Tuesday, September 7, 2010

吹角節 The Feast of Trumpet - 神所預定第三個秋天節慶

Pastor John talks about the feast of trumpet last Sun, to me it's fascinating to see pastors following Jewish calendar (appreciate seeing pastors honoring God's festival, 因為越來越少教會注重這些了; 以前在Vineyard的我可從來沒有做/聽過)! It brings gratification.... later on Melanie told me the close connection Pastor John particularly has with a Jewish family, maybe that's why. Nevertheless, only when we understand Jewish festivals/holidays will we have a broader and deeper affection... for one, to identify and relate the Messiah that Jews have been yearning for, and/or to experience the 're-live' which is the new life that Jesus Christ gave us. And/or other traditions/feasts that show the significances of 'worshipping' Him this way! "Re-live"... 很powerful的!

經文: 利未 23:1-4, 24-25
號角聲音迎接新的一年, 並以10天 (9/17) 來預備自己進入贖罪日.
"Yamin Noraim" -> 令人敬畏的10天, 是為了自省及悔改 (Lev. 23:24-26)
"shana tova umetukah" = 好且甜蜜的一年 (習俗是: 用蘋果沾進蜂蜜中) a new year of blessings
眼淚及喜樂 (詩126:5)

The Feast of Trumpet this yr: supposed to be Thur (9/9), but because in Jewish tradition, 從前天的evening就開始了, 所以牧師也將禱告會改到Wed (9/8) 傍晚開始. Oh, 這禮拜還有讓我很窩心跟感動的是, 牧師要我們自己上前去拿餅杯.... believe or not, every action we do on Sun sanctuary represents some theology behind the head of the pastor.... it shows their understanding and theology! We walk up to Christ... to ask for mercy and grace, not passively; just a simple action can arouse such a deeper appreciation and humbleness reminding us of our role - the forgiven, the granted... and He, the merciful, the giver, the source! (:

Oh, 曾牧師 (Christine) 在分享她在以色列&torah curriculum有提到... 想要復興要持續做的: 祭壇 - personal, family, church, community, national. 全國禱告網絡上有有關以色列的近況... 2 Chr. 7:14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。明年是台灣100年... every 50th year is Jewish's tradition of celebrating 神的禧年! 所以... 她鼓勵我們要想: what's my purpose & mission for being part of this celebration? Deep... and worthy to disclose...

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