Monday, May 24, 2010

A&C Wedding Around the Corner!

A&C's wedding's just around the corner!!! Days go by soooo fast... it's just 3 more days before this big day that we've all waited for... to celebrate for Amy, as well to have our sisters' gathering after
14yrs of living apart. I bought a pair of elegant sandals, Amy bought 2 pairs of high-heels, Lina bought 2... Jasmine bought one, what a harvest we got in one afternoon~ My life is just hectic and crazy
right now, doing some casual laborers' jobs... riding scooters to help running errands, preparing for weddings stuff, exercising sometimes, doing devotion, checking e-mails, read from time to time,
and spending time w/ family & relatives... that's pretty much all I do, but it's taking much all my energy already.. every night I would be sooo exhausted and just wanna get myself in bed,
BUT I also attempt to do a few exercises.. though this kinda last-minute vigor is kinda in vain as I can expecte.. =p I'm so like a Taiwanese already.. not a good sign I say, gotta figure out a way
to keep up my Asian-American vibe... - if I have any =p

5.25.10 12:59pm

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arrived Tainan

Arrived in Taiwan last night... praise God I don't have much jeg-lag problem ^^ Though I can jot down tons of to-do-list, I feel every one of them takes longer to grasp. The wether is extremely humid and sticky, the sweatiness is all over my body @@ Good thing is that I THINK I should be losing weights (sort of), bad thing is... I smell and it feels uncomfortable. I know it's not the worst yet, just hope I can be patient and unsusceptible to those external changes...

回來短暫的玩或是住, 兩個不同的心態真是會有不同的行為舉止. Now I ask more... question more, and so I can do things right in the long run... try not to just follow what the tradition/culture tells me, but I inquire in order to determine what to do, even it might be abnormal. I hope I can keep up this attitude... derive not just from routines, but from origins. :) Need clear minds to make right choices in the next year to come... Emmanuel.

May 19, 5:22pm

Friday, May 14, 2010


Aw.. I'm leaving in 4 days .... just the thought of it shocks me >< I'll definitely miss sooooo much... Souplantation, Target, Michael's, boiling crab (cajun shrimps), Cheesecake Factory, Bucca's shrimp pasta, Tealicious, the authentic Korean tofu & Thai food (King noodle, yellow, red & green curry especially), In-N-Out burgers, fries & strawberry milkshake, Lollicup's Korean BBQ, my jogging route around my neighborhood, Pathfinder park running track, my fabulous CD collection, comfy bed & Tempur-Pedic pillow, my Guess high heel, my small & messy room that still belongs to me :) Cephas & David groups, and many other friends who helped me through my tough years and shared w/ me the joyful moments... all these will be memories. I think all these thoughts began to hit me... >< Still have much to do... Lord, help me to have thoroughly set them all well. (So sleepy.... gotta hit the sack now.....)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day~

好加在我爸昨晚提醒我要打電話給媽咪.. 我真的忙到忘了... @@ Never have I been this forgetful about Mother's Day... but honestly, to me, it's just A day to celebrate... truly it's needed, but.. I suppose how I treat her is as important as a day like today. 希望自己能變貼心一點, 對父母多一點的溫柔.... 可能覺得他們是最能put up with my temper the most =p so.. sometimes I take it for granted @@ Help me to restrain myself from throwing a tantrum freely just because I know that they will take it in... and, mom, I love you...!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

沒有接觸, 就沒有改變的開始

一直以為慈濟跟基督教完全不會打上交道... 看來, 神的意念高過我們的意念, 神的法度跟原則, 遠遠超過我小信跟有範圍的限制........ Lord, I praise YOU!

點閱大愛教室新聞 有些事, 有時不需要解釋太多... 神在做事, 不需要我替祂證明甚麼, 這點我常常陷入陷阱... 要證明自己甚麼. Sth my dad's good at... when his heart is all about what God wants and not too much about what our humanly wants are. 所以, 我為著我們能做的, 感謝 神~ "竟興工業"出現在報紙上, 雖然可能沒啥人知道這個公司, 所有的credit似乎也都歸給慈濟, 但是.... 神隱形的在這個報導上 =p 所以啊, 看報紙真的要小心, 會讓我們看到的有時只是很表面的東西. 神, 祢的榮耀還是最大, 無人能比的... Hallelujah!


跟爸爸聊完後, 我很慚愧.... 慚愧信主比我爸久 (一點) 卻沒有他懂得 神道成肉身為人捨己的意義深遠, 以至於他活得出來這樣自由的給.. 慚愧我其實沒有一丁點行出善事的能力, 慚愧其實我根本沒有活出基督的樣式. 我自以為自己已經有做些"行為"了, 其實那是假象... >< 我感謝 神讓我看清楚我的真相.. 我沒有以基督為心的心, 且重新看自己活著的意義是甚麼.. 要做什麼才是真的 神的心意.. 更少有自己, 這點for sure是我要好好反省的. 老我... 老我.... >< I wanna be a person to bless others, but I need to first see the blessings I've received. 有多少能力做多少... 不要貪, 也不要自義. 重點完全是.... how much do I konw God, and how much do I let God know me... - it's all about relationship w/ our Father. Lord, forgive me.... and I thank You for your acceptance, always.... let me repent out of love for You, not fear, or the worry of not being a good daughter/servant and hence the motive.... but all about love, please Lord.

Michael's Cajun Seafood

Took my dad, Mr. & Mrs. Feng to eat Michael's Cajun seafood in Rowland Heights. Michael's Cajun Seafood Spent relatively a lot... =p but I guess it's worth it! Dad enjoys it very much... so do I.. with two elders on the table, I suppose I ate approx. 2 pounds of shrimp, besides catfishs & fries @@ Its shrimp definitely is more fresh than Boiling Crab's :) And... I forgot to apply the coupon I found online @@ Though it wasn't much, I was soo forgetful... what's going on Jane~~~~~ >< Took the time to upload more YouTube clips. :)

Enjoy reading for leisure

So pleasant to read for leisure... for no other reasons but read to enjoy the moment! Been so long since I read sth other than Bible, spiritual books, or even for academic related subjects. I know... heard negative comments about reading "Twilight" series, but... since I bought the books, wanna read them before I watch every series =p The content is far more interesting than the movies! Anyhow, finally began to catch up "Eclipse"... the last time I read the 1st couple pages was last summer~ Today I did quite some catch up on the readings :) Felt satisfied and productive. Thank God I had some spare time before going to eat w/ those GCCI fellows, so after a few errands, I stopped at the McDonald's, grabbed an ice coffee which I've never tried before and just sat and read for a complete an hour and 30 min I suppose... happy! :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Calvary Chapel 4.25.10

Scripture text: 1 Sam 17; 1 Cor. 3:11

Pastor Jack was in Israel... preaching from Israel and broadcast to his congregation in Chino Hills.

law -> is a contract
However, covenant DOES NOT EQUAL to contract
Jer. 31:31-33

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mariners Church

I thought the sermon was too shallow (sorry.....), but I guess I shouldn't judge too much on my 1st time visit, after all, it's not fair to tell much by the 1st glimpse. However, the points were legit.

Genesis: Before
Three things before the beginning (Hebrews 11:3)

God (Gen. 1:1)
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. How should I live?
Three implications:
1. Truth
2. Freedom
3. Identity

Love and community
Father, Spirit and Son (Gen 1:1-2 & John 1:1-3, 14)
Primacy of relationships
Nature of relationships-self-giving, serving (Phil 2:3-5)

Darkness.... Gen 1:2
Sin brings chaos and darkness
God's Spirit and God's Word brings order and light

One thing really bothered me was when the preacher finished his sermon, the praise team came up on stage and the worship leader began to lead the responding song... hundred of people started walking off the building @@ crazy! Hellooooooooo~ the service is NOT finished yet!!!! Really rude!!! ><