Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I guess only when I'm away I realized how vulnerable I am.... or how dependent I used to be in my comfortable surroundings. Though comparing to my brother, I'm considered quick to adapt to the new surroundings, I still find the process struggling... especially now that I recognized what a limited network I have in Tainan, I felt trapped; stuck inside the town that I neither felt familiar nor distant, it's a weird, mixed feelings of all kinds. I guess I've came this far to discover my insecurity, to admit... that I've relied on myself, my routines, my accustomed lifestyle back in Los Angeles for sooo long. Now's the time to examine my heart, my faith, my security... whether it's placed upon His unfailing love, His way of "life security."

Yes, I desperately need friends in Tainan, friends that I can speak to freely, friends that I can count on and vent about my emotions when I feel upset about the new culture, the new surroundings, or simply, me! Lord, lead me to find the suitable church, the church I can grow in as well contribute to. Lead me to make right decisions in prioritizing my time, my energy, and my future with an eternal perspective. Gotta keep up my devotion... :) 我要單單以祢為樂, 做祢眼中的義人, 教導我, 主!

6.2.10 3:20PM


  1. amen! +oil. i think we go thru those times to learn how much we need to just depend on God, +oil. hope you find a church you can grow in soon.

  2. aww John~ what a pleasant surprise to find you here! didn't know you follow my blog ^^" thanks for reading! i truly hope to have good reports soon! :)
