Thursday, November 30, 2006

Press on!

It's been a little bit more than a month. Press on!

*Dec. already.... it's really like winter now*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Everything has a beginning...

Yesterday I did sth I considered - crazy... or maybe just a bit sudden. However, I could have done what I did last year, but I didn't. Not that they provoked me, but the courage indeed wasn't completely from myself, rather, 'adults', so I took some actions.

Elders do perceive things differently than I do, and I appreciate for what they told me.  Of course I'm not sure what they said will come true or not, but I love to hear their rationales. Although things are not easier Lord, thank You... I enjoy LIVING more than I did before.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dream come true... Happy Thanksgiving!

我開心, 因為聽到讓我很激昂跟窩心的事.... I almost cried... actually I did.... 不過是很開心的哭了.
I'm glad sth's happening now, what we've been expecting is becoming real now.
每個人的season是不同的, 我為我有的感恩.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Your age by eating out - Diner & Restaurant Math!

Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!

It takes less than a minute .
Work this out as you read ...
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat. (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1756 .
If you haven't, add 1755.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number (I.e., how many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)

The next two numbers are

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lost cell phone..!

Yo... as title says, yeh..... I lost my cell phone!!!!!!  

I am not quite sure exactly where I lost it... could be in my car, could be at Joella's store, could be somewhere at church, could be anywhere - from parking lots & pavements to church, I duno but I did look all over the places. Even used my lunch hour to rush to VOH and rummaged the trash cans *Sis Esther helped me with that 2!!! ^^" I was fairly frustrated yesterday night, I have more than 300 #s in it.... and some of them are just NUMBERS that I can't afford to lose. Ah... I thought of the worst scenario... and His words says: be steadfast.. be steadfast and sing to Him~~~~ so... for those who care, just pray for me to find it unexpectedly (plz Lord); EVEN if not, I think.... I can be thankful, get a new phone ^-^ and pay additional service charges... I just called to suspend my phone. Thus don't leave any msgs to me now.... if you wanna find me, call my house, contact my cousins, or see if I bump into you.


Monday, November 13, 2006


I purchased two bookshelves at Ikea, 想說買了該買的書櫃, 找個weekend要來整理我粉早前就說要整理的房間, 因為最近weekends還是有滿多事要忙的. 可是... 我親愛的爸爸, 大概是猜到女兒會拖, 所以... 某天的中午, 我媽打電話給我, 說我爸已經開始在幫我整理了.... 不是我不開心他幫我, 只是因為我知道這是個大工程, 加上我想要自己學著弄, 所以.... 我乍聽下, 沒有很高興. 但是, 我媽說我爸很堅持, 要我相信我爸的眼光 (媽, 這不是重點!~)anyhow, 既然我人在外頭, 無法阻止, 我想說如果只是將書從舊書架換到新的上面, 應該也還好, 不會太麻煩, 所以我也沒多想了. 一回家腳才剛踏入門... 我媽說: "趕快幫爸盛杯果汁".... Jasmine也說: "Jane妳真的要好好謝謝妳爸~" I was like... OK~! 可是當我一踏入我的房間.... 我爸正好拿吸塵器出來, 我才發現..... "爸你真的是太猛了!!! 竟然幫我的擺設全部改位置了!!" 直到那一煞那, 我真的無話可說... 感動不已~ It is a task.... I did plan to do it myself, but.... I guess my dad did a even better job than me...! 總之, 現在位置都改了, 我還有需要整理的, 不過大方向都好了.... 等房間大整理到一段落, 我就可以買keyboard了... I'm sooo looking foward to it! Other than keyboard, there're actually a lot I wanna buy lately... 有看到盼望的感覺, 找到自己想要的東西而擁有的感覺, 我很少這樣的. Enjoy this process! =)

*My parents' love..... esp. my dad's... 這次我真的深深感覺到.... I duno about others, but as a daughter, sometimes I desire sth else other than what my parents have given me. 不過... 這次, 我有更多的體會... I'm thankful and content with what I have. Parents' unconditional love... 生我們的父母已這樣, 那 神呢? 讓我對 神的愛更..... speechless...!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nov. B-days... & relevant random thoughts

Nov. B-days:


11-5: Helen (Evelyn? *just heard from Amy yesterday; since I'm not directly informed, this isn't formal yet =p)

11-9: Melissa

11-10: Frank & David Chuko

11-12: Kitty

11-13: Tom? or Jerry? (... "Tom & Jerry!!")

11-14: Jessica Chen

11-15: Cliff?

11-17: Kari

11-18: Jeffrey Hu

11-21: Lala

11-25: Michelle Regalado

11-27: Oscar


The more friends we meet, the list adds on and on...

My memory span has been shortened, I remember most of these since my youth - oh NO!

I'm sure I still miss a few ppl's.....................

Oh well, Happy Birthday to you all, and also, thanks to your moms...

After all, our b-days were all our mom's 'suffering' days.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Election 2006! Vote!

It was noticeable, that I wasn't as thrilled as most Hispanics who happened to encircle me at the Convention Center two years ago when I officially got my citizenship. I wasn't as appreciated as of now, realizing more and more of whoever the speaker it was behind the pulpit who emphasized so much on voting, what he was saying. I feel that it is such a priviledged duty - to voice out and make the vote count. Not that I want to be political, but as Christians, I find a lot of times, we ain't as concerned of our government and society as we should in the states, not just in Asia. Yes, God is in control, He does His 100%, but we also have the responsibilities in this country to do sth, our 100%.


Luckily, I was immediately eligible to have my first vote in 2004's election to support Bush! This year, unlike previous ones, I couldn't find anyone with informations to ask for opinions about this election. After spend time reading all the detailed pamphlets and all kinda ads I've received from mail in past few weeks, I'm proud to say that I'm a bit more knowledgeable of the pros & cons of the propositions now. =) Going to vote after work... I'm thankful!


**Btw, I do do things at my work..  not that I'm on internet all day long - for those who might notice that I post/reply during work hours~! ^^"**

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Jobs available & Anyone car sell?

Heads up, for those who are looking for jobs, two opportunities are available for ya!

 1). "茶經班"- Cashier/做飲料的: Joella's mom's shop (like Lollicup, Quickly). Part-time. Needs someone to help out on SUNDAY afternoon.... Prefers someone who had been working in this kinda enviornment before; but if not, it's OK, as long as you're willing to learn. Location: Diamond Bar (Between Diamond Bar Blvd & Grand intersection. The plaza where Starbucks, Hollywood videos, Jack in the Box, 華星(dvd?) are. Right across the BOA & Lollicup plaza. Lemme know if you're interested. BTY, 食物真的很好吃喔...~!!! Not just me, Eric, Joshua, Charlie, Mark, all made good comments about it! Other than the telicious food, they have INTERNET access for computer lovers, and comics..... ^^"; and... will soon provide VIDEO games 2...!! It opens 7 DAYS a week, closes late 2, plz support & check it out!

2). Sales: Caps company. Full-time. Location: Ontario. A friend who is going back to Tw for a period of time, and wants to find someone to fill up her position.

CAR: *Anyone who wants to sell his/her car? Got a friend who might wanna purchase a second-hand vehicle.


Friday, November 3, 2006


I'm very sad over a news I heard .... I don't like the combination 11/3... My heart mourns, and yet I can't do anything... I pray, although knowing that God listens, I think He listens with sorrows in His heart 2. Jesus, only You are God. 

Thursday, November 2, 2006


Since my 24th b-day, I've wanted an iPod... now I'm even close to 26, I still don't have it... I wanna buy one. FRANK, why are you in France?! Wat about the one you told me to wait till Oct? Now's already Nov....