Thursday, January 11, 2007

什麼樣的男朋友值得繼續交往 - for girls!

I saw this in my OLD emails, thought it's a good reminder.



-God gives you what you need, not necessarily always what you want - friends told me. He knows the best! But..... girls gotta have fondness... otherwise, no way Jose! ^^





-Um.... I guess it's hard not to compare.


-His talents gotta be somewhat relate to eternal values! but gotta know how to take care GIRLS! =)



-Be nice... I would be glad to listen.


-This one I'm not sure what to comment yet. ^^"

This is the year of Lord's favor on all of us!

I receive Your blessings.


  1. Let me adjust something..
    1 is not really true, in my thoughts about most guys.
    2~6 are okay.
    7 depends.. usually we want guys to have "wide heart.", not "sisy". Even he's sincere, you would get tired eventually if he has no bottom line.
    8 他很黏,可是很甜 <-- you better make sure if he has good mental health (ex:background), or muture enough.
    他很不黏,可是很忠誠 <-- this is pretty ideal.

  2. hehe.. Josh you replied!
    well, after I read again, #8: 他很黏,可是很甜 doesn't sound too right....
    #1: well.... I guess I'm reading it from a girl's point of view, at least to me, if I don't like that guy, there's NO 2nd chance whatsoever! and even if I think the guy is fine, but not my 'favorite', I tend to exclude right away 2. Christian, married friends had told me - God gives you what you need, not always what you want THE MOST. I've pondered about this for a while, long to a point I only have one conclusion: I honor His work, and all I can do in the meantime is... PRAY!

  3. 哪 有沒有 給男生看的文章 :P

  4. um.. 我現在這裡沒有耶, 不過如果我有的話, 一定會寄給你看得! You can check out an entry from Jack's blog - 有一個是說男生的, if I remember it correctly! ^^

  5. my god!
    Is this about my bf because he fits all of theM!!!

  6. k316: wow, I guess I need to see your bf ~ hehe
