棒! 越來越喜歡跟ABC一起同工了. 彼此尊重, 彼此互補, 真的... 很享受.
3) 人與人之間的關係, 有溝幾乎就會有通. 有時就是要踏出那一步, 讓彼此的空間跟眼光都更寬闊... 當然, 還是要找對人講.
4) 學校要求寫的歌, 托Charlie&Eric的福, 錄得算是大功告成.... 聽到時好感動... 就是感動.... *我就是詞窮.... =p
5) 就是我有的某一個個性吧, 有喜歡challenge.... 有時去面對真的不是最糟的一條路.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

最近這幾年一起渡過感恩節的班底都差不多是這群不論是爸媽的朋友, 還是我們的朋友. 今年特別有Shawna & Kate & Jeff... :) 朋友真的是越久越珍貴, 即使是幾年下來沒有相處在一起, 還是可以似乎不受那幾年距離的影響而享受彼此的同在; 不過也比較能體會那些過來人沒有跟朋友的伴侶get along的情況下會產生的距離感. 這個假期並沒有比較輕鬆, 有時想想功課的多寡就會幫助我少賴床. =p 想要跟很多朋友特別在這個季節問候, 可是真的沒有時間像以前的我, 每到假期就會寫信給久久沒聯繫的朋友. 因此, 就在此祝福遠方的親戚, 久違的朋友們: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :)

昨晚的課是個很棒的開始. 神學的課真的不容易.... 有些話題是我會很興奮來研究討論的, 可是否方面的我, 是不能承受太複雜的理念. 簡單&保持單純有時是最好的答案; 可是神學觀上一般是不允許這樣的解釋... 也就會讓我頭痛.

Q: God is in control. Do you agree?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Don't Give Up, Keep Playing!

He doesn't call the equipped; He equip the called. *Thanks my friend.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

k書; 被書k

學校課業很重, 可是不是每個時候都是處在想念書的情況. 有時硬著頭皮就要k書, 可是真的一點效果都沒有. 以前都幾乎可以discipline到不顧自己的感覺的, 現在好像沒有那個本領了. 不過想唸的時候就真的超迅速的. I need that kinda atmosphere every time I need to study. 想碰面的朋友好多, 等吧.... APU不放Veteran's Day的, even Thanksgiving week也從Thur才放. 就當我的學校超認真的吧~!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

No Text Msgs Plz

恩, 就像標題說得, 請不要text msgs給我. 謝謝大家 :)

Happy B-day my friend, even though you're far away in France.


暑假後期, 有次機會和好友去看個中醫, 在朋友做acupunture時, 和醫師閒聊. 她十分熱意&敞開地跟我們聊自己的生活, 也提到了她父親病危的情況. 總總的原因, 對於我打從第一次去就想跟她傳福音, 這是個可以為她禱告的機會. 於是, 在檢查完, 付完錢後, 我不顧面子地跟著她去後面, 問她是否願意讓我們替她禱告, 也為她的父親禱告. 之前她都非常維持她職場上的專業, 所以都沒有表示太多心情的不安. 但是... 當我們這麼一提時, 她馬上落淚. 禱告時, 我憑著有的信心, 大膽的為她父親求醫治. 之後, 看得出來她非常感動, 也謝謝我們的關心, 仍是淚流不停. I was just soooo thankful... for the priviledge and the opportunity, to pray for those in needs, to testify God's power, and most of all, to bless others particularly nonbelievers as much as how we were being blessed by Him. 那天之後, 我想到她時, 我就為她的父親禱告, 期盼 神做祂奇妙的作為.

再次約要去看中醫時, 已是約三個月後的事了. 這天, 我打電話去預約, 正好是她接的, 我期待的問她父親的況狀. 結果, 她平靜的告訴我她父親過世了, 而似乎就在我們替她禱告的那天或那段期間. 我滿錯愕的.... definitely was not even one of the options I anticipated to hear. 她說她已經走過了, 也非常的平靜. 我有點難過, 也在想下次看到她時, 要說什麼, 腦海中閃過很多想法. 不過, 用邏輯來看得話, 我們的生活不常常面對contradiction嗎? 信仰這條道路, 不能憑感覺, 要憑信心, 和神堅定不變的話語. He says He is healer, 就算我們不得醫治, 並不代表祂不是醫治者. Truth & Feelings often times don't go together. 真的只能要真理, 不能跟著感覺走. 這件事給我很大的衝擊, 因為不只是人沒有得醫治, 甚至是他走了... 表妹說, 牧師們應該常常面對這種情況吧, 有掙扎應該是必然的. 神啊, 求給我智慧知道怎麼說, 也深知, 祢的智慧跟作為是高過於我能明白的. 求祢彰顯, 就算不是按著我希望看到的方式也沒有關係, 但願祢的旨意成就在她的生命, 使她經歷跟接受祢. *還敢為他人禱告嗎? 是的, 我願意! 幫助我不是靠自己的聰明.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


都忘了吃波霸是這麼享受的一件事..... 早已經過了今年可以吃的份量了, 之前醫生提醒的都丟到腦後勺了 =p

學校真的好忙, 功課只有增沒有減. 讀的雖然很開心, 可是壓力也不少. 真的如果不是太忙的話, 這陣子媽咪回台灣, 我會願意煮飯地. Time management - I could always learn to do better.

Passion, 唯一使我不斷往前進的力量. 祂已經提醒我要忘記背後, 努力向前; 瓶頸不過是我的踏腳石. *恩上加恩, 力上加力*

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


當你經歷 神或認識祂到一個程度時, 已經不是因為是基督徒, 或是因為有所謂的"頭銜", 所以總是講到 神; 神已經是生活中必然的一大部分. 曾經有人跟我說過我不應該這樣, 不一定連跟弟兄姊妹在一起時, 好像都一定要講到跟 神有關的話題等的. 我曾經因為別人講的頭頭是道, 聽起來超有理的, 也因為在意別人怎麼想, 怎麼看, 而開始懷疑覺得是不是自己的問題, 是自己太高姿態, 裝屬靈, 還是怎樣的, 而最後選擇安靜. 但是..... 走過這麼一段路, 現在面對這樣的comments, 除了更認識自己的心&passion外, 我也懂得要分辨人口裡說出來的話 (以前我的輔導就跟我說過, 之前都超不懂地). 沒有什麼能給他人好過將人引到 神的面前, 讓他人自己被 神來得著更好了. 是的, 即使是基督徒了, 但不代表在生活裡就自然知道如何與 神同行; 難道除了小組跟教會外, 面對弟兄姊妹, 就不必要講到任何跟信仰有關的嗎; 福音不是只是一次性的. 信主年日雖然有一段時間了, 但是我自己越來越明白為什麼聖經說: "我們若將起初確實的信心堅持到底, 就在基督裡有分了 (Hebrews 3:14)." 自己走這信仰的道路, 越來越發現自己心裡很多時候還是有不信, 不夠信, 或不堅定的時候. 有時也會自己嚇一跳, 但是就真的知道人是何等'human-like'.... 以色列人絕對不是唯一一群硬著頸項, 一轉頭就忘記 神恩典的百姓. 很多時候反省自己的生命, 我不比他們好到哪裡, 能誇的都是祂的恩典~! 另一方面來說, 其實很多時候, 最難的不見得是跟未信主人講耶穌, 而是不敢直言的跟最親的人, 或是主裡的弟兄姊妹分享 神.

希望 神量給我的伴侶是以分享 神為他的喜樂, 見證 神為他的榮耀. *Let's stick together, my brothers and sisters... and humbly learn from one another.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lifelong Learning

不是第一次, 面對真的是愛主, 屬靈的弟兄姊妹, 還是容易對於些"特別"有才幹的人, 有不同的待遇. 今年暑假已經有過一次這樣深深的體驗. 我感謝主讓我那次最後沒有逃避, 有走過, 跟她有美好的溝通跟釋放. 是啊, 基督徒的方式應該是會不同的.... 不管做的事, 影響力是大是小, 每個人都是 神寶貴的兒女, 和貴重的器皿. 要學習, 用 神的眼光來看祂所愛的每個人. 一個人的價值不在乎他做過或會做什麼的事; 就算一個人所做的不能算"成功", 他的價值是和世人覺得最偉大的偉人是一樣的. 因為每個靈魂真的都是耶穌重價買贖回來的, 沒有誰比誰特別重要.

學習: 謙卑, 看重每個人的價值, 不以一個人的能力是ok, good, or great而對待不同... 最重要的, 愛 - 沒有愛, 什麼都好困難, 但是, 在 神凡事都能.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life Without Limbs

I don't go to chapels often, even thought it's three times in a week. But when I decide to go, I am usually desperate - either can't wait to worship and hear the Word of God, or... very desperate - meaning, sth is bothering me. So this past Monday, I went. The speaker was phenomenal. Nick Vujicic, limbless. His name is even listed in the Wikipedia. 外貌的殘缺跟心靈的殘缺; 我們是否是健全的呢? 我哭, 不是因為同情; 我哭, 是因為我為了他在 神面前的認識跟信靠而感動. 不知道如果我是他的話, 我是否也能如此完全地堅定 神的慈愛. Click here! *His grace is sufficient for me, and yes God, You are enough.

Friday, October 19, 2007


可能因為畫畫不是我的份, 所以很自然的會覺得我哥在這方面超天才的. 在沒有申請scholarship的情況下, 他莫名地收到了一張支票. 不是說不管緣由是什麼, 可是很明顯的就是.... 學校喜歡你的畫呀~~~~~ ^^v 我應該就去作他的經紀人好了.... *Good job Joseph!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


在gmail跟住在遠方的好友聊天時, ... 忽然她很不經意的說: "Oh, did I not tell you? J and I are legally married although we are having the wedding next year." @@ 比起婚禮, 這可也是粉重要的日子吧~~~~~!! 妳真的把我嚇到了....

Congrats, Shawna

Monday, October 15, 2007

"不見棺材不掉淚" - NOPE!

這次真的學乖了. 雖然喜歡喝熱的湯啊, 飲料啊等的, 可是要小心, 不能再喝太燙的東西了. 舌頭開始嚴重跟我抗議了... 再讓它受傷.... ~我就慘了! *神啊, my Healer!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Ending

雖說是第二次看, 我還是忍不住在Belle唱那段獨唱時, 感動落淚..... *Even thought there're people who think you're odd, there are ppl who value you for who you are... I came to realize, it's not a change of heart, but a change IN ME...

我想要那個歌詞啦...... 寫得太棒了, 音樂也是. 有段還可以拿來當我以後婚禮唱, 嘻嘻嘻.... *開始做夢的時間了. 感恩: 可以享受音樂, 可以享受被感動, 可以在 神給予的soul裡享受. 神都知道我的每一步, 很小的事祂都顧念. Study Day comes just in time for me, cherish it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Quote from a friend

'不管是語言還是文字, 所能表達的效果還是很有限的. 最後, 還是只能藉著年月來真正用 "心" 來認識彼此, 而不是用自己的思緒和判斷.'

*沒有了它, 真的就很難, 就什麼都沒有. 人與人之間的寶貴 - TRUST from the heart*

Sunday, September 30, 2007


After craming Reimer's book for 4 hours, chatted with Jas, did a few misc. things, as I opened up the file to start writing out the question answers.... then..... until that moment, I found out that I've read the WRONG chapter.....~! @@

Congrats to Stacy, Andy and Jeffery today, 恭喜成為新造的人, 同為一家人在祂的國度中成長. *忘記背後, 努力向前!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Beauty and the Beast

托Kate的福, 學期一開始就知道有關學校藝術表演的節目, 今晚就享受到了這劇經典的"美女與野獸".~ 雖說是學生表演的, 可是真的太棒了.... 演戲的, 跳舞的, 演奏的, 演唱的.... 都超級有能力, 也都很放得開 - 像是演Gaston & LeFou的角色.... 真的, 表情滿分&熱情奔放啊~~!!! 特別除了Disney自己的原作之外, 他們還自己加了一點戲碼&歌曲來配合更加詮釋他們想帶出來的內容, 給觀眾有更想聚精會神想看他們新加的點子, 非常特別.~ 有一段我特別感動 - Belle唱出有關她對自己生命的realization; 小時候的夢想, 或是一直想追求的, 長大後發現..... 其實是當自己改變後, 會找到比這些更有意義的! (我講的實在沒有她唱的好) Yeah... 重點是: that she changed...and it just moved me! 我忍不住就落淚了. 對我而言, 我覺得那一段是把原本的劇本再加添出更有意義的高潮點 (因為我覺得那有表現出福音的真諦 - adding the performance to be more MEANINGFUL to me!!!! 而不只是個劇), 讓我對musical的熱愛, 及衝動又加分了許多. 我很希望以後有機會參與這種形式的演出; it moves me, and I wanna be part of sth that moves people 2. 讓passion也傳遞下去~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alrighty, 學校的這些服裝, 背景等的, 實在是非常花心思, 也絕對不會只演這麼ㄧ次. 我打算帶我家人再去給它看ㄧ次 - 絕對值得!!! 有興趣的, 請告訴我囉. Probably in mid Oct. =)

btw, the admission ticket is really cheap, definitely sth you can afford to go!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I LOVE APU's library..... 會讓人超想念書的 :) 只可惜我都很少去West campus.... 雖說距離不遠, 可是光扛我笨重的書, 我就決定還是待在East campus就好~ Marshburn Library雖然相比之下環境沒那麼好, 可是還是總是會有足夠的位子讀書, 用網路; 這比起以前不論在Mt. Sac或是Fullerton - 總得早到或是得努力佔位子的日子, 已經是很棒的摟.~

在不需要趕作業的情況下, 星期三早上參加了chapel.... 不太知道上一堂的聚會講了什麼有關敬拜的, worship leader這次不斷強調: 讓我們單單用"簡單的樂器"來敬拜 (不知道平時是怎樣的full band), 不在乎樂器的多少等的, 就是simple come before Him and worship. 由於chapel對Undergrad. 的學生是一定要參加的, 所以有很多其實也還是非基督徒; 能這樣在校園聚會, 敬拜, 聽訊息, 對我這真的是一個priviledge. 由於我站在滿後頭的, 在敬拜時, 自然地就注意到盯著screen, 將近一半以上坐著的學生... 我有莫名的感恩跟... 感傷. 不是說覺得自己做著多好, 但是不經感嘆很多時候人就是這樣, 特別是住美國的 - so easily taking things for granted. 莫名的開始想像自己衝上台 (@@), 告訴大家在很多國家, 福音是何等被限制的; 能公開地敬拜, 禱告, 是恩典!! 之後聽到Cornerstone Church的一個ABHK牧師講道, 他分享的一些東西, 他裡頭的zeal, 他是為什麼開始傳福音的等的, 再次激勵了我... 很多時候我還是容易被太多事情, 攪亂了我的方向. It's always good to be reminded of the deep desires God once had ignited in us. *My hope is in You.*

Saturday, September 15, 2007


看到弟兄姊妹為了小組擺上的用心, (或是為了各自區域的服事崗位)... 那種在聚會中你一看就知道他/她花心思有想, 有預備的那種用心... 真的會讓我感動. 或許也是對我自己的提醒... 回想起以前怎樣在"青春家族", 會跟Shawna搶著服事... 吵架的內容是因為在比較誰侍奉比較多, 而心裡覺得不平衡. =p 那時想要參與的心真的是超級火熱, 使得當時帶我們的組長-Edwin & Vivian, 可能也有Betty吧, 會看著我們..... 苦笑, 卻是感到很有趣. 現在回頭想想, 我真的覺得那是 神加給我們的喜樂 - 渴慕來服事祂. :)

服事久了, 仍是會歡然樂意服事, 可是..... 有時不自覺中, 會發現自己習慣於過度強調 "values", experiences, 感覺怎樣帶會比較好, what's the main point here etc. 不是說這些不好, 只是.... 有時會失去了最根本的 - 用心: 花時間專心預備, 多禱告, 多渴慕, 專注在於 神如何想要在這次的聚會中帶領.... sometimes I lack that. 不知道是不是只有我會這樣想.... maybe I just want ppl to tell me that I'm not a weirdo.... maybe I need to consult ppl. *Serving - focus on GOD!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Out of about 17 students in one of my classes, approx. 9 of them bring laptops to take notes during lectures. ALL of them have Mac... iBook, PowerBook, you name it! Even when I sat in a friend's class days ago, I saw ppl with APPLE 2: meaning, NO PCs (maybe 'cuz it was for Logic Pro). BUT STILL.... Mac surely has its customers ALL over the place in APU, including all the professors I see so far!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


只要一晚睡, 似乎就會更不想睡覺. 今早不到七點就起床, 待到4:30 pm離開學校, 快6 pm到家, 去但以理小組, 之後慶祝Mark生日 - Happy B-day Mark (finally I get to try Coconut Bay). 不知道是不是因為太久沒有享受美味的Vanilla Latte, 現在的我, 似乎沒有疲倦, 雖然應該要歇息了. ^^"

So much things going on this week. 換課換了超多次的, Grad. Center的人都快認識我了吧.~~~ 課調來調去, 希望這次不會變了. I really need God's grace & mercy to sustain me this semester.

*Lord, please stir up my passion for you once again, so all the obstacles that stand in the way may seem trivial by comparison. And... help me to stand firm in Your Words.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

不管怎樣..... 認真的做!

真的要認著地, 好好地做每一件事的話, 可完全沒有閒這一回事~~~~ 不論是上班或是唸書, 都可以弄到焦頭爛額的. 我還在掙扎要不要再加一堂課. 我知道不要把自己overload, 但是某方面又下意識覺得我應該可以handle 6 classes + 教琴 + 部份的ministry + misc. 光調整課表, 換課等事, 這星期已經花了我不少精神了.... 買厚厚沈重的書, 買學業的記事本, 買music sheet, 又要看看買baton (how fun!!~), 花錢時心真的在滴血.... 雖說只是第一個禮拜, 但是已經覺得 - 這個學歷價值真高真重阿!! BUT.. APU is definitely a "God First" school; professors are really different from just normal school staff. Enrolled as a grad. student, I'm actually not obligated to attend the chapel but I went yesterday to their (undergrad) welcoming formal ceremony. 再回去念的心情, 看著身邊一群群不論是freshmen, junior or senior, 這些小我不少的大學生, 我真的感覺得出我們何等截然不同. 由於人太多, overflow... 去了另一小間的房間看broadcast, 感覺沒有那麼直接, 可是我還是享受即使是坐著的敬拜 while alot of others were chatting.. president Jon Warren的講道也是簡單有力 - focus on what God meant us to be, NEVER RUN away (knowing that you're a knight!), and stay in where God's heritages at. 新的開始, Jane - 加油! *遠在Champaign的Tiff: 妳的課也是超重的, 妳也辛苦了... baxia. 我陪妳一起努力呦!! q^^p [k書去~~]

Monday, September 3, 2007


買到想買的東西, 真的會心情好耶...~ :) Labor Day... 不是所有都有打折, 可是偶而逛街買到想要/需要的東西, 大包小包的, 那種心情真是愉悅...~~~~~~!! 哈哈, 我越來越享受逛街了. *謝謝妳陪我! [怎樣才能完全預備自己的心準備上課呢? 希望會遇到好同學]

Sunday, September 2, 2007

-weird dreams

奇奇怪怪的, 我越來越容易作這種夢了.... 昨晚就是這樣. 先是躺了快兩個小時, 半睡半醒的狀態; 睡著後, 就作超怪的夢. Was it a spiritual battle? or... it was just me?

面對明明自己不喜歡做的事, 不喜歡的東西, 會因為喜歡的人喜歡而去配合... 真的是愛的表現.~

Saturday, September 1, 2007

That explains

人與人之間真的很奇妙, 就是會跟某些人怎樣都熟不怎麼起來 (有些是我努力的嘗試, 試著想拉近關係... 不能更熟, 更自在, 就不怎麼行得通 - 有些情況我會感到有些可惜); 相對的, 有些朋友就自然很多, 就是會對著她說東說西的, 大事也說, 芝麻綠豆的小事也會兩人說得哈哈大笑~ 一般也只有對這種朋友, 我會很自在的提到我的處境, 我最深的掙扎. Not that I am discriminating, but somehow, I eventually come to realize that this type of friends all have sth in common. One is that they all have had deeply experienced God, they let God be the center of their everything that made them changed dramatically in some points of their lives, and definitely I was drawn to their passions for the Lord!

可能很少跟好友提到我跟某某誰處不好的事, 所以當她問我時, 我表示我也會有這樣的類似事件發生時, 她頗訝異, 我也就說了些自己會難受的事.. 人真的不論何時, 都是需要被鼓勵的 (尤其是姊妹們!!) 也特別是真的有需要時... 那時真的會有豁然開朗的心情.! 今晚的我, 就是這樣.. 也看到朋友間的接納... 就是被感動跟鼓勵到了. 謝謝妳看到我的好, 謝謝妳appreciate我的好, 及接納我軟弱的地方. Haha... like you said, "it" explains to me why we are 'maji' *麻吉~~~ and I give thanksgiving to the Lord for YOU are in my life!!~

Friday, August 31, 2007

Medical Engineer

I still don't really know what a medical engineer does, but... anyhow, got a friend of mine who wants to find a job... lemme know if you have ANY info... thanks! =)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Studio for Rent


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剛過的這禮拜是整個暑假期間到如今, 第一次在一整個星期中我是舒舒服服的待在家, 名副其實的taking my break!! 要開學前的休息, 真是太享受了~ ^^

Stephanie is such a skillful talker who persuaded me into doing this thing that I thought I would never do. 認識我久一點的人, 可能會覺得要使我改變主意其實也不是這麼難的事, 不過..... Stephanie真的很有說服力; 可能也是因為我信任她說的話吧, 所以... 我竟然真的就有去行動. 到底是做什麼呢? .......... 在基督界裡算頂頂有名, 也真的祝福, 觸使許許多多的情侶走上紅毯的 - eHarmony! 為什麼要上這網站呢? 其實還真不是因為很想認識異性.... 不過它裡頭有個cross-exam的測驗, 我倒是覺得非常仔細, 非常實際. 除了非常仔細了解填寫者的個性外, 它還包括了詢問你許多的理念 - 太寶貴了!! 除了從個性, 喜好, 欣賞的東西, 理念, 信仰, 外貌等選擇題問題外, 它還問了些文字上的問題, 像是what you can stand, what you can't; what was the last book you read and why; what are the things that you are thankful the most etc. 這些都是為何Stephanie會強力推薦的原因. 使得我從大陸回來沒多久, 就有找時間去做. 這些問題幫助我認真的去思考, so I found the process so enjoyable myself even though I'm not finished with all the questions yet =p 裡頭有個問題我想了很久. 它問到, 除了你的父母, 誰是影響你最多的人, 及為什麼. Seriously, it took me more than at least twice to stare at the question, puzzled, hesitated, and logged out. 我想了很久.... 不是因為沒有影響我的人, 只是... if I were to put down only one name, I really wasn't sure who should it be, who I wanna write about and... why.... 有影響我個性轉變的人, 有影響我對音樂產生興趣的人, 有使我對 神更渴慕的人, 有似乎最了解我的人, 有陪我渡過難關使我看到 神無條件愛的人等等, 可是... somehow I felt like there's more to it. Yah.. I've thought of putting GOD down, which is absolutely TRUE and ... my #1 answer. Yet..... I know that there're ppl around me who magnify God's images that their actions speak louder than their words, and I wanna honor that [God knows my heart!] :) 最後..... 最後....... 最後, 我想到了!!! And he is............. my church senior pastor - pastor Kwan.

我真的很感謝 神帶領我到基督福樂之家 (Vineyard of Harvest, aka Vineyard of Hope - Walnut, CA). 在這個教會認識這位唯一的真神, 經歷耶穌基督祂無比的作為外, 福樂之家也奠定了很多我現有的價值觀 - which I really appreciate! 後來發現, 我的成長幾乎有一大部分的朔造是在這裡被建照的. 我做事的理念, 想法, 連在調整思想的過程中也很多是跟隨著牧師在聖經裡的教導. 今天, 牧師主動的關心我有關一些敬拜的事, 說真的.... 可能正好是我需要的, 我只差沒有感動的落淚而已, 心裡真的就被鼓勵到, 也穩住了這一兩天有的小隱憂. 這不過是最新的一件事而已, 對於關牧師, 我心裡打從尊重. 而這一切, 要歸榮耀給那指揮家 - my precious God, Jesus & Holy Spirit (one God, one spirit, it's 1 x 1 x 1 = 1!)

Saturday, August 25, 2007


夜深了, 我應該要去睡了... 有兩天有特別注意, 早睡, 避免吃辣&吃炸 - 為了我已花下去的錢跟皮膚, 但是... 今天violated them all. 很久沒有在聚會完後跟小組人去吃宵夜, 這晚因為想多跟姊妹們聊聊, 想說明天沒有一早要練習, 所以... 給自己放個假. 同時.. 也又開始晚間high起來, 睡不著~~
我知道有時的夢一點意義都沒有, 但是有時的夢卻是從 神來的啟示跟感動. 我昨晚還特別有為睡中的夢禱告, 所以~這個夢應該是有意思的. 夢到.... somehow, 要跟"最愛是你"的小組人碰面. On the way, a car was tailgating mine.... 後來可能覺得我太慢, 就超速超過我. 後來我到時, 那個車的人從我身邊走過. 那時不知為何, 我直覺性的看當時我的車是否有上鎖. 確定有後, 看那人走過去了, 我就停車在停車場. 沒有馬上拿在passenger side的包包, 我竟走出來, 繞到另一邊要去拿. 看到Eric Hsieh好像想玩我的車, 自己走上我的駕駛座. 那時... 忽然那個人出現在我面前, 拿著一個小刀要威脅我給他東西. 怕他傷我的情況, somehow我竟然用手去抓住他. 雖然他其實離我有一段距離... 但他的手似乎就在我前面 (magic? witchcraft?) 總之, 他的力量超大, 刀離得我越來越近... 我當時第一個想法就是: where are the guys? 他們就都在我旁邊, 看得出來很焦急, 可是... none of them came to my aid!~~~~~~~~ 後來就醒了. Um.... 醒來後, 第一個念頭就是, 神啊, 我是不是要去學跆拳道啊?!!!~~ cuz it was so vivid to a point.. I really ponder what I COULD do if that really happens? and I had no clue!!! 弟兄們真的不會出面嗎?~~ >< *Please tell me otherwise~~~~

跟小組姊妹今晚分享時, Michelle J也分享了她一個我覺得超棒的夢, and guess what, it really spoke to me! Summary as follows: 她說有一次她夢到就像是世界末日要來了. 而從天上有個聲音說: 所有相信耶穌的, 要手牽著手圍著圈... 不論發生什麼事情, 都絕對不能鬆手!!! 她說看到人好多, 大家擠在一起, 很多圈. 忽然... 試探來了. 每個人有不同的試探. Ex. Pride. 很多人因著這些試探, 就一個個手鬆掉, 走了... 而走的那個人, somehow他左右兩邊的人也都消失了. 當M知道換她試探要來時, 她就想說, 想不到自己有什麼樣的試探.... 那時, 出現在她面前的是........... - 坦克車!!!! [wow.... to me it was.... 意想不到的... 粉大的挑戰吧!] 她身邊的人看到時, 都很想鬆手... 但是她堅持, 說: 不行, 死就死吧!!!!! [^^ isn't my sister brave or what???!!!! :)] 那時... tank向著她撲過來, 她可以感覺到一陣很真實的風從她面前經過... she didn't let go of her hands.


我聽到這時, 我真的很有感觸. We're not alone... God knows that... that's why we have fellowship, church etc. AND... 遇到試探時, 很多時候我們真的就讓它戰勝我們... 離開 神, 甚至帶著我們的朋友. 那選擇不顧念自己生命, 堅持住的, 多勇敢啊...! 在小組時, 有位弟兄問了個問題: 為何基督徒每每在門徒中遇到逼迫時, 反而福音更加興旺. 正常的情況不是應該害怕... 不敢挺聲嗎? [我真的很appreciate小組中坦承地問問題!] 當下有許多人給了很棒的回應! 我自己的感受是如此: "因為.... 福音是真的! 我們所信的 神, 是真神! 受逼迫是顯明人們感到有逼迫, 感到受威脅. 當有人為 神的名受苦時, 其他信徒更因此受感, 受激勵, 也要表明他所信的是真的! 所以.... 更多人願意為福音擺上. 連可能平時不覺得自己有能力的, 這時卻能因著對真理的堅持... 站出來! 也要testify God's authenticity!" 受逼迫的日子, 目前在北美還是少之又少的, 求 神幫助我們不因此而不預備自己吧.! Matthew 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 馬太 5:10 為義受逼迫的人有福了, 因為天國是他們的.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Luxury education

I was well aware of the expensive tuition a private uni may cost, but... I absolutely had forgotten about the textbooks! Seeminlgly acting like a freshman on campus, I mistakenly asked for where the 'library' was when what I meant was actually 'bookstore'. How silly~~~~~~ >< Why does each class require more than one book?! ..................... [speechless]
Well..... education is indeed a priviledge, and... it does make sense why people get to be paid more with higher degrees. *baxia*

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


我承認我很容易being emotional... 今晚的我, 真的很感謝 神.. 雖然沒有親姊妹, 但是A&J真的是我的好姊妹. They know me quite well.... I know it's very obvious to tell when I'm gloomy, but they know how to comfort me and make me comfortably see that the situations I feel troublesome are not quite that much of a deal. They can identify with me... and to prove that I'm not a weirdo. =p hehe 可以讓我舒服的發發牢騷, 聽我講些有的沒有的 - 一定要有這樣的一個伴侶啦!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Thanks to Frank, Amazon is a fabulous place to order stuff... esp. books! Bought a few books... 買書的速度比看書來得快得多 =p *為什麼我的房間怎麼整理都還是看起來東西很不整齊~ Way tooooooo much stuff.. and yet I can't simply throw them away. Uh......

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Maybe it sounds a bit silly, but I felt like I miss the kids in Chongqing more than they miss me. In the closing ceremony, I couldn't help but weeped agitatedly.... Michael even teased me for crying more than the students. *Love as if you've never been hurt. Even though we can't avoid to become more sophisticated, I choose to remain simple in heart, be open to myself, to God, and to the people I trust around me. And it takes sacrifices.... Tomorrow will be another closing ceremony, I wanna enjoy it to the most! [Be myself]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


父親節, 沒有怎麼幫爸爸慶祝, 從早就忙碌, 算是充實, 享受了一天! 辦了好多好多的事, 吃了想吃的香腸飯, 也看美美的楊丞琳, 帥帥的賀軍翔 & 王傳一. *生命要不斷的相信: 感謝 神, 祂總是在我快要失去更多信心時, 給了我一道光.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


太講究公平的我, 實在常常很難去面對不公平的事. 我知道 神是最公義, 最公平的, sooner or later, He will judge with justice. 以前覺得這樣的品格是好的, 但信主越久, 越發現, 以前看為好的, 都得重新用 神的眼光來調整. 不完美的我, 得不斷學習在看為不公平的事物上, 仍然去相信 神, 擴張自己. *睡了將近一整天, 時差應該調回來了... 現在卻睡不著.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Miss them

Ever since the 2nd day off the class, I began to miss every single teens from the summer camp in Chong Qing!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


以前都很少理它, 現在越來越愛它了! (幫堂哥組裝過衣櫃, 現在自己裝garment rack.. love DIY) 託好友的福, 有在注意它, 就是會不一樣呦! 相信健康也是這樣. :) 而愛情, 它絕對不是全部.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


懂得買的人, 真的就是知道去哪找相同, 便宜又好用的東西. 而就這點, 真的不是我的強項 - 逛街實在逛得不夠多. 這天的體驗就是: Michael's真的太棒了.. 真是老師跟家長們的天堂! 為了買小孩的禮物, 和我家愛咪不知不覺在那就逛了一個小時多, 買了好多實際的禮物; 也難怪看她們每每去那就可以逛很久... 希望我的teammate也會喜歡這些很代表性的禮物! *還是老師們會比拿到禮物的小朋友們興奮?!!! ^^"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


快要去大陸的前一個禮拜, Alan, 媽咪, 現在連哥哥也要跟我上鋼琴課, 我的家人真是可愛~~~ ^^ *媽咪還有付我就是了. =p 很多人都覺得教家人是最難教的, 我承認我也有過這樣子... 可是, 似乎.... 其實也沒有那麼難, 在於我的心態. 教他們我其實也滿享受的... (我爸媽也砸了不少上鋼琴的錢在我身上 =p) 可以祝福到別人, 但祝福自家人是最寶貴的. 幸福其實都是近在手邊, 很多時候我們都被其他事給蒙蔽了. 在最後一個禮拜, 事情多, 突發狀況也來... 包括一件我不敢面對的事. 我不敢說我很有信心, 因為... 它是我出生到現在, 最棘手的. 我有耶穌.... 這永遠都會是我最感恩的! :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Kids' worship music

越來越覺得小孩子敬拜的歌快比大人的好聽了..... Hillsong在children's worship music上做的太棒了!!! 有這樣好的音樂素質, 有一群團隊, 又有舞蹈動作已經編好的DVD祝福到其他的教會..... it's awesome!! 雖然唱到第五個星期了, 我還是很愛這些歌, 也可以看得出來小孩子們也是. ei. I Believe in Jesus, Alive, Rainbow, God You Made Me Smile, Super Strong God, My Heart Your Home, Heaven in My Heart and... last but not the least, FREE! Fantastic, incredible... 當然也有和玉妹編了一些其他團體的歌給小孩跳, 像是Worship You Forever, Blessed be Your Name, Better Than Life, We Lift You Up, Holy is The Lord etc. I enjoy every mornings' worship w/ God's beloved children! :)

Friday, July 6, 2007


A hardship.... hard to cope with, I'm not sure if it can ever be solved. No one is enable to help me with that....

Monday, July 2, 2007


以為你面臨的事情很大, 大到自己跨不過去嗎? 等到你走到下一個更難的關口, 你才發現... 面臨的挑戰只會越來越大, 之前的相比下來, 就微小了. Trust.. trust... trust; Hope in Him, in Him, in Him.... *身邊的朋友們越來越多一對對的情侶, ..... 不要因此受影響! 每個人的時間不同, 道路不同, 不要因他人而使自己慌亂, 擔憂, 走錯路. Sooner or later, 到頭來, 你要面對的是最真實的自己, 及拖住你, 不撇棄你的 神. Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


還沒有開學, 大家都覺得我應該很閒.. 比較知道我到底在做什麼的人就知道, 真的是比忙...~ 不要任意濫用年輕時的體力, 忙要有分寸. 覺得我很有主見, priority都分得很清楚嗎? 我其實不怎麼會說"NO"! ><

Monday, June 25, 2007

So much different!

記得這一次剛從台灣回來的第一個晚上, 穿著短褲短袖衣服在整理東西, 這時... 走經過我旁看到的表妹驚呼: "表姊, 會不會太涼了阿!" 我想說... 現在是夏天耶, 反問"會嗎?" 可是其實... 是我忘了... 這兒的晚上根本不分夏天還是春秋天, 晚上冷著跟什麼似的..... 一回來我還積極地收起了一件毯子, 想說應該不用~ 直到前幾天晚上半夜冷醒, 才覺得..... 好像兩件才能讓我睡得舒服! *是因為這樣我才這麼容易感冒嗎? 身體不能承受氣溫變化太大. Somehow 現在又落入無聲, 喉嚨痛的日子; but surrounding friends have been really considerate, 給我吃各種不同的喉糖等的. 台灣的夏天跟美國的 - 完全不能比! 每每一想起前陣子在台灣炎熱, 無時無刻身體黏黏的感覺, 我就滿心感恩在這有多幸福. 可是流汗會使我比較自由的吃, 不容易變胖... haha! Very important!! =p

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


度過了第一個禮拜的暑期營了, kids are adorable.. esp. Samuel!! =p 雖然不應該有favoritism, 可是還是很難耶. 在我眼裡他是一個聰明, 反應快, 貼心, 愛爽寶搞笑, 有一點點sissy/girly 但卻又帥氣的小男孩!. 玉妹說我有些小愛他, haha.....~ 只希望他以後會再長高多一些!!!!!! 雖然暑期營的每天都很忙碌, 也超累.. 但是很有意義! 每天都感覺到跟孩子們的關係更深, 能在他們生命中做的影響力更大, 也已經看到些孩子們的改變了.. God is faithful! 我們這個團隊也很彼此配合, 以謙卑來一起同工 :) 昨天Ms. Angela講到cipher code, 看了個short clip, 我一直到最後演完放結尾曲時才聽出他就是我從小看到大的"馬蓋先" - McGyver!!!~~ 懷念.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

美國一年一度的父親節又到了. 就像很多父親/弟兄說得, 我不得不承認父親節慶祝的沒有母親節那麼熱鬧.... >< 忙著忙著, 我竟然也沒有想出要替爸買什麼禮物. 那就等著台灣的父親節好了 ^^"
感謝主的恩典, 今天回到多年來沒有過的 - 單用一把吉他在主日慶典敬拜. 神有與我們同在, that's all it matters, so I give glory & thanks to Him! =) *我親愛的輔導幾年前送我超好也貴的研讀本聖經, 今天被我糊塗&粗心, 不小心的弄溼了...... 阿~~~~~~ 雖說回台灣也有買了本聖經, 但是還是覺得超心疼的. I can't afford to lose more Bibles.
Happy Father's Day, to dad and Dad!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Go Fish 2007 暑期營

第一天開始教了..... 真的超累! 也可能是因為之前都一直處在休息的狀態, 所以一忙起來就又需要一點時間來調適. 4th graders比我想像中的還乖, 還要容易相處. 除了敬拜的時間, 贊時幫Mr. Jordan代課一禮拜. 趁著下午的theme time, 正瞇一下下時, Mr. Kevin老師問到我的學生說你們的老師在哪呢, 他們指指在sound booth偷瞇著的我..... 耐著算疲憊的身子, 還是挺起來和他們一起弄crafts - sth I 'used' to love very much when I was really little. 一早時我這班的孩子們還跟我滿客氣的, 過了中午的午餐時間, 再有下午的project ... by then 可以感覺出來他們主動很多, 也會找我玩; 感動跟難得的是, 仍是很聽我的話... 看來國外的小孩比較不會take advantages when they're more acquainted w/ their teachers. 會有個非常有趣的暑期營! Keep it up, Mr. Marvin, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Karen, Ms. Amy, Ms. Jasmine, Ms. Jane and Aunty Esther!

Friday, June 8, 2007


這陣子休息的夠久. 之前太閒, 現在要開始忙碌了. 好像沒有時差耶.... 一回來... 就想到好多事要做. 其實我還不太會用藍芽, even though I read the manual @@ 愛我的新手機 - Sony Ericsson 610i!!! hohoho~!!! 美國環境真的比台灣或香港都安逸太多了, 所以要學習..... 不要懶惰!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


在台北機場了. 一個月的旅程要結束了. "新東陽"提供網路, 趕緊最後ㄧ分鐘上個網, 邊享用暫時的最後一道台灣餐. 這趟待得很舒服, 也學到很多東西... 感覺過了好幾個月了. 還是沒有去考機車駕照, 不過還是趴趴走了很多地方, 遇了很多人. 感謝每一個親戚朋友的照顧!
希望奶奶身體會更好, 二姑能快快結束打針的日子, 恢復 神本賦予的健康, Eva能盡快有baby, Rita能盡快找到Mr. Right & 拿到學位, 二姑丈 & 姊夫 & 大嫂 & 仲文哥能盡快經歷 神的美好, Josh有更多暑期學生, Dana能享受暑假, 早日結婚, Larry能預備好自己, 享受新婚, Lina能清楚找到 神帶領的服事方向, 享受將要來臨的神學課程, 佩君能快快適應醫院的日子, 內科也能得心應手, 大姑能脊椎被 神醫治, 享受每一天, 妮妮能不那麼常打電動, 享受除了電玩的年輕人生命, 靜惠姐跟小孩能更好, 更有 神親自帶領小孩, 小姨 & 惟惟能享受再同一屋簷下的每一天, 母女能做最好的朋友, 三姨身體能更好, 跟三姨丈更多去旅遊的日子, 外公能盡快信主, 得主來的平安與喜樂, 四姨跟四姨丈 & Alan能盡快經歷 神的真實, 得著救恩, 啦啦能盡快知道6月後的方向, 有好的屬靈同伴, 持續去教會, Betty能清楚知道 神的帶領跟meet Mr. Right, Frank能不需要這麼常飛飛機, 跟Pear更享受 神賜的每一天, 玉珊能盡快結束這學期, 學到超多, 寫的歌能祝福到更多人, 小捷能享受讀書, 年輕有為....... I definitely had missed some ppl.... but gotta go! :) LAX, here I come.
6-7-07 9:57 pm

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


這趟回來... 收穫極極多! 有克服心裡擔憂的, 仍去做該做的. 雖然在某些層面上, 還是離自己之前所期盼的有距離, 但是.... 了解自己還是有還沒有預備好的, 還沒有突破的, 我也感恩! 這幾天....... 狂下雨! 昨晚在傾盆大雨中, 聽著颼颼的雨聲, 是越來越睡不著; 還是我已經會因著喝茶, 晚上會難寢了~ *同一期的表堂兄弟姊妹聚集, 難得... 何時我們可以一起去旅行呢?
6-6-07 11:40 pm

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


雯明天要考期末考, 但是.... 她極好心的帶我逛街, 處理各樣事務, 感動耶.....~ 深信 神知道, 也會紀念妳, 為妳祈禱! 我倆今天有讀書喔, 跑了一次去Kentucky, 兩次McDonalds, 看書真是享受阿!
再過幾天就要回去了. 但是一想到好吃又便宜的美食, 飲料及極方便之處, 就會感嘆時間的飛逝..
寫了些卡片 - 我表達的方式... 現在愛寫字的人不多吧~. "搶救時間大作戰"的講師說, 因為網路的發達, 可能再過個50年, 連會寫國字的人都為少數了 *笑
要考考看你/妳的程度嗎? 看你/妳是否會寫:
1) ㄍㄢ ㄍㄚ4
2) ㄨ ㄍㄨㄟ
3) ㄊ一ㄠ ㄊ一4
4) ㄧㄡ ㄩ4
6-5-07 9:44 pm

Monday, June 4, 2007

東西... 拿不拿得回去? 開始有點擔心了.
*信主的年日, 不一定等於對主認識的多寡 - 她激勵了我!
*對小孩子, 該堅持的要堅持 - 多背聖經!
6-4-07 11:39 pm

Sunday, June 3, 2007


在前天休息了一整天後, 就是預備昨天要和Dana去高雄夢時代 (五月份才開幕的超大mall). 超想開車的我, 面對比我堅持的姐... 完全沒有折~ 這是她這四次開車!!!!! 在Dana的形容下, 1 & 2次都是最勇敢的Josh敢坐而已 - 不暈的他仍是覺得暈得很厲害 (according to Dana!) 而且... Dana從來沒開過freeway. 不過.... 就這樣, 我半帶著害怕的心情 & 幫忙看路的責任, 不時吃三姨準備的蓮霧來預防會暈的感覺. 一路上打了不少次電話給Larry... 下了高速後, 又問了不只三個人路~ ha, we safely arrived. 高雄夢時代粉不錯喔... 一個下午只夠我們晃夢時代, 旁邊另一棟的百貨根本都不夠時間看. 也總算跟Larry吃了頓飯了... 見到了佩君.! 有五年沒有見了, 聊得非常非常開心.... :)
啦說好看的"The Holiday", 今天看到了! 有些回憶一定會慢慢的消逝.
6-3-07 7:03 pm

Thursday, May 31, 2007


轉眼, 只剩整整一個星期就要回去了 (忙著檢查這檢查那地)... 而這也代表 - VOH 暑期營的開始! 頓時驚醒: 我好像沒有花太多時間在準備 yet...!!  Josh 對Elisha CD 有極好的反應, 將會成為他們補習班的主打專輯! ^^ 也有對Wanda 阿姨"生命的主"有所得著的回應 - 讚美 神的聲音就是要在四處響起!


世人眼中的罪人需要耶穌, 但是.... 世人眼中的好人更需要......!


不論認不認識耶穌, 我有很多真的人超好的親戚朋友. 特別有個很好, 很照顧自家人, 很慷慨的阿姨. 就是因為她人已經這麼好 (信耶穌遲早會提到罪的問題, 而人對罪的看法跟 神是不同的), 幾次傳福音我都是得特別鼓起勇氣, 在有機會碰面時, 憑著自己的熱情跟對未得救親人的焦急, 按我那時懂得的方式跟她傳. 阿姨的態度都很好, 但是我也知道心門還是沒有打開. 試著用不同的方法切入, 甚至在兩年前我覺得是個極美好的機會能讓小表弟參加教會的暑期營時, 仍是婉轉的喬開了. 但是... 其實 神的手從來沒有離開過, 祂的心一直在那還沒有回到祂家中的羊身上.....~ 事情一切是發生的這麼突然... when God's timing is up! 小表弟需要暑期在國外學習英文, 啦已經去了HK, 阿姨只放心又樂意把他交給我們 (特別是我媽); 我正巧告訴她我們有孩童的英文暑期營, Amy, 玉妹跟我都會參與, 正好時間又可以跟我媽配合上和她一起飛過去~! I don't care what people think, but to me.... God is in the midst of all these! 這可能只是個開始, 但是我看見 神要打開的門了!


*我需要不斷的看見 & 全然的相信 - 或許不是按照我想要的時間, 但是 神其實一直在做預備, 改變, 與更新的工作, 否則等到 神的工作全部完成時, 我雖然歡喜, 卻失去當中最寶貴的過程; 能夠持續堅定站在 神旁邊的人, 是 神所渴望的.* -共勉之-


5-31-07 4:12 pm

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


託小晴的福, 我加了照片...~ 她有超高級的相機.... 所以效果比我的Sony Cyber-Shot 10好太多了! :)


回來以後, 每天都是飽飽飽! ! ! 不論是親戚很熱情的請我吃這吃那, 就是我自己會愛吃的買東買西. It's now customary to simply EAT whenever I feel like to instead of hold off until meal time. 都不是餓的時候才吃.... 可是這樣連續下來真的滿糟的, 這幾天的身體有點不對勁了. 真的不是客氣, 而是要顧顧健康了.... 要少吃.... 要少吃.... 要少吃....!


btw, 本來想說要回去前少吃些的, 現在呢: 不要期待了, 6/6是麒賢的訂婚日! 除了明宏, 同輩的都不能參加... 琬伊還要我做代表去~ 只會胖啊... *請提醒我.


5-29-07 10:55 pm


"佳君, 6點45分了喔, 要起床了喔!" 這趟連時差幾乎都沒有而無須早起的我, 這天早早就被姐給挖起來.......


Dana & Josh 真的很辛苦. 一個是資優的國中英文老師, 一個是盡心盡力剛起步創業的數學補習老師: 我的家族都比較有淺力當老師嗎?! hehe~ 看著他們面對學生講話的樣子, 真的很有架勢. "老師"這樣一聲被叫下去, 頓時責任就來了, 榜樣也顯得極重要... 剛好他們的教書時間都輟開, 所以正好都可以分別有時間陪我走走台中 :) 本來想說晚上睡前可以跟姐來個促膝長談, 結果才知道她都是十點多就差不多要就寢, 隔天一早六點就得起床備課的生活步調.... 所以跟著她, 昨晚逛完街回家後就匆匆忙忙的盥洗睡覺, 在這次度假中破紀錄的早睡早起~

清早聽著向上國中生樂隊吹著熟悉但音不太整齊跟準的旋律  看著只有台灣才有的紅石綠操場 - 在台灣當學生的日子真的離我好遠好遠了... 想說Josh平時都睡得晚晚的, 應該不會準時9點打給我. 但..... 出乎我跟姐意料之外的, 他9:05就撥給我說快到校外來接我了 @@ 台中科學博物館頗好玩的! 同伴還有一群一群幼稚園中班的小朋友們, 幾個幾個不分男女的手牽著手, 粉是可愛. 之後跟堂哥吃著覺得在台灣快要絕種卻仍是美味的手扒雞... 享受啊!. 現在的我, 帶著點睡意, 溜蕩在網咖寫網誌吹冷氣一下.... *連non-smoke的區域也仍難免有煙味啊~~~

堂哥心很軟, 願意聽福音. 希望給出去的CDs, 使人聽到 神的聲音; 還有..... 願 神完全的救恩臨到凡聽到的人身上! ( Elisha CD在台仍是比較便宜!)


5-29-07 3:06 pm

Sunday, May 27, 2007

在南部的日子是天天汗流滿身...... 明明才剛洗臉, 一出來一下下, 就又是滿臉汗水 @@ 在北部呢, 就不是這樣..... 但是, 空氣更污濁, 也更悶熱~~~ 還記得第一次回來時差別沒瘋掉- 怎麼看都感覺自己全身是溼的... ANY TIME! 甚至懷疑以前真的是在這樣子的天氣下長大的嗎, ..  完全想不起來; 這次 - 一切都不同了!


兩天上來台北, 坐"和欣"我還是有暈到 >< 見到久仰大名的藍尼, 也見到Victor H. 今天也去了CRC (City Revival Church), 見到Steven & Gigi, Judy, her husband & Isaac; 最特別的是有幸地參與一下台灣的Global Day of Prayer!! 神奇妙的讓我還是見到玉珊姐了~ *只要心是一致的, 就算是從沒見過面在主裡的弟兄姐妹, 一見便還是可以很快就聊起熟起來...... how big my family is then?! 


Elisha CD 在校園書房也有賣ㄛ!! 我是消費者~ =p 在小姨這上傳照片真的很慢, 到台中會盡快有行動 =) 5-28-07 12:19 am

Friday, May 25, 2007


哈哈... 我竟然也有這一天耶~~~~! 我其實對台南沒有算這麼這麼熟; 加上短宣跟這次回來, 總共四次! 自己會去的地方, 只有停留在小學跟初中的記憶... 所以這次也算是一小步的挑戰. 昨晚問問莉雯, 從已知的大地點, 看著小玉姐提供的地圖, 大概... 大概知道怎麼可以繞到景點. 一早去看牙醫就稍微有點迷路 >< 不過還是有給它坳到要去之地, wahaha. 是緊張, 也是第一次的經歷, 一接到王霖叔叔跟Debby阿姨人再繞個圓環後, 就. 開. 始. 不. 知. 道. 在. 哪. 了.~~~~ @@ 感謝主, 兩次都是Debby阿姨開始禱告後, 就馬上找到路 ^^ God is faithful!
讓他們吃到飽, 且有吃到滿意的 (周式蝦捲 & 白北魚羹), 這就是我最大的安慰了~~~ 第一次不是因為短宣而在台碰面, 粉是不賴哩. *不過就像王霖叔叔今天透露的, 回來如果沒事做的話, 真的會有無聊的時候 - 就..... 想回美國了. 5-25-07 11:28 pm

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Travel by myself to the harbor in HK (香港九龍尖沙咀, 星光大道旁)... love the view! 只是想照... 它很寬長! Click Here 簡單簡介


另外這是晚上跟啦去的Peak tower看香港夜景, 最主要是想拍會閃亮的大樓燈... 它的變化很多, 可是我沒法照出它當場才可看出來的美麗~ >< Here you go!


*謝謝Dreamring幫我放到You Tube上..~ ^^* 5-23-07 8:26 pm


想當初幾年前, 在聽到D&K來到我們VOH當中佈道時所唱的"瑪斯奇朵", 我一陣^^" 並不是因為不好聽, 而是覺得詫異在他們的詩歌中會有這麼一首靈感下的創作. 當下沒有馬上猜出它是什麼意思... 後來... 在他們振振有辭的一番解釋下 - "瑪斯奇朵" (原來是Mosquito), 總歸一句, 是台灣人的惡夢!
這次回來台灣, 除了有很多想見的人, 想做的事, 想休息的空間外, 是想回來陪陪年紀有90幾的奶奶. 由於奶奶行動已經沒有那麼方便, 平時不是大伯, 就是大姑照顧. 照顧奶奶該做的事, 說難不難, 但若只是憑著一股熱誠, 也是不完全夠的 (前幾天, 要幫奶奶站起來去洗手間, 如果她一點力都不出, 我提不起她!). 昨晚是第一晚跟奶奶一起睡... 提早盥洗, 就陪著九點多已睡躺的奶奶. 比起這個禮拜下來的生活作息, 我很早就準備就寢了. 看著手機, 很好, 11點多而已, 睡到隔天8點.... 還可以起來讀讀書, 等大姑來. 躺了過一會, 發現有蚊子!!!! 聽到它嗡嗡嗡的聲音... 聽到它飛來飛去的聲音, 想說撐一下吧... 再過一會.... 啊~~~~~ 蚊子.... 咬我!! 不只一啪.... 想說熬一下... 可是... 還是受不了, 到底幾點了? 起來重調電風扇的位置, 希望會有助於讓M離我遠一點, 順便也起來看手機 - 1點整!! @@ 才一點整!! 看看奶奶, 她睡得離床邊好近... 這時她腳一跨, 兩腳已經在床以外了...... 我感覺她就快跌下床了! 盯著她再看一下... 真的不行, 我很害怕..! 起來, 抓著她的兩腳, 努力的朝另一方向搬著她! *看起來不怎麼胖的她, 自覺力量已經算滿大的我, 發現: 奶奶好重!* 我搬不怎麼動... 不過有移到啦!! 就再跑去躺著~ 又起來試著調電風扇的強弱來抵擋蚊子, 但又不敢弄太強怕奶奶感冒. 一整晚就這樣 - 不斷的醒來, 調電風扇, 試著擋蚊子的攻擊, 看著奶奶擔心她靠床邊太近, 移了她兩次, 撿了兩次奶奶腳踢倒的拐杖.... *瑪斯奇朵, 你真的很討厭!!! 我身上多了幾個包... 不過某方面來想, 也是因為mosquitos, 我昨天才"很仔細"的照顧到奶奶, 不然... 可能真的會像我跟奶奶開玩笑說得: "阿嬤, 如果半夜需要叫我而叫不醒我的話, 就要'猫'下去喔!"

*後來跟大姑提起, 她說她忘了跟我說要開除蚊器~ 應該會越來越好... 5-23-07 5:24 pm

Monday, May 21, 2007

差點又做了個糗事 =p

坐過了高鐵, 為了省錢, 回南部是坐台鐵自強號. 今早8:40 am才從松江路口, 大包小包的上計程車去火車站... 到時, 看著列表, 約8:53 am, 很遲疑是否要買9點的車票~ and I got no one to consult with. 實在不想帶著我大小包的東西在哪多等55 min, 就給它豁出去的買了. 票上有寫第幾月台嗎? 我真的沒看到... 拿著票, 管它三七二十一, 衝啊~~~~~ "先生, 請問此車是往南下嗎? (給他看我的票)... uh... 對... 車子遲了兩分鐘, 是這班". *站台上跑馬燈有顯示它遲了2分鐘... 不過真的覺得... 這兩分鐘有太大的作用了, 感謝主它遲了個2分鐘啊~ 否則我一定趕不上!* 一上車... 喘息著找... 4車廂, 不是5, 不是6... 找號碼... 呼! 我將我三大包的東西扛上樓上, 手抱著我兩小包的袋子喘噓噓的坐下. 在我旁的老婆婆說了句話: "(台) 喔~ 小姐, 哩撥會喔~" *看來她把我當作像是去五分埔買貨要賣的小姐... 我尷尬的笑笑 - 雖然我的袋子是八大電視台的紙袋, 看起來是有點像是在路邊攤買賣會用的袋子.. 可是.... 我像嗎? 不過.. 這時, 沈默是金啊!~ 老婆婆的最後一站是到嘉義, 她特別請我幫她看到達的時間跟提醒她何時下站. 由於奇怪的是, 她票的座位號碼跟我是ㄧ樣的!! @@ (long story~~~~~~) 不過如果不是因為幫她看, 我其實不會注意到 - 我的票是到了嘉義之後呈現無座的狀態. 買票時的售票員跟我說只到嘉義時, 我當時不太懂 *匆匆忙忙的我, 也沒有多問什麼.~~~ 好加在, 有乖乖的跟老婆婆分別後, 在車廂後站了兩站, 不然... 搞不好我會跟之後上車的那位男士辯論 - "我的位置是到台南的, 先生!!!" *我的態度絕對會是緩和的.... 外加無力...~ =p
5-22-07 12:45 am

Sunday, May 20, 2007

VOHs @ Taiwan

這天的我們 (S & D & me), 雖然下著雨, 仍參加了兩個聚會 - "淡水倍加" & "火把"!! (感謝小晴幫忙指引我找到教會~) 陳牧師跟師母及其他同工 (包括兩年前接待我& Kari的淑坤姐), 沒有預料到我們會在, 先是訝異看到王霖叔叔~ 不知情的Betty, 看到王霖叔叔跟Debby阿姨... 也嚇到了; 忽然看到鄭叔叔和鄭阿姨出現在"火把", 我也嚇一跳了, hehe... 只有Frank是老神在在參加"火把"~~~! *正巧遇上陳師母的生日 & 牧師腳車禍受傷 (is much better)... 新的倍加教會聚會點, 很有景, 還很美ㄛ!


 一早搭捷運到淡水, 找倍加... 沒想到資訊錯誤, 遲到......, 隨口吃吃小吃, 趕著捷運到科技大樓, 跟F碰面, 又遲到些地殺到大安森林附近.... Taiwan's churches are on fire! Youth are so passionate for God!! :) 謝鴻文傳道要開始的"磐石福樂之家"也將快開始建立, we'll soon witness another VOH planted in Taiwan! The vision God places in our pastor's heart is growing; 莊傢已經成熟, 哪些人是 神隨時可用的器皿呢?


沒想到要帶回台南的東西, 比我想像中還要多一些.... @@ 暫時的最後一晚在台北了, 現在我有點捨不得..... *頭暈


5-21-07 12:51 am

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sprinkling Sat.

幾天來睡得最好, 最想賴床的一早, 卻白目的耍了個烏龍... "頂溪"跟"奇岩"我怎麼會搞錯呢?? 讓FW碎碎唸我小久... >< 有Frank, 小晴, (王)大姨相陪, 再次去了兩年前去地淡水, "黑店", 101, 看了部電影: Next, 又逛了同個夜市! *接到王霖叔叔的電話了~ 明天 (今天) 看來會是VOH朋友相聚的一天!!



5-20-07 1:11 am

Friday, May 18, 2007

Raining Friday

Been to "Technology Building" MRT station too many times these two days... 天氣似乎回到它應該有的梅雨季節 (感謝 神這兩個禮拜晴朗的天氣)! 做了我該做的事... 雖然還沒有看到明顯的成果- 一段考驗是否有愛心跟有代禱的心嘛? Had two significant things happened today that made me glad (lesson & way to Eslite Bookstore), and yet... felt a little frustrated over the same matter occurred yrs ago. It's OK Jane... to be frustrated, to give yourself some spaces. *嘴饞~ & 買了些想買的DVD*


5-19-07 1:13 am

Thursday, May 17, 2007

神 的恩典.... 夠我用!

來了台北幾次, 不是有親戚帶路坐公車, 就是有朋友帶... 總之, 我從沒自己在台灣坐過公車!! (台南不需要坐公車, 不是小時候坐車就是長大後自己開車) 但是今年是例外的一年... 就是有這機會沒人陪, 要去哪嗎? 自己去!! 昨天ET已經好心, 詳細地解釋阿姨家附近如何坐公車, 今天 (昨天 =p) 就自己坐耶! *可能對很多人是小事, 可是.... 哈, 我可是要有些guts........ in order to take the bus myself! 神很眷顧...~ 其實我已經知道坐"紅32"是三站到中山國中捷運站; 前幾天跟朋友坐了兩次公車, 裡頭都沒有跑馬燈 (人家說現在台北公車大多數都會有啊...?!), 但是... 這第一次自己坐 - 不僅有, 司機還有個麥克風, 每次報告下一站是哪裡, 還會跟每個乘客說謝謝!! =)


第一次跟BL在台灣不是因為tour碰面.... 她很有愛心的帶我走走, 還約了個明天重要的事..! 晚上Maggie也應我之前說要看表演的要求, 用誠品給的票, 帶我ㄧ起看. 說到這事... 唉... 我小小些對我自己的粗心大意而xo$%^&^&*((! 話說回來, 它真的是一部很有藝術文化的一齣戲碼! "禪武不二"... 是我太敏感嗎? 可是現在回頭來看, 標題 (禪) 就這麼明顯, 可是somehow我就是少了根筋, 選了這部要看. 我真的粉是喜歡他們裡頭鐘鼓 & 節奏的搭配; 猶如看少林寺在我面前的武術, 我也是非常享受.~ 可是... '我是誰? 誰是我? 姓不是常性, 乃是佛性'等的些對話.... & 邊走邊敲是'法鼓'嗎? (知道那個叫什麼的, 請告訴我 :) 的那段, 真的覺得有些吵, 有點受不了. *以前我奶奶信主前, 也是都放個佛歌/佛經歌, 右手拿個佛珠, 念念有詞再加上左手拿著算次數的錶, 敲鐘等的- 也不是沒有接觸過... 只是, 全家信主後, 連奶奶當時80幾歲都自己要求把工廠後面拜了許多年的壇給拆除了, 真的沒啥再接觸這些很久了.


是我們台灣人的文化嗎? 還是華人的文化? 還是.... 其實這些都不是最主要的關係? 最後的結論... 對於我, 感覺滿複雜的. "贏了敵人, 輸給自己; 最大的敵人是自己". 人怎能否認/拒絕有的感官 & 慾望, 而它其實是 神給的禮物之ㄧ - if we use it rightly (according to His purpose of creation)? 在肉身居住的自己, 想要, 或說, 能有良善嗎? 靠修身來除掉七情六慾, 如果可以變聖人, 那耶穌基督就不需要來世上為世人代死了啊? 人就是一直不斷想要用自己的方法來解決在我們裡頭, 我們最清楚的罪... *sigh... 越寫越多~ ^^" 只是覺得, 佛教思想在這地已有它某程度的根; 所以它雖然簡單的結尾, 卻能帶出強烈的訊息. 我當時在想, 何時我會看到簡單的福音劇碼, 也引起比這樣更大的迴響?! I wanna see.....


今天會是個重要的日子... 無法呈述是怎樣的事, all I know so far is... God is perhaps using the path my family had gone through... for me to help those we & He cares. I need prayers... to be pure in spirit and truth, a humble and gentle heart to speak out. 我前幾天小些擔心的事, 神似乎自己為我開了道門, 使我們有很好的敞開分享, 禱告跟關係修復. I sometimes just need to lay down my inner self, shut up & listen... ^^ 又是個晚睡的夜晚, 不過 神真的很好! Protect me Lord...


5-18-07 3:36 am

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


啦推薦的"惡魔在身邊"的確是最近看過最好看的偶像劇; 又不拖, 內容跟劇情都還不賴~ 楊承琳 (飾演齊悅) 非常傑出 (特別比起幾年前的"流星花園") 也變漂亮了, 很可愛...~ 賀軍翔 (飾演江猛/阿猛) 使他紅到爆; 韓國跟日本都有極多的粉絲. 蔡裴琳 (飾演晴紫) 跟王傳一 (飾演學長尚源伊) 演技也都不錯.. 因為合作的粉是愉快, 我想說應該會再讓楊跟賀再有同戲的機會. 果然, "換換愛"就是了! 只是... 我沒想到會讓同批人馬再度上演.....! 由於還沒開始演出, 只是在公車上稍微看到簡介... 是內容好像超類似的.......... @@ 又是王演王子般的腳色, 賀壞壞的腳色.... 楊周旋在兩男中. 雖然我覺得賀真得壞的帥氣, 可是如果刻意把兩人的戲腳調換, 應該對兩人都是考驗, 搞不好有意外的效果? 哈哈... 是從"千面女郎"來的靈感 =p 不過應該等不到在台播放吧.... ><

5-17-07 11:16 am

ET & CDs

哇! 雖然現在頗晚的了, 不過... 興奮得不想睡, 想寫blog. ^^ 今天 (昨天)受到姐姐的照顧... 超開心的! 對台灣也快沒那麼熟的妳, 努力的做功課研究怎麼到我這來找我, 帶我走東區, 陪我吃吃喝喝 - 還慫恿我東吃這西試這~ 不厭奇煩地關心我, 問了上下不只5次我好不好...... =p *我看起來這麼累嗎? ^^" 雖然就像妳說的, 搞不好我們在美國都還不一定會這樣出來逛街, 但連在這妳都這樣照顧我了.... 真是太感動哩~~~~~~


最後的夜市真是經典! 妳可是這一趟第一個帶我跑台北夜市的, 哈哈... 不亦樂乎, 滿載而歸! 謝謝ET姐~ *只可惜我倆沒照到相...


對了, 有兩個新發現........... 除了跟ET完美的一天外, 這可是令我感覺要飛起來的事呢!!


1) 在ET教會中認識個可愛的大姐姐, 她... 當時跟她老公正好在聽一張剛購買的CD. 音樂一開始放時, 我就傻在那..... 這歌聽起來好耳熟, 可是又不像我平時常常聽到的詩歌啊...... ㄚ!!!! 就這麼巧嗎? 興奮得要求看個封面跟歌詞..... Guess wat.... 是"清晨到夜晚" - 對歌比對人熟悉, Karen C 阿姨的CD!!!! "來到主前", "我相信", "誰能相比" 等都是我自己聽了受益良多, 在敬拜中會感動不已的詩歌! 不是我做的歌曲, 可是在知道他人購買這張專輯時, 我卻開心得不得了~~~ =p


2) 哈哈... 這第二件事! 也是讓我破不及待拿起相機在台北以琳書房開始小尖叫, 狂照相的事.... 嘻嘻.... for those of you who've guessed rite..... this time, I found..... the CD "貼近你的心" we - Elisha made!!!! 可能有些人早就知道我們有請謝鴻文傳道幫我們在台做宣傳等的 (我會這樣猜是因為我們和謝傳道的擺設在一起), 我可能之前也有聽王霖叔叔說過這檔事, 可是.... 以我近年來某部分記憶有些容易退化的傾向中, 我完全沒有想到~ 總之, 在繞音樂詩歌時, 看到我們參與的CD在台北書房賣時.... 我訝異的心情不能言瑜, 只能"阿阿阿"的囔囔著要拍照 =p (post 在無名裡) 之前也有問過王霖叔, 何時能在錄下一張以利沙專輯呢... 這晚, 更有此衝動要努力邁進 =) 在網路上看到有人在詢問"貼近你的心"的下載及歌詞等的, 我只能說: 能因著我們的詩歌祝福到他人, 真是一件..... 幸福, 滿足的事! Lord, may Your name be lifted up HIGH!~~~


5-17-07 2:40 am

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


我印象中兩年前就大約知道台灣的手機計算費用很怪... 不喜歡, 這次... 更加確定這件事! 跟Betty說電話, 她都會問家裡電話多少..... 我ㄧ開始超不習慣的, 想說手機隨時帶在身邊, 不是要找就有嘛.... 後來才知道手機打手機, 家裡打手機, 或手機打家裡都.... 超貴!!!! 最省錢的就是家裡打家裡, 或是傳簡訊. 朋友間給的多數是手機號碼, 所以... 一上台北後, 把握時間積極地聯絡朋友, 直約見面的時間及地點.


本來沒有預料到會回台灣的Sabrina, 今天見到面一起逛到"微風廣場"了. 認識十年多的Frank, 也是第一次在台灣相約碰面! 一起跟遠住在纽蘭新認識的張阿姨跟Amy在四姨山上家享用美食, 當然也就看到可愛的Alan! 他可是越來越懂事跟貼心~ *New haircut....


~日本: 一位17歲少年在殺害自己的母親後, 將母親的頭顱放在個手提袋裡逛大街.... 逛了個幾個小時後才去警局自首 -- A thought: 我承認日本在世界級的各項不同領域中, 都有令人佩服, 非常傑出不已的姣姣者 (音樂藝術界, 電器電品界, 汽車/零件等); 但是... 我也不得不去想過.... 它在屬靈領域中呢? 除了 神本來就賦予給人有的聰明跟領悟力外, 可能倚靠的能力是哪來的呢?~


5-15-07 11:49 pm

Monday, May 14, 2007


上北部前, 在家打了一篇... 結果, 電腦出問題~~~ @@


好久沒有上來寫網誌了, 因為這個週末實在忙錄~~~~ 也有很多的新發現! 掃了外婆的墓, 看到外公的漁塭, 見了姨婆, 也將帶到嘉義的兩個CD分給長輩!! :) 阿公不知道基督徒可以為身體的需要來禱告... 有機會跟阿公聊時, 感謝主... 讓我跟三姨有機會當面為他的腳來禱告! 之後也將Wanda阿姨創作的CD給了他, 希望.... 神藉著詩歌來對阿公說話!!! ^^ 沒有預算下的情況, 也探望個柔道教練的姑爺, 將多帶的另一張CD給了他, 希望也是個福音祝福的開始~! 南部的親戚都好熱情, 超有人情味的...... 再次體驗大家族的生活方式! 天天吃得好, 喝得好, 走得多, 也休閒多...


配了眼鏡了~~ 經著仔細, 溫和老闆的解釋... 我半難過半歡喜的知道自己為何眼睛之前會那麼容易疲勞了...~~~ 眼睛的過度疲勞可是其中一個因素讓我當時提早離開公司, 有換職業決心的主因之一..... 如果早知道the cause behind it, 不知道是否會有些變卦?! 是否就可以阻止飛蚊症的開始? 得需要偶爾像個獨角眼一樣, 遮著一眼來看電視, 打電腦... 頗不習慣. =p


坐了高鐵上台北, 迅速的交通工具, 還真是舒服~~~~ 一星期的台北生活, my heart needs to be steadfast... Lord, be with me.


5-15-07 12:23 am

Saturday, May 12, 2007


有些人真的是為了錢, 什麼都做得出來!
我只能堅持自己所相信的, 做我覺得是對的事情.

5-12-07 5:36 pm

Friday, May 11, 2007

Embrace 台灣

比起外國, 台灣跟香港的感覺是比較類似的, 所以沒特別覺得要再另外去適應什麼. 也是幾年中回來幾趟的訓練下, 這次沒有覺得天氣熱或悶到爆, 可能還沒有真的到所謂'夏天'的關係吧~~ 唯一最不習慣的, 就是.... transportation! 在香港, 自己一個人雖然人生地不熟, 但還可以坐捷運/地鐵到處跑. 反而到了老家台南, 不想開車又還沒有機車駕駛照的情況下, 我第一天就已經盯著電視看了幾個小時了 =p 沒關係... 我期待跟相信.......... 明天開始, 會有極大的轉變....!


以前光看到年老者, 我心情不自主就會難過; 其實.... 那不過是反映出我裡頭怕什麼. 看到兩年不見的奶奶 - 短短兩年, 她老了許多, 虛了很多. 我心裡還是有一陣地揪在一起.. 但是, 眼光不同了, 陪她的心態也比較不同了. 兩年前奶奶曾經跟我說過, 可以的話, 她希望看到我們幾個孫子結婚; 她當時又自問, 不知道可以等到那個時候嗎. 不知道是不是所有作孫子的, 都會這樣.. 但對於她這麼一句可能是隨意說出來地期待, 我後來發現, 其實我淺意識會想達到她的期望..... =p 有幾年沒有聽聞任何喜訊了, 但小堂哥Larry將會於6/30成為這一波的第一先鋒, 公正哥也將在11/14迎娶美嬌妻. Phew~~~..... we're about the ages of attending peers/cousins' bridal showers, weddings, baby showers etc. Exciting huh?!


*"惡魔在身旁"中的賀軍翔比起在"愛情合約"中帥太多了.......!!! 唉... 不過就像啦說的, 當我們發現偶像劇中的男女主角年紀都比我們小時, 真的是有那一煞那間的錯愕~~ @@


5-11-07 4:42 pm (oh.. Jason's b-day!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ocean Park... & last day in HK

海洋公園, 本要好好的玩... 結果..... 前天睡眠不足, 沒吃早餐, 坐公車.... 到了海洋公園, 先是有真的很長地三, 四段緩慢escalators, 就已經讓我有點頭眩了. 坐完了Ranging River的木舟, 我.... 自不量力, 想說還可以撐下去, 就跟嘉音說可以坐Space Wheel. 一上去不到10秒, 我就知道我錯了..... >< 轉著有90度多的它, 讓我昏眩, 頭暈, 想吐; 不過感謝 神它沒有來個10分鐘.~~~ 我ㄧ跨出欄... 那種感覺還滿熟悉的 -- 我知道我快要吐了!!!


沿著路走著走著, 我說不怎麼出話. 走也不舒服, 問了嘉音不只一, 兩次, 沒有塑膠袋就吐在旁邊是不是很丟臉 (隨時都要吐了!) 後來嘉音去幫我找了個大袋子, 我就隨時拿著... 可是因為沒吃東西, 什麼都吐不出來. 對我最有用的口香糖, 但是整個海洋公園沒有賣!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 最後買了個orange juice, 跟一點小糖果, 才可以一會兒停下休息, 一會兒走幾步. 可是四眼望去, 不是什麼東西看起來都是圓的, 就是地都是斜的~ 撐了很久... 以為待在公園很久了, 可是才過了不到兩小時. @@ 了解自己的情況有多糟後, 決定打道回府. 一直撐到巴士回到MTR station, 一下車總算真的吐出來了.... 全吐出juice. 唉... 總算吐出東西了... 就舒服啦!!!!!! "走吧, 嘉音, 我們去吃飯吧!!!" - 'Jane, 妳變得會不會太快了??? @@' 嘉音嚇到~~ *每次到頭暈想吐這種情況, 我就希望我的體質是不同的!!!!! 喜歡travel跟想參予短宣的我, 這可是致命傷啊....!


也跟Painting碰到面了. 這趟想碰到面的朋友, 都遇到了, 滿足!


今天是最後一天在香港的日子; 感覺過了有將近一個月.... 因為天天都很充實, 都很忙碌吧!

**台灣... 我來了!**


5-10-07 10:20 am

Monday, May 7, 2007


前兩個禮拜參加教會的同工退休會時, 左膝就有十分不舒服的情況. 可是因為我很常自己撞到 (any part of my body!) 而不知所覺.... 直到最後有瘀青, 或感到痛時, 才知道自己又受傷了..~ ^^" 所以, 一開始想說它只是又不知道何時自己碰撞到的後果, 所以沒有太在意. 當時就請Lillian幫我禱告, 想說再看看. 它的確過了兩天, 就也沒有影響我了, 直到.................... 昨天~ 不知道是因為連續這幾天走太多路, 日日累積下來的關係嗎, 天天晚上到家時都是腳酸到不行... 腳底到昨天也是痛到感覺快長水泡, 左膝蓋又開始酸痛. 應該不是風濕啊, 天氣沒有變化太大啊.~~~ @@ 總之, 今天選擇在家休息, 晚上再跟老朋友碰面. 今天呢, 就也休息, 預備體力明天跟嘉音整天的遊玩.


Thanks to those who've been reading, 請為我的左膝禱告... 雖然不知道是什麼原因造成的, 但今早讀經時, 有一處講到為義受苦... 並不是說我此刻在為義受苦! 可是... 為義受苦是比為罪受苦好, 而連為義都要能受苦, 我... 是該要有受苦的心志!! (Ring a bell....?) Anyhow... 困苦難受中才知道自己對 神的信心到哪~


*以前有家人, 親戚或朋友跟我提到考慮搬回台灣/亞洲時, 我都很不想.... 喜歡比起亞洲, 國外寬闊不擁擠的環境, 比較清晰且不那麼悶熱的空氣, 部分的文化理念, 自由的空間, 跟比較沒有人情壓力面對人與人之間的關係等的. 但是..... 這次回來, 我想也是這幾年 神不斷在調整我.... 心態上感覺不只可以接受, 且是比較可以欣然地接受. 但是至少還是有未來三年的讀書時間是不可避免的, 除非 神出手帶領我走別條路. 神當然都可以隨祂的意旨行任何事, but where do we see ourselves belong to, determines how God can steer us in a greater extend. 我是否把自己當作是在世寄居呢?


5-8-07 10:30 am

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Great Sunday!

是真的有想要上主日學的, 可是.... 跟啦啦化個妝, 弄一下, 坐了粉長一段路的地鐵, 到時已經遲了快半小時了 >< 有遇到石瑋阿姨喔!!! ^^ 主題: "虛空中的意義" - 從死亡中看到生命的價值. 之後看到外國牧師用中文禱告, 真的很激勵我... 希望也可能用除了母語外的語言來為 神做工. :)


之後跟黃牧師, 黃師母, Sherri阿姨, Micah跟啦一起去吃上海式午餐, 後分別去他們家坐坐... 聽他們說, 他們可常接待VOH的弟兄姐妹了..~ 看來他們這真像個轉接站... 我很佩服石瑋阿姨跟宜濓叔叔, 不是所有人都願意放下自己舒服在國外的生活環境, 順服聖靈的帶領, 回到快步調的亞洲新生活. 就像石瑋阿姨說的, 她覺得自己在加州做事已經算是很快了, 但在香港的同事, 做起事來跟說起話來, 連她都得說: "可以慢一點點嘛?" 愉快的離開後... 我跟啦奔向Peak Tower, 坐tram上到山頂. 斗得不得了的坡.... 與坡平行的角度約是135度吧.~ 我倆來回兩趟都坐不到位置, 不過啦正好就趁機傾斜示範給我看... 在旁看到的其他遊客一臉驚嚇的慌亂中想拿起照相機想照啦啦.... =P


黃師母特別建議我上山頂後, 去Elim書房, 說那兒有個禱告室... 我倆繞到那, 請店員引我們到那去說我們想看一下. 雖然她一臉看起來有點遲疑, 不過感謝 神, 還是拿出keys, 領我們到深處為我們開門. 店員還是再詢問一下: "是只要看一下下呢, 還是要禱告?" I said, "Can we stay for a while?" 她好心的為我們開冷氣等. 在小房間的正中間, 有個玻璃, 裡頭有12個石頭圍繞一圈, 象徵著12支派, 中間寫著: "耶和華尼西". 我看到琴, 就想說想敬拜邊禱告. 可是當下, 我又有點遲疑, 除了這可能不是啦啦期待的, 會待多久我不知道外, 我卻又想把握機會讓啦啦自己經歷更多. 要否要開起琴呢? 這樣可能時間就會不短... 可是.... 想了一下, 我的感動是堅持.... 感謝主, 真的是 神自己的工作.... 後來.... 我們在裡頭待了我也不知道有多久.... 我只知道最後我們為彼此禱告, 也簡短為香港 (師母說只有5%的基督徒) 跟以色列禱告. 我感受到 神的靈運行在當中, 也更深在她心裡! :) God is great & faithful.... 我們只需要引人到 神面前, 其他的.... 神自己會做!


也是看到牧師, 師母, 石瑋阿姨他們生命的不同, 之後在吃飯時, 啦啦主動問我ㄧ些問題.... 有一些是我本來就想跟她說的, 可是我在等時機... and they came at the most proper time! 我不得不說, 我能回答她的, 真的不只是一時聖靈感動, 多數是平時在教會的裝備跟做該做的... 使得這時可以更清楚, 有系統跟邏輯性的回答問題. 啦說要更固定地參加教會.... 讀 神的話語. ^^ Isn't God wonderful?


我們倆都覺得有姐妹在真好..... I thank God that we're not just sisters, but we're both His children in His eternal mighty kingdom! 心是更連在一起啊~~


5-7-07 11:24 am

Saturday, May 5, 2007

So far so good - 先不想花費多少~

雖說平時很少逛街, 但是這趟下來, 真的荷包大失血....!!!!!! 我媽咪聽到我目前花的數據, 大概會心裡小鬱卒... "這個女兒怎麼這麼 ㄟ ㄎㄞ ㄑㄧㄣ?!" Mom: 生日快樂! 我逛街買東西有想到妳喔!!! :) *Hope you know what I mean...


Ready to take off: 香港聖經教會, here I come!

*Lord, You have been good to me~*


5-6-07 9:19 am

Friday, May 4, 2007

2nd day

(天氣: 小雨) 自己坐地鐵去找啦, Pho 4 lunch, 認識個Karen's 朋友, 傳福音, Starbucks, 自己逛街逛了約3.5小時, 跟啦吃了好吃的雞蛋糕 & 蛋塔, 一起看免費的"Spiderman 3"! *本來看到一半多, 有點小想要起身離席 (啦在旁累到昏睡了一段時間), 好加在.... 最後真的戰得不錯..... 我仍是小泣了一下. =P 啦興致勃勃地ㄙㄨㄚˋ堆去"銅鑼灣"晃晃 (超像NY的Time Square). 星期五的夜晚, 大白燈的街頭, 年輕人多得不得了.


是年紀的關係嗎, 還是仍然不習慣? 我的食量沒有平時多. 看起來很好吃的美食, 晚上的我, 胃就是撐不下去! @@ 到家已經12點多了~ 小許不太習慣沒有小組的星期五.


5-5-07 1:12 am

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Almost... 1st day in Hong Kong

從LA到台北的路程, 沒有像兩年前感覺那麼遠, 片子看了將近四片 (Music & Lyrics; Charlotte's Web; Because I said so; Happily N'ver After), 覺也有睡飽! 很巧的碰到同搭飛機的葉牧師跟葉師母, 稍微的聊了一下. 兩年前的短宣, 當時是葉牧師領隊, 這時.. 感覺一切都不一樣了.... 說真的, 在飛機上我有少許的感傷 (個人方面)... 在要轉機去香港的登機門處等待時, 唱著... "主祢是我的力量".~


看來我不只容易暈車, 暈船, 其實我也暈機 (還是怕暈的人都是這樣暈整個package- everything?~!).~~~~ 飛往香港, 一上機就想吐 - 空氣真的很不流通.... but, it didn't take that long to arrive HK. YAH, 1st time HERE!! 香港機場粉是乾淨. 我拖著沉重的行李, 背著iBook, 詢問哪裡可搭blue cab.... not red, not green... but BLUE!!  感謝主, taxi driver 很好, 沒有 ㄍㄧㄤ錢 (他馬上猜出我是哪來的....)~


啦啦住得地方算是高級住宰區 (好景, 好社區, 連機場近!) 還是香港的所有住戶區管制都嚴厲? 連要走出去自己的大廈也要刷Octopus卡門才會開? 就同個住宿大廈, 從這block走到那個block, on the way也要刷residence ID!? 不過真的整個大夏看起來好neat..... 舒服! 我有照一點喔, 將會post在我的無名相簿. *小許羨慕有自己的地方, 自己的空間! 不過消費也貴啦......


細心的啦啦為我預備了很多東西 (VARIOUS maps/brochures, calculator, bucks, Octopus card, key, & notes) 最讓我佩服的, 是記得讓電腦是開著...! *我忘了插座孔跟美國是不同的.... @@ 不過托聰明的啦啦的福, 使我在還沒有去買SIM card之前, 我們可以用電郵先溝通一下, 好讓我可以下午自己到處走走, which I did.... 可是... 結論: 我還是太不適合自己去逛街!! 從約11點半出門, 開始找路 (其實今天能去, 要去的地方很近) 閒逛, 一路上啦啦打了幾次電話來怕我無聊... 我還信心滿滿覺得沒有問題. 直到走完... 逛完 (7-11還去了兩次), 當我以為我已經走完整個下午時, 一問, 才發現....... 才快2點.....!!!!~~~ @@ *真的嘛????! 不過有幸福的吃到蛋塔跟想喝的飲料! 其他東西, 都是在估計下, 思考後, 就打消念頭: 不吃, 不喝, 不買. 不過我想這可能只是第一天的矜持, 搞不好過了兩三天, 我就"錨"起來花了.... anyhow, 已經是很幸福的小孩了!!~~ 感恩!


聯絡上些朋友了, 可是我想還是會多數自己走走晃晃 (大家不像我這麼閒..... ^^") 我唯一覺得不足的, 是: "JANE, 妳怎麼廣東話能聽的這麼少???" -_- 都傻傻的看著店員.... 從這裡就被限制住了!!~


5-3-07 4:47 pm

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Live for You

不太想知道的事, 發現了之後... 我感謝 神. I guess God knows of the best timing... and I simply obey and accept it. -Everyday, I live for You alone; All of You, is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need, You satify me with Your love, and all I have in You, is more than enough-

昨天忽奇的想到, 神再來審判的日子會是怎樣呢? 人所看到的, 跟 神看到是不同的. 當事情到那時被顯明時, 可能會有訝異看到些所謂的"屬靈人", 得到的獎賞或是從 神來的稱讚, 卻不及一些在世上沒有那麼被人看到, 注意的信徒. 而有些人, 將會領受那不能朽壞, 極其大的獎賞! 希望我們都朝著那被 神稱為"忠心良善的僕人"地道路直奔~~

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My first...... 拼圖 Oh yea!

第一個拼的拼圖.... 500片, ENJOYED it :)
童年的回憶 - Totoro!

Career path.... =) - stole from Joshua's blog! =P

I only picked one of the professions offered I found most interesting to me. =)

Self-Enrichment Education Teachers

Job Definition

Teach or instruct courses other than those that normally lead to an occupational objective or degree. Courses may include self-improvement, nonvocational, and nonacademic subjects. Teaching may or may not take place in a traditional educational institution.


Social - Social occupations frequently involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people. These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others.


Write instructional articles on designated subjects.
Select, order, and issue books, materials, and supplies for courses or projects.
Observe and evaluate the performance of other instructors.
Use computers, audiovisual aids, and other equipment and materials to supplement presentations.
Organize and supervise games and other recreational activities to promote physical, mental, and social development.
Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress, and to determine their priorities for their children.
Review instructional content, methods, and student evaluations in order to assess strengths and weaknesses, and to develop recommendations for course revision, development, or elimination.
Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help.
Assign and grade class work and homework.
Schedule class times to ensure maximum attendance.
Prepare and administer written, oral, and performance tests, and issue grades in accordance with performance.
Attend staff meetings, and serve on committees as required.
Confer with other teachers and professionals to plan and schedule lessons promoting learning and development.
Meet with other instructors to discuss individual students and their progress.
Attend professional meetings, conferences, and workshops in order to maintain and improve professional competence.
Plan and supervise class projects, field trips, visits by guest speakers, contests, or other experiential activities, and guide students in learning from those activities.
Participate in publicity planning and student recruitment.
Maintain accurate and complete student records as required by administrative policy.
Prepare instructional program objectives, outlines, and lesson plans.
Plan and conduct activities for a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, and work time that provides students with opportunities to observe, question, and investigate.
Enforce policies and rules governing students.
Prepare materials and classrooms for class activities.
Prepare students for further development by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks.
Instruct and monitor students in use and care of equipment and materials, in order to prevent injury and damage.
Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects, and communicate those objectives to students.
Instruct students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, and demonstrations.
Observe students to determine qualifications, limitations, abilities, interests, and other individual characteristics.
Monitor students' performance in order to make suggestions for improvement, and to ensure that they satisfy course standards, training requirements, and objectives.
Conduct classes, workshops, and demonstrations, and provide individual instruction to teach topics and skills such as cooking, dancing, writing, physical fitness, photography, personal finance, and flying.
Adapt teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests.


Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
Learning Strategies - Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.
Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.


Education and Training - Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.
Customer and Personal Service - Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
Administration and Management - Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
Psychology - Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.


Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed
Most occupations in this zone require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree. Some may require a bachelor's degree.
Employees in these occupations usually need one or two years of training involving both on-the-job experience and informal training with experienced workers.

School Classes


In 2006, the California average annual wage was:

$20,829 for entry level workers, and $49,279 for experienced workers.
During 2006, there were approximately 34,100 people employed in this field in CA.
We estimate that in 2016 there will be 41,300 employed in CA. This represents an increase of 720 new positions each year (1.90%). Additionally, 420 jobs per year will become available due to employee turnover.

Similar Occupations

Dietetic Technicians - Assist dietitians in the provision of food service and nutritional programs. Under the supervision of dietitians, may plan and produce meals based on established guidelines, teach principles of food and nutrition, or counsel individuals.
Dietitians and Nutritionists - Plan and conduct food service or nutritional programs to assist in the promotion of health and control of disease. May supervise activities of a department providing quantity food services, counsel individuals, or conduct nutritional research.
Teacher Assistants - Perform duties that are instructional in nature or deliver direct services to students or parents. Serve in a position for which a teacher or another professional has ultimate responsibility for the design and implementation of educational programs and services.
Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary - Teach or instruct vocational or occupational subjects at the postsecondary level (but at less than the baccalaureate) to students who have graduated or left high school. Includes correspondence school instructors; industrial, commercial and government training instructors; and adult education teachers and instructors who prepare persons to operate industrial machinery and equipment and transportation and communications equipment. Teaching may take place in public or private schools whose primary business is education or in a school associated with an organization whose primary business is other than education.
Graduate Teaching Assistants - Assist department chairperson, faculty members, or other professional staff members in college or university by performing teaching or teaching-related duties, such as teaching lower level courses, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers. Graduate assistants must be enrolled in a graduate school program. Graduate assistants who primarily perform non-teaching duties, such as laboratory research, should be reported in the occupational category related to the work performed.
Health Educators - Promote, maintain, and improve individual and community health by assisting individuals and communities to adopt healthy behaviors. Collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies and environments. May also serve as a resource to assist individuals, other professionals, or the community, and may administer fiscal resources for health education programs.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More of..... appreciate aging/growing

一直覺得"長大"不是好事... 責任變多, 壓力變大外, 面對的人群不同, 世界變複雜, 好像總要經歷失去一些東西, 或是得屈身面對現實的殘忍等的... 淺意識中對"長大"這兩個字, 多是負面跟低調過於期待.
只是去旁聽而已, 而且還是以前上課會覺得無聊或是"這跟我有什麼關係啊"等反應的music history~ (最於喜歡歷史的人, 請不要先罵我一頓... @@) 可是... 真是世界跟心境不同了. 看到個方向, 看到個跟未來有相關的道路後, 再回去上課時, 我整個人好像活過來了~ 再來聽George Frederich Handel的生平時, 我似乎在聽一個傳奇人物似地聚精會神. Kate問我會不會無聊, 我才想到... OH, this is HISTORY! A subject I might shudder just to think about it be4 =p 這樣, 是長大吧? 表妹說這是40歲再回去唸書的人才會說得話. Is it?

長一點的似乎就是宰相肚子能撐船, 似乎就是多了這麼些的溫柔, 事情&人生的priority就是可以抓個更清楚, 就是對事情的看法有些更堅持, 有些也更不在意. 不只是因為去旁聽的感觸而已, 近來最於很多小事, 使得對"成長"跟"長大"特別有感想. 我現在比較可以用心體會年長人所說得, 所講的. 在小事上, 像是一句鼓勵, 一個微笑, 一個擁抱, 就越懂得可以滿足. 有時打電話給一些人或多問一句話, 只是想說hi, 只是想關心一下 - 這樣想有點怪, 可是有時會提醒自己, "永遠不知道這可不可能是最後一次." Never know if that someone just needs it at the moment.

*不是所有的事我都已經可以做到這麼灑脫, 這麼自由, 可是我試著享受跟把握每一次有的機會. 哈, 我聽起來有點像老人了吧~~~ ^^" 開始享受更多隨著年紀增長的優. --另一個心境--

Monday, April 16, 2007


在基督裡有深度生命的屬靈長輩所分享的話語, 常是令我不住地讚嘆 神的偉大, 佩服, 跟欣賞這樣的人.. 也會默默地期盼自己也有這樣對 神的認識跟生命的影響力. I gained so much precious insights about God this past weekend - how He treasures us, how unbelievably great His heart is, how small, weak and unworthy I am and yet I can be so bold and strong in Him, how we can really develop an intimate relationship w/ Him. You are GOOD!
凌晨半夜的醒來, 對我現在, 真是一種享受跟感恩. 可以活出多少... 主啊這是我的懇求.~

Thanks to my dearie friend, now I know how to break into paragraphs =P

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Wii Sports 真的還滿好玩的~ 手臂真的好酸, 我不需要等到明早起床才知道這個事實..... Boxing-too tiring ^^"

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Jobs available

最近沒有聽說有朋友要找工作的, 不過我倒聽了不少朋友要介紹工作. ^^ Uh huh, 有兩個工作是粉有挑戰性的, 要能承壓的... 再另一個是在downtown LA, 小型規模公司在找administrative clerk. 有興趣想知道多一點的, 請盡快跟我連絡. =)

Happy Easter

用Mac's MSN & Windows Live blog的feather沒有像PC那麼相同跟好用 - 或是我還沒有熟練到知道怎麼用~~ 所以, 現在我的blog就沒有五花六色的..... 連分paragraph也有困難 =P 在update照片方面也可能會速度緩慢許多.

雖說現在我自由時間多了, 可是多數要處理些重要但是不緊急的事 (important but not urgent - meaning they've been delayed for quite some time!!!) 因此check emails的頻率其實也沒有一定是天天 (反而在公司會天天check ^^") 所以請先見諒如果我沒有及時回復~

*Easter - 意義深遠~ Thank You for the cross!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Josh隨口說說得... 真的被他講中了. Dr. Helen 說是支氣管炎... 我知道, 不是氣管炎, 不是肺炎... 可是還是聽起來很可怕說. 擤出來的鼻涕是黃色帶血, 是有點嚇人..... @@ 雖然說不是看到血會昏倒, 可是還是不想要看到這麼多血啊~~~~ Lord, rescue me! 我的健康屬於祢......

Sunday, April 1, 2007


這兩個禮拜的敬拜, 我感到很大的attack, 特別在我跟團隊的身體狀況. BUT, 感謝 主.... I pray that God really did great miracles among us, through us! And I hope to hear some testimonies.....! 我還是有很多要學習的, 可是對於我現有的, 可以祝福到其他人的, 我希望我也能沒有withhold, 能全力擺上! 希望身體能快快恢復我以往還滿自以為傲的健康狀況. ^^v BE JOYFUL!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Pilot days are over

Received so much blessings from many many coworkers from Pilot... esp. on my last day today at work. I thought I would be cool and wouldn't weep... but as I was reading excessive e-mails from them... I couldn't hold my tears....  Certainly I treasure the days here... learned much valuable things, and I know I'll miss it soooo much. I've met & known not just coworkers, but lots friends... good friends, great friends, forever friends. I have blessed them and so had they on me..... "Don't look back" - what an encouraging phrase! "See you at Grammy's! I know you'll be famous one day" - I know it was just a joke but... still, I laughed and wishing I will be, LoL. I'll remember everybody here.. and cross the fingers praying that the next person working here will do a even greater job than I did. Thank you Pilot!!


Alex, Angie, Anne, Anthony, Arianna, Art, Awanish, Becky, Brian, Charles, Cheryl, Christina, Claudia, David, Ernie, Genesis, Georgina, Hai, Hitomi, Ian, Israel (someone I've never met), Jamie, Janet, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jim B, Jim D, Jimmy, John, Jonathan, Jorge, Juan, Ky, Martha, Melissa, Michael C, Michael D, Michelle M, Michelle R, Miguel, Mike Mitch, Nelson, Nguyet, Rita, Ruby, Salina, Sam, Theodore, Tim, Ty, Vince, Vincent, Vito, William, Yahua, ZQ.


Warehouse: 2 Juan, Joe, 2 Jose, Vetto, Oscar, Danny, Janette, Maggie, Reuben, Julio.. and many more that I don't know the names cuz they're working somewhere so at the back & other warehouses =P


Suppliers & Vendors: Viki, Kevin, Adam, Ellie, Jones, Kelli etc.


*Looking forward... to the future endeavors!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


難受的感覺之一 - 被誤會, 被誤解. 大人的世界真的好複雜.... 以為溝通到最後有好多了, 但是回應出來的話, 似乎還是有粉大的代溝.... 越解釋越模糊. 同樣都是長輩, 我發現我還是比較習慣跟直率的她相處. 說話直的人, 就對我而言, 還是比較容易感受到真誠的心跟愛. 包容... 包容... patience... 真的是愛的最大境界! *疙瘩 - 最難搞*

Monday night!

I had such a FUN fellowship w/ ya all gals! 我們對彼此的熟悉度, 彼此的認識, 彼此的分享, 彼此在基督裡的成長...... 哇! 我真的覺得這是單身更能享受的美好時光~ :) 不只我, 看到大家到最後都是難分難捨, 時間就是不夠的感覺......~ ha ^^" I was planning to get home earlier tonight so I could get more rest, but...... ahhhhhhhhh~ 最後全都聊到如火如荼.... girls girls girls, hehe.


*I really felt like we're forming a group of ladies - 不和潮流女性所追求的一樣, 但是屬 神品格的女人! 不是要"回到"古代女人的樣式, 但, 是BECOME 神本來命定那所創造的女人的形象樣式~ Y E S!* Thank you, my sisters in CHRIST~! 牽著彼此的手, 一起走天路~~~~~~~


Monday, March 19, 2007


Being accepted into APU now... but in the "PR" status, meaning "prerequisites." Hum, quite many units to take.... 1 yr is a bit long for me neh.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Easter Dance Rehearsals

Anyone who loves to dance, wants to dance for Him, plz come on Sat. 3:30 pm at VOH chapel.

We'll have our 1st dance rehearsal tomorrow (3-17). Looking foward to see alot of your faces!

*Qualification: attends VOH, has a willing heart & a wailling spirit, willing to learn & spend time practicing, and make the commitment to come for the following Sats. before April 8th.

Movements are FUN...! IF... you wanna participate but considered yourself not skillful enough, you may still come - can possibly dance with children (we need teachers to stand in front of them to demonstrate as well!)

In denial.......?

My friend said sth really harsh today.... it makes me ponder....

2:15 pm

Thursday, March 15, 2007


English group bought the new keyboard, and it's Yamaha S90ES !!! I didn't notice it right away >< until later when I was helping the setup for the worship team last week, I became aware that the one I was dreaming to purchase awhile ago was right there, placed in Room 260! I was all stunned.... and acting a little hysterical. My dream keyboard!!!!  However, it didn't sound as well as how I heard at Guitar Center @@ ~~~~~~ BUT.... puzzle solved yesterday........ it has nothing to do w/ keyboard, it's its complement................... - AMP!!! Hm... so is it S90ES? I gotta be affluent or willing to invest

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Cheerful: Shawna is engaged!

Grievous: Angie's mom passed away.

Surprising: Nguyet's husband Art came back to work at Pilot.

Ambivalent: Mission trip?!

Annoyed: Hay fever is back~~

Friday, March 9, 2007

Do NOT Talk To My Parrot!

Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called a repairman.. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, "I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check." 
"Oh, by the way don't worry about my bulldog Spike. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!" "I REPEAT, DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!!!" 

When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking bulldog he has ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet watching the repairman go about his work. 
The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, "Shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!" 
To which the parrot replied, "Get him, Spike!" 

See.............. Sometimes men just don't listen! =p

How long will it take you? Watch the clock!

Can you find the C?

























Once you've found the C..........


Find the 6!















Once you've found the 6...


Find the N! (it's hard for my coworker, but I thought this is the easiest one for me!)













Once you've found the N... make a wish! =p

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I've been addicted to Starbucks... go there too frequent, but I always order the same thing over and over again. Do they have secret menu like In & Out? Vanilla Latte isn't that sweet, but I can still feel my fat builds up - cheesecake is nice. :p 

Friday, March 2, 2007

His miraculous work never stops...

I've been posting too much? :p


When his wealthy grandfather dies, trust fund baby Jason Stevens anticiplates a big inheritance. Instead, his grandfather has devised a crash course in life: twelve tasks (or "gifts") designed to challenge Jason in improbable ways, sending him on a journey of self-discovery and forcing him to determine what is most important in life: money or happiness. Jason thought his inheritance was the gift of money and lots of it--but Jason thought wrong. He had a very simple relationship with his impossibly wealthy Grandfather, Howard "Red" Stevens. He hated him. No heart-to-heart talks, no warm fuzzies, just cold hard cash. So of course he figured that when Red died, the whole "reading of the will" thing would be another simple cash transaction. He figured that his Grandfather's money would allow him to continue living in the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. But what Red left him was anything but simple. Red instead devised a plan for Jason to experience a crash course on life. Twelve tasks, which Red calls "gifts", each challenging Jason in improbable ways, the accumulation of which would change him forever.

$20 - sometimes we just need to be reminded

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up.

He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this. He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you.
The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special- Don't EVER forget it." Count your blessings, not your problems. And remember: amateurs built the ark ... professionals built the Titanic. and more.

*Only God, Jesus & Holy Spirit – unchanging & unfailing love!*

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ b-day, and these are what she said:

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."

"I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."

"I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."

"I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'."

"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."

"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back."

"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."

"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."

"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Thursday, March 1, 2007


耶和華為我們行了大事, 我們滿口喜樂滿舌歡呼

耶和華為我們行了大事, 我們我們就歡喜

神能照著運行在我們心裡的大力, 充充足足的成就一切 超乎我們所求所想

流淚撒種的, 必歡呼收割, 那帶種流淚出去的, 必要歡歡樂樂的 帶禾捆回來



我能承受壓力的程度我覺得不大.... 感謝 神知道, 按著我的信心, 適時給我鼓勵!

*BECOMING the Word of God, not just praying for EXPERIENCING Him. =)

Yes, press on and on!


**Happy B-day Joseph*

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Favorite month

Bye Feb.... see ya next yr! I'll prepare my heart to welcome you more..

*5p 94 ul4 2/3 294*

Friday, February 23, 2007

A mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffe

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full they agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions--things that if everything else was lost and only they remained your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else -- the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Sometimes I really feel that I can't do this.... Lord help me! I cry out to You... plz, deliver me!

Now I chose not to ask why in tears, for I've been asking for too long; I chose not to think of my pain, for it hurts to certain degrees I nearly felt numb, and this is not what You like to see. Occasionally I wish the time would go slower, for in this molding period, I wanna seize God's perfect will in shaping me. But at times I would hope the time to go by a few yrs ahead of now, to flee from some unnecessary moments.


Your luv sustains me, and I praise You.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


OK, before I get to take dance lessons, if Wii is gonna get me lose some weights, I'd like to try it! ^^

Monday, February 19, 2007

謝謝my friends.. (Continued... part III)

Shawna: 嘻嘻 girl.... 妳也是其中一個我有滿心的感謝... yes, you're my special friend 2, someone who've known me for so long and cares for our friendship deeply~ 謝謝妳明白我的感受, stands beside me, 聽我說很多的事, 也跟我分享妳的經 - 雖然我們好多年都很少碰面. 希望妳可能的話, 搬回來LA!!! wahahaha~! 願妳回復到以前對主的渴慕... after all, you were the one who brought me to VOH and that's how my life was totally changed! 謝謝妳... for all the things you've done for me. 往後的日子, 彼此加油~! ^^

Sharon S: Thanks for remembering my b-day. Hope your life will be more fruitful in His eyes. Take care~! ^^

Shirley: It's been yrs since we've always celebrated b-days together. But I'm glad you were there this yr for me~! Yes.. Happiness is simple, and I hope you'll find the joy in Him. + oil together! ^^

Sophie: Sophie.... 這一年來特別謝謝妳對我的肯定跟接納~ Thanks for being one of my mentors and be there for me whenever I ask for help. 妳對主的堅持跟委身, 一直是我的榜樣. 每次說什, 妳也真的幾乎都能第一時間了解, 我真的很謝謝妳的愛跟友誼~ 繼續成為我的幫助吧~! 也願妳快快找到妳的良人, 更多為主大大使用. =)

Tiff: 謝謝妳積極的想為我慶祝生日, 真的讓我覺得很被愛~ =) 我一直覺得妳粉是成熟, 處理事情的態度跟原則很多時候都是我的模範~ 妳在感情上跟對家人那樣的愛也是我的鼓勵.... 我很高興 神把我們擺在一起, 一起追求~ 祝福妳未來的道路, 成為更多年輕人的幫助....~!!! 妳對於家人的需要跟想照顧的心, 我深深相信 神必看顧. 持續不斷為他們禱告, 妳必看見救恩全然的臨到妳所愛的家人身上~ and I proclaim, Lord - make it SOON! =)

純純: 謝謝妳的友誼for all these yrs (only 2? But I felt like yrs….!) 妳也成為我很大的幫助. 在我需要時, always make time for me 2 ^^ 謝謝妳總是對我有信心, 相信.... 肯定我. 希望妳的生命在主裡更堅定, 在工作場合能不只做事凡是順利, 也能結出生命的果子得人的心歸向主! 加油喔, don't ever give up!! Fighting fighting!!!! =)

Fishball: 謝謝你魚丸, 積極的想為我慶生... 真的. 謝謝你在以前小組中對我的接納跟肯定, 現在也仍是鼓勵我~ 你的生命真的因為主, 一直在改變.... 為此我真的很高興, 祝福你在學業上, 感情上, 未來道路上, 看得越來越清楚, 不需要走冤枉路, 直奔祂要給你的一切. Keep shining for Jesus! + oil =)

Xiang: Thanks for your friendship over these yrs… Thanks for trusting in me in all times. I pray that your marriage will be a blessing to many more ppl, and may you come to know my Savior ASAP! Luv ya~! =)