Thursday, January 18, 2007

2l4 gj3 ru4 g6

ru8 xu3 2u04 sl3 u.4 u.3 jp4 wu6 xk7, nji3 u3 53 cl3 u.4 y94 ej/ n 283 xk7. yl3 ru.4 vu;3 .3 -3 5k4 u;4 283 ek7 2j/ vu, y4 ru3 el vu/4 u,3 cl3, hehe. =p vup n u4 su04 g4 yjo4 s06 2k6 g/4 2k7, 5j3 87, ji3 5p 2k7 vm ul4 su3 2k7 1; 5j4... ji3 5 2l4 ji3 u3 ru/ rup4 1j4 cp3 2ji xk7, 204 g4 c96 g4 xu6 s84 yjo4 ao3 cl3 2k7 u.3 u 2j04 rm4 xu6. ji3 ul4 2k7 vu/4 zj6 g4 gk6 ak7 sk7.... ji3 53 5 2l4 gp6 cjo4 eo3 ji3 u ek7 fu6 ru, 1u/4 ru/4 w8 yjo4 5 2l4 ji3, so thank You in advance! :) vu04 y94 dk3 u3 d9 g3 2l4 gj3 ru4 g6 xk7, njo b06 1j6 5 2l4 rup su06 2k7 ji3 cjo4 1j6 cjo4 vul3 vul3 e03 g;, 204 g4 ji3 vu;3 ji3 2k7 m/3 fu4 5/ ru8 xk7, ji3 vm,6 vu6 1j6 ul4 c94 q84 ji3 g/ au/4 5j/ 2k7 ek xu4 u83. z. h/6 ru/ 2u,6 2l4 ej3 2u3, ao6 u.3 gk6 ak7 g/4 1j6 eji4 xk7 187~! fu.6 5j3 1; 5j4 ji3 cl3 cl3 vu;3 ji3 rup su06 2k7 m04 j;4 g4 gk6 ak7, ul4 u.3 u4 u4 87!! *ru8 u.6 ru8 u.6 Jane! su06 fu/ 2k7 g/ au/4 ul4 jo4 5j3 -6 cji6 87! u 1o4 y3 2. 1j6 cjo4 c.4 cjo3 2k7!!


  1. ni shi gu yi zhe me da de ma -_-
    hai shi ni gen ben mei zai kan zi ji da zi orz
    zhi kan le si ge zi jio bu xing la STO

  2. vu04y94g4yk3u;4
    29 29 Joshua w8 g4m/45j4up x96283, su3m/4qup u/ 283gk6ia7 @@
    cl3187, ji3u,3t/6bp4ji3g49x6jx042k7
    btw, Jane yjo4urp4cl3uv;4cp31j6jhi42k7u;4y3
    xu065k4j5/3jp65; 2. 2832k7tj x96, 5p g4zj6kx7su3kx7~!!

  3. hahahahaha~ I'm a little bit surprised to see you two replying, haha...~~~~ =p Sorrie, I didn't intend to trick, but William, did you read the whole thing??... and I wasn't typing pinyin, it was literally how I type Chinese, except.. there's no Chinese software installed at my work pc so it appears as weird characters~~ so Josh, every word MEANS sth! *This just shows how much I wanna post, but no internet at home!!!!!! >.<
    And honestly, it even took me quite SOME time to figure out what you guys typed, esp. fishball's~!!!!!! @@ and I'm still not sure if I got it 100%, cuz you got NO SPACE between each 'words'!!!!!! *Compared w/ mine!!!!! =p
    Josh: what's STO?
    Fishball: yeh.. Josh confused, and you said you're here to 'wan wan'.~~~ but what's the part that relates to God? I don't get it...
    It's FRIDAY!

  4. wa...u are that intelligent?let's try 0101010 code baj/k

  5. Whoa, ri-ke finally showed up here!! :) ri-ka: let's find time to go out w/ other girls, yeh? I've been thinking about that..~! with Daniels girls 2. Wat you think?

  6. wow... jane, you've lost a lot of weight....
    how'd you do it??  teach teach...

  7. Hello..... I didn't really intend to go on diet, but I guess just pressures.... I don't think you really lost weights the reasons I did. ^^" btw, who is this?? music all night?

  8. Fishball: 我都沒有想到用照著你打的就可以知道你寫什麼了.... 害我當時在公司狂去找注音符號在哪.... 辛苦極了~~~~~ @@ 最後還有會錯意 ^^" anywayz... gotcha~! =p su3 5p 2k7 g4 c96 xj04 2k7!

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