Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Anew Breakthrough

PRAISE THE LORD! Can't say it more... PRAISE THE LORD!

I knew, I just knew, I couldn't have done what I did today without God. Anyone who knows me knows this. The sequence actually all happened so speedily, I praise God for giving me receptivity to His Word, and my "trustworthy & forever" friend for being persistently 'obnoxious' in this matter. I was convinced that he was saying those all for my sake, and... it made me softened. Yet ultimately, it was all because of His infallible Word & revelation!

Last day of Sept. & during the atonement period - a new start!

Monday, September 29, 2008


朋友跟感情一樣, 是可遇不可求的. 我的個性跟某些性質碰在一起, 只能做淺的朋友, 或者是... 好只能好到某種程度; 而跟某些特質的人在一起, 就算不說話, 也不會覺得不自在, 後來發現是彼此欣賞, 沒有哪一方一定付出比較多. 有時對於我以為可以做比較熟的朋友, 最後for some reasons... 感覺她跟和另一種個性的姊妹比較合, 我就會下意識不那麼黏她了. 有時會內心呼喊, 是否可以坦白對每個人說出心中的OS.... 承認希望跟某些姊妹的關係可以有更多改變, I need to learn to have contentment 2.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sth New

Sorry for being ignorant, but I didn't know before today that any churches that start with "HOLY" is a Catholic church! Not so much of being against Catholic, yet I wasn't and am still unsure if it has to be a 'Christian' church in order to fulfill my writing criterion. The church I visited today *way early in the morning at 8 am was Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (well, I got up at 6:45!), was absolutely a traditional one *10 am's service is contemporary with MUSIC! So you can presume that it was NO music AT ALL in the traditional Eucharist. Yep.. I looked completely awkward and uneasy as I didn't know when to stand, when to bow my head, what to recite, and what to respond on top of being the only Chinese-looking gal AND a new comer (the last time I ever was in a Presbyterian church was in 1996 or 1997?). Hence, when the communion time came, I hesitated whether or not I should go up *As the congregation was predominated comprised by elders, the number of attendees was only 18 or thereabouts, so everyone walked up & KNEELED in front of the altar to receive the communion. Anyhow, I figured I should take the communion as I am a believer, just one who's not familiar w/ the liturgical style. Also everyone was lining up so I didn't want to exclude myself and let this be the only reason to make myself looking like a non-believer which I am not! So I kinda followed how others took turns to kneel down on pillows so I wasn't being conspicuous. To my surprise, the wine was REAL WINE! After the clergy dipped the bread into the 'wine', and I even forgot if it was she who put it into my mouth or did I do it myself, I was immediately nauseous and felt dizzy as I stood up. Dr. Muthiah has lectured in class that using a real wine in communion gives new experience..... I think it does, just not quite as I expected @@ It was overall a pleasant experience, I do hope to see and integrate some of their elements into contemporarized services.

Courtney got baptized today at VOH!! Her 2nd b-day! :) Sophie was nice to throw a celebration party for her at Samuel's place. Daniels showed so much warm supports for her! Samuel said sth meaningful to me after I inquired some questions - PERSEVERANCE! I really need to persevere in what I believe is essential in WL. Lily's sharing also encouraged me, also reminded me to focus on God rather than people's responses. It's a dual aspect, I just need to swing to the other side more, that's all. Thanks be to GOD!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"The Heart of Worship" Story

So today Pastor Dennis informed me of this complete story that I've sort of heard this and that. I googled it and found it inspirational, and personally reckon that a very pragmatical practice as to what the church music nowadays requires. Plus some of the most informative books that I've read written by experienced worship leaders, prolific song writers, and doctrinal theologians, I indeed show reverence to their devotions and affections that help shaping the worship that we have today! :)

Derived from Parish of Walthamstow Magazine's website:

The song dates back to the late 1990s, born from a period of apathy within Matt’s home church, Soul Survivor, in Watford, England. Despite the country’s overall contribution to the current worship revival, Redman’s congregation was struggling to find meaning in its musical outpouring at the time.

“There was a dynamic missing, so the pastor did a pretty brave thing,” he recalls. “He decided to get rid of the sound system and band for a season, and we gathered together with just our voices. His point was that we’d lost our way in worship, and the way to get back to the heart would be to strip everything away.” Reminding his church family to be producers in worship, not just consumers, the pastor, Mike Pilavachi, asked, “When you come through the doors on a Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to God?”

Matt says the question initially led to some embarrassing silence, but eventually people broke into a cappella songs and heartfelt prayers, encountering God in a fresh way. “Before long, we reintroduced the musicians and sound system, as we’d gained a new perspective that worship is all about Jesus, and He commands a response in the depths of our souls no matter what the circumstance and setting. ‘The Heart of Worship’ simply describes what occurred.”

When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come / Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless your heart… / I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You, Jesus.

Redman remembers writing the song quickly in his bedroom soon after the church’s journey together, with no grand intentions, by any means, for it to become an international anthem. He viewed the words simply as his personal, subjective response to what he was learning about worship. But when Matt shared “The Heart of Worship” with Pilavachi, the pastor suggested making a few small adjustments to the lyrics so any member of the church could relate to it as well.

Amazed by how God has since taken the song around the world for His purposes, the songwriter smiles in regard to his own lack of foresight. “It nearly didn’t go any further than my bedroom. But I love that…” The trademark tune soon became the title track for Matt Redman’s 1999 album, The Heart of Worship. The recording process was consistent with the artist’s sensitive approach to being in the studio.

“We decided to not get all complicated, and just let the song ‘breathe.’ We’re always trying to create more of a church atmosphere in the studio rather than just a technical musical gathering. Something happens when the people of God gather together and play out the praises of God in the presence of God. Hopefully something of that passion and purpose transcends beyond that studio room onto the recordings themselves.”

Following Matt’s original release, which featured a guest vocal appearance by Martin Smith, lead singer of Delirious, “The Heart of Worship” became a new standard of the modern worship music movement, sung by fellow artists, choirs, and church families alike. Among the ever-rising number of reinterpretations, Redman is especially fond of Michael W. Smith’s from his 2001 classic, Worship.

“I honestly like them all,” he admits. “It’s a great encouragement when people take the songs and run with them. Perhaps my favorite is Michael’s— maybe because it’s a live version and therefore really captures and conveys the heart of the song’s theme.” Even more encouraging, he says, is when other pastors get in touch to let Matt know how God has used the song to take their congregations through a situation similar to the one his church experienced.

As teachable as “The Heart of Worship” has become, Matt Redman continues to learn about true worship and followed on into that heart in summer 2004 with the album, Facedown.

“It’s such a biblical posture in worship that speaks of reverence. If you look through the Bible, there’s a whole host of people who faced up to the glory of God and found themselves facedown in worship. So the album weaves through a theme of reverence, wonder, and mystery in worship, things I feel we really need to grasp more of in our worship expressions. I know that I do!”

Love today's date - Google's 10th Anniversary :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My father

Category: FAMILY! *Why isn't it one of the lists?! I'll add it myself - once when I find out how I did it before.

My mom used to jokingly suggest I married to someone who resembles my dad, and without further asking in what ways, I would tell her a straight "no." After more than half a year of living apart from my family, and in particular of the cozy family life I've had this past summer, including the irritations I struggled with pertaining to the culture differences/huge family cultural dilemmas, I found myself clinging to my family more. One of the remarks she made almost every time when I called her is "Wow Jane, 妳這次從台灣回來後, 怎麼這麼乖, 這麼常打電話回來." I knew some values inside of me were changed; the majority of those were greatly counteracted even when I was back this summer. Ugh.... weren't I supposed to talk about my dad? Just too easily got distracted....

So my dad came back last Friday for some business-related networks that he has to establish here. On the way driving him back from LAX, I attempted to progressively but was still quite bluntly mentioned of my possible move to work at VOH in the future. I truly honor his very astute perceptions on many of the Biblical insights he perceives. But as I've known his point of view on church work, I somewhat was prepared for a probably heated discussion/debate. Yep, we 'discussed' at times were loud, yet, his ultimate response was really encouraging to me. He reminded me to respond ONLY to God, not men, and if I were dare to tell him that I felt being called then he would just support me. Whether it was from the teachings of VOH or somewhere, that I feel obligated to get parents' approval on this, my dad considers being accountable to God who entrusts us the most critical. I was feeling so blessed...!

It is He who transformed my dad so much and deserves all the glory! *Friends have said this to me, SO if I have any credits in being commended as brave out against norms, I think the genes were imbedded from my dad. *Actually, my mom 2 lol! So..... today my dad was cleaning my brother's room because a couple of a family & their six-year-old kid will stay in Joseph's room for a few days around mid-Oct. I've done a little clean up last week when I was fatigued during my studying, but I knew the room was still a mess. My dad, who always relies on my mom for almost all household things, rolled up his sleeves and really made Joseph's room to cleanliness! I didn't get to take pics of how it was before, but.... he's superb at reorganizing the room & definitely cleaning! =D Imagining there were my keyboard, my amp, OUR miscellaneous stuff and a bunch of empty boxes laying on the floor as you look at the pics enclosed. *I took them with my cell phone, too lazy to get my camera.

Btw, my dad helped fixing the doorbell and a broken conduit under the sink 2... My mom always compliments on my dad's repairing skills ever since I recalled and was also something that I absolutely consent to, which is a skill that I cross my fingers and hoping my future husband will possess! =)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Literacy Problem?!

How can my full-time peer take as many courses as I do and manage to master them all while I, as an unemployed, struggle every week at reading & critical thinking? Toooooooooooooooooo much reading!!!!! I truly wish I have 36+ hours a day! *Had a dream that can be interpreted in spiritual, mental, and psychological realm. Speak louder to me Lord...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

O My O What a Wonderful Day! lol

Sept. 13, 2008 Today's such a blessed day! I had a really constructive conversation with a close friend of mine. On top of that, I am so thankful that I attended tonight's mission conference! LoL Dr. Hormoz Shariat's sharing/sermon was just so inspirational. Who would ever imagined multitudes of Muslims being converted to Christians in such a technological way?! And incredibly seeing salvation comes to their lives in such a miraculous short period of time?! -- At least I wouldn't have thought of its tangibleness! I guess from time to time, I still more or less limit His power. BUT His mercy endures forever! Glory be to God who deserves all the glory, might and honor.

http://www.cbn.com/700club/guests/bios/Hormoz_Shariat_021104.aspx Check out his website. Not just to see what God is doing in Iran, but..... how we can take part of what He's doing in the entire world now! God is doing His part; what are our responsibilities?

Joyful heart! lol

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

我呼求聖潔 Angels Cry Holy by Sam Evans & Mike Guglielmucci

啊啊啊~~ 超好聽加有恩膏的歌~! Just fall in love w/ this song immediately when I hear it! *早就聽Evange說過Planetshakers的歌好聽, 一直沒有多去研究 @@ 後悔!

祢造天地之前 已有計畫完全
雖然我們犯罪 祢仍為我預備


我呼求聖潔 聖潔
天使呼求聖潔 聖潔

我一生的道路 在祢手中堅固
用全心和全意 我讚美敬拜祢

Before all time began
You had the perfect plan
To make us
In the image of Yourself

Although we went astray
You even planned that day
On which You sent Your son
To Pay the price

You took on all the sins of the world
And washed them all away
Bearing every curse upon that tree

With all my future plans
They're safe within Your hands
Far beyond my
Highest thoughts and prayers

With all my heart and soul
I'll praise You and extol
The mighty God
Who holds me in His arms

We all cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
The angels cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord

@2005 Planetshakers Publishing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hawaii, Here I Come

其實應該是很興奮的, 可是... 有莫名無助的擔憂. 所有該讀的書都在UPS delivery的路上, 去Hawaii玩前拿不到, 回來就有一推功課等著我 @@ 星期二3點前要做完能交會是個奇蹟! Oh well, 豁出去了, 要好好過這五天的Hawaiian lifestyle! Shawna & Jerry's wedding is gonna be fantastic at Waimanalo Bay! lol

*Help me to find roads easily as I drive there, & I can't be sick right now, protect me Lord.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tainan Family + Relatives

幾個最經典的團體照, 有和家人的, 我們這一輩的及平時會多數聚集的親戚.~ 哈, 有動作的都是我提供的 hohohoho! :) 第一張照片是從數字一到八. *由於電腦容量出了點問題, 只放得下這些 for now.... 請等待! Will upload unto Wretch LATER.

回來後, 因為忙, 所以做事很efficient, 馬上瘦. 大家以為是我回台灣瘦的 @@ 我還以為一天一磅勒... 到底哪個scale才準呢?!