Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ciao 2006

拜拜 2006~~

今年雖然是我超難走過的一年, 但是是 神幫助了我!

我知道若不是祂的恩典, 我走不到如今, 更走不到 神應許要給我更豐盛的未來.

謝謝在我需要時, 聽我說話, 給我勇氣, 鼓勵我的天使朋友們, 妳們的話我都有記得喔!

看到妳們一個個都順利的找到生命中的Mr. Right, 我真的看到 神的時間都沒有延遲.


2007面對新的挑戰- 我的心啊, 你要倚靠 神.

願我更多順服祢, 使祢的旨意在我生命中成全! =)


Blessed be the name of the Lord!!!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What's your take on this?

=> Would you eat cloned animals' meat, even if the safety & drugs administration claim that it's as safe as conventional animals.


My home internet connection's been unbelievably unstable, that's why I can't get online at home. Other than Times Warner, don't we have another choice in my area?? (Rowland 91748)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Jesus' Day!

Merry Christmas to all my friends (Wayers, Daniel's, Mt. Sac & Fullerton friends, high school friends, relatives, families, whoever's reading!) Christmas is about CHRIST! Happy Holidays shouldn't replace it, it's my Jesus' b-day!!!!

Indescribable, uncontainable, all-powerful, You are. *Happy B-day shao Paul! :


Monday, December 18, 2006

Time didn't go by that fast after all

I haven't had boba since sometime end of Oct. (I thought I've restrained longer than that......) until yesterday, a good friend bought me a boba milk tea and.... inspite of the fact that I rarely have milk tea (cuz sometimes I would get dizzy - but I LOVE milk), and how I've tried not to drink any boba, I drank it.... I drank it.... felt a little guilty... is this the longest period of my 'drinking' discipline?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Power of Prayer

God only gives 3 answers to prayer.


 1. "Yes!"

 2. "Not yet."

 3. "I have something better in mind."


God is getting ready to bless us in a way we cannot imagine.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday morning

I felt like I didn't sleep at all yesterday. By 1 am, I was still counting numbers.... thinking nonsense stuff.... woke up at 3 am as if I never slept, wanted to call someone to talk to but don't know who could I wake up. And then... 6 am I was up again, wondered how 3 hours passed but I still felt I was never asleep. 7 am, hoping today wasn't Monday.... then 7:35 pm, had to get up.

Christmas celebration - Ontario

A co-worker of mine goes to this church called "Life Changing Ministires" in Ontario. This coming Sunday 5 pm they have a great Christmas celebration! I heard a few songs that their band & choir's gonna present this week, marvelous... great musicians! I get to see Moo-Moo singing and her daughter dancing 2! And Nguyet's willing to go 2 (wow... a weekend that she's not booked with family/parties...!!! :) I'll definitely GO, since I so want her to visit church, even if it's not mine.


Anyhow, anyone who's interested to go & have fun 2? Lemme know! It finishes at 7 pm, still possible to make it to SOP's tea time ^^

Saturday, December 9, 2006


Emotional today, conclusion: Hope I can be more like Brooke....

Instant noodles..

最近吃了特別多的泡麵... 人家曾經說過, 一包泡麵需要半年來恢復它所帶出來的不好原料之類的.. oh well, 我媽弄的泡麵真的很好吃呢.~ I don't know why I'm craving for it lately. 可能是冬天吧, 想喝熱的湯. 上次在Jennie家喝的雞湯真是好喝. 每家的味道就是不一樣啦 =)

Thursday, December 7, 2006

我的小藍... 再次面臨overheat的問題..~

昨天中午享受完我媽咪作的spaghetti, 想說去買買麵包當今天的晚餐跟明天家人的早餐, I drove to a bakery store in Hacienda Heights during my lunch hour. 開心的要回公司時, 在Gale & Hacienda Blvd中間的紅綠燈時, 忽然很神奇的看到... 我的車前面在冒煙了....! @@ 現在是什麼情況啊? 我嚇了一跳...~ 再看, 我的溫度計忽然在我的眼前升到200了.............. *雖然比起去年和表妹們一起去LB's museum, 溫度計完全跑到紅線的情況下, 這不算什麼, 可是... 它真的在冒煙.. 不是一點點.... 是我眼前都是白煙了~!! 我趕緊開緊急燈, 熄掉引擎, 呼叫忍者... 第一個想到的, 還真是我的老爸..~ 因為10分鐘前想跟哥哥說個話, 他可能上課沒接到. 可是.. 家裡沒人接, 快打手機... Thank God for the technology!!!!! 我老爸大概也猜到有什麼事, 因為女兒週間只打家裡, 從不打他手機的.

總之, 我爸要我開到路旁... 但又不要我再開了如果已經冒煙了. *我真的不知道他到底是要我怎樣...... 可能我在慌亂中吧, 至少聽起來是. 我禱告一下, 決定開回公司 (not that far). 但是轉角快進去前, 又開始往上升... 煙又開始狂冒了... 後來, 看了, 發現有管子壞了吧, coolant都流出來了, 根本都沒有保住. 後來爸覺得我應該那時就開去修車廠, 下班時間會很塞. 我那時就禱告... 神啊, 讓小藍撐到Fullerton喔! (Prayer needs to be specific.. and BOLD....!) 一路上, 都沒有在升了, 我還很得意呢. 結果... 一要轉彎進去Carl Jr., 我的修車廠旁邊. 在還沒有轉進去的dividers上... 小藍出了個怪聲音, 然後就.... 整個熄了. OK.... so we pushed the car... into the plaza. 旁邊的人看到它在冒白煙... 大家好像只是覺得很新奇. 別的修車廠的人還跟Ed說: "You got business huh"!~ er..... newayz... what an experience. I didn't feel much scared, as long as it doesn't explode. ^^"
But I surely was worried about my Jetta....... you gotta live as long as I do.... at least before my next stage 小藍!!!

Stick w/ me, ok? Baxi


Tuesday, December 5, 2006


說到人心的歌詞真的能讓人永遠記得, 完全投入.~ 不論是詩歌或是流行音樂.

"很愛很愛你"是當年風聞一時的一首歌, 我還是過了很久才知道這首歌的; 曾經故做勇敢的送了它給一個人. 昨天表妹要求我再次彈這首歌時, 我發現... 越大似乎越難單純的像當年一樣哭哭就算. 是因為年輕嗎? 他人提醒我起來, 我才想起當年似乎多嚴重. 聽到這首歌, 還是會第一個想到他, 不過真的不記得太多其他感覺了... (so there's hope?!) Um... 我還是覺得歌詞聽起來很偉大, 很美... 不過是淒涼的美... 不過我又不覺得這是真正應該有的愛情. Am I daydreaming....

"我想她的確是更適合你的女子 我太不夠溫柔優雅成熟懂事 如果我退回到好朋友的位置 你也就不在需要為難成這樣子

看著她走向你 那幅畫面多美麗 如果我會哭泣 是因為歡喜 地球上兩個人 能相遇不容易 做不成你的情人 我仍感激

很愛很愛你 所以願意 捨得讓你往更多幸福的地方飛去很愛很愛你 只有讓你擁有愛情 我才安心~"

BAXIA! ^^>


Company's Christmas Party.

Ok.. it's Dec. 15th, Friday.. yes... Friday. 我之前很興奮要去的, 可是現在覺得沒那麼想去了... I don't know how the news spread around, few ppl thought I'm a good dancer @@ (lemme clarify myself. Yes, it's TRUE that I love to dance, but it's NOT TRUE that I'm a good dancer *I wish though.. it was one of my top three list of professions I wanna be..... oh well~) I get to bring someone 'significant' to go w/ me, another additional person will charge $150. 但是目前仍不確定有誰可以去.... 大多數的人都要去參加小組啊.......

Friday, December 1, 2006


Yesterday I had such a pleasant time playing piano at home. Haven't felt this way for a long time. Even though I'm not a prof pianist, I enjoy it...... yes, w/ my inadequate skills! :)


I'm sorry that I feel awkward about how things went, but I have my tolerance. I've been stretched greatly in the past few years, but... I still have limits. Sometimes it's really tough to not think about it. Take a deep breath, feel the sunshine, read friends' blogs, interact with ppl, I see hope again.


Lord, shelter me, so in my future years before I see You, I will not wake up in the middle of the night feeling vain. I wanna hold on to You... leaning on You, my rock, my fortress.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Press on!

It's been a little bit more than a month. Press on!

*Dec. already.... it's really like winter now*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Everything has a beginning...

Yesterday I did sth I considered - crazy... or maybe just a bit sudden. However, I could have done what I did last year, but I didn't. Not that they provoked me, but the courage indeed wasn't completely from myself, rather, 'adults', so I took some actions.

Elders do perceive things differently than I do, and I appreciate for what they told me.  Of course I'm not sure what they said will come true or not, but I love to hear their rationales. Although things are not easier Lord, thank You... I enjoy LIVING more than I did before.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dream come true... Happy Thanksgiving!

我開心, 因為聽到讓我很激昂跟窩心的事.... I almost cried... actually I did.... 不過是很開心的哭了.
I'm glad sth's happening now, what we've been expecting is becoming real now.
每個人的season是不同的, 我為我有的感恩.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Your age by eating out - Diner & Restaurant Math!

Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!

It takes less than a minute .
Work this out as you read ...
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat. (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1756 .
If you haven't, add 1755.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number (I.e., how many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)

The next two numbers are

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lost cell phone..!

Yo... as title says, yeh..... I lost my cell phone!!!!!!  

I am not quite sure exactly where I lost it... could be in my car, could be at Joella's store, could be somewhere at church, could be anywhere - from parking lots & pavements to church, I duno but I did look all over the places. Even used my lunch hour to rush to VOH and rummaged the trash cans *Sis Esther helped me with that 2!!! ^^" I was fairly frustrated yesterday night, I have more than 300 #s in it.... and some of them are just NUMBERS that I can't afford to lose. Ah... I thought of the worst scenario... and His words says: be steadfast.. be steadfast and sing to Him~~~~ so... for those who care, just pray for me to find it unexpectedly (plz Lord); EVEN if not, I think.... I can be thankful, get a new phone ^-^ and pay additional service charges... I just called to suspend my phone. Thus don't leave any msgs to me now.... if you wanna find me, call my house, contact my cousins, or see if I bump into you.


Monday, November 13, 2006


I purchased two bookshelves at Ikea, 想說買了該買的書櫃, 找個weekend要來整理我粉早前就說要整理的房間, 因為最近weekends還是有滿多事要忙的. 可是... 我親愛的爸爸, 大概是猜到女兒會拖, 所以... 某天的中午, 我媽打電話給我, 說我爸已經開始在幫我整理了.... 不是我不開心他幫我, 只是因為我知道這是個大工程, 加上我想要自己學著弄, 所以.... 我乍聽下, 沒有很高興. 但是, 我媽說我爸很堅持, 要我相信我爸的眼光 (媽, 這不是重點!~)anyhow, 既然我人在外頭, 無法阻止, 我想說如果只是將書從舊書架換到新的上面, 應該也還好, 不會太麻煩, 所以我也沒多想了. 一回家腳才剛踏入門... 我媽說: "趕快幫爸盛杯果汁".... Jasmine也說: "Jane妳真的要好好謝謝妳爸~" I was like... OK~! 可是當我一踏入我的房間.... 我爸正好拿吸塵器出來, 我才發現..... "爸你真的是太猛了!!! 竟然幫我的擺設全部改位置了!!" 直到那一煞那, 我真的無話可說... 感動不已~ It is a task.... I did plan to do it myself, but.... I guess my dad did a even better job than me...! 總之, 現在位置都改了, 我還有需要整理的, 不過大方向都好了.... 等房間大整理到一段落, 我就可以買keyboard了... I'm sooo looking foward to it! Other than keyboard, there're actually a lot I wanna buy lately... 有看到盼望的感覺, 找到自己想要的東西而擁有的感覺, 我很少這樣的. Enjoy this process! =)

*My parents' love..... esp. my dad's... 這次我真的深深感覺到.... I duno about others, but as a daughter, sometimes I desire sth else other than what my parents have given me. 不過... 這次, 我有更多的體會... I'm thankful and content with what I have. Parents' unconditional love... 生我們的父母已這樣, 那 神呢? 讓我對 神的愛更..... speechless...!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nov. B-days... & relevant random thoughts

Nov. B-days:


11-5: Helen (Evelyn? *just heard from Amy yesterday; since I'm not directly informed, this isn't formal yet =p)

11-9: Melissa

11-10: Frank & David Chuko

11-12: Kitty

11-13: Tom? or Jerry? (... "Tom & Jerry!!")

11-14: Jessica Chen

11-15: Cliff?

11-17: Kari

11-18: Jeffrey Hu

11-21: Lala

11-25: Michelle Regalado

11-27: Oscar


The more friends we meet, the list adds on and on...

My memory span has been shortened, I remember most of these since my youth - oh NO!

I'm sure I still miss a few ppl's.....................

Oh well, Happy Birthday to you all, and also, thanks to your moms...

After all, our b-days were all our mom's 'suffering' days.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Election 2006! Vote!

It was noticeable, that I wasn't as thrilled as most Hispanics who happened to encircle me at the Convention Center two years ago when I officially got my citizenship. I wasn't as appreciated as of now, realizing more and more of whoever the speaker it was behind the pulpit who emphasized so much on voting, what he was saying. I feel that it is such a priviledged duty - to voice out and make the vote count. Not that I want to be political, but as Christians, I find a lot of times, we ain't as concerned of our government and society as we should in the states, not just in Asia. Yes, God is in control, He does His 100%, but we also have the responsibilities in this country to do sth, our 100%.


Luckily, I was immediately eligible to have my first vote in 2004's election to support Bush! This year, unlike previous ones, I couldn't find anyone with informations to ask for opinions about this election. After spend time reading all the detailed pamphlets and all kinda ads I've received from mail in past few weeks, I'm proud to say that I'm a bit more knowledgeable of the pros & cons of the propositions now. =) Going to vote after work... I'm thankful!


**Btw, I do do things at my work..  not that I'm on internet all day long - for those who might notice that I post/reply during work hours~! ^^"**

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Jobs available & Anyone car sell?

Heads up, for those who are looking for jobs, two opportunities are available for ya!

 1). "茶經班"- Cashier/做飲料的: Joella's mom's shop (like Lollicup, Quickly). Part-time. Needs someone to help out on SUNDAY afternoon.... Prefers someone who had been working in this kinda enviornment before; but if not, it's OK, as long as you're willing to learn. Location: Diamond Bar (Between Diamond Bar Blvd & Grand intersection. The plaza where Starbucks, Hollywood videos, Jack in the Box, 華星(dvd?) are. Right across the BOA & Lollicup plaza. Lemme know if you're interested. BTY, 食物真的很好吃喔...~!!! Not just me, Eric, Joshua, Charlie, Mark, all made good comments about it! Other than the telicious food, they have INTERNET access for computer lovers, and comics..... ^^"; and... will soon provide VIDEO games 2...!! It opens 7 DAYS a week, closes late 2, plz support & check it out!

2). Sales: Caps company. Full-time. Location: Ontario. A friend who is going back to Tw for a period of time, and wants to find someone to fill up her position.

CAR: *Anyone who wants to sell his/her car? Got a friend who might wanna purchase a second-hand vehicle.


Friday, November 3, 2006


I'm very sad over a news I heard .... I don't like the combination 11/3... My heart mourns, and yet I can't do anything... I pray, although knowing that God listens, I think He listens with sorrows in His heart 2. Jesus, only You are God. 

Thursday, November 2, 2006


Since my 24th b-day, I've wanted an iPod... now I'm even close to 26, I still don't have it... I wanna buy one. FRANK, why are you in France?! Wat about the one you told me to wait till Oct? Now's already Nov....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Boba.... ciao

I love boba...... just can't resist it... BUT... thanks to my sensitive skin, the doc wants me to cut off from drinking boba to like twice per year. AHHH... MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!!!  but I'll try very very hard on that. So far I'm doing good... I realized that habits are relatively easier to change and adjust than my emotional instability.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Great & busy day...

待的Jess結婚日子到了.... I still couldn't believe that she got married.... my high school buddy. @ Tustin Ranch Golf Club, the place seemed so familiar.... 第一次在室外參加婚禮, 感覺很不同. 享受在日光下的婚禮典禮, 有噴水池, 有綠油油的草坪, 有湖在旁做景, 真是美景, 難怪Jess說一看就決定了她尋找了幾個月的location. Everything seemed so right... 特別難得的更是見到些多年沒見的高中同學. 一些是我知道他們, 他們不怎麼知道我的.. ^^" but I don't mind at all. 有人竟然跟我說我"女大十八變"... OK, I'll take that as a compliment ^^" (somewhat I admit.... I changed a bit).Lunch was delicate... and the group games were entertaining. Jess was preeeettyyyy.... Gary真的是幸福啦... 不過他倆可是愛情長跑接近9年, 所以能有這美好的結局, 我想兩人都是努力地在經營著. =) Thanks to 純純 & Nipen for helping out... 婚禮就是要開開心心地.~

由於so close to where David & Gracy live, me and 純純 stopped by to kinda visit them & Jocelyn. ^-^> JOCELYN 就是真的.... 可愛! 雖然她哭多餘笑, 不過稍微打擾到她的nap time.. hehe, 我已經滿足看到她了. 她越大越可愛囉.....!!! And then... I bumped into MORE high school friends even in Ten Ren, 還有幾年沒見的朋友耶! Ate, talked... then, 跟Paul等人一起看了"Click." Uuuumm..... 很有內涵的一部片子, 我只能說... a must see for 2006! *Cherish even the moments that you might even, for once, wanna 'fast-forward, skip'.

(Pics will be posted to my 無名! =)


Monday, October 2, 2006

Salsa & Swing

Salsa basic; Cucaracha; Mambo steps; Head loop; Slide back; Underarm turn; Cumbia; Swing basic; Tommy turn; L-shape; Credo; Credo with hand switch; Comb; Thrown out.... and many more. I'm done w/ my salsa & swing jam classes. I like swing more than salsa for some reason.... maybe cuz it requires less hip movements and more spaces. The professor is actually very well-known among this field - Betty Mae Yang. She promised us to be able to go out to the ballroom and dance after the classes.... um, I guess with a skillful partner it IS possible.

Might be scheduling for a Sat. Imperial ballroom practice time.~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy B-DAY!

Happy B-day to you... Happy B-day to you... Happy B-day to BETTTTTTTY and ANNNNNNNDY......~ Happy B-day to you TWO! =)

Sunday, September 17, 2006


朋友真的是越認識的越久, 越珍貴.~ 跟酒一樣嗎? *人家都是這樣形容酒的.... ^^"

最近開始有機會跟一起以前高中朋友很久沒連絡的, 忽然連絡上, 聊起天來, 頗有感觸.

雖然很久就斷聯繫了, 生活也都跟以前不同, 可是還是很快可以聊起而沒特別感到距離.

感覺有點熟悉, 又卻是不同的相處模式.

可能現在的朋友看我, 跟以前高中的朋友看我, 會有很大的不同吧. 怎麼說呢...

現在的朋友應該多數覺得我是很外向, 好像走到哪都會遇到認識的人.

可是我現在回想以前在高中時的我, 那時我的朋友其實不多.

也不是我不外向, 可是我那時沒有像現在更喜歡交朋友, 好像.~ 那時比較會在一起的朋友就是那幾個而已.

所以現在高中有些人問起某某人時, 我會放空.... 不太確定誰是誰. 似乎有這麼個人, 又不太肯定.

When would we possibly have a high school friends reunion? ^^ Class of 1999!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Many ppl's b-days are on Sept... & Oct.

Happy B-day Larry.....!!!!!! I love 15th!!!! hehe. =)

Saturday, September 9, 2006


持有了一年多的無名account, 好多次都收到它們寄來通知我, 再不用要刪除的信件.
And... I finally began to do sth to it....
現在我的照片都是post在那了, 有興趣的可以去看看囉!~ ^^>

Friends' blogs

自從我開始用iBook後, 最不喜歡的就是Mac裡MSN, 及它相關的用途.~

首先, 我以前用pc時, 有空就會看看朋友的blogs, 而多一點知道大家的狀況, 是一件開心的事.

可是... Mac的MSN function沒有那麼完備......

首先, 左邊不會有個花樣的東西可以直接點進去別人的網誌.....

再來就是我後來聽說的, pc在顯示offline的情況下也還是可以聊天?? (這什麼論理啊?????)

Mac就是在顯示offline可以看到他人在線上, 但不能跟任何人聊天.

所以呢, 我的網誌左旁會放一些人的網誌link....

最主要的原因是因為這樣我才有access to others' blogs...... 之前沒有存的, 現在就都看不到啦.

剛剛加了幾個朋友寄給我的"add to friend's list", 跟無名好像喔.. but it's a good sign to me!!!!

so... frienz, if you're a MSN user and you've been blogging, feel free to add me then. =)



Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Job offer (Teller)

Banking industry (Rowland Heights): teller. Full-time/part-time, must be meticulous, honest, and responsible!
If you think you're qualified, and are looking for a job, plz let me know asap! =)


方言禱告 (speaking in tongue, praying in tongue). 凡是相信聖靈(神的靈)不只是在2000多年前, 甚至更久前 神在創照天地時就在運行了, 而如今, 它仍在那信的人裡面動工的信徒, 應該都聽過, 甚是會說方言 (a language that's given by Him, a language that devil doesn't understand, nor could he comprehend; 方言可以是只是跟 神說的, 另一種則是在聖靈充滿下完全說別國的語言 [本身不會說那國的語言]; 前者是為了建造提升自己的靈, 後者是為了傳福音, 訴說 神的奇妙, 見證 神!) 今天牧師要我們說方言......... 但是口不能出聲音.... 嘴巴不能動 (舌頭不能動)的情況下, and.... he asked "can you still feel the Holy Spirit inside of you, feel sth inside of you....." 我一開始有點難, 因為沒試過 (想都沒想過 ^^") 連舌頭都不能動的方言禱告. 可是... 馬上很快感受到我裡面有個火, it's burning... 原本覺得很冷的身體, 忽然整個熱了起來~ =) 我從來沒有這樣試過 (心裡方言禱告), 覺得好像發現個寶一樣. ^^" hehe 不論在怎樣的環境, 哪天如果環境不允許, 無法開聲禱告, guess what.. we believers can still 'feel' God inside of us, it's burning inside of us.... and we can literally 'pray' without our mouths opened.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


很久沒有傳福音覺得這麼錯愕了..... 一天, 找了個中午吃飯的好時機跟兩三個同事們傳福音, 因為她們都是我算熟的, 也真的很喜歡的同事們. 結果... 感謝主, 對我有更多的挑戰.~~~! 並不是第一次被人question問題.... 也很習慣回答可能會有的問題, 可是這次很不一樣. 我覺得我沒有矛盾啊, 可是她們說我矛盾... 覺得我本來興致沖沖的, 滿是興奮的, 結果..... 有點軟腳的感覺. 跟她們聊過後, 本來有點小難過, 小在意的, 可是... 當場馬上想到說, 其實被'拒絕'應該是很正常的, even Christ was rejected by men, who am I that expected the external forces to be less? and even, why am I anticipating that? 若不是 神保守, 神親自觸摸人, 其實我們的口都只是一個器皿.~ 有時會因為受挫折而難過, 遇到難處困境而煩惱, 可是有福的人除此外, 還會走過什麼樣的路呢? 聖經上說, 那為祂的名受拒絕, 受逼迫的, 那人是有福的. 況且我如今都還不到流血的地步勒..... 上車休息時, 感謝 神讓我可以用很短的時間, 碰巧跟一個大姐姐連絡上. 她沒特別說什麼big words, but just by talking to a believer afterwards already comforted me greatly. 而今天我有機會燒一張CD (Christian songs) 給一個同事聽 (oops yeh, i burned a CD ^^"). I still expect sth to happen... from ABOVE though. 在工作場合傳福音, 是我一直期待的, 卻除了我下意識知道可以怎麼做的, 我沒有知道什麼特別的方法. I simply, and finally began to take actions to do what I know I should do. 要去"但以理"小組了, 我想一定有他們的經歷可以幫助我的! ^-^>

Saturday, August 12, 2006


想看點好書, 可是對於現在在我書架上的書, 卻都有點興致缺缺. 所以呢.... 想請大家推薦一下吧! 不論是你自己的書, 或是推薦我去買的, 我都熱意知道. 至於書的範圍呢.... spiritual, educational, 都可以~ documentary可能比較沒有興趣. 歷史之類的, 如果是跟聖經有關的, 像是Israel, 耶路薩冷, 那還不錯, 其他的, um, unless you can convince me of its significance and how it relates to me ^^ 快喔快喔, 看看大家平時都看些什麼.~ =)

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Devil Wear Prada

我本來就滿會看電影看到落淚, 不過... 這部我可以看到落淚說起來也有點怪~ ^^" 我認同多數的critics, 它很敘述性, 的確會給人不知道思路要往哪裡去的感覺. Andrea (Andi) Sachs (Anne Hathaway) & Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep)在裡頭的服裝可真是高尚, 琳琅滿目. 電影我一開始不是很知道where it's leading to, 不過看到最後對它的結局, 很感動. 可能容易被感動吧.... 不過我真的覺得我學到很寶貴的功課. Hathaway所飾演的Andi, 雖然真正想做的是journalist, 但在面對跟適應她完全沒有一點關連, fast pace的fashion industry, 她很努力... 努力完成每個demanding requests, 也真的學習的很快. 她的努力沒有白費, 贏得bossy Mirada's trusts; however, she seems to be losing her focus. 我站在她的立場, 我幾乎完全認同她的改變很多時候是she didn't have a choice. 可是到最後, she realized she had the choice, 去改變, to make up her mind, to be herself, to do what she considers right. A chick flick movie... hehe 可能因為我很會聯想, 就很自然地跟自己的生活(life, friends, work, decision-making, determination, mercy, grace... and many more)聯想在一起, 而覺得特別有共鳴跟體會. =) 內容可看此: 

Saturday, August 5, 2006


之前沒特別覺得怎樣, 我自己約3年前在NY時, 也跟Nicholas Cage的雕像照相啊! 可是這幾天看到一些照片 -- 一些跟明星或是名人的塑像(蠟像?)照相, 我忽然.... 被提醒到, 聖經上說不可為自己雕刻偶像 (出 20:4). 雖然我知道不是這些明星去要求說要有他們的雕像, 但是它還是存在了.. 大家也很自然的, 因為平時也不會看到啊, 難得可以跟"他"照相, 也很自然地就去當作個景, 拍個照留念.~ 聖經上說不可做的事, 其實不知不覺中, 在文化和社會中, 很合理地慢慢地被同化... 甚至到一個地步, 可能連自己同"kingdom of God"的基督徒弟兄姊妹中, 也會有人告訴你說: "不要這麼絕對, 神給我們很多的自由跟空間, 我們是自由不被限制的....". 這只是一個例子... 堅持的人, 沒被支持到, 甚至還有可能被遭到排擠. 耶穌說得窄門, 不是對著救恩說的, 是對著已經信祂的人說的. Lord, 我真的需要一群跟我有同一心志的弟兄姊妹啊~! I might not always be right, but I need godly friends to stand beside me. =)

Thursday, August 3, 2006


我以為是電腦有點怪怪的.... 怎麼忽然blog setting is totally different from before? Instead of "" it now says "" 其實我不能完全說出它哪裡不一樣了 ^^" 可是就是不同了. 更elegant, 顏色更柔和的感覺. Upgrade... no downgrade, 生命也是要這樣!

Wednesday, August 2, 2006


我是個喜歡坦白的人, 心裡想什麼, 表情幾乎藏不住. 可是.... 隨著年紀的增長, 就越來越多身邊的人會對我說, "講話不能總是這麼直, 要學習怎樣表達- 不是所有妳想的都能說出來, 都要說出來." 我並不是不認同, 只是.... 有時我仍是覺得這樣很虛假, 因為沒有百分之百的誠實. 或許真的人都是自私的, 沒有辦法做到完完全全百分之百地誠實. 但.... 我就是不喜歡虛假的人, 說謊的人, 諂媚的人, 不誠實的人 etc. 有時我真的很想就憑著ㄧ時的衝動說點什麼, 可是... 是的, 因為多那一點點的思考, 過濾, 怕傷害這個, 怕顧忌這個, 最後... 我像個不像自己的自己~ (不過也有可能朋友們已經覺得我很像我自己了 ^^")

Um, 將有一天 (could be hundred yrs later, 70, or even 20 yrs later) 當 神審判世人的時候, ㄧ切的事, 會在三為一體的 神, 天使, 魔鬼, 和全世界從古到今的人面前, 顯露出來. 真當認真去想想, ... 滿恐怖的... 應該說, 震驚! 不管我多愛的人, 我多在乎的人, 我到時都不能為他/她做什麼, 說什麼, cuz it doesn't matter - it's between us and God. 每個人的生命, 要自己負責地.... 自己跟 神交賬. 能改變什麼的, 只有在現在. *雖然現在的我, 還不夠堅強, 仍是很容易受到影響. 不論是因著環境, 因著關係, 或是別人的話語... 而我也有變得不像原本的我.

主啊, 幫助我..... 是要倚靠不變的你. 不是不去在意別人的看法, I believe You will teach me, 但是要認清, 誰是我的priority, 誰是我要負責任的 -- and You ARE! Plz hide me under Your wings...

耶穌是我的喜樂, 我的滿足, 我的詩歌

耶穌是我得豐盛, 我得飽足, 我得醫治

耶穌是我的山寨, 我的盾牌我的愛, I will never let You go..

(oh oh oh) I will never let You go~~




Saturday, July 29, 2006

Early post

自從上班後, 至少7:20 am 要起床. 可是因為之前事情多壓力大, 不管幾點關燈入睡, 通常不到六點, 就一定會醒來, 然後.... 就很難再睡著, 直到快到7點 - 睡意又來啦.~ 所以現在有心裡時鐘, 習慣性地時間一到就會醒來 (我也希望可以睡久一點啊~~~~)

Lina表妹來美國玩, 我呢, 就能參與的, 盡量陪著一起玩, 不過 -- 玩也是會累的. ^^" 其實住在加州這麼多年了, 總覺得都沒有機會去更遠些的一些區域玩, 加州還是有很多地方我都沒有去過的....! 喜歡去不同的地方看, 遊走. 有哪些好玩的地方呢? viewers 介紹一下吧!!!

Has anyone seen "The Devil Wear Prada?" I've heard great comments, and want to go watch it =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


第一次有人來公司找我吃飯, 在門口等人來接的那種感覺, 很奇異, 也有小許地感動.... 公司午餐的時間有一小時: 自己帶便當在公司裡吃的話, 時間顯得很長, 還有時間小睡一下(不需要打電話連絡事情的情況下). 可是要是在外頭吃的話, 得先打個電話在附近的餐廳先訂, 時間上才會顯得差不多剛好; 不過就算如此, 還是得吃的快一些.~

我記得有一次, 在送Jason回去UCLA上課之後, 中午有機會和在downtown的上班女郎Tiff吃個飯. 那時她說過, 很感動... 有人可以來她公司附近中午陪她吃個飯.~ 而且說了不只ㄧ次. ^^ 雖然只是一個午飯, 我現在更能體會她當時說這話時的感覺. =)

只要事先約好, 除了跟同事吃飯建立關係, 能跟朋友吃個飯真的是很享受.~ 以後如果我不需要上班, 或是做了家庭主婦, 希望可以去找上班的朋友們, 中午約出來吃個飯.... 讓他人感到窩心 ^-^v

Baxia...... *a za a za fighting fighting!* (ha... side effects from watching Full House =p)

** Viv - Happy B-day **

Job Opportunities

1. Sales: Our area (Rowland/Walnut/Diamond/Hacienda), no experiences required.

2. Finance: Hedge fund (LA area), interested in finance.


Lemme know if you're interested, or have friends looking for related careers.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Yard House

七月的壽星真的太多了.... 越知道越覺得恐怖~ ^^" 本來以為認識的只有六個是七月寶寶, 後來...... 陸陸續續地, 目前知道地有15個了~

Sayuri's b-day party, 我和朋友去了Yard House in Brea ( 在週末慶祝, 為了不要讓大家等菜餚太太久, Sayuri體貼的選擇... 坐patio. 是的, 在上星期六晚間七點至十點 - 113度的氣溫下, 我們在室外享受美食~~~~ >.< (*不是住加州的朋友們: 最近LA的氣溫是..... 爆熱! 我是一百分之兩百怕冷勝於怕熱的, 可是它悶熱的程度我也小小不敢領教囉*) 吃到最後... 壽星自己衝到洗手間 --- 快吐了(ah! 天氣啊!!)

另一件有趣的事: 洗手間的水..... 它不是冰的... 它不是涼的.... 它不是冷的. 它.... 是的, 它..... 是... 啊! "Gee, my hands are burning....." 真的是這樣...! 是要讓顧客不浪費嗎?? =p 因為一群多數是不認識的朋友, 看到mutual friend就特別興奮! 基督徒圈子真的很小...... 真的是一家人, 連在一起地.

Yard House: 奇蹟的, 它們的appetizers are way much more delicious than their entrees..


Thursday, July 20, 2006


How many times have you tried to sing out loud at your downest moments,

and you feel much relieved and comforted? Every Tue afternoons, I get to make lots color copies for Autozone pallets, and mostly I'm all by myself in the copy room.


Not every time when I'm down, I can think of lots worship songs... ^^" This past Tue, I sang.... loudly..... weeping. The 1st song that came out of my mouth was:


"Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise,

and when the darkness closes in though, still I will say.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, blessed be Your name.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, blessed be Your glorious name..."


His name is worthy to be praised!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006








Thursday, July 13, 2006


Other than Xiang, who already head back to China for her wedding banquet, one of my close high school friend’s wedding is around the corner 2! After attending many church sista’s weddings, I’m relatively familiar with the preparations beforehand now. When Jess was asking me the availability of the day, I knew it - the bridal shower! Her wedding announcement came unanticipated -great surprise, yet reminds me of… age? Maybe. What I should be doing, what should be expected, what should be done…. by now, the age of 25… er, also concerned for few gals around me..

I twice heard from someone about the definition of ‘finding out your calling,’ and I’m amazed and contented by how it is wonderfully phrased! “You won’t be completely satisfied and at peace unless you’re living in God’s calling.” I thank God that with a little more discovering of where my passion leads me, I gradually get to taste more satisfaction of fulfilling God’s plan in me. =)

Jess & Gary: Congrats! Your long-run relationship is about to precede a blessed marriage~!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I've been blogging for a year now, I noticed! =)

July, what a month.... with many 'firsts'. 好與壞, 我都需要take it...

Lord, help me to live with a pure heart and pure motivation... be more obedient to You.


Blog是public的, 需要private的空間或多或少是不太容易. 除非改為restricted. 像玉妹說得, 要完全表達出自己全部的想法, 到底是有些考量的......

um...... ~~~~~~ 心情非常的複雜, 一生中好像沒有過這樣子的混亂跟難受.

不是不願意承認自己軟弱, 或是太多只注重自己的軟弱, 可是我需要時間.

我知道 神知道..... 我知道祂愛我, 我知道祂為我好, 我知道我是被愛的...

雖然感受跟我的理智上有一個距離, 而.... 我在學習拉近這個距離, 或是, 讓我離感受遠一點.

是的主, 我學習安靜.... silence..... 也要好好照顧自己的身體.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

O2 Angels!

What a great night w/ O2 Angels, I enjoyed it sooooo much! You gals surely are angels to me.... =) Although we missed 阿dra, Mimi & Tasha, but... Beth, Jessica, Christina, Jean and Claire, I love being with you. I'm so proud of Beth & Christina, what an walking testimony of you two to do missions this summer (Christina's longer..... years). I hope I can go, both traveling & missions..... and Jean, your sharing encouraged me. Jessica - you're fun to be with, and you're hyperer today! hehe.... glad to see the other side of you. ^^" And Claire, my home church sister ^^ GO O2 Angels! =)

Btw, today Xiang left to China to get her formal wedding in her hometown. We talked yesterday and she gave me blessings 2.... I'm gonna miss ya.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

For You are strong, although I am weak

Is it so hard, so painful to let go? You still don’t see what other people see? As our lives, sentiments, thoughts can only be more complex, you gotta have your vision & passion, to walk on with perseverance, and without doubts. Growth means to take on more duties, responsibilities, pressures, and more of what you were not/could not before. Spiritual growth means to die more in flesh and submit more to the Lord.


The boldness you had to make the decision you did, I’m so proud of you. “For You are strong, although I am weak…. “ A song I wrote sometime last year at my down pit. And once again, I need it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

2 Js... Jessica & Jeremy!

On Friday morning, my mom told me that that night my older cousin from Australia finally decided to make it to come to the US after they attended Lala's commencement in Canada. Right after fellowship, three of us girls 'rushed' home. Seriously.. it haven't been like that... to see three of us ALL heading home right after the cell group. ^^"

It's great to see my niece (kaka) and nephew (jeremy). :) Still can't believe I'm an aunty already.... They're adorable kids! And by observing the way my cousin treated her kids, I realized how much difficult it is ... to be a mom, to be a parent, to be considerate and yet setting the boundaries. The reality? -- I feel like I'm way not prepared.... ^^" Anywayz, kids are so naive and easy to be convinced. They surely take every word you say - whatever comes out from parents' mouths are just so powerful! ....

My emtion had gone like roller coasters in the past days, many reasons. Few important things learned at work, one of the most, particularly - try not to over analyzing.

Monday, June 5, 2006


Somtimes I just wanna be away.... not expecting anything, not being hurt, be idle... and now I'm in that moment again. I admit I'm much weaker than I thought...

Saturday, May 27, 2006


很久沒在小組聚會完後這麼想去美欣了. 可能因為放長假 (Memorial weekend), 所以特別興奮.! =) My 1st long weekend ever since I worked at Pilot. And today I saw him again.... 一個以前在Mt. Sac日文同班的一個美國人. 雖然很久前了, 可是我記得那時就很想跟他傳福音. 不記得那時到底有沒有跟他聊過... 對他會印象深刻的原因是, 他雖然是個純美國人, 卻那時就很知道日文的Kangi (中文字), 還有.... 最令我印象深刻的是, 他給我的感覺很單純..... the way he talks... is very slow, and.... 當老師在問他東西時, 他看起來想了很久, 想說一定會說一些很難懂的東西, 結果.... 回答常常讓人覺得很好笑 -有趣方面的好笑.

也不知道為什麼, 從以前同班時, 其實我就覺得有感動要跟他傳福音. Anywayz... 甚至上一次看到他時, 當時也日文同班且現在同小組的Tiff, 也仍記得他的名字 -Jason! 所以我就想說, 這次又碰面了, 一定要跟他講話, 邀他來教會等的. 上次一樣在美欣看到他跟他朋友時.... 我沒有很積極, 後來看到他走了. 今天竟然又看到他.... 鼓起勇氣, 說什麼我今天都要邀請他了, 不管他記不記得我. 抓了個弟兄陪我去聊.... 因為怕Jason根本對我一點印象都沒有, 還反讓人誤會我的動機.... ^^"

感謝其他人的背後壯膽. 趕在他們要離開前, 上前介紹... he actually remembered me - 雖然他不記得哪裡見過~~~~ 我們四人愉快的聊了一下, 知道他也去教會 - SOUTHLAND!!!!!! (isn't that amazing... the school which we went to for their Chinese New Year celebration... we led the praise band there on campus!) Anyhow, 最後, 他朋友不經意的說了一句: "it's good that you guys came to talk to him... he had a tough day today" (大致上的意思是這樣). 我當時沒有太注意這句話有多significant. 只是, 聊完回到位置上時, 另一桌的教會姊妹問我是不是在傳福音... 他們那桌的人告訴我, "it was a great timing..... 那位朋友剛才在哭耶..." I have to say.... isn't God a great God? 雖然我不知道我今天是否做了什麼... 對Jason是否有鼓勵或幫助... but God indeed knows. =)

我真的很喜歡傳福音.... 認識人... 使人有機會認識主. This is my passion... after all these years, I've always enjoyed spreading the gospel, either to strangers or friends/acquintances I know of. This is far more exciting than anything else, to win souls for the Lord. 從沒有試過的弟兄姊妹們, 一定要去傳.! You'll be full of Him inside & even outside.... and you just know it. ^-^v My God is a great God, and the greatest!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Eau De Parfum

One of my wish-list b-day gift from Frank & Pear.... although it was a belated gift, it came with such great surprise! Frank 從法國回來, 竟然帶了個禮物給我, 真的很訝異~ 因為我並沒有告訴他們我想要的東西, 但買到的竟是我想要的 - 香水.~ 當天送我時, 知道正好買到我想要的禮物, 他也嚇了一跳~ 一直想說要把美麗的它上傳讓朋友看看, 可是一直沒有時間.... ^^" 其他也有很棒的禮物, 可能特別是從法國空運過來的..... 且是唯有2006這個特別season獨有的, 所以很感動. 看起來粉是高級, 聞起來味道滿重的.... "Flower by Kenzo" made in France.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


剛過的這禮拜一, 是在我們福樂之家當中一位信主, 一同成長粉多年的弟兄 - Leo全家搬到Alabama州的日子. 上個禮拜似乎為了他, 因此聚集了一些日子.. 很突然的一個決定, 但是.... 其實認真想想, 似乎人的去留, 會越來越頻繁~ 不只一次聽弟兄姊妹在分享未來道路時, 會提及遠遷的可能性, 但是總覺得... 那個日子應該還遠的勒.~ 也覺得很習慣這樣的slow pace, 似乎看不太到會離別的時刻, 也沒想過會這麼快從我們當中, 有一個先被差派出去. Kari在bbs上竟然自己還說:“我本來以為我會是第一個離開的~“

今天是第一次聚會沒有Leo同在的第一次小組 (我指的是正式離開後). 小組還是照常舉行, 仍是有新朋友的光臨.... 也加上有些私事, 讓我更深感受到, 路真的是要自己走.~ 每個人有自己的一個要負責的路, 要往前的方向.~ 除了Leo, 我最新消息也得知石鍏阿姨全家也決定要暑假搬到香港住. 聽了她的見證, 真的是看到 神清楚的引導. 從一來美國就認識, 同一個小組很多年的Betty, 也決定要搬回台灣住幾年.~ 今天又聽了另一個弟兄講到他未來的方向等的..... 不喜歡這種分離的我, 神在對我說什麼呢?

目前雖然在工作了, 可是我也不得不說, 未來道路怎麼走, 真的不敢誇口. 不過.... 感謝主, 在信主的人中, 我們同有一位 神, 使得不論到哪, 我們最終會碰面 (at least in Heaven~!)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


自從1996年Christmas的重感冒,當時連聖誕節都只能躺在床上。從那時到現在,很久沒有感冒這麼嚴重了。有過一次吃了不乾淨的海鮮,使得半夜上吐下瀉。 但是...... 從來沒有感冒到沒有聲音,說不出話來。從來沒有這麼吐痰這麼多天都是綠色的。從來沒有背痛到半夜會痛到醒過來。 ** 很久沒有跟amy這麼有空的隨便走走,運動。很久沒有跟amy & jasmine有空一起去買東西。很久沒有“這樣“練琴。喜歡可以跟同事們多多認識,想想怎樣傳福音。也可能有機會可以練練忘得差不多的日文?~

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

陪審團 Jury duty

Jury duty..... 不知道為什麼,總是在我印象中,是個沒有啥意義跟會想參與的一個義務。說它是義務,因為成為美國公民後,這就是一個遲早會落在你信箱的一個"炸彈郵件"~ ^^" 以前幫我爸媽填過不少次的陪審團回絕信,畢竟他們之前不常在美國,語言也可能是一個障礙,之前也只是持有綠卡,不是公民。但是....... 對於2004年暑假成為公民的我而言,這實在是說不過去的藉口。加上,我真的認為這是一個該盡的義務,也頭腦裡知道這是一個priviledge...... 雖然以前心裡卻不這麼相信著。總之,在現在的公司決定用我的同時,我也被選中要參加陪審團。由於從來沒有過這個經驗,身邊朋友也似乎沒有人有過最後被選中為12位的其中一位juror,所以去前,我粉緊張....... 也有小小的意念想說, "不會這麼巧被選中" 後來.... as u probably guessed, 我成為了selected juror..~! 且是在out of approximately 300 potential jurors中,第一批的29個中被傳進去的其中一個~ and our courtroom was Dept R, as "READY"!!! =p


細節就不多說了,否則我可以寫三大頁吧.... 真的感觸很多!結果是,我們reached the verdict......... I have to say, I feel sorry for the plaintiffs. The family really suffered tremendously, and their medical bills really cost them an arm and a leg. However, we as jurors, 真的太令我訝異了.. had unanimously came to the same conclusion that we all thought the driver (plaintiff) had ran the red light! 雖然我覺得被告也有一點點責任,但是,我們中間12人中的9個人,一致認為告者其實是100%要負責....... 所以雖然我和另外兩個人覺得比例還是有點差別,最後仍是宣佈被告沒錯。


I really get a kick out of serving jury dudty!!! Think twice next time when you receive the jury notice - don't just try to find all the excuses to skip it.. ^^"

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Mexico trip & Jury duty

是地 我上禮拜六去墨西哥了! 是跟教會的弟兄姊妹, 還有別的教會跟學校的團體一起去的. 粉是有趣的經驗...~


首先, 我可是嚴重性的暈車大王........ 在第一站, 停在San Diego的某一間McDonald時, 還想說... 恩 有進步沒有暈... 結果... 哈!上山路時我就知道... 可能撐不了太久! 後來上山路時, 告訴kari... "幫我拿個塑膠袋預備"~ 後來bus為了我.... 停車了! 總之, 到達墨西哥邊界的時候, 還是受不了, 吐了~ 也一直到星期五的晚上, 打電話告訴我媽咪說我第二天要去墨西哥(因為要早起, 怕沒有時間通知)... 我媽竟然說:"er... 這麼巧, 我也要去耶~" 原來她跟著她教會的姊妹也有報名要一起去. 結果她不知道車子停下來是為了我, 直到要下車時問了kari: "阿 Jane不是跟你坐嘛, 怎麼不見了........?" 那時她才知道... bus當時是為了她的女兒而停下來了..... ^^" 我們去是為了那地一個宣教士在那開了一間孤兒院, 我們是去那為他們的房子paint! One-day trip~


之前一直為我工作禱告的弟兄姊妹們, 謝謝你們囉!嘻嘻. 上星期五打電話跟我確認了~ 雖然知道我這禮拜有jury duty (陪審團), 他們仍是願意選擇我.. praise God! 本來這星期一要開始上班, 不過因為... 竟然有選中陪審團, (因為一直要到court才能知道你是否會被選上為那個case的juror)~ anyhow, Friday (4/7/06) will be my 1st day of work then, although the case probably won't be ended until next Tue. 平時有時會看到電影啊, 或是一些電視有在法院裡面的鏡頭, 現在自己處在裡頭, 有粉特別的感受. 雖然我爸爸有點覺得很麻煩, 浪費時間, 不過親身體驗lawsuit的過程, 是一次粉棒的經驗. 由於在case結束前, 什麼都不能提, 就先寫到此吧~ =)

Saturday, March 18, 2006


** Stolen from Stephanie **






你要跟我談聘金嗎? 我想你是付不起的
















你可能付我五百萬都無法全部 cover 掉。























































Friday, March 17, 2006

Hay fever

花粉啊 花粉~

今年在二月底時, 我還超高興的..... 想說差不多到花粉季節了, 但是早上起床時沒有阿秋阿秋的... 想說 "哇! 是否我的花粉症已經免疫了呢?" 還粉是得意說~~~~ 結.....果....., 這幾天..... 我就發現... 我仍是會花粉過敏啊~~~~~~ 一大早起來, 都還沒有真的坐起來, 就馬上開始狂打噴嚏, 鼻子好癢好癢, 眼睛也癢, 衛生紙越用越兇.~ 我想是因為之前還有點小冷, 花粉就沒有飄來飄去... 這幾天, 恢復到正常的天氣了, 花粉就..... FREE~

除了我, 其實我家人都會花粉過敏, 勉強除了我哥, 我家三人都是逃不過花粉的殺氣~ 遺傳啊......... 通常來美國五年以上, 對於花粉是否會過敏, 在二三月就會曉得了. 所以最近常看我拿著一包一包的衛生紙, 狂打噴嚏的朋友們, bear w/ me in love..... thru love..... and with love lor~! ^^"

** 花粉症的主要表現:有鼻癢、噴噎、鼻分泌物增多、鼻塞、流淚、咳嗽和哮喘等 **

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

E2 Wedding

Eric & Esther的婚禮完美地結束了~ =)

做為第一次的伴娘, 我深深地看到...... 做個新娘還真不容易! (不是說新郎就沒累到啦~~~~~) 因為要準備, 籌劃的東西還真的給它不少耶..... 壓力真的也好大. 不過Ely是很好的Maid of Honor, 所以Esther粉是放心..~ 可能前一天我的睡眠不足吧.... 也有點點小冷到, 第二天.... 阿偢阿偢地.... 不過感謝 神, 氣象報告的thunderstorm沒有真的發生.........!!!! Praise GOD!!! 已經夠冷了.... 沒有感冒地更重我已經很感動哩. 感謝Evan幫我們弄美美的髮型跟妝, Helen耐心的陪我去買shoes & needed accessories, Esther送的pearl necklace & earrings, Amy幫我照一整個下午的相 (雖然我有帶相機), 還有很多人的稱讚 - "Jane.... 今天很漂亮喔~"

3/11是個很有趣的弟一次伴娘經驗, 也覺得真的是要學才能做個好伴娘. What I like particuarly about this wedding (very different from other weddings I've attended): 12 pairs of flower girls.... (想像這一幅在彩排時發生的畫面: 小帥氣的Nathan跟超可愛, 大眼睛的Anna, 是安排好要一起走紅道地. 可愛的兩個人, 是唯一一對在大人們說: “牽著手吧“後, 就乖乖究辦地.... Suppsedly走到前頭後, 應該要主動分開, 男孩往右邊, 女孩往左邊.... 雖然手已經放開了, Nathan竟仍是跟著Anna走向左邊..... 有人急忙邊說邊去抓Nathan: "要往這邊走喔.... ", 結果遲了約幾秒後, guess what Anna's reaction was...... 她可愛地往右邊跑去追Nathan!!) 只可能沒有拍到, 否則可以拿去America's Funniest Video, I think we might win ^^!

Okay, get back to my point... unlike normal wedding cakes, it was chocolate cakes.... all dark~ and sooooo tasty! For those who wanna see the pics, I post the pics under Cherish2. Check them out!~ ^-^/

btw, it should be 'E square', not "E 2" -- Eric-fantastic designer's idea!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

iHop One Thing Conference 2/17 - 2/19

Don't get me wrong, iHop here isn't the restaurant.~ the One Thing Conference is just awesome! Not just because of the powerful speakers, the anointed worship band, but on top of that, God is INDESCRIBABLE! :) Frankly, even after the great conference I still get affected by things that are bothering me, but still, I gotta say -- God is worthy of my praise! Before I went to the conference, Jonathan already told me that Misty Edwards is a great worship leader, but to see her leading worship is an eye-opening experience!

Corey Russel, Dwayne Roberts are great speakers too! Corey shared how he became a Christian through, really, Holy Spirit's amazing work, and released from drug addiction. He gave 2 powerful msg - regarding Noah's end time, where ppl were still eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage while the flood came and took them all away (Matthew 24: 37 - 39). Watchful! Being God's messengers, whether or not we want to, we're representing and showing what we believe everyday in our lives. How and what messages we bring out says sth... be a rightful messenger! Dwayne has a special way of pronounciation (at least to me...), but is a cool dude~ he surprisingly preached the same verses as Pastor Kwan did at the Sunday morning sermon.! Matthew 6 regards to giving to the needy. He approaches the verses differently than how Pastor Kwan did though -isn't God's Word awesome! =) To give, but has the hearts/motivation right.

Kiss the Word!
Time is in Your hands...
How great is our God!
Wonderful Savior, beautiful God, intimate Maker, & I will give You my life.
Something is going on... sth bigger than me is going on.
God the transcedant
Because of You...
Let it rain, open the floodgates of the Heaven
See the way You hold the Heaven and sky, the way You hold my heart
God, uncomparable, indescribable, uncontainable!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thank You! I had a great b-day!

謝謝大家的祝福~ 雖然這麼晚才跟大家謝謝! =p

謝謝星期三來慶祝的你們~ 雖然多數是我邀的, 可是看到你們後 還是很感動囉~

Thanks to Jimmy - is actually the first one to say "Happy B-day" to me on MSN (2-15, 12 AM! :)

-- Amy, Jasmine, Charlie, Brook, Leo, Joshua, Joella, Karen, Helen, Penny, Andy, Luke, Michael, Tracy, Annette, Louis (that's all I think...) for showing up on Wed night! -- thanks to you all! And even though I didn't see many more on Wed, but.... my dearly WAYers and Rowland Heights buddies who gave me best wishes- Tiff, Kari, Ivy, Betty, Tiffo, Gary S, Sunny, Gracy & David, Shawna, Vicky, Grace G (sorrie for waiting for 2 long....) Miko (thank YOU! and hopefully your family is doing better!), Jess @Irvine, Jessica T, Chelsea, Eric H (although you didn't show up on Wed.... ahh!) Shannon, Jonathan, Lit Paul, Lillian, Esther, Yido, Maggie, Mark, Edward, William, Claire, Peter, Jet, Chris L, Pear, Dana, Lala, Joseph and my mom! Last but not the least -Brandon, and many many more...... Luv ya all, and hoping God blesses all ppl around me!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

今天一早就收到兩個朋友的text messages, 粉是感動~ 沒有時間回信, 加上有好多朋友想要一起祝福 只好用網誌代替囉!



Sophy: Thanks for being a dearly sis. 真愛要等待 - 妳讓我看到一個美好的見證!

Esther Tao: Congrats... the LAST 未婚的情人節呢!

Gracy: Surely you're a great great sis in Christ to me! 謝謝妳的愛, 妳的關心, 妳的幫助!我期待妳可愛的baby girl!!!

Connie Lan: 希望能看到妳多多開心的時候~

Sunny Uncle: Thanks for listening to me a lot of times... :) and being my support.!

Tracy K.: Girl.. great to know that you go to 真道~ & thanks for your carings lots times. 要堅持妳所相信的 神喔!

Monica: SUP girl.. 主日能看到妳真好! 希望妳在凡事中 能經歷 神!

Betty: Not quite a 'big' sis, but thanks for being a sis to me along the way. 妳的改變 粉是激勵我~ 期待看到妳結婚 嘻嘻~

Tiffo: 妳真的粉是成熟~ 看到妳美好的服事及擺上 我相信 神能更多使用妳!:)

Lit Paul: Thank you for ALWAYS have confident in me! You're always a great brother in Christ to me! Press on as you've gone SO far with the trust in the Lord.! I'm always proud of you~! ^-^

Lillian: I'm truly thankful for knowing you, such a sweet and considerate girl, and also boldly in believing soly in the Lord!



Amy: 謝謝妳平時的陪伴, 雖然也經常找不著妳, but you're always my best listener!

Jasmine: 謝謝妳常常的關心, 學業 心事 神都知道, do ur best, God will help you OUT~!

Kari: You're always by my side, thank you... 妳的感情我相信一定有 神最美好的帶領!雖然希望明年的這時妳有好交往的對象, but I know you're willing to wait for God's timing. 父母的期待.... 希望妳因為 神繼續堅持妳所信的!

Helen: 覺得妳一直滿辛苦的.... do pray for your future husband lor. :) & love yourself more~!

Tiff: 妳一直是我滿佩服的一個, 工作 繼續加油加油!CMA一定可以的 you CAN do it! and.. RELAX~

Penny: I always think u're STRONG in many ways - although u always want me to shut up saying that =p oh well, you deserve the BEST, and God WILL give you the best! :) keep praying & believing.

Ivy: 在妳一直努力的方向 加油吧!

Tracy: I surely admire your talents! & appreciate your encouragements! 相信妳可以更多被 神使用 加油!

Jessica: 謝謝妳誠懇的關心, 在所學的學業上 妳可以的!凡事交拖~

Cheslea: you're a sweet girl, I hope I can see more of your crazy sides =p LD是不容易, but u've been a great model. 凡事加油~! Vivi: Glad that you came to the states! 希望在這比較悠閒 沒有壓力的環境下 妳能多多學習 也能真更多認識 神~!

Orchid: being a VP at club surely gets you busy. well, hope God's love will overflow you everyday~! :)

Jocelyn: Hope to see you more on Fridays! 學校加油~ 希望妳家人能快快信主!

Claire: God surely had done great things in your life! :) 剛17, 年輕歲月 好好愛主吧!

Cathy: 常常看妳很安靜.... 新的一年 希望看到妳有更多在主的不同~!加油!

Rachael: Thank YOU for your sweet msg. :) and your dearly caring... although u're far away. May you find favor in God's eyes in everything you do!

Stephanie: sup girl.. haven't seen you for ages. well, hope everything's well with u! :)

Evelyn: Hope to see ya on Fridays~! God had touched you~~~ :)

Linda: SUP girl... i know school is busy, but... oh well, hope to see ya on Fridays! God bless ya~! :)



Lina: 粉久沒有妳的狀況了, 不過以妳對主的渴慕, I know everything's gonna be just ALRIGHT!

Eva姐;在還沒有小孩的日子, 仍是愛 神 & 相信 神; 姐!God knows what you want... +oil!

Rita姐;我粉是期待看到 神為你準備的伴侶呢!妳這麼好, 神為你預備的一定在被朔造當中

小蘭姐;現在的階段是為了以後有更好的日子, 不要氣餒, God is on your side. Kaka & Jeremy are adorable kids. :)

Cassy姐;我知道妳一直都非常幸福, 天天都好像在過情人節. 願妳更多用婚姻來榮耀 神!

Dana姐;謝謝妳的e-card, 妳記得了耶!我真的太感動了....... 我想到妳會為你禱告, 希望妳不只考執照順利, 也經歷 神的看顧~

Lala: hehe, girl... congrats for finding the job in HK! I'm so glad for ya & proud of ya. 希望妳在香港能盡快適應 也能找到一個適合妳 能成長 更認識 神的教會~!

Joseph: You're such a great artist!!! gee, I surely envy this talent God gave you hehe... well, +oil at your school! God is always BY YOUR SIDE~

Larry: 工作努力啊~ 希望快快收到你的喜帖~ 嘻嘻

Josh: 粉久沒你的消息~ 希望一切安好 凡事感恩~ 神祝福你!


Mt Sac/Fullerton/Rowland/Other Great Friends:

Joella: Thanks for your encouragements.! You surely deserve a significant someone.~! 教學的事, I believe you can be a blessing to all your students!

Connie C: 謝謝妳的鼓勵~ 不常看到妳 但是每次看到妳 我也變陽光了~ 工作加油!

Amy Chang: Long time no see ya.. hope you enjoy your animation job, and... have a God blessed year!

Karen C: 不要懷疑 是妳!謝謝妳啊 有朋友要聚會想到我 也謝謝妳真誠的分享 雖然仍是不一定會星期五 或星期天看到妳 不過我仍是等待喔~!You're a great friend! :)

Miko: Great to know that you're moving to HK, well, hope God leads your way and ... thanks for your kind words.~

Nicole T: Although we don't meet up much, I can feel your warm greetings every time we meet at MSN ^-^" ganbatte at your work, you CAN do it!

Belinda: Sup girl! Kari & I had always hoping that we (including Nicole) should just hang out sometimes. Hope everything's well with you, and thx for your greeting at X'mas!~

Lan: Haven't seen you much for a while, I miss your accompany........ still jogging?

Pear: Hope studying days are enjoyable! Miss ya... btw, I just knew that 巴黎有個華人復興教會, 有空去看看 或許妳可以去參加它們的聚會喔~

Frank: Thanks for your enthusiasm in helping me with iBook stuff, really really appreciated it! :) hope you have a God blessed year! :)

Jess C: Girl.. yeh, high school buddy! I've always thought you're a sweet and transparent person that I love to be friends with. Hope u'll not just enjoy your work, but get promoted hehe! Thx for the friendship~

Shawna: Oh, we've known each other for too long, but I'm so so thankful to the Lord that we met!! hehe. Always knowing that you'll succeed in whatever you try to achieve, hoping your life will reflect God's glory more and more! and... luv ya! (can't wait for your wedding... hehe... i'm rushing u haha)

Louis: Well, what can I say.. u've been one of my 'rare' great guy friend. Thx for remembing my b-day... and thanks for your encouragements! Hope your life will shine more like Jesus! +oil in everything you do.~

Shannon: Thank you for your kindness... and always send great warmth to me. 也更是謝謝妳記得我的生日, sent me the e-card... OHHH~ :)

弟兄 男士們 沒有時間寫給你們的 希望不要介意囉

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Job Offering


1. 一個是大D的媽媽的朋友在Brea開了一家Cold Stone Ice Cream shop, (OHHHH one of my favorite!!~ =) and she's looking for 2 staff (either part-time or full-timed). If you're interested, let me know / contact David.

2. 另一個是在Chino Hills, 詳細我不太清楚, 不過是跟電腦有關的. 有興趣請跟我說囉

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Lunar New Year!

有了iBook後, 真的方便很多~ 特別是趕上拿distance learning's real estate class~~ 越來越喜歡用mac了, 雖然很多東西都有點不太習慣, but lots features really get my attention & become so handy to me. =) Dashboard - weather, flights, and even one widget Frank creates - quExp!! smarty~! 我自己本來還想說要在Excel自己做一個表之類的.~ 不過也因為mac對於msn仍沒有像PC這麼方便, 所以不能像平時想看朋友的blog這麼方便, 很久沒有回覆你們就請大家見諒囉!~

農曆新年到了!就想到都是在新年出生的兩個姪子, Jeremy & 子恩的弟弟~.
Happy Lunar New Year - too all friends & relatives!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

2006's 1st entry!

沒有工作的日子, 仍是有粉多事在做... 從Pali Mountain 冬令營回來後, 和小組幾個弟兄姊妹去Joshua Tree National Park 名義上是專明要去看星星的, 但是.... 當時冷到爆 (還是...只有少數人- i'm one of them!) 也餓了, 就開始烤 6 (Leo) 為我們切美美的香腸... 總之, 完全錯過了看星星最美好的3 am....! it became a "sausage night".  冬令營最感動的, 莫非是 神同在的澆灌! 見證到大夥兒被 神觸摸的經歷, 是最寶貴的.....! 也更深覺得, 查經可以很fun, 很多領受, 很多亮光~ 今年 - 2006 - 要恢復一年讀完聖經至少一次, 也想多查經, 背單字....等.


Joshua Tree 回來的當天, 就傍晚出發去參加四天三夜的incm.org兒童事工特會 很多很多學習. 以前覺得, 兒童事工雖然重要, 是一個investment, 可是..... 在花費上, 因為果效似乎很遠才知道, 也就沒更清楚看到它被澆灌的重要性, 及....可以帶出大能的過程, 滿足 神的心意. 而這次看到許許多多在後面默默澆灌, 花很多精神跟體力的老師們, 及在workshop中看到一些超級有passion的directors等的, 讓我很感動....他/她們的生命真的很有主的心, 也做 神要他們做的 -- 很挑望我要成為一個passionate為主作工的兒女. =) Details或許很快就會從教會的children ministry, 在師資訓練上, 環境規劃上, 活動設計上, 敬拜讚美上, 家長溝通上, 異向配合上, 開始實際的運用.! OHHHH, btw, 這次啊, 很新奇的看到illusion & puppets的重要性. Puppets is just CRUCIAL for CM; and illusion is just soo powerful for outreach. Not magic, yet powerful for people to relate to our gospel!!! ^-^v


雖然Dreamring盛情邀請我陪她 March or April 去歐洲玩, 不過暫定是不可能. >.< 想travel的心從沒變過. 喜歡看風景, 壯觀, 美景.... 或是到不同地方體驗文化, 環境不同的生活, 也會特別在那種環境中, 不論人的環境比我好還是糟, 都想告訴他們, 要信耶穌!


今年的華人工商在這週末. 我前兩年都因為出外旅遊missed了, 所以特別期待...... and lastly, i bought my mac iBook了, 下禮拜應該會到手! Thank God.