Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Desert Song
Heard this song at one of Tainan's church... really liked its lyrics.
Songwriters: Fraser, Brooke Gabrielle by Hillsong
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
And this is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
Translation by 台南活水教會
我 神是那供應的 神
我要讚美 我要讚美
我要歡呼 我要宣告
神使我得勝 祂與我同在
我的一生 在每個季節
你是我 神 我要揚聲來歌唱
Songwriters: Fraser, Brooke Gabrielle by Hillsong
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
And this is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
Translation by 台南活水教會
我 神是那供應的 神
我要讚美 我要讚美
我要歡呼 我要宣告
神使我得勝 祂與我同在
我的一生 在每個季節
你是我 神 我要揚聲來歌唱
Back to LA.
So I'm back... but very jet-lagged. Tried to sleep by 2:30, but stayed up til now... lol Decided to get up and did stuff. Haha thank God I didn't bring much stuff back, so didn't have much unpacking to do.
Wanna clean up my room, completely re-organize it, fully maximize my two-months+, and... pray about my calling.
Wanna clean up my room, completely re-organize it, fully maximize my two-months+, and... pray about my calling.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Workplace by 李老師
Was shared by 李良達老師 9/12/09 (Sat) at VOH:
重點事讓 神得榮耀 -> 關鍵不在方式/方法
如果你願意, 因愛的真諦, 優先表現的機會先讓別人
空間, 舞台, 機會->給他人, 也不搶他人的.. 要 be understanding
預備自己, 有100%的實力, 機會只需一次
謙卑地立場, 最好的attitude來拒絕
想宣教, 要先想過可能會遇過的災難, 但仍說I'll go through that.
要做什麼, 要先要有那個生命
會被陷害, 是因我有weakness
耶穌基督並祂釘十字架 -> explain in different ways, that make people see God/感動/會傳! 屬於我會講的故事!
如果有人要捅你一刀, you shall be happy, knowing where you are (earth) 可以改變. 地上是天上的影兒, virtual vs. reality.
情結... : 1) 認知 2) 經驗 3) 學習 (被聖經洗腦, 愛他謝他)
Before knowing what to do... - Read Bible 5 times. 神國度的事, 寧可慢, 不可錯.
不去傳福音是卡住 神的權柄在我手上, 撒但的權柄是煙霧彈!
重點事讓 神得榮耀 -> 關鍵不在方式/方法
如果你願意, 因愛的真諦, 優先表現的機會先讓別人
空間, 舞台, 機會->給他人, 也不搶他人的.. 要 be understanding
預備自己, 有100%的實力, 機會只需一次
謙卑地立場, 最好的attitude來拒絕
想宣教, 要先想過可能會遇過的災難, 但仍說I'll go through that.
要做什麼, 要先要有那個生命
會被陷害, 是因我有weakness
耶穌基督並祂釘十字架 -> explain in different ways, that make people see God/感動/會傳! 屬於我會講的故事!
如果有人要捅你一刀, you shall be happy, knowing where you are (earth) 可以改變. 地上是天上的影兒, virtual vs. reality.
情結... : 1) 認知 2) 經驗 3) 學習 (被聖經洗腦, 愛他謝他)
Before knowing what to do... - Read Bible 5 times. 神國度的事, 寧可慢, 不可錯.
不去傳福音是卡住 神的權柄在我手上, 撒但的權柄是煙霧彈!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What a long day!
Today was indeed a longgggggggggggg day for me. Mom took me to take scooter's license.. luckily passed the written part with ease, I was taken back when it came to the end with a 'congratulation'! Didn't expect it to be this short =p But... the actual driving part isn't that much fun! Accidentally found the practice "line" that was available, but I just couldn't get myself riding within the lines! And it should take more than 7 sec to finish it... which is a torture to me! Ok, I thought my balance has been not bad, even with bikes... but this scouter thing really made me upset. Apparently I was the only one that couldn't get it done the RIGHT way for the most rounds.. others seem to be skillful to a point that I kept murmuring to myself "how could people ever get this right?!" like a psycho... >< I had to give up trying after many unsuccessful rounds, and 半隨他去的心情進去考.
As coward as I was at the time, I waited and waited til pretty much everyone has gone... then I gave it a try. Ha.. 沒有任何期待的我, 果然... 兩次都壓到線! @@ 後來看到沒有人, 我才懇求考關再給我練一次... 這一次.... I made it!!!!! But it was all too late.. I've used up my 2 chances >< God always make sth good out of sth bad... I guess I'm learning to accept failure... so I won't be cocky at all. 媽其實給了我個很好的建議... - 雖然我其實考試時都忘了!!! 就是... 考那直線時, 要看前面的線, 不是我眼前的. :)
也因為沒過, mom decided to let me ride more.. so I was riding mom home along with running some errands (eyes, food, etc). Unbelievably as it sounds, my mom even allowed me to ride scouter by myself to get my hair trimmed.. and even tonight's hospital visit. 說真的, 我這次練機車練最多的... 是今天!!! 媽說我真的不知勇氣哪來的, 她說我只練過兩次... 怎敢就去考. 因為練那直線, 我的轉彎力道控制穩了粉多, 也多了那更"不知哪來的勇氣"就超敢上路了. 所以啊, 才會看完凱恩跟他太太我還自己去東寧路 & 仁愛眼鏡 :) haha 忽然覺得茅塞頓開的感覺, 有那種.. "I got it!"的fu......... lol
Thank God for this opportunity... before I go back. I felt I've done so much this trip. PTL! :)
Sounds stupid, but... I didn't like today's date, so... another good thing I didn't pass today =p
2/23/10 11:55pm
As coward as I was at the time, I waited and waited til pretty much everyone has gone... then I gave it a try. Ha.. 沒有任何期待的我, 果然... 兩次都壓到線! @@ 後來看到沒有人, 我才懇求考關再給我練一次... 這一次.... I made it!!!!! But it was all too late.. I've used up my 2 chances >< God always make sth good out of sth bad... I guess I'm learning to accept failure... so I won't be cocky at all. 媽其實給了我個很好的建議... - 雖然我其實考試時都忘了!!! 就是... 考那直線時, 要看前面的線, 不是我眼前的. :)
也因為沒過, mom decided to let me ride more.. so I was riding mom home along with running some errands (eyes, food, etc). Unbelievably as it sounds, my mom even allowed me to ride scouter by myself to get my hair trimmed.. and even tonight's hospital visit. 說真的, 我這次練機車練最多的... 是今天!!! 媽說我真的不知勇氣哪來的, 她說我只練過兩次... 怎敢就去考. 因為練那直線, 我的轉彎力道控制穩了粉多, 也多了那更"不知哪來的勇氣"就超敢上路了. 所以啊, 才會看完凱恩跟他太太我還自己去東寧路 & 仁愛眼鏡 :) haha 忽然覺得茅塞頓開的感覺, 有那種.. "I got it!"的fu......... lol
Thank God for this opportunity... before I go back. I felt I've done so much this trip. PTL! :)
Sounds stupid, but... I didn't like today's date, so... another good thing I didn't pass today =p
2/23/10 11:55pm
Monday, February 22, 2010
開工日... 開始!
今天是工廠的開工日. 一般習俗都會燒紙錢&放鞭炮~ 但是基督徒的我們可徹底地改變了這個固有習慣.. 其實早不是他們其他人的第一次, 但我可是第一次加入開工的行列, 跟大家一起用唱詩歌&禱告來開啟了這個嶄新的開始! :) 其實真的打從心裡佩服我爸... 不只白手起家, 更是在工作場合上大大活出基督徒的不同, 連結束的祝福禱告都聽起來像是一篇"福音分享"道... haha 的確, 當有自己的事業跟公司, 才能這麼是無忌憚的公開讓師傅們坐在那安安靜靜地聽他說這個信仰. :) Jing Shing, 新的開始, 神必與我們同在, 祝福那尋求做祢心意的人!
今天有個小小的美好見證! 其實我牙齒拆線已經一個禮拜多了 (13th), 也不是今天才覺得它怪怪的.. 不過感謝 神! 正好Lina帶我帕帕走... 想說今天真的感覺牙齒到個極不舒服的狀況了.. 就去給鐘醫師看... 結果.............................................. 竟然他忘了拆上面智齒的線 @@ 是有點小誇張.....~ 但是只差3天就要回去的我, 這可是個大好的消息啊~~~~ 總不是回去後才發現 @@ 或是更久... 拿掉的線有黑黑的, 鍾醫師也說掉了很多.. 只剩下一小段.. 但是那線真的看起來滿恐怖的.. 不管是吃髒了還是怎樣. 總而言之就是感恩啊!!! :) Praise the Lord! You're FAITHFUL! And I choose to trust YOU!
今天有個小小的美好見證! 其實我牙齒拆線已經一個禮拜多了 (13th), 也不是今天才覺得它怪怪的.. 不過感謝 神! 正好Lina帶我帕帕走... 想說今天真的感覺牙齒到個極不舒服的狀況了.. 就去給鐘醫師看... 結果.............................................. 竟然他忘了拆上面智齒的線 @@ 是有點小誇張.....~ 但是只差3天就要回去的我, 這可是個大好的消息啊~~~~ 總不是回去後才發現 @@ 或是更久... 拿掉的線有黑黑的, 鍾醫師也說掉了很多.. 只剩下一小段.. 但是那線真的看起來滿恐怖的.. 不管是吃髒了還是怎樣. 總而言之就是感恩啊!!! :) Praise the Lord! You're FAITHFUL! And I choose to trust YOU!
Movies Jan ~ Feb. 2010
One thing that I enjoyed the most in this Taiwan trip was to watch numerous movies, whether at theater or home. Gonna list them out:
1. New Moon
2. 2012
3. 赤壁
4. Two Sons of Francisco
5. 海腳七號
6. Slumdog Millionaire (esp. like Ayush Mahesh Khedekar!)
7. Inkheart
8. 風聲
9. 夏戀500日 (500 Days of Summer)
10. Re-watch: Avatar & Indiana Jones & A Night in the Museum
11. Astro Boy
1. New Moon
2. 2012
3. 赤壁
4. Two Sons of Francisco
5. 海腳七號
6. Slumdog Millionaire (esp. like Ayush Mahesh Khedekar!)
7. Inkheart
8. 風聲
9. 夏戀500日 (500 Days of Summer)
10. Re-watch: Avatar & Indiana Jones & A Night in the Museum
11. Astro Boy
Thursday, February 18, 2010
TGIF: Unexplainable Power by Prime Time w/ God
The converts in the early Church changed the world they lived in because of what they saw and heard. It was the power of the gospel that changed lives, not what they learned from mere teaching. This power drew people to Christ. Things happened that could not be explained as anything other than the activity of God. Is that the kind of faith you are experiencing in your life? Many of us live a wholesome, moral life, but those we associate with do not see this activity as anything that cannot also be achieved by themselves. That is why many are not drawn to our lives. God's power is not evident. The Lord has been challenging me to trust Him at levels I have never trusted before. This level of trust has placed me in a vulnerable position. However, the blessing of this relationship is that I see the activity of God as never before, and those close to me see it as well. It builds their faith and draws others to investigate.
Sometimes the activity of God comes in unusual ways. God often sets up scenes that appear to be negative on the front end, but God has orchestrated these events for His glory.
-Without Pharaoh's pursuit of Israel at the Red Sea, there is no miraculous deliverance.
-Without Lazarus's death, there is no rising to life.
-Without Goliath, there is no underdog story.
-Without Peter stepping out of the boat, there is no miracle on the water.
-Without Judas' betrayal, there is no resurrection.
God wants to show Himself in ways you and I cannot imagine. Let God demonstrate His power in your workplace today. Then, you will see "all men drawn unto Me."
Sometimes the activity of God comes in unusual ways. God often sets up scenes that appear to be negative on the front end, but God has orchestrated these events for His glory.
-Without Pharaoh's pursuit of Israel at the Red Sea, there is no miraculous deliverance.
-Without Lazarus's death, there is no rising to life.
-Without Goliath, there is no underdog story.
-Without Peter stepping out of the boat, there is no miracle on the water.
-Without Judas' betrayal, there is no resurrection.
God wants to show Himself in ways you and I cannot imagine. Let God demonstrate His power in your workplace today. Then, you will see "all men drawn unto Me."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy February!
Happy Valentine's Day & happy bday to myself! Won't have access to internet tomorrow due to family's Kaohsiung trip. Love FEBRUARY hehe :) but days come and go swiftly~
Feb. 14, 2010 6:18pm
Feb. 14, 2010 6:18pm
Saturday, February 13, 2010
看來我老了... I have accustomed myself to ordinary days & daily routines. No longer too hype up for night-time activities. Staying home, saving money, going out to exercise, etc, all seem too natural and simple, and these are on my list. :)
除夕夜 (New Year Eve) is such a remarkable day for Chinese to gather with family. As I strolling in the open market (sorta like the Farmer's market in the states) this morning, I saw multitudes of people swarm in and out, buying and bargaining like crazy! To make myself at home, I bought sth too.. hehe, but I also followed my instinct by attempting to stay out of the crowd. Shopped with mom for dumplings and other ingredients for tonight, gonna enjoy watching the TV recording I went to last week, lol
Thank You Father for this Chinese new year vacation w/ my family after 14 yrs of going abroad! :)
除夕夜 (New Year Eve) is such a remarkable day for Chinese to gather with family. As I strolling in the open market (sorta like the Farmer's market in the states) this morning, I saw multitudes of people swarm in and out, buying and bargaining like crazy! To make myself at home, I bought sth too.. hehe, but I also followed my instinct by attempting to stay out of the crowd. Shopped with mom for dumplings and other ingredients for tonight, gonna enjoy watching the TV recording I went to last week, lol
Thank You Father for this Chinese new year vacation w/ my family after 14 yrs of going abroad! :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
蔡國強泡美術館 (Cai Guo-Qiang) 11.21.09~2.21.10
之前都沒聽說過這個人, 透過這個展覽知道他的作品嘗試. 雖出生於福建省泉州市, 長得卻很像台灣人, 聲音跟人總覺得連不太上....
1. 他的裝置藝術, 是以各種手法與時間對抗 - 經原本在時間中才有可能的動態 & 動態的戲劇, 凝結在不動的物件間 (time condensed). 無法直說究竟是動態還是靜態的曖昧狀態, 藉乎動與靜之間... e.i. 911車子在空中表現出飛行...
2. 因著鄰居家在賣火藥 (gunpowder), 使得他能方便地取得火藥. 在有此看到外婆拿東西撲火救他的畫的同時, 他發現... 不只要知道怎麼點火, 還知道滅火的重要性, 而開始了他的火藥創造. 早期他試驗火藥, 開發火藥與紙之間種種可能性的過程, 後來看到在尺幅的廣延擴大. 火藥雖具極大的破壞力, 卻也成為他的創造工具.
1. 他的裝置藝術, 是以各種手法與時間對抗 - 經原本在時間中才有可能的動態 & 動態的戲劇, 凝結在不動的物件間 (time condensed). 無法直說究竟是動態還是靜態的曖昧狀態, 藉乎動與靜之間... e.i. 911車子在空中表現出飛行...
2. 因著鄰居家在賣火藥 (gunpowder), 使得他能方便地取得火藥. 在有此看到外婆拿東西撲火救他的畫的同時, 他發現... 不只要知道怎麼點火, 還知道滅火的重要性, 而開始了他的火藥創造. 早期他試驗火藥, 開發火藥與紙之間種種可能性的過程, 後來看到在尺幅的廣延擴大. 火藥雖具極大的破壞力, 卻也成為他的創造工具.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
之前覺得這部應該沒什麼特別的, 可是發現... 它其實是一部超優 & 非看不可的好片 - "市政廳" (City Hall -韓劇)!! 又好笑, 又有正義感! 喜感的金宣兒, 既"我愛金三順"再度開創好角色! 車勝元... 也出乎我意料的帥氣跟romantic~ 雖然整整大我10歲... 但這部片讓我成為大叔控了 @@ 整個就是喜歡看他在這部的表現...!!! 熟氣的戀愛有另一種美, 另一種扎心感. haha
Can't help but uploading some of Cha Seung-won's pics... =p 1. 年輕時的他 4. 身高高達188 cm的他, 曾獲韓國百想藝術大獎 5. City Hall裡跟市長跑到首爾一天為了過像個情侶的一天 (仁州才會被認出) 6. City Hall advertisement lol (btw, 他好像比較適合留鬍子 :)
Feb. 10 12:37pm

Can't help but uploading some of Cha Seung-won's pics... =p 1. 年輕時的他 4. 身高高達188 cm的他, 曾獲韓國百想藝術大獎 5. City Hall裡跟市長跑到首爾一天為了過像個情侶的一天 (仁州才會被認出) 6. City Hall advertisement lol (btw, 他好像比較適合留鬍子 :)
Feb. 10 12:37pm
Sunday, February 7, 2010
越來越不喜歡爛好人... 為什麼我身邊都是爛好人! 好無奈~ 我並不是抱怨生活的不好, 也不是想要過好日子自己享受, 我是看不下去為什麼你們都只求可用就好... 感恩就好, 都不想要讓自己的生活更好. 我總是在扮演那個為你們伸張公平, 為你們的選擇會申冤的那個... 喜歡或不喜歡, 我就是看不下去你們只為別人好, 都不能為自己的損失爭取點什麼..... 寧可自己失去多些也不要別人吃虧! 雖然說 神是祝福的, 但是.... 會替你們打報不平的我, 就是會抱怨.... 我不是針對你們, 是為你們好! - 至少是用我懂得方式來關心你們... 卻惹妳生氣了. 是我超不會表達吧..... 我承認我也有自私的一面, 我也是希望自己能有個自己的空間, 而不是從我很小搬到這裡後, 就都是習慣跟他人住在同一屋簷下. 說真的, 或多或少這就加添了為何我不想花太多時間跟家人... 因為我已習慣不只跟家人住在一起的日子了! 總是有外人在.... 是我無法說什麼的, 因為你們覺得他人有需要, 我們可以幫忙... 我就得跟著習慣這種生活方式. 我也很熱意幫助有需要的人啊! 只是... 可以希望你們替自己想多一點嘛? 這些從來都不是我的選擇, 而是被迫中獎, 就是得接受. 每次你也沒問過我意見啊..... 為何只覺得我在抱怨, 過太好的生活, 想住好房子? 妳根本不知道我在想什麼!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Feb. 7, 2010
只剩兩個禮拜多就要回去了, 忽然覺得是在倒數日子. 回美國前要考機車駕照, 好好過年, 小旅程 (雖然還沒決定要去哪裡), 兩週主日, 準備心回去預備開學. :) 等等要去看"艋舺".... exciting! 並不是單單為了那群帥哥, 是還滿期待豆導表明那段時間台灣的黑道社會... 但這幾個男演員應該會給片子加分吧! :)
拔除智齒是我生命中第一次的手術, 一口氣動了兩次.... 我第一次感到手術的"風險感." 說真的, 其實拔智齒不是什麼大問題, 只是心態上的壓力真的滿大的. 所以我想經歷動手術的人的心情, 真的都是七上八下, 真的需要身邊的人的鼓勵跟支持. 感謝 神我這次有很多人照顧我, 為我禱告, 所以我可以算是無憂無慮地休養.
這禮拜我去了台南活水教會, 喜歡他們的敬拜 - 不論對歌詞或是選歌, 都算是滿棒! 不過... 似乎還是比較喜歡天橋整體給我的感覺. 繼續看看 神如何帶領.
拔除智齒是我生命中第一次的手術, 一口氣動了兩次.... 我第一次感到手術的"風險感." 說真的, 其實拔智齒不是什麼大問題, 只是心態上的壓力真的滿大的. 所以我想經歷動手術的人的心情, 真的都是七上八下, 真的需要身邊的人的鼓勵跟支持. 感謝 神我這次有很多人照顧我, 為我禱告, 所以我可以算是無憂無慮地休養.
這禮拜我去了台南活水教會, 喜歡他們的敬拜 - 不論對歌詞或是選歌, 都算是滿棒! 不過... 似乎還是比較喜歡天橋整體給我的感覺. 繼續看看 神如何帶領.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My 2nd wisdom teeth extraction is extreeemmmmmmely painful! How can the pain increase to such a level that I can barely endure... 說真的, 痛到好想哭喔....... 好想咬人, 抓人, 昏倒..... >< 這次的痛是上次的好幾倍.... 可能因為這次的麻醉弄得比較多, 所以一開始不覺得... 隨著麻醉一慢慢地消退, 那種痛就是抓了狂的加深~! 連吞口水都痛! 咬著的棉花一直換因為血流仍是不止, 只能不斷的更換跟努力咬... 乞求血趕快停止!!! Lord, help me to sleep well tonight without waking up in the middle of the night. Thank You for making my surgery another success! After all, this is my first surgery... though the pain still exists, it is overall a sound experience. Thank you Lord!
But... 還是好痛好痛喔!
But... 還是好痛好痛喔!
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