Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6/23/09 Devotion

I've been behind on my scripture reading ^^" With an extreme gratitude this morning, I'm able to spend some quiet time reading His word.. OHH =) God's Word is sooo abundantly filled with LIVE!

Just this past Sunday as I led worship, I reminded congregations to give and sing praise with willing hearts, 甘心樂意順服.. is what pleases God the most! And this morning, I'm being reminded again... envision that it IS such a moving scene to see people rejoicing from as high as the king, leaders, down to all the families to offer freely and wholehearted. It just touches my heart.. and it is something that I dream to see.. among my family, my cell group, my church and.. everyone in God's kingdom!
1 Chronicles 29:9 The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord. David the ing also rejoiced greatly.
v. 10 David praise the Lord "in the presence of the whole assembly"... when I'm in a position role, I wanna honor Him publicly, not ashamed of My God in all circumstances.. Lord, help me to cling on You.
v. 22 They ate and drank with great joy in the presence of the Lord that day... 這種在主裡的喜樂, 神同在可以有的喜樂.. 我渴慕天天經歷, esp. when I'm w/ other bro & sis in Christ at any time, anywhere!

v. 22 continues saying that 'they acknowledge Solomon son of David as king a SECOND time..." It strikes me.. - a second time! 被人立跟被 神膏立的不同... people desire to anoint him (Solomon), 即使是再多一次他們也不嫌煩, 不嫌囉唆, 不嫌"搞什麼".. 形式這時反倒即使是多加上去的, 也是樂意的.... WOW, I was amazed by the heart of unity the Israelites have at this time! Not only that.. v. 25 says that ".... all Israel... bestowed on him (Solomon) the royal splendor such as no king over Israel ever had before." 看到此時我馬上愣住... 對以色列人一直立王的印象, 多數聽到的都是負面的.. 從 神一開始就對Samuel表明百姓是棄絕 神不是Samuel開始, 到 神拿走Saul's throne and gave it to David, 一直以來.. 王的位置沒有順利過是正式傳承的.. (雖然王到目前也只有兩位 ^^") 不過明顯看到... Solomon是唯一個順利且是祝福地傳王位給他的 - 是 神指定大衛要給的.. 沒有其他人的篡位, 沒有任何陰謀, 沒有任何負面的反應, 就只有... 眾人歡喜快樂膏所羅門! 我可以想像這是多美的一幅 神及人都享受滿足的一幕! God's heart was here with what David was doing.. God was contend... people were rejoicing... I wanna see my life being fulfilled like this beautiful picture - in God's plan, and it perfectly meets God's will.

Last but not the least, David... in v. 28, died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honor. 不管他以前走過多麼孤單, 傷心, 失去的痛苦, 他最後是享受晚年.. and even in wealth and honor. No matter what we go through, let's hope and pray that our lives will end on a high note, a note that summarizes our lives in prosperity. 不是只是金錢跟被人尊重, 我指得是在祂裡頭的滿足跟不後悔, cuz we've done what is right and pleasing in His sight!