Saturday, January 20, 2007


我曾經聽過一個很有charisma, 我很欣賞的一位基督徒領袖, 說過這麼一段話. 雖然是很多年前了, 不過讓我印象深刻. 她說: "很多人可能會以為做基督徒是因為很軟弱, 需要一個寄託, 才會信主. 但是, 我要告訴你, 基督徒是最勇敢的人!" 我最近聽到一對夫妻生命的見證..... 有ㄧ對在台灣的牧師師母, 本來有三個孩子. 但是在最近這幾年, 相繼不太久, 在意外中失去了他們的兩個兒子..... 如今只剩下一位女兒..~ 不只是父母心裡疼痛, 這位姊姊也經歷了她生命中的一些難關. 但是..... 如今他們仍然事奉主, 仍然繼續做 神的工, 用生命來服事. 我聽到時........ 我感動不已.... 我羨慕這樣的生命..... 我羨慕這樣對主的認識跟堅定, 對主的倚靠. 他們何等激勵了我.~ 可能在他們身邊的人, 不論信主或不信主的, 都會question....... "你們的 神還是ㄧ位賜福的 神嗎? 如果 神是愛你們的, 為什麼要讓這樣的事發生在你們身上呢? 你們還是這樣擺上事奉祂的.~" 對我而言, 很多時候, 我的確還是無法回答你... 但是我深深知道, 祂的道路高過我的道路, 祂的意念高過我的意念, He's doing things with LOVE. 其實我也要不斷的提醒自己... 因為有時我仍是小信的. 可是..... the more I think, the more I feel that He's all I need, and... 神再次在使我經歷祂, 看我是否真心裡堅定相信祂向我所施的是平安的意念, 愛我的意念, 不是降災禍的意念.

*Hallelujah, 耶穌對我們真好!! =)


  1. Jeremiah 29:11
    I think this is a continual experience and shaping of our faith. Life is not all smooth and happily everafter. There are a lot of the things that I didn't understand in my life 4 years ago which I'm beginning to understand now. And I rejoice because I've been through these hard and dark times. There are yet more difficult and tough times ahead of me for which "God doesn't seem to make sense." But everytime I crossed over, I gained an elevation or a breakthrough.
    We try to stay strong and hold on to our faith. We may fail and fall into despair. But God has just never let me go... ^^ During this process, I've learned many insights into the things that did not make sense. So I wish to encourage you to hang in there o. And Amen, Jesus is so good!

  2. Ha, thanks for finding out the specific verse for me! I only knew it's from Jeremiah~ :)
    "But everytime I crossed over, I gained an elevation or a breakthrough" - I really AMEN to that!
    Yeh... it does appear sometimes that God doesn't make sense, but... the more we know & belief of His goodness toward us, the more we can trust not by sight, but by faith! ^^
